Skin Deep (7 page)

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Authors: J.M. Stone

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #adult, #humor

BOOK: Skin Deep
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I pressed myself against him, my breasts
crushed against his muscled hardness and fused my mouth with his,
our tongues tangling, teeth nipping, and breath heaving. I felt his
hands cup my ass, and then I was airborne, letting out a surprised
squeak as I threw my arms around his neck, holding on for dear

“What the hell, Luke?” I shrieked.

He grinned at me before turning and tossing
me on the bed, following me down and stilling me with his body.
“You aren’t calling the shots tonight, sugar. We’re gonna do this
my way.” He leaned down and rubbed his lips against mine before
kissing across my jaw to my ear. “I’m going to repay you, sugar,
for every time you set your teeth in my thigh. I’m going to lick
every inch of your body, eat you til you come, and then fuck you so
hard, you’ll still feel it next week. But for now, you’re gonna
strip. Then your gonna undress me, and then you’re gonna take me in
that sweet, sassy mouth.”

He moved off of me and stood beside the bed.
“Now, sugar. Clothes. Off.”

Unable to resist the dark heat in his eyes, I
got up and began undressing. I pulled the hoodie off over my head,
taking my tank top with it and dropping them to the floor. I shoved
my pants down my hips and stepped out of them, toeing my socks off
at the same time. I stood in front of him clad in only my black
lace bra and panties, feeling completely naked. I wrapped my arms
around my midsection, the haze of passion clearing from my head a
little and self-consciousness taking its place.

I felt Luke’s fingers under my chin, tipping
my head back so he could see my face. “Emma, you’re beautiful,
sugar. Don’t ever doubt that.” He placed a soft kiss at each corner
of my mouth before melding his lips with mine. After a minute he
pulled back and murmured, “Naked. Now.”

I complied quickly and scrambled up on my
bed, intent on grabbing the comforter to cover up with. Luke
grabbed my ankle and pulled, preventing me from getting anywhere.
He crooked a finger at me and then pointed to the floor in front of
him. “On your knees, Emma. Take me in your mouth, baby.”

I knelt on the floor in front of him,
wondering if I was still supposed to undress him or not, when he
answered the question for me by stripping his shirt off over his
head and undoing his belt before popping the button and releasing
the zipper of his jeans. He put his hands into the waistband to
shove them off and I stopped him with my hands over his. I slipped
my fingers into the waistband and slowly pulled his jeans down his
hips until the hard, thick length of him sprang free. (Commando,
much? Whoo-hoo!)

Without giving Luke a chance to step out of
his jeans, I wrapped my fingers around him (as much as I could) and
stroked him gently before darting my tongue out to taste the bead
of moisture glistening on the tip of him. Luke gasped, tunneling
his hands into my hair and gripping tight. I leaned forward and
closed my lips around him, gently sucking before laving him with my
tongue. I settled into a slow rhythm, alternately stroking him with
my lips, my tongue, and my hand, reaching up to cup the sac hanging
heavily between his thighs with my other hand.

Luke groaned harshly in his throat and I felt
his hands in my hair tighten, pulling me back away from him. I
opened my eyes and looked up at him, locking my eyes with his as I
pulled against his grip and slid him deep in my mouth again. He
threw his head back and drew my head back away again before pushing
me forward once more, thrusting himself deep in my throat. I
relaxed into him, silently letting him know I understood what he
wanted. Using my hair to guide me and hold me steady, Luke started
thrusting smoothly in and out, fucking my mouth. I swallowed around
the tip of him as he thrust forward, thanking the Gag Reflex Gods
for not giving me one, and heard Luke growl, “Oh, Fuck!” between
clenched teeth.

Luke tightened his hands even more, pulling
my mouth away before letting go of my hair and hauling me up into
his arms. He kissed me hungrily, running his hands over my body.
Nipping at my lip, he pressed me down into the mattress, covering
my body with his, his thighs pushing between mine. He kissed down
my throat to my breast, taking my nipple into his mouth, sucking
and alternately flicking his tongue rapidly against the hardened
nub, and as I arched into his mouth, he dragged his lips across my
skin to take my other nipple into his mouth, biting it gently with
his teeth.

Luke slid his hand down between our bodies,
spearing his fingers into my hot wetness, circling the hardened bud
of my clit before sliding deep into me. Letting out a moan, I rode
his fingers as he thrust them into me over and over, the wave
building and building, and just before it crested, he moved his

“No! Luke, please…” I moaned, hanging by a
thread of sanity, gripping his wrist tightly with my hand and
trying to push it back down between my thighs. He wrenched his arm
away and sat up, and I realized what he was doing.

Luke reached down into his jeans, grabbed a
condom, and sheathed himself quickly before coming back over me,
using his knees to spread me wide. He stroked himself through my
slickness before pausing at my entrance and then (
finally thrusting home, stretching and filling me completely.

I drew my knees up, locking my legs around
his waist, digging my nails into his back and fell headlong into
the pounding rhythm of his hips and the slap of his skin against
mine. I felt the wave cresting, rushing over me, pulling me under,
as I chanted Luke’s name and then felt him follow, slamming himself
into me one last time before he let go, holding me tight and
groaning with his release.

After a moment, he slid to the side of me and
I convulsively tightened my inner muscles, reluctant to lose the
hot hardness of him inside me. He gasped and shuddered, which set
off a small aftershock that had me moaning again, before pulling
out and walking to the bathroom to dispose of the condom.

I got up, intending to pull my clothes back
on, but Luke came back in the room, gathered me up in his arms, and
snuggled us both into my bed. Pulling the covers up around us, he
settled me on my side, his arm under my head and curved around my
back, my front pressed up against his side, and my leg cocked up
over his thigh.

Sleepily, I muttered, “You said you were
going to eat me ‘til I screamed. You liar.”

Luke chuckled in my ear before whispering,
“Just you wait, sugar.”

I smiled and snuggled deeper into him. I must
have dozed off at some point, but awoke on a moan when Luke slid
inside me, kissing me deeply as he thrust against me. He made love
to me tenderly at first, stoking the flames of desire rolling over
me, until we both lost control, our bodies coming together fast and
hard until we spent, clinging tightly to each other. Luke got up,
took care of the condom, and then, crawling back into bed beside
me, he wrapped himself around me and we both fell into sated

Chapter 6

I woke up Saturday morning to Luke stroking
my hair back from my face. I stretched languidly, smiling sleepily
at him until it hit me that sunshine was blazing through my window
(I was a little preoccupied last night and didn’t get the curtains
shut) and I. Was. Naked. Eek! I jackknifed up in the bed,
scrambling to drag the comforter up to cover myself.

Luke grinned, shook his head at me, leaned
down and kissed the tip of my nose.

“Morning, sugar. Sleep well?” He winked at me
and his grin turned sly.

Luke had woken me up twice more in the night
to make love and I was finding it hard not to flush red from head
to toe at the memories of things he’d done to me and I’d done to
him. And yes, he did finally eat me until I screamed. And screamed.
Lord, the things that man can do with his mouth…

I smiled shyly up at him as he leaned down to
kiss me again. I noticed that he was fully dressed in his clothes
from last night.

“I gotta go to work, babe. Its my morning to
open the shop, and since Brandon was going out last night, he’s
probably still drunk off his ass.”

“Okay. I’ve got to go to my sister’s house
anyway. And then track down my brother, because I still owe him an
ass kicking,” I said.

“How many brothers and sisters do you have?”
Luke asked.

“Two sisters, one brother. Jenna’s the
oldest, she’s 33, then there’s me, I’m 29, then Calland, who you
had the unfortunate experience of meeting the other night, he’s 27,
and Leah, the drunk ass, she’s 25. So, what about you? Brothers,
sisters? Other than Brandon, I mean.”

“Just Brandon. He’s 30. I’m two years older
than him,” Luke replied. His tone was a little short. He stood up
and I got the impression that he wasn’t going to say anything else
on that subject.

O-k-a-y…? We’ll leave that for another time,
I guess.

I struggled up off the bed, wrapping the
comforter around me and pulling it with me as I started to walk out
of the room, intending to walk Luke to the door. I heard a snort
behind me and turned, raising a questioning eyebrow at him.

“I’ve seen you naked, Emma. We fucked four
times last night and I ate you until you screamed. You don’t have
to be modest, sugar. Trust me, I liked what I saw, and I still like
it now.” He smiled at me.

I blushed and shrugged, walking away from him
towards the front door. He followed, kissing me deeply before
winking and walking out the door. I shut it behind him, leaning
back against it and shaking my head. I heard my phone ringing
somewhere and went to find it.

I found it on the kitchen counter and noted
that I had sixteen missed calls. One from my mom asking me to come
to breakfast on Sunday, three from Jenna asking where the hell I
was, and twelve from Allie, all asking if I’d “gotten it in” yet.
(Where does she get this shit?)

Shaking my head, I quickly called my mom back
to let her know I would be there, called Jenna to tell her I was on
my way, and decided to let Allie stew a little longer. I took a
record shower, threw on some clothes, and headed out the door to my

I pulled up at Jenna’s house (in the driveway
this time) and let myself in. I immediately wanted to turn around
and let myself out, but the screams of “Aun’Emmy! Aun’Emmy!”
stopped me in my tracks. Sighing, I turned around to field the
sticky ball of energy bearing down on me like a freight train.

“Whoa, there, Hayden! What have you been
doing, child?” I asked her.

“Mommy made me pamcakes (how cute is she?)
wif’ syrup!” She giggled gleefully.

“Hayden, get your sticky little behind back
in here, right now, young lady!” Jenna yelled from the kitchen.

I looked at Hayden, made a face, and we both
took off for the kitchen.

“Holy shi-oot, Jenna! Did you blow the place
up?” I asked her, taking in the state of the kitchen.

“Very funny, Emma,” Jenna replied drolly. “We
made pancakes for breakfast and Hayden, God love her little face,
decided that it would be more fun to splatter the batter than to
cook it. That, and she wanted to wear the syrup more than eat it. I
mean, how messy can a four year old get? Jarrod wasn’t that messy
and he’s a boy!” she exclaimed.

“Where is Jarrod? And Noah?” I asked.

“Noah is in the garage organizing his screws
or some manly shit like that, and I sent Jarrod up to get a shower
to get the batter and syrup out of his hair. Don’t ask me how that
happened, I turned my back for five seconds to wipe batter off the
cat and when I was done, Jarrod was looking at me like, what the
hell?” Jenna sighed.

“Mommy said SHIT!” Hayden yelled at the top
of her lungs, running in circles around Jenna’s legs until she
spied the cat and took off after it.

“HAYDEN, NO!” Jenna shouted, taking off after

I shook my head, grinning at Noah as he came
in the door.

“Hey, Em. Welcome to the nut house. Wanna
come help me organize the garage?” Noah grinned at me before
looking around the kitchen and wincing. Without another word he
turned around and headed back to the safety of the garage.

Jenna came back in the kitchen then, dangling
the poor cat, Tommy (Hayden named her, poor thing) in her
outstretched arms, who’s fur was matted and sticky with syrup where
Hayden’s hands had grabbed her. Blowing out a breath, I grabbed a
washcloth and wetted it with warm water and a little bit of dish

Between the two of us, Jenna and I managed to
get the cat, Hayden, and the kitchen cleaned in record time. Jarrod
came down the stairs fresh from the shower, shook his head at his
sister, and went out to the garage with his father.

A couple hours later, Jenna and I were
sitting on her back deck sipping wine and I made the mistake of
mentioning Luke, which led to how I met him, which led to Jenna
shrieking and calling our mother to tattle on me. Geez, like I’m
not almost thirty!

Jenna was mad that I hadn’t shown her the
tattoo right after I got it, but shut up pretty quickly when I
reminded her that she was quite preoccupied with her stakeout
fiasco the last time I saw her.

“Speaking of, Jenna, are you done trying to
convince yourself that Noah is cheating on your dumb ass?” I

“Smart ass,” Jenna replied. “Yeah, we worked
it out. And for the record, I was going a little crazy at the time.
I was late. As in,

I choked on my wine, setting my glass down
and staring at Jenna wide-eyed. “Are you pregnant?”

She shook her head at me. I think she looked
a little sad, but then Hayden came running outside wearing Jarrod’s
underwear on her head, Jarrod hot on her heels yelling, “Mo-om!”
Jenna just leaned forward, put her head on the table and began
banging it, whispering, “Why me? Why me?”

I left Jenna’s house around six and called
Allie from my cell when I got in the car.

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