Skin of a Goddess (Goddess Ascension Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Skin of a Goddess (Goddess Ascension Book 1)
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“Wait, the girls were abducted and may even be being tortured as we speak?” Hunter says, holding up a hand at us as if to say stop.

“They got taken when they were going to meet some guys for a one-night delight. Their friend can’t remember what the guys looked like because she had one too many shots and was a step away from passing out. No scents can be picked up from the place they were assumedly taken because this place is crawling with non-humans. Now, did I miss anything?”

“Nope, covered all the bases,” Ana confirms.

“Are there any theories on who did this and the reasons behind it?” Hunter asks.

“Nemesis was called in to look at the crime scene and said she felt the same energy that was at the first one, so we know it’s the same person or people. She also said that she still feels an air of servitude or mastery. So far, it’s being assumed that female supernaturals are the ones being targeted, and no specific species is being taken,” Apate says.

“Oh, and we’ve been given tasers now too, for protection. You should go to Harold to get one of your very own. They’re telling us to be more careful and to be aware of stranger danger. So far, the convention isn’t being closed early or anything. It’s also being looked into to see if it’s an inside job or not,” Ana adds.

Julian says, “I would assume it’s an inside job. The first body was found on the hotel property, and the three women were abducted from within the hotel. It’s only safe to say that someone here is behind it or helping.”

“Which totally chaps my ass since everyone here is an immortal. I mean, where is the loyalty these days?” Ana says.

“Aren’t you guys worried that you’re in danger?” Hunter asks, ignoring the other exchange.

Apate just looks at him for a minute, trying to decide if he’s serious or not, before giving in to a little chuckle. “No way. If they want a piece of one of us then they can totally have it. We’re stronger and faster than mortal immortals. We also have skills that help us in these situations. Plus, there’s the whole we’ve lived forever and know how to defend ourselves thing.”

“We’re also rarely away from one another, and you’d have to be a damn fool to take us all on. Especially since we have Nemesis, Lyssa, and Enyo on our side. Them bitches be crazy—you know, literally.” Ana giggles.

I can’t help but smile too. “It’s nice of you to think of us, Hunter, but we really can look out for ourselves. We’re immortals, after all. Most supernaturals just know not to mess with us, if they’re smart.”

Hunter seems to consider our words before saying, “You yourself were away from the group last night. Plus, some of you don’t have a lot of offensive or defensive powers.”

Ana gives him a slightly annoyed look. “I hardly think you know a lot about our powers. We’ve perfected them so that they can be used in a multitude of ways. For example, Apate can create illusions of us coming to help her if need be. I can make people feel shame, and I also have poisoned claws and fangs. Peitho here can sweet-talk a saint into a sinner, and her skin is impenetrable. If they decide to come after one of us, then we have skills that can help us take away that threat. We also have weapons on us at most times, and know how to use them.”

“The people doing the abductions may see us as the big treat since we can live forever and heal from many injuries, but they’ll have a hell of a time taking any of us down,” I say.

Julian nudges Hunter. “Let it go. You’re not going to win an argument in this crowd.”

“Just be careful,” Hunter says with a frown at me, obviously wishing he could say more.

“Don’t worry, puddin’ pop, we’re always careful. By the way, I have some questions I want to ask you,” Apate says with a grin.

I try not to look as horrified as her words make me feel.

“Shoot,” Hunter says as he starts piling mountains of food into his mouth.

“Do you have children?”


“Ever been to prison or been arrested?”


“Are you, and have you ever been, a woman?”


“Are you currently engaging in sexual intercourse with other men or women?”


“Can I see your dragon shape?”


“Length of your dick in inches? Centimeters if it would make you feel better?”

“Ask Peitho.”

“Lastly, do you have access to a large supply of money? Peitho does like gifts, and so do we.”

“I can get gifts.”

Apate puts her hands together and gives her creepiest smile as she says, “Excellent. You know that when you date one of us, you’re dating us all, right? Just for your information, we’re kind of high-maintenance.”

“Not Peitho herself, she’s pretty low-key, but as a collective unit? We expect a lot,” Ana warns.

“Oh, goddess, you two will not torture Hunter. He’s my husband for the time being and doesn’t need to be bothered by all of you being in his space. I’ll worry about him, and you guys look for your own unsuspecting males to bully,” I tell them, feeling a sharp stab of something that may be—no, it couldn’t be, surely?—possessiveness.

Apate chokes on the orange juice she just took a swallow of, coughing until she can say hoarsely, “Did you just call him your temporary husband?”

“I’m not sure if that term is insulting or not,” Julian mutters abstractly.

Ana says, “Considering she thinks the word ‘boyfriend’ is the worst curse word there is, it’s definitely not insulting. At least, I’m pretty sure it isn’t. Hell, it should be seen as a term of great honor!”

I thank Zeus that my gold complexion doesn’t easily show blushes, because I swear if I had pale skin my cheeks would be practically aflame. I’ve never called someone husband, even in jest! I suppose it’s true that he is for the time being. Still, it just kind of slipped out of my mouth, the tricky, blasphemous words. I wish my so-called friends weren’t taking quite so much pleasure in pointing it out to me. Or that Hunter wasn’t giving me that dopey, intense stare of his. I mean, it really doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a stupid word for a stupid job description.

“I forgot what the schedule said we’re doing today,” I say desperately to Apate.

“You’re in for a treat. Last night Enyo and Lyssa suggested they teach a self-defense course because of the recent threat,” Apate says with a sigh.

I’m not sure how this has anything to do with any of us. We already know all of Enyo and Lyssa’s signature moves and little tricks, since they’ve all been used on us at one point or another. I don’t know why they can’t just use their words instead of resorting to violence.

“Yeah, so we’re all meeting for that?”

“No way. They’re teaching little groups for twenty minutes or so, breaking up the normal activities that were set up for the day,” Apate explains.

“What’s our normal activity?” I ask.

She shudders a little but says, “We were supposed to take a tour of the gardens and get a speech from the head gardener about the architecture involved. At the end of the tour, there’s a maze that they were going to have us try. We were supposed to be with our normal group that we’ve been with since the beginning of the convention.”

“I can’t say I’m looking forward to seeing Austin again.” I frown.

For a moment, Apate grins before it dims down and dies. “I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about it. In fact, since we’re Enyo and Lyssa’s good friends, they volunteered us to help with their little tutorial.”

“I’m not liking the sound of this,” I say, starting to legit worry.

“Oh, you’re not going to like the feel of it either. We’re their demonstration dummies when they show off their sick moves, which generally hurt like a bitch.” Apate sighs.

“I didn’t think you felt pain,” Julian says.

“We can feel it, especially if it’s delivered from another immortal. The way that Enyo and Lyssa hit, they’d kill a human with one solid punch. Neither of them hold back, even during practice, so it’s sure to be fun for them,” Ana explains with a bit of a wince.

“I call Lyssa! I get to be her punching bag!” Apate suddenly bursts.

“Dammit!” I exclaim.

Ana explains, “Enyo is a war goddess. She kicks serious ass just in the name of fun. Lyssa may be madness, but she can’t compete with pure violence.”

“Can’t you just make your skin hard?” Hunter asks.

I nod. “I could, but it’s not allowed when we’re practicing. It’s apparently an unfair advantage and doesn’t help me learn. I seriously doubt in a demonstration that Enyo and Lyssa will be down for it. Especially in hand-to-hand combat, where my reactions would be useless if my skin were hard as stone.”

“Well, that isn’t good.” Hunter sighs.

“This is going to hardcore suck.”

“Peitho, you stole the words right out of my mouth.” Apate frowns.


Chapter 9





I’ll be the first to admit that I wince just seeing my little Goldie up on stage with the two craziest immortals of the group. She just seems so small up there, being held in a choke hold as Enyo makes her eat her fist. I know she’s large by human standards, being somewhere around six feet, but that’s small to me. Enyo and Lyssa aren’t physically bigger, but the energy they give out in a fight is something that can blow the mightiest of warriors away.

With Apate, it looks like they’re torturing a sweet little girl. She even brings my protective instincts roaring up, almost as much as Peitho does. The only thing that stops me is knowing that Apate will heal and her nature doesn’t coincide with how she looks. Being short, blonde, and cute as a button with innocent eyes, everyone looks at Lyssa like she’s the Big Bad Wolf whenever she demonstrates a move on her.

“Do you think they’re going to kill them?” Julian asks when twenty minutes have passed in the self-defense seminar, and bruising begins to darken on Peitho’s and Apate’s skin.

“I don’t think even they could do that. Though it sure as hell seems like they’re giving it a good try,” I growl.

Julian shakes his head. “How dare Enyo beat up on your wife? No matter that it’s temporary!”

I know Julian is just kidding, but I can’t help but smile a little at the comment. It’s not every day that you hear the woman you’ve been obsessively thinking about call you her husband. It’s even better than hearing another man refer to the most beautiful woman in the world as your wife. So far, this day is rocking for me.

The only word that takes away from the sickening warm and glowy feeling inside of me is “temporary.” I have a sneaking suspicion that when she’s out of my life I won’t feel nearly as happy or full. I mean, right now, I feel on top of the world, like I could do anything. She’s mine. She doesn’t even make me feel like I have to change or be more social. I want to talk to her and her friends because I like making her happy. I’ve never felt the need to go above and beyond for anyone else.

“I didn’t really see what you saw in her before, but now I kind of get it. She’s pretty funny too. Can’t blame her for the company she keeps,” he says, talking of her immortal friends.

“They’ve been together for centuries. I’m sure something like that forms a tight bond, even if I wish they hadn’t all forced her to leave me this morning,” I grumble.

Julian shrugs. “I’m sure the one currently beating up your wife probably would have stormed the castle, I mean suite, but luckily, the others stopped her. Just keep in mind it could so be worse whenever you’re dealing with them. There isn’t a word strong enough to describe how impulsive and volatile these women are. It seems that Peitho is the least insane of them. For that, I’m glad for you.”

“They’re not bad,” I say, since I’m starting to get fond of Apate and that little one, Ana.

“Oh, and Eve told me that Peitho asked her about you this morning. She wanted to know how many girlfriends you’ve had in the past,” Julian says.

I start to feel a little guilty. I wouldn’t have wasted my time with those girls if Peitho had been around at the time. It’s not like I could just sit around and wait for her. She wasn’t celibate before she met me—wait, what the hell am I saying? There will be other men for her after we’re over. Probably other women for me. Not that it pleases me any to think about. Better to face the facts and not get too attached.

“I haven’t had that many, so she can’t get too upset,” I tell Julian.

He looks at me like I’m insane. “You don’t think she’d be jealous of them, do you? Trust me, she can’t be that hypocritical with all the men she’s banged. Though you’ve probably had around the same amount of real relationships, despite the mind-blowing age difference. No, she was asking because she was curious of how clingy you’d be. As in, hoping you wouldn’t follow her around for six months, like you’ve been doing ever since you set eyes on her.”

“What did Eve tell her?” I ask, starting to worry that not having been with a bunch of women will go against me in this instance.

“Some shit about you having had some girlfriends, but that you’re used to having to give them up after the six months. She knows you’ve been handfasted to some dragonesses before. I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” Julian says.

“Someone saying that I’ve been handfasted to others before cheapens what we share now.” I frown.

“What the fuck are you talking about? It’s a six-month fuckfest with no strings attached, and nothing else, so don’t start tricking your dragon mind into thinking it means more. It means even less than what you shared with the dragonesses, because you knew there was a real possibility of being with them for eternity! Besides, I think the real thing that cheapens your relationship is that it’s based on an imaginary drunken screw that didn’t actually happen,” Julian points out.

I sigh out loud. “I’d prefer if you didn’t talk about our glorious lovemaking that way.”

“Sure, you’ve screwed now, but that’s only because she thought you were legitimately already stuck together,” Julian says.

“We haven’t ‘screwed.’ That’s too weak a word for what we’ve done. Besides, she wants me. Even Addy admitted that,” I say with no small amount of quiet pride.

“That reminds me, I wanted to ask you if she’s everything she’s been rumored to be. In bed, you know. Back home she’s a celebrity for her sexual prowess, but I was wondering if it’s been blown out of proportion,” Julian says.

I just smile. “Trust me, there’s no way they could be overstating her skills, no matter what they say.”

“Reallly,” Julian says, drawing out the word. “That’s interesting, because they say she can fuck for hours, deep throat, take any size, and is willing to try and do anything in the bedroom.”

“That’s all they say?” I ask in a bit of surprise.

Sounds mundane compared to the truth that she can make a man come harder than the last, each time he releases in her body. I swear there’s something addictive about her body because it always gets better, and you never want to stop. You can practically see stars from the force of orgasm she gives. That’s nothing compared to how wet and eager she always is. Plus, she loves doing things that other women don’t always like. Such as giving head. With such skill and relish too. I need to stop thinking or I’ll embarrass myself.

“Why, do you have something to share?” Julian asks.

“There’s nothing to tell. Or at least, nothing I’m going to tell. Let’s just say she’s the best I’ve ever had, and I’m damn sure she’s the best I’ll ever have, or I won’t be able to live through the pleasure.”

“Huh, I’m not really surprised, you know. She’s the goddess of persuasion and seduction; she’s supposed to be the best you’ve ever had. I just wonder how she compares to nymphs and sirens. They’re rumored to be good too, you know,” Julian says.

If by good you substitute “freak” or “nymphomaniac.”

“You’ll never know, and therefore never be able to compare,” I say, though it comes out as more of a threat.

Julian just shrugs. “Yeah, not my type. That’s why I’m asking you.”

“It’s private, and I’ve never been with a siren or a nymph, so I have no way of answering you,” I say a little primly.

“Students, I hope you paid attention so you won’t be stolen, tortured, and then murdered. If not, then you get what’s coming to you. Goodbye now!” Lyssa says with more than an undercurrent of madness.

“Yes, don’t come crying to us that we didn’t teach you enough. It’s not as if your puny mortal immortal bodies have much of a chance anyway,” Enyo agrees with her partner in crime.

“Right, thank you for that, Ladies. This is your last class of the day, so everyone is dismissed,” Harold says, moving to the front of the room.

Lyssa growls. “He dismissed us.”

Peitho is suddenly there between Harold and Lyssa. “He didn’t mean it like that. He was just saying that you don’t have to stand up here and tell the stupid shifters how to defend themselves. You can go train with Enyo or do whatever you want now!”

“We were never ordered to do this in the first place,” Enyo says.

“Yes, you offered out of the kindness of your heart, and he thanks you very much. Now why don’t you two go play with your swords until it’s time for lunch? Yeah?” she asks.

I start moving to the front of the room, wanting to help Peitho. Although I don’t know why I do, since it’s not like I stand a chance against Enyo or Lyssa. The dragon instinct within me screams to protect my mate, though, or at least die trying.

“Fine, we will leave you, as you so obviously wish. Come, Lyssa, let’s go see if this supposed pepper spray can affect us,” Enyo says, and the two stalk off like predators, arms linked.

“Thanks,” Harold says, turning a pale face to Peitho.

She gives him a slightly annoyed glance. “Try to remember that those two are the least tame of all of us, and act accordingly. I can’t control them without some help. Saying things like dismissed or ordered doesn’t help.”

“You can control them if they go wild, though, right?” Harold gulps, obviously wondering what he’s gotten himself into.

Peitho gives him a little grin and a pat on the head, “Sure thing; it will just take all of us to wrestle them to the ground and have us overpower them with our rad goddess skills.”

“Yeah, and that usually includes Aergia putting them in a magical sleep. Luckily, it gives them time to calm down so they’re not angry by the time they wake up. Besides being mad at being overpowered. They like to think they’re more powerful than all of us,” Apate explains as she walks over, rubbing her shoulder.

Harold nods and says, “Ah, thank you for helping with the demonstration. I’ll see you all later.”

I smile a little at Peitho and say, “I hope that didn’t go too badly.”

“Nah, we heal,” Peitho says, though I can tell she’s in some amount of pain, or at least has been.

“Can you help me pop my shoulder back into place?” Apate asks Peitho.

I try not to watch too closely as Peitho grips her right shoulder and jams it back into her socket, the process making a painful cracking noise. Apate winces a little, then moves her shoulder a bit. “Thanks.”

“You guys are tough,” I can’t help but say.

“Thanks,” Apate says and grins, “but we’re used to being their punching bags.”

“I brought cranberry juice spiked with vodka and chocolate bars for you two,” I say, shuffling my feet a tad uncomfortably. Then I pull the goods out of various pockets. Hmm, hope the chocolate didn’t melt.

“Is that an aluminum water bottle?” Peitho asks as I hand her one, then Apate.

“Yeah, more environmentally friendly.”

“You’ve so turned it into like, a stealth flask! I love it.” Peitho grins, then takes a sip, and her face fills with bliss. “Thanks to this little stunt, you are so in like sin.”

Apate chomps on a chocolate bar, adding, “Hell yeah! Thanks, man.”

“No problem. Thought you’d be thirsty and need a sugar rush after this. You’ve been going at it for what, three hours?”

“More like”— Apate checks her watch—“three hours, seven minutes, and fifty-four seconds. But good guess!”

I try not to make any expression when she gives me a congratulatory thumbs-up.

“I’m going to bounce and soak my old rickety bones in a hot tub. Catch you fools later! I’m sure you’ll come up with a suitable alternative, but if not, see you there.” Apate grins at Peitho with a wink before fading away.

“She sure is energetic,” I comment.

Peitho nods after a gulp of liquid. “Yeah, she goes and goes. One thing about us, our natural highs are usually more potent than any drugs humans take. They hit hard, fast, and keep coming back. Apate and I are quite susceptible to them.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.” I nod.

“At a party, it totally seems like I’m gone to the world when I’m just having fun and on a natural high. Plus, being around all the people lusting gives me a power buzz. But I totally fit in because I seem high as a kite!” Peitho giggles.

“So she’s like that?” I ask.

“Are you kidding? She’s way worse!” Peitho says. “Most people are lusting half the time and give me a power burst. Something people do even more than lust is lie and deceive in all ways possible. Apate gets even more of a power high than I do.”

“I get it now,” I say.

Apate and Peitho probably have connections to things that people feel the most. Almost everyone lies, and if not, illusions of appearance like makeup probably even affect Apate. Plus, everyone lusts. I mean, how many dirty thoughts do people have a day? They probably all give Peitho a little kick-start.

“Peitho, group meeting. Now.” Apate is suddenly back in the room in the blink of any eye.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Ran into Nemesis. Aergia was attacked. Everyone is being gathered to the suite—come on,” Apate says grimly. “She said Hunter can come too, if he’s quiet.”

Peitho’s face shows no expression, but I can feel sudden tension around her. “We’ll be up there in a minute.”

Apate nods, saying, “Need to go find Dys.”

Peitho turns to me with a serious expression. “If you don’t want to go, that’s fine. If you do, there are some rules I should explain.”

BOOK: Skin of a Goddess (Goddess Ascension Book 1)
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