Skeletons (34 page)

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Authors: Jane Fallon

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #General

BOOK: Skeletons
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Firstly, a huge thank you to Beth Sampson who made a very generous donation to the charity DEBRA (
) in memory of her mother, Judy Sampson, in return for having me name one of my characters
after her.

As ever, I’m indebted to everyone at Penguin (especially the fabulous Louise Moore) and at Curtis Brown (my agent, Jonny Geller, in particular). I’d name you all individually but I’d probably leave someone out accidentally, and
imagine how awkward it would be whenever I came into the office then.

Thanks to Stephanie Moore and Charlotte Willow-Edwards for asking questions on my behalf, and to all those who answered them including The Mandarin Oriental, The Haymarket and The Four Seasons Hotels, Liv Smith Fallon, Kerry Hinbest and Joe

The Ugly Sister
When it comes to genes life’s a lottery …

As Abi would the first to know. She has spent her life in the shadow of her stunningly beautiful, glamorous older sister Cleo.

Headhunted as model when she was sixteen, Cleo has been all but lost to Abi for the last twenty years, with only a fleeting visit or brief email to connect them. So when Abi is invited to spend the summer in Cleo’s large London home with her sister’s perfect family, she can’t bring herself to say no. Despite serious misgivings. Maybe Cleo is finally as keen as Abi to regain the closeness they shared in their youth?

But Abi is in for a shock. Soon she is left caring for her two young, bored and very spoilt nieces and handsome, unhappy brother-in-law – while Cleo plainly has other things on her mind. As Abi moves into her sister’s life, a cuckoo in the nest, she wrestles with uncomfortable feelings.

Could having beauty, wealth and fame lead to more unhappiness than not having them? Who in the family really is the ugly sister?

‘It’s gripping stuff … it’s no surprise that [Fallon’s] characterisation is spot-on, or that her plots are intricate and involved. This is a great, intelligent read and I can’t recommend it highly enough’
The Daily Mail



Rebecca, Daniel, Alex and Isabel have been best friends since university. Rebecca married Daniel, Alex married Isabel and, for twenty years, they have been inseparable. But all that is about to change …

When Alex walks out on Isabel, Rebecca thinks things can’t get any worse. But then she finds out the reason why and she’s left harbouring a secret she’d rather forget …

And there’s more upheaval to come in Rebecca’s life as her emaciated, neurotic, self-obsessed colleague, Lorna – her arch nemesis at work – suddenly becomes a regular feature in her social life.

Rebecca’s once-happy foursome is now a distant memory and with hearts broken and friendships fractured, it seems that change is never a good thing. Or is it?

‘Witty, well observed and free from chick-lit clichés, Foursome will have loved-up couples everywhere questioning just how close they really are.’


Getting Rid of Matthew

When Matthew, Helen’s lover of the past four years, finally decides to leave his wife Sophie (and their two daughters) and move into Helen’s flat, she should be over the moon. The only trouble is, she doesn’t want him any more. Now she has to figure out how to get rid of him …



  • Stop shaving your armpits. And your bikini line.
  • Buy incontinence pads and leave them lying around.
  • Stop having sex with him.


  • Accidentally on purpose bump into his wife Sophie.
  • Give yourself a fake name and identity.
  • Befriend Sophie and actually begin to really like her.
  • Snog Matthew’s son (who’s the same age as you by the way. You’re not a paedophile).
  • Befriend Matthew’s children. Unsuccessfully.
  • Watch your whole plan go absolutely horribly wrong

Getting Rid of Matthew isn’t as easy as it seems, but along the way Helen will forge an unlikely friendship, find real love and realize that nothing ever goes exactly to plan …

‘Chick lit with an edge’


Got You Back
A husband. A wife. A mistress.
And the ultimate plan for revenge …

The husband.

James never intended to lead a double life – with a wife in London and a mistress in the country, it’s exhausting. But that’s all about to change …

The wife.

Stephanie isn’t really snooping when she finds a text message from a strange woman on her husband’s mobile. But now she’s found it, how can she ignore it? It’s time to track the woman down and find out what’s going on …

The mistress.

Katie has no reason to believe her boyfriend, James, is cheating until someone claiming to be his wife gets in touch. Now she’s been cast in the role of mistress. Not one she’s happy with …

Once Stephanie and Katie know about each other, they must decide what to do. They could both just throw him out or they could join forces to make his life hell first …

But revenge isn’t always sweet. And what happens when one woman thinks enough is enough but the other doesn’t know when to stop?

‘Sparkling and unpredictable,
a brilliant first novel’



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First published 2014

Copyright © Jane Fallon, 2014

Cover photography by Craig Fordham

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The moral right of the author has been asserted

Typeset by Palimpsest Book Production Limited, Falkirk, Stirlingshire

ISBN: 978-0-141-95687-9

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