Sixx (The Stone Society, #7) (22 page)

Read Sixx (The Stone Society, #7) Online

Authors: Faith Gibson

Tags: #shapeshifter romance, #shapeshifter, #action and adventure, #post-apocalyptic, #sword fighting, #gargoyles

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“I don’t remember seeing her before I transitioned, but if she’s my mate, I must have been around her at some point. The one time she and I were together wasn’t pretty. She kept insisting I use the same fangs that were used on the set of a vampire movie. Said they were more realistic than the ones I’d been using. I wasn’t in a very good place then. I was still trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me, and she was not helping my mood. I may have allowed my real fangs to slide out. I also may have hissed at her. She was not happy with my attitude, and she stayed away from me after that. I remember being turned on at her feistiness. At least, that’s what I thought it was.”

Sixx had to admit his son’s mate was a looker. The woman in the photo had at least one black parent. Her curly hair was a gorgeous honey color that complimented her lighter skin. “If you’ll give me your number, I’ll forward the information Julian sent. It’s up to you on whether or not you want to find her.” Desi rattled off his phone number, and Sixx stored it in his contacts.

“I’ll need to think about it. You said Julian isn’t reaching out to his mate because of the shit that’s going down with the Greek. Are others staying away from their mates, too?”

“No. There are only a few of us blessed to find our mates so far, but Julian is the only one holding out. We would rather have our families close to us so that we can protect them. Katherine, Julian’s mate, is a news reporter. If she were my mate, I’d snatch her up so fast it’d make her head spin.”

Rae’s body language went from interested in their conversation to pissed off in two point five seconds. He thought back over what he said and realized she was jealous. He smiled on the inside, thankful his mate didn’t want him thinking about claiming anyone else. “That came out wrong. I’d snatch her up to keep her safe. She’s not my type, Rae. She’s a mouthy little redhead that looks for trouble so she’ll have the next big story.”

“I didn’t say a word,” Rae huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Didn’t have to, Pretty Momma. I already told you that we Gargoyles have built-in mood detectors. You can’t lie to us and get away with it,” Desi explained.

Sixx was going to enjoy getting to know his son. He was so proud of the man Desi had already become in such a short time. Now, he was accepting his place as a half-blood. “He’s right. While some of us, like Dante, have special abilities, all of us are able to gauge moods and emotions.”

“So next time you run to your room crying, just remember, he’s feeling it, too.” Desi thumbed at Sixx. His son wasn’t wrong. When Sixx thought Rae was kicking him out of her life for good, his heart felt not only his own pain, but hers as well. It was the worst feeling he’d ever been subjected to.

“Oh, god, Michael. I’m sorry. I...”

“Shhh. Come here.” Without thinking, he pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her. His shifter rammed into him like a rock fan in a mosh pit. He bounced off and came right back at him.
Calm down, fucker. We’ll get there, but not right now.
“I don’t ever want you to try to hide your emotions from me. That would be worse than you being truthful. Look at me, Rae.” When she leaned back so she could look up at him, he said, “The truth is important. We’ve already lost too much valuable time because I couldn’t tell you the truth. No more. That goes for you too, Desi. I want all of us to promise to always be honest with each other.”

Desi stood from the table grabbing his now empty plate. “I’m good with that. What say you, Pretty Momma?”

“I say I can live with that.”

“Good. Now, I have to get up early to drive back for the show, so I’m going to leave you two crazy kids to it. Michael, I’m sorry I can’t spend more time with you seeing we just met and all, but the show must go on.” Desi gave him a set of devil horns.

Sixx grinned at his kid and signed the horns back. “Yes, it must. When you get back to the bus, you’ll have a Gargoyle with you at all times. He won’t ride the tour bus with you. Instead he’ll follow behind in an SUV. Once Sinclair gives me his information, I’ll text you with his name and picture. Remember, not all Gargoyles are on our side. If whoever is watching you needs to swap out with someone else, you will be notified beforehand. Do not trust anyone just because they say they’re one of us.”

“Got it. Anything else?”

Sixx had so much more he wanted to say, but it would have to wait until later. “I’m proud of you, Son. Proud of the son you’ve been to your mother and proud of the way you handled shifting with no one to help you.”

Desi’s eyes misted with tears, but he blinked them away. “Thank you. And Michael? I forgive you.” Desi didn’t wait for a response. He dropped his plate off in the dishwasher and disappeared upstairs. They both had said the words –
I forgive you
. Sixx had needed to hear the words for closure on that part of their lives. He was ready to start a new chapter.

“Let’s go to bed, Rae. I need to hold you. I promise I won’t do anything you’re not ready to do, but I need you in my arms. I’ve wasted too much fucking time without you.”

“I’m ready,” she stated. Her smile said she was ready, but her voice indicated she was nervous. Sixx would ease her mind once they were alone.

“Let me lock up. I’ll meet you in the bedroom.” He kissed her on the top of her head, and they made their way inside. While she went to get ready for bed, Sixx set the alarm and turned off most of the lights. When he reached his bedroom, Rae was going through her bags. He leaned against the doorframe as she pulled various articles of clothing out before stuffing them back in. She finally settled on a pair of sleep shorts and t-shirt. He would give her that, only because Desi was in the house. When they were alone, though, she would be naked. He wanted all of her skin on display for his viewing pleasure. He needed to check out any new ink she had. When she stood and turned, she gasped.

“I didn’t hear you come in. You always were stealthy. Now I know why.” Rae cocked her head to the side, studying him.

“Does it bother you?”

“That you’re stealthy?”

“No, that I’m a Gargoyle.”

Rae clutched her clothes to her chest. “I don’t think so. I haven’t really had time for it all to sink in. Not only do I have to accept that you’re a Gargoyle, but my son is, too, even if he’s only half. I never thought there might be something other than humans walking around. I think I need to meet some of the other women and hear their stories. Gain their perspective.”

Sixx was glad to hear that she wanted to interact with the other mates. In his opinion, it would make her acceptance of him easier. The mates were strong people with minds of their own. They had each been through a trial to get to where they were, but they’d all come out mostly unscathed. “Kaya should be here through the weekend. I’d love for you to meet her and Rafael before they head home. After that, we can fly to New Atlanta as soon as you’re ready.”

“I don’t think I’m ready to meet the King and Queen of the Gargoyles. What if they don’t like me?”

“They will absolutely love you, Doll. Everyone will. The fates only choose mates who are worthy. Besides, you’re family, and our Clan loves family.”

Rae thought about it for a moment before agreeing. “Okay, then. Let’s go see them tomorrow.” She disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

Okay then.

Chapter Seventeen

ixx didn’t sleep. At all. He spent the whole night fighting his shifter. He wanted nothing more than to rip Rae’s cotton t-shirt from her body so he could feel her soft skin against his hand. He wanted to slide her shorts down her toned legs and spread them with his knee so he had access to her sweet pussy. He wanted to take a fistful of her short brown hair and pull so that she arched her back just a little more. He needed to slide his aching dick in her slickness, not stopping until she screamed his name. He did none of these things. It was the most painful night in his existence. More excruciating than when he transitioned for the first time.

Her scent alone was enough to drive him crazy. Add to that the fact her body remembered his. Rae adjusted to having his large frame behind her smaller one by snuggling her ass into his groin. When they had been together years before, Sixx never spent all night with her until that last night. He stayed long enough for her to fall asleep, and then he’d watch over her. No matter which way she fell asleep, before he left, she would turn so her ass was as close to him as she could get it. It was at that point he would slip from the bed and go home, because it was at that point when he could no longer contain the beast.

Since he was already home, he slid from the bed and took a cold shower. While he was drying off, he stood in the doorway watching her sleep. He wanted to crawl back in bed, wake her up, and drive his cock home. So much for the cold shower. Even if the water had helped to abate his erection, the sight of his mate in his bed would have him ready to go again. Sighing, he quietly pulled on his shorts and made his way to the kitchen. Coffee was already made, and Uri was manning the stove.

“I thought you all might be hungry,” he explained as he flipped some bacon.

Sixx appreciated the fact his friend was trying to be thoughtful, but he had every intention of getting Rae naked as soon as Desi hit the road.

“Thanks, Brother. Have you seen Desi this morning?”

“Not yet, but the shower turned off a few minutes ago. I expect I’ll get to meet him momentarily.”

Sixx poured his coffee and leaned against the counter. “What do you have planned today?”

“We have training this morning, and then I’m going to spend the day at the armory. The last piece of equipment is supposed to arrive this afternoon, and I want to be there when they install it.”

Sixx opened his mouth to mention Banyan, but Desi came into the kitchen. “Good morning.”

“Good morning. Desi, I’d like you to meet Urijah Aldobrand. Uri, my son Desmond Rothchild.”

Uri stopped cooking long enough to shake the hand Desi was offering. “It’s a pleasure, Uri.”

“On my honor,” Uri vowed, bowing his head before returning to the stove. Desi looked at Sixx, eyebrows raised.

He had a lot more to teach his son about the ways of the Goyles. Instead of explaining the gesture, Sixx asked, “Coffee?”

“Hell, yes. I can’t function without at least four cups.”

Before Sixx could get to it, Uri pulled a mug from the cabinet and poured it full. He placed it on the counter and pointed to the sugar. “Sugar’s there. Milk’s in the fridge.” Sixx leaned back, enjoying the easy way Urijah was making himself at home.

While Desi fixed his coffee the way he liked it, Uri said, “I really enjoyed
Holy Desolation
, but
Queen’s Blood
is grittier. Did you intend for the sound to change that drastically, or was it a natural progression?”

Sixx really needed to listen to his son’s music so he could join in these conversations.

“Honestly? I wrote most of
Queen’s Blood
after I transitioned. I was scared, angry, pissed off, and pretty sure I was losing my mind. Imagine not knowing you had a shifter inside, then one day, Bam! You become this
. When I started writing the lyrics, Tyson asked me if I’d stepped over to the dark side. The more the others listened, the more they liked the darker vibe. I’ve known the three guys in the band almost my whole life, yet I couldn’t tell them where the lyrics were coming from. I didn’t want them to think I was crazy. I already thought that enough for all of us.”

“Transitioned?” Uri asked, his eyebrows drawn down.

Sixx confirmed Desi’s words. “Yes. My son has been a half-blood for over a year now.”

“Holy gods. I can see where that would have been tough. I know your father is proud of you, but man, I want you to know how much I admire you. If you’ve transitioned, that means you have a mate out there. Do you know who he or she is?” Uri asked, transferring the cooked bacon to a plate.

“She is a costume designer in New York. I think.” Desi explained the dreams and Rae drawing the likeness so Julian could do the search.

“Fuck, you were a busy bunch yesterday,” Uri joked.

Sixx poured another cup of coffee, adding a splash of milk. Rae had risen, and she was coming down the hallway. His eyes met hers when she entered the kitchen. “Good morning, Doll. Uri, I’d like you to meet my mate. Desirae, this is Urijah.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Uri. Sixx has told me absolutely nothing about you.”

Urijah laughed. “I’ve certainly heard about you, Desirae.” He fisted his heart and bowed. “On my honor.” Rae’s expression was the same as Desi’s had been.

Sixx handed Rae her coffee, already creamy, the way she used to drink it. “I guess I need to explain a little more about our family to you both. I told you yesterday how our Clan is one large family. Not all Gargoyle clans are the same. Rafael’s father was an honorable King. He treated each member fairly. As long as you were loyal, trustworthy, honest, and had each other’s back, you were family. When he was slain, Rafael stepped into the role of King, ruling much the same way his father had. Times have changed, and the Clan has adapted to those times, but we are basically one big family. Some closer than others, obviously. As a Gargoyle, we live to protect not only humans, but each other as well. Especially the mates and offspring of our Brothers and Sisters. It is on our honor that we vow our lives to the service of our family. Our Clan.”

“I’m certainly looking forward to having a large family, and I’m glad Mom’s going to have a support system with the other mates. She’s spent far too many years hiding out. She needs girlfriends.”

“I don’t know about friends, but I do welcome the support. They can fill me in on the things Michael won’t tell me,” Rae said as she pulled a paper towel off the roll. She folded it up and placed it on the table, using it as a coaster for her mug before taking a seat. Sixx had forgotten she did that. He was desperate to remember all her quirks and nuances.

Uri interrupted, “I’m making omelets. Anything in particular you do or don’t like?” Both Desi and Rae told him they’d eat it however he cooked it. Sixx was glad to see his family wasn’t too picky. It made things easier when it was his turn to cook. Before turning back to the stove, Uri said, “You know, you should take a selfie with Desi and send it to Trevor.”

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