Sixty Days (7 page)

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Authors: Zoe Glez

BOOK: Sixty Days
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I laugh at this. “I thought you were here to help
, not lay there and watch me unpack,” I scold. “Oh….and thank you for not saying anything.” I smile.

aren’t we going to talk about this?” she asks, completely intrigued.

Before I can begin to tell her anything
, we are interrupted by a knock on the door.

“May we come in?” Kevin
asks behind the door.

“Sure…who’s with you?” I ask. He opens the door and I see him come in with Mickey.

“Do I really have to answer that?” Kevin says with a cheesy grin.

“I guess not. So, to what do I
owe this visit to my lair?” I playfully ask him.

“I just wanted to tell y
ou that we are leaving at eight,” he says, looking around the room.

“What do yo
u think I should wear?” I ask no one in specific.

“A dress should be
fine.” Mickey replies shyly.

, Vega here is taking us to a new club in town. He’s probably the best to tell you what you should wear,” my brother adds.

“What is
the name of this place?” Arianna asks, breaking the slight tension.

“Carpe Diem
,” Mickey answers with a grin.

” she replies, seemingly bored.

I’m going to get a shower. You should do the same once you’re done here. You tend to be a huge turtle when it comes to getting ready to go out,” Kevin says teasingly.

, sir!” I smile back at him as they both head toward the door. “Oh, wait! Before you go, could you help me move the bed to the other side of the room?” I ask him with a full grin.

Vega will do it. I really need to shower,” he says, closing the door behind him, leaving the three of us alone in the room.

I have to go. I just remembered I had something to do. Behave, you two,” Arianna says with an evil grin as she heads toward the door and leaves.

“She knows,” I inform
Mickey as soon as we are alone.

got that. Did you tell her?”

“Nope. She
figured it out on her own.” I smile.

“I see. Does this mean
that we need to be more careful?”

“No, I don’t think so,” I repl
y, shaking my head.

of the sudden, I find myself in his arms. He kisses with so much passion that I gasp. Taking advantage of this, he attacks my mouth with his tongue, gliding it across mine in an erotic dance. He grabs me by the nape and I place my hands on his hips, closing the space between our bodies. Lost in our embrace. Expressing our need for more.

“We can’t do this. Not
now, not when they are all here,” Mickey whispers to me, breaking our kiss. He rests his forehead on mine, catching his breath.

“I know. But—” I say
, gazing into his eyes.

“Shhh…I promi
sed you we’ll find a way to be with each other and I will,” he says, interrupting me. “Plus, I think that your dad is really starting to like me,” he says with a sweet grin as he kisses my forehead and gently pulls away.

, I noticed that. But, let’s not get our hopes up,” I say, sitting down on the bed.

“So…the bed, whe
re do you want it exactly?” he asks, taking a deep breath. With the amount of sexual tension building between us, I appreciate his distraction. I smile and point to the corner of the room next to the window, that way I can see what’s beyond these four walls. Right now, it’s next to the door and it kind of freaks me out. I get up off the bed and he moves the bed effortlessly. I watch him very attentively. The way the muscles in his arms bulge and that sexy look of concentration he carries, the tip of his tongue sticking out, makes me want to go over there and kiss him mercilessly.

When he’s done
, I just keep watching. All I can think about is the two of us, together, in that bed. Me kissing him while he caresses every inch of my body, making me tremble. Wanting more of him, more of us, of our bodies joint together. Claiming the love we have for each other. Forgetting about the people that are downstairs and getting lost in the moment.

“Thank you,
” I say softly to him and smile.

“You’re welcome.” H
e smiles back.

better go and take a shower now,” I say and it sounds like an invitation.

“And…that’s the sign for me to leave.”
He takes a deep breath. “As much as I would like to join you, it’s just too much of a risk,” he whispers into my ear, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

“I know,
” I say feeling frustrated, a sad smile unwillingly forming. Showing restraint, he heads out of the room and waves goodbye as he closes the door.



I get out
of the shower feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
It’s six thirty already, so I should probably start to get ready for our night out. Thanks to Mama, I got lucky with the only room in the house that has its own bathroom. I head to the long mirror resting atop the sink and start putting my make up on. Nothing big, just some powder, eyeliner, and mascara. Maybe I’ll add some lip gloss so my mouth doesn’t look so pale.

Once I’m done, I pull
the tie from the bun I had created so my hair wouldn’t get wet, letting my long, wavy locks fall down my back. I brush it perfectly so it won’t get ruined. After a few minutes of fighting with it, I finally got it to look the way a wanted it. I decide to spray the style with hairspray; not too much, just enough to keep it in place. When I’m finally content with the way my hair looks, I head out of the bathroom. I take a peek through the door, just in case, before entering the room. I am, after all, only wearing my underwear.

go directly to the closet and begin searching for what I want to wear. As I walk toward the closet, I catch a glimpse of myself in the full body mirror. I stop, and stare at my reflection. It’s kind of hard to recognize the person standing in front of me. I have gotten skinnier throughout the years. Not super skinny like Mary and Arianna, but thin and curvy. A long way from how I used to be.

Snapping myself out of my line of thought, I set myself back to the task of getting ready. It’s already seven thirty and I still don’t know what the hell I’m going to wear. My brother was right, I am slow when it comes to getting ready. Looking at the clothing in the closet, I remember Mickey saying to wear a dress. I find the perfect
one for the occasion. It’s a little black halter dress with an open back. Now, I just need to find the perfect shoes. I find the black and platinum gladiator stilettos fairly quickly. They are my favorite.

I glance up at the clock once more, it’s almost eight. I get dressed quickly and put on my
amazing shoes making me go from five-foot-four to five-seven. I take one last look at myself in the mirror and decide that I look good enough. The dress is neither too long nor too short. This should save me from a lecture by my brother. At least, I hope so. I don’t worry about Mickey being jealous, he doesn’t seem to mind so long as no one comes near me. I spray some perfume and recheck my make-up quickly before heading to the door, grabbing my favorite leather jacket on the way.



As I step off the last step,
I notice everyone is waiting for me near the door. They all look exasperated, as if they’ve been waiting forever. I’m only like five minutes late, I don’t know what the big deal is.

!” Mary snaps as soon as she sees me.

“Whoa!” Mickey and Chino both say as soon as they spot me.

“What the hell is that?” Kevin snaps at me. “Hell no! No, no, no! You’re not going out like that!” he says, scolding me.

“Really, Kev? R
eally?” I say with a raised eyebrow and a bored tone. “I’m not twelve anymore, I can wear whatever the hell I want. Plus, it could be worse,” I say pointing out Mary’s outfit. She’s wearing an extremely short red dress with long sleeves and a barely there back.

“Hey!” she snaps at me.

“Sorry, but you have to admit, your dress is shorter than mine,” I comment. She just shrugs.

“Come on
, Kevin, let it be. You’re just prolonging our stay here by trying to convince her to change, which we both know she won’t. She’s as hard headed as you are,” Mario says, completely exasperated with my brother. He throws me a wink and smiles.

“All right, I give up. Y
ou win this one,” Kevin finally relents, through his face still says differently.

“Ugh! I’ll put the stupid jacket on if it makes you happy.” Kevin lays out a full grin on his stupid
, manipulative face and we all head out the door.

Mickey decides to drive his Tahoe so we can all ride together, offering himself to be the designated driver. He’s more of an occasional beer kind of guy, anyway. I’m not a big drinker, either. I’ve seen what it does to people, and I see my Uncle Junior every time he gets drunk. We both have our occasional beer but it’s not much,
we know when to stop. The idea of being drunk just isn’t that attractive. Puking and killer headaches? Yeah, I don’t think so.

been drunk once and it isn’t something I want to repeat.  The same goes for Mario. I know that it’s because he doesn’t want to end up like his father. He’s witnessed the effect first hand and has spent countless nights cleaning up after his father. Because of this, Mario doesn’t drink at all. He enjoys himself quite enough without it. I think we all do.

parks the car on the corner in front of the club. I notice the really long line of people in front of the club. Luckily, Mickey knows the bouncer so he lets us in right away. Due to security measures, we have to leave our jackets up front. This makes my brother crazy. After all, the only reason I got out of the house was because I was wearing it in the first place. We spot an empty booth in a corner and head toward it, Kevin and Chino stay at the bar ordering a pitcher of beer to share between the two of them and an Acapulco Zombie for Mary.

“You sure you don’t want one?” Chino shouts
at me over the loud music as he hands Mary her drink. I just shake my head in rejection.

Stop trying to get my sister drunk, douche bag,” I hear my brother scold. I can’t help but smile at his over protectiveness.

We are all sitting in the booth
attempting to talk. I can barely hear anyone over the music. I’m sitting on one side of the booth between my brother and Mario. I sort of feel like they’re my bodyguards. On the other side, Mickey sits right in front of me, between Mary and Chino. We sneak a glance at each other every chance we get.

“Do you want to dance?” Mary asks
Mickey as she stands up.

“No, thanks.” H
e shakes his head.

“Oh, come on!” she insists, pouting.

“I’m not really that much of a dancer,” he says to her in a annoyed tone. On the inside, I can’t help but laugh. Mickey dances, but only because I make him do it.

“I’ll dance with yo
u,” Chino tells her and they head to the dance floor. One of Pitbull’s songs begins to blare through the speakers. The DJ has made it a techno remix which is extremely catchy and makes me want to dance.

“Excuse me, ladies,
I just spotted something sweet,” my brother says with a grin as he practically undresses some girl at the bar with his eyes. She’s tall and blonde, wearing a tiny black strapless dress that pushes her boobs half way out of it.

” I whisper to myself. Mickey laughs. Either he heard me or we’re thinking the same thing. I catch his gaze and smile at him. He smiles back, melting my body and soul with his beautiful dimples.

In a matter of seconds
, the woman at the bar disses my brother and he glances to where we are. We all laugh at him. He shrugs, so full of confidence that the next one will actually snap to his charms. Chino and Mary are still at it on the dance floor. Part of me wishes I was there too, but it wouldn’t be the same without Mickey.

“I have to take a piss,” Mario blurts, almost running to the bathroom. Somehow, my prayers have been answered and we are left alone. My brother is still hanging at the bar, Chino and Mary on the dance floor, and Mario in the bathroom. This couldn’t be more perfect. Us alone, face to face, with each other. Totally worth it, even if it would only last a few seconds.

“Finally! I
never thought they would leave us alone,” Mickey says, letting out a huge breath of air. I just laugh at his overly dramatic relief. “I know it’s not much, but every second with you is worth it. Even if I can’t hear what you’re saying.”

I smile. “Do you think that if we get up and dance
people would suspect something?”

, whenever we dance we get way too close without even realizing. Trust me, everyone will notice.” He’s right, we do tend to put on a show, so dancing together is definitely out of the question.

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