Sixes & Sevens (Seven Hearts Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Sixes & Sevens (Seven Hearts Book 1)
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“Is there anything else we need to discuss?” Alec asked.

“Safety for Jaycee,” Lee replied. “With her foster family likely to find her, we need to be on guard. Sean, I’ll have you come up with a tech game plan, and I’ll coordinate a plan of action. I just need all of you to give me your class schedules, and any other jobs or activities that will influence your time. All right, let’s end the meeting here for tonight.”

Jaycee rubbed her eyes and yawned. It wasn’t particularly late, but with the amount of energy she’d expended at the arcade, she was beat. “I think I’m ready for bed.”

“Whose bed do you want tonight, pretty girl?” Garrett’s words were slightly erotic to Jaycee’s ears, which caused her to squirm and flush. Had that been his intention? No, Garrett seemed like a good clean country boy…but even country boys had a naughty side, right?

“I volunteer!” Sean hollered.

“A tribute? How very noble.” Marc laughed. “You know you’re welcome to stay in my bed as long as you’d like.” Marc sidled up next to Jaycee, whispering in her ear. “With or without me in it.” Jaycee coughed to cover her lack of response. If she did choose to sleep beside one of them, who would she pick? Marc seemed like an obvious choice, as she’d known him the longest, but he also seemed to be a bit possessive of her. She didn’t mind it, but the others might. Jaycee didn’t want to create problems amongst the guys. She could choose someone she hadn’t spent much time with. After all, sleeping (just sleeping) with one of them would be a big step in getting to know them. Jaycee turned, and surveyed them. Sean always seemed eager to please, but she’d already be spending tomorrow with him. Marc was out of the running…for now. Jonathan would be a good choice, but she already felt a strong connection to him too. Alec didn’t need any encouragement. That left Lee or Garrett. While she hadn’t spent a great deal of time with either, Garrett seemed to be the hardest man to grow close to. While he’d been very affectionate and kind, he hadn’t given her much about himself.

Jaycee walked up to stand toe to toe with Garrett. “Could I s-sleep with y-you t-tonight?” Jaycee’s nerves made her hands damp, her words stutter.

Garrett’s eyes went wide, and his mouth opened, but no sound came out. He simply smiled a slow smile, and offered her his hand. Dimples appeared on either side of his mouth! Jaycee’s heart fluttered. The guys stood frozen around them…they hadn’t seen that coming. Jaycee was so shy, and reserved, but she’d chosen to ask one of them to sleep beside her! Garrett as her first choice was a tad surprising, but they loved him as a brother, so they were only slightly jealous. Okay, they were green with envy, but happy for Garrett.

Garrett led Jaycee up the stairs to his room. His room was located on the right side, sharing a bathroom with Lee. He opened the door, and flipped on the switch. The room was decorated in shades of brown and blue. Clearly, Garrett was a cowboy at heart. Cowboy hats hung in a row on pegs by his closet on the left wall. The comforter was deep brown, and his sheets were tan. The pictures on the walls were of him doing barrel races at a rodeo. Wow, could he ride! Jaycee forgot about being tired, and became engrossed in the photos. Another photo showed Garrett with an older couple standing in front of a tractor on a farm.

“Those are my grandparents. I don’t get to see them much; my parents don’t often see eye to eye with them these days,” Garrett provided.

“I’m sorry. You must miss them; they seem like kind people.” They were a graying couple with their years’ share of wrinkles, but smiles lit their faces as they held onto Garrett.

“Yeah.” Garrett started unbuttoning his dress shirt, not realizing Jaycee had frozen, staring. Her eyes bugged out of her head, until she noticed he was wearing a white tee underneath. Whew! For a minute there she though he intended on stripping!

“I’ll just go grab my pajamas…” Jaycee started for the door, when she heard a knock. Marc appeared carrying her duffle.

“I threw a few things I thought you’d need tonight in here,” he said.

“Thanks! I was just about to come down,” Jaycee marveled.

“We’ve got you covered, sweetie. Sleep tight.” Marc gave Jaycee a warm embrace, before sending a warning look at Garrett. Keep your hands to yourself, it said. Garrett nodded, but didn’t take offense. Just as Jaycee was about to head to the bathroom, she heard another knock. The rest of the guys waited in the hall for their goodnight hugs. Jaycee embraced each one in turn, often receiving kisses to her cheeks and brow. She felt so loved, and cared for. Her heart swelled with joy. Garrett simply stood back with an amused look upon his face. His eyes crinkled, and one side of his mouth was raised in a half smile. He looked tired, he must have worked hard today. Jaycee ushered the guys out, leaving her and Garrett alone again.

Jaycee hurried to the bathroom to change. She decided to wear the pajamas with pants, it seemed proper, considering the circumstances. Before reentering, Jaycee knocked on the bathroom door, to make sure Garrett was fully dressed. She heard a mumbled reply, so she opened the door. Garrett stood waiting for her shirtless. Oh my…his chest was a work of art, but his abs could be used to wash clothes! He wore black sleep pants, and nothing else. Jaycee felt like a nun with her pajamas buttoned up to her neck, and her long sleeves covering all of her arms. Jaycee ran a hand through her long hair, massaging her scalp. She’d talked a good talk to get here, but now she was uncertain how to proceed.

Garrett offered her his hand again, Jaycee released a relieved sigh, happy to let him take the lead. Pulling her to the left side of the bed, Garrett tucked her in next to the wall. He climbed in the other side, and turned to face her. “Can I hold you?” He asked.

“Y-yes.” Jaycee scooted over, and placed her arms on his chest. Garrett wrapped his arms around her, letting her head rest on his shoulder. He let out a contented sigh. If she never moved, he would die a happy man.

The house grew quiet as the guys all settled in for the night. The bathroom joining Garrett and Lee’s rooms lit up as Lee prepared for bed. When the light flicked off, Jaycee closed her eyes, drifting peacefully off to sleep. Garrett was better than a pillow, his warmth kept her nice and toasty, while he cushioned her head with his chest. Sometime during the night, Jaycee’s top rose to her stomach, and her legs became entwined in his. Garrett snored softly, but not loud enough to wake the slumbering princess in his arms. Jaycee didn’t dream of dragons that night. She dreamed of Garrett. His scent surrounded her, filling her thoughts with only him. Jaycee imagined watching Garrett race his horse at a rodeo. She cheered him on with the rest of the crowd as he raced around the obstacles, but the dream took a darker turn when Garrett’s horse turned a leg and dropped, pinning Garrett beneath his substantial weight. Jaycee whimpered in her sleep, pulling Garrett closer. Her hips were plastered to his, while her fists gripped his sides. The change in pressure woke Garrett.

His droopy eyes examined the room. They were still alone, tangled in one another. He could feel her soft breasts pressed against his chest through her flannel top. Her legs were tightly coiled around his. His arousal pressed against her. Garrett begged God for relief. His beautiful girl was clinging to him, and he couldn’t help his body’s reaction. Trying to gently wake her, he shook her shoulders carefully. Garrett didn’t know Jaycee was a heavy sleeper. Her dream had a strong grip on her.

Jaycee jumped out her seat, racing to where the rodeo clowns were helping pull the horse to his feet. Garrett lay still upon the ground. Jaycee wasn’t sure he was breathing. Maybe he’d had the wind knocked out of him? Putting her ear to his chest she heard his heart beating strong. Why wouldn’t he open his eyes?! Was he okay? Jaycee frantically looked around her for help, but the rest of the stadium had vanished. The dreamscape changed. Jaycee was leaning over Garrett, who was hooked up to machines. They were in a hospital and he was lying in bed unconscious. Tears poured from Jaycee’s eyes. “Wake up!” she wanted to shout. She was just getting to know him, to really care for him! She couldn’t lose him now! She had to help him! Jaycee thought with the heart of a child, what would wake a person from a deep sleep?? A kiss!

Garrett’s eyes bulged as Jaycee’s soft mouth claimed his own. He held still, afraid to move, but it didn’t stop his little dove. Her dream gripped her hard, and so she gripped him, as she claimed his lips with her own. She placed butterfly kisses along his mouth. Garrett groaned in frustration. He died a little trying to hold still, not to give in to the temptation to kiss her back. To kiss her like she deserved to be kissed. Sweat beaded on his forehead as Jaycee moved against him. Clearly her kisses were affecting her own body as well. Damn it all to hell! He couldn’t resist…

Garrett rolled Jaycee onto her back, and let his lips mold to hers. For just one precious minute he let himself be carried away by the feel of her body beneath him. Her soft lips clinging to his own, her curves cradled by his hard planes. He moved his lips against hers gently, trying to keep his desire reigned in. He fought himself for control…attempting to pull back, Garrett watched in fascination as Jaycee’s eyes opened. Blinking rapidly, Jaycee fought to separate reality from her dream. Garrett wasn’t injured, but they were in bed together, and he was sporting a rather firm erection nestled against her. Jaycee’s lips were still plastered to his own. Her first kiss! Jaycee knew she’d been the instigator, her dream had seen to that, but how could she let her first kiss end without her even being awake??

You only got one shot at a first kiss…Jaycee threw caution to the wind, and opened her lips over Garrett’s once more. This time he pressed his tongue inside to mingle with hers. She tasted so sweet, but he didn’t want to push her too far. Slowly, sensually Garrett pulled his tongue back. He planted light kisses along her lips, savoring her taste for one last moment.

Perfect, her first kiss had been perfect. Jaycee’s lustful haze lifted, she realized her top had become bunched under her breasts. Her flat stomach caressed Garrett’s hard muscles. Jaycee’s left leg was wrapped around Garrett’s waist, while her right was trapped between his own. Jaycee hid her face in his shoulder, as she lowered her leg. Wow…what just happened?? Her head spun, but her heart sang. If this was what sex was like, no
so many people rushed into it. Garrett ran his hands along her upper arms trying to comfort her.

“I’m sorry,” Garrett whispered. Jaycee realized her reaction could be mistaken for guilt, or regret.

“Don’t be,” she whispered back. “I’m not.” It was hard to force the words past her lips without stuttering, but it was true. Her first kiss had been beautiful. She wouldn’t change a second…well, she would have liked to have been
for the whole thing. Had she been awake though, she never would have had the guts to touch him first, let alone give him more than a chaste peck. Pressing her fingers to her lips, Jaycee released a pleased sigh. Garrett rolled her over onto his chest. He no longer worried about accidentally pressing against her. They’d been plastered together during the hottest kiss of his life. If they could control their hormones enough during that kiss not rip their clothes off, and seal the deal, they could handle her sleeping fully on top of him. Garrett tucked his nose into her neck, truly happy for the first time in his life. It was like, a missing piece of the puzzle that made up his soul had smoothly slid into place.

Garrett prayed silently before falling back to sleep. He wanted to thank his maker for the beautiful girl in his arms. She was a ray of sunshine on the cold deep lake of his heart. Smiling like a fool, Garrett was glad the guys couldn’t see him now. He’d bet his horse, he looked like the cat that ate the canary, but oh Lord…what a bird.

Geason (rare, amazing, extraordinary, uncommon)

January 7, 2016

The morning came like every morning, with a silent slide onto the horizon. Garrett snored softly into Jaycee’s hair, as her eyelids drifted open. Today was Sean’s day. Jaycee popped up in bed. It might be better if she got up before Sean came looking for her. Red stained her cheeks, she couldn’t help but think of the kiss. Should she wake Garrett? He needed to work today, so he’d been given first crack at the showers. Jaycee leaned over examining his face. He had thick black eyelashes, the kind that girls dreamed of, but guys didn’t appreciate having. His eyes were deeply set, framed by thick brows, and lean cheeks. His lips were full, and his mouth on the slightly wider side. His chin was dimpled, like someone had pressed their pinkie into the soft clay when he was formed.

Jaycee pressed her thumbnail to her lip in thought. Could she wake him with a kiss? Would it be too forward? She’d already mauled him during the night…but then she hadn’t received any complaints. Lowering her head slowly, afraid to wake him prematurely, Jaycee leaned in close. Her lips a hairs breath away, she hesitated. She couldn’t, could she?!? She was so confused. It wasn’t in her nature to be so bold, and she wasn’t experienced with men, but this was Garrett. Garrett who’d held her all night, Garrett who’d protected her that night in her dorm. Sacrificing a good night’s sleep to rest by her bedside. Sealing her eyes tight, Jaycee hurried to press her lips against his. A current of tingling sensations traveled down her body from her lips.

Garrett opened his mouth in his sleep. Thrusting his tongue into the angel’s mouth. His arms wrapped around her hips, clamping her tight to him. His lips moved over hers in a sensuous rhythm and his hands roamed over her back, her hips, her sides. Garrett’s left hand caressed just shy of her breast. Jaycee groaned in anticipation and desire, but the sound woke her lover, who pulled his hand away in surprise. “Jaycee?” Her name was spoken deep and breathy. Taking note of Jaycee’s red lips, and the moisture on his own, Garrett let out a soft moan. He licked the seam of her lips, encouraging her to open for him again. He plunged his tongue in her mouth, caressing her own, and exploring her softness.

Jaycee moved against his leg, seeking something more, but what she didn’t understand. Garrett understood plenty, but refused to rush. He put his arms around her to hold her still. His arm brushed the sides of her breasts, causing them both to groan. He needed to put an end to this sweet torture, but Jaycee’s body had other ideas. She unconsciously shifted just slightly. Her breast pressing further into his arm. His hand slid along her back of its own accord, and came to rest on the side of her chest. Staring into her eyes, he silently asked for permission before sliding his hand along her top. His hand cupped her full breast. Garrett groaned against her mouth. Heaven! This was heaven, had he died in his sleep?? He kneaded her soft flesh in his palm once, twice, before pulling away. He laid another hard kiss on her lips filled with his passion for her. Dragging his reluctant body away, Garrett sat Jaycee away from him, breathing hard.

“We’d better stop, love. I don’t think I could stop myself if we went any further,” Garrett whispered. He placed a hand over his heart, willing it to slow.

“It’s okay. I should apologize again. It would seem I can’t control myself around you.” Jaycee laughed quietly at her own inexperience, breathing hard herself. “I only meant to wake you up with a kiss,” she whispered.

“Feel free to wake me up every day,” Garrett teased. Looking around the room, Garrett blinked the remaining sleep from his eyes. “Why don’t you use my shower this morning. No one else is likely to be up yet, and Marc brought you everything you’d need last night.”

“Okay, thanks.” Jaycee righted her top, remembering the feel of Garrett’s hand on her breast. “Maybe a cold shower would be appropriate.” Jaycee blushed, and made a dash for her bag. Pulling it with her, she rushed into the bathroom, shutting the door. The door to Lee’s room was standing open. He must have left it open when he’d gotten ready for bed the night before. Jaycee tiptoed to the door intent on closing it silently, only to find two brown eyes watching her from the bed. Lee smirked, telling her with his eyes…he knew. Apparently, the walls were thinner than she’d hoped. Jaycee started to explain, but Lee cut her off with a hand. Jaycee stepped into his room concerned.

Getting out of bed, Lee stretched his tall frame, before coming to stand in front of Jaycee. “It’s none of my business, unless you want to tell me, little flower.” Looking down, Lee noted her top button had come undone. Slowly, as if giving her time to stop him, Lee reached down, and redid her button. “In this house we’re used to sharing the things we love. As long as you don’t play favorites, I have no problem with what goes on behind closed doors.” Lee kissed her forehead, and turned her back toward the bathroom. With a hand on her back, he gently nudged her toward the shower. “We’ll meet you downstairs when you’re ready. Oh, and, Jaycee?” Lee called as he turned back toward her.

“Yes?” she asked.

“Good morning, geason girl,” Lee said, shutting the connecting door.

“Good morning.” Jaycee muttered confusedly to the closed door. She didn’t bother locking the door, the guys knew she was showering, and neither would bother her. Jaycee stripped her clothes off, and jumped in the shower. At first she took a hot shower, but eventually she turned it to cold. She needed to cool her blood, or the other guys would know something was up. While she had preached just the other day about not keeping secrets, this was different. She was sure none of the guys wanted her to report, what happened between them, to the others. If they wanted to share it with each other, that was between them.

Garrett had been wrong about one thing, Sean had woken up much earlier than normal today. He was just too excited about spending the day with Jaycee to sleep. He kept changing his mind about what they should do. Should they watch a movie, play games? Maybe he should take her somewhere nice? They could go to a museum…but that was more of Jonathan’s thing. Sean didn’t want to take anyone else’s date ideas, but he wanted it to be special. This was his time to impress Jaycee. To show her what was good about him, and what he could provide for her. Sean was the tech guy of the group obviously, but he had more interests as well. He liked to climb rock walls and play soccer. Sure he collected comic books, and watched Marvel movies like most nerdy guys, but that wasn’t all there was to him. Was it?

Lee had asked Sean to show Jaycee how to use their tech. If she was going to be living with them, she would need to know how to use their devices. Sean wondered what she’d had before. It didn’t seem like she’d been given much, he knew she had a cheap MP3 player, but she didn’t have a computer. She never even owned a car…she wondered if she could drive? There was only one way to find out. If not, maybe he could give her lessons? Sean was often teased for being a maniac driver, and while he did like to drive fast, he was a very skilled motorist. His adopted parents got him the best tutors money could buy. All he’d really wanted was a family to love him, but luckily Jonathan had filled that gap. He’d even brought him to meet the guys, who were now his family too.

Sean joined Lee in the living room. “It looks like everyone is up now.”

“All except Alec, I swear he would sleep all day if we let him,” Lee replied.

“You know he’d get up to see Jaycee at some point!” Jonathan hollered from the kitchen, filling a bowl with cereal. This morning he was taking a break from cooking. They had plenty of bagels, donuts, and cereal. While it wasn’t the most nutritious breakfast, he wanted some extra time to relax this morning. Besides, he’d been thinking he needed to have a talk with Jaycee…living in a house with six healthy males, it would be wise for them to have a talk about the birds and bees. See where she was at, and what precautions she might want to take. It was better to be upfront and realistic than to wait and be sorry later.

While he knew she’d been kept sheltered before, Jonathan didn’t want all her decisions to be made for her here. She was old enough to decide for herself what happened to her body. All of them would respect her decisions. He also needed to ask her if she needed any…feminine products. They obviously didn’t have any at the house, but he could get some from the health center if she needed. It was almost time for another grocery run, and Jaycee might need to go along just to be sure.

“Sean, I know it’s your day with Jaycee, but would you two have any time to go shopping? I want to make sure Jaycee has the everyday stuff a girl might need,” Jonathan said, coming out to settle at the table.

“Yeah, sure! I hadn’t made a concrete plan yet anyway. I think we’ll just figure it out as we go. Did you have a list?” Sean asked pulling out a chair for himself.

“No, but I could make one. You might ask Lee; he might already have one started,” Jonathan replied.

Upstairs, Garrett stood outside the bathroom while Jaycee took her shower. He was desperate for a cold shower, just knowing she was naked in the adjoining room was driving him crazy. Trying to distract himself, Garrett pulled out clothes for the day, and thought over what work he needed to accomplish on the job site today. He took slow deep breaths in through his nose, and out his mouth.

Shutting off the shower, Jaycee toweled off quickly. She wanted to be ready before the guys all got up. Digging through her bag, Jaycee grabbed her undergarments, a pair of skinny jeans, a baby blue V-neck long-sleeved shirt, and a pair of white socks. Throwing her hair up into a ponytail, Jaycee left two long sections of hair to frame her face. Before long, she wound up tucking her hair behind her ears. Checking her reflection, Jaycee worried if her face would give her actions away. A light blush still clung desperately to her cheeks, but it was light enough now to look like she’d merely used cosmetics. Deciding to go with it, Jaycee pulled her eyeliner out of her bag, running a quick swipe across each lash line.

When she felt fully put together, she gathered up her belongings. Tossing them back in her bag, she was careful to wrap her dirty clothes, and arrange them away from her clean stuff. Opening the door, she found Garrett feigning casualness on the bed. He held a rodeo magazine upside down. Jaycee couldn’t suppress a giggle as she pointed it out. Even Garrett laughed, tossing the magazine aside. He ran a hand over his hair, grabbing his clothes on his way to the bathroom.

“Good morning,” he said belatedly.

“Good morning, Garrett,” Jaycee said with an embarrassed smile as he closed the door. Releasing a heavy breath, Jaycee shook her head at herself. She’d left her foster home, and look at her now. She never would have imagined this is where she’d be, merely a few days later. It felt like she’d aged several years in several days. She was living with men; she’d experienced her first kiss…it was surreal. Did you count each individual kiss, or did making out count as one?

Grabbing her bag, Jaycee headed downstairs. She was surprised to see the guys already starting to gather in the dining room. “Good morning,” she said, surprised.

“Good morning, Jaycee. How did you sleep?” Jonathan asked.

“Well, thank you…how about you?” Jaycee deflected.

“Good, thanks. Did you want cereal this morning? We’re taking it a bit more casual today,” he said.

“Thanks, sounds fine. Good morning, Sean,” Jaycee said, sitting beside him at the table.

“Hi! I’m so excited for today. We can do whatever you’d like. I have some ideas, but honestly, whatever you want would be fine with me.” Sean exhaled with excitement.

“What did you have in mind?” she asked.

“Well, I could show you how to use your phone for starters. I had talked about showing you some video games, and then we probably need to get groceries. I know it’s not as exciting as laser tag, but life intrudes at the most inopportune moments, huh?” He said a bit deflated.

“It’s okay, we can still make it fun. I’ve never gone grocery shopping with a guy before, besides my dad, of course,” Jaycee said.

“I promise not to be the typical uninterested companion. I don’t mind shopping so much. Then later, I have a huge collection of movies on my hard drive, we can watch whatever you’d like.”

“That sounds fun,” she reassured him. “I’m not sure I could constantly be running around every day like I did at the arcade.”

The other guys, with the exception of Alec, filed into the dining room. Marc grabbed bowls for everyone, while Lee selected several boxes of cereal. Sean hopped up to fetch the bagels and donuts. Garrett grabbed juice for everyone, careful not to spend too much time looking at Jaycee. Lee grabbed silverware. Alec finally stomped down the stairs when the table was set, and everyone was ready to eat.

“Morning…,” Alec mumbled.

“Good morning, sleeping beauty. Grab a bowl. Cereal, bagels, and donuts…it’s what’s for breakfast,” Lee said, before shoving a mouthful of bagel in his face.

Jaycee smiled at Lee. He didn’t care if he looked silly stuffing his face. She supposed in the military, you weren’t often given time to sit and eat a proper meal. It made her glad he was out of immediate danger, in the States, with the rest of them. Jaycee had always been grateful to the soldiers who sacrificed overseas every day, but it was nice to see them return home safe.

“Did you sleep well?” Marc asked.

“Yes.” Jaycee didn’t care to elaborate, and while Marc looked stressed trying not to ask more questions, he did respect her privacy.

“I did manage to talk to that kid Jason from your dorm yesterday,” Lee said, turning to Jaycee. “He agreed to keep an eye out for Roger. So long as he’s at the desk when anyone comes, he’ll send them in the wrong direction.”

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