Read Siren's Surrender Online

Authors: Devyn Quinn

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #General, #Fantasy fiction, #paranormal, #Man-woman relationships, #Love stories, #Occult fiction, #Paranormal Romance Stories, #mermaids

Siren's Surrender (22 page)

BOOK: Siren's Surrender
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Blake’s gaze locked with hers. Standing so close to her caused a fluttering sensation deep in his stomach, not to mention the delicious throbbing of need in his loins.
Pulse shifting into a higher gear, he stepped a little closer. His heart rate soared as he slowly reached out to trace her moist, full lips with the tip of his finger. “I’m someone who does.”
She shut her eyes, soaking up his caress. The sound of her breathing was a sexy, seductive rhythm in his ears. “Really?” she murmured against his fingertip.
Unable to stop himself, Blake reached for her slender hips. Pulling her warm wet body closer, his mouth grazed hers.
At first Gwen held back, shutting him out. To entice her to open up, Blake slid his tongue along the seam of her lips. She relented a bit, granting him access. Instead of sweeping in and conquering, he dipped into her with a slow, light move.
Hands rising to his chest, Gwen curled her fingers into his shirt. The momentum built as she pulled him closer. Her hips pressed against his, bringing them together in a way that said all the necessary parts and angles would fit just fine.
Blake had to force himself to come up for air. As far as he was concerned, he could stand there and kiss her all night. Except that his body had other ideas, more urgent and pressing.
He wanted her.
Bending, he swept an arm under her knees, lifting her with hardly any effort at all.
Gwen locked her arms around his neck as he carried her back into her apartment. Barely a minute later she found herself lying across a bed made up with a pretty quilted comforter. A plump pillow rested beneath her head.
She stretched out, feeling sexy and sensuous.
Blake’s gaze romanced every inch. “God, you’re beautiful.” He didn’t waste any time shedding his clothes. Struggling to get his shirt and tie off, he carelessly tossed them aside. Kicking off his shoes, he unzipped his slacks, pushing them down over narrow hips. He wore those body-hugging boxer briefs, which perfectly displayed the rock-hard slabs of his abdomen and long, muscular legs. The tight briefs also prominently outlined an erection she couldn’t possibly ignore.
Gwen smiled. If this is what it felt like to let herself go and enjoy her sexuality with a human male, she was glad she’d opened her mind to the possibility. And there was no doubt she affected him on the physical level.
As for herself, the attraction she felt for him was powerful, and real.
Without taking his gaze off her, Blake placed his hands on the waistband of his briefs. “Are you sure you want to do this?” There was no doubt on his side. Desire flared in the depths of his eyes.
She let silence pass between them a moment before answering. “Yes, I do. Very much.” If she wanted to change her mind, now was the time. But she didn’t. She wanted—no, needed—this night to happen. It had been entirely too long in coming.
Blake quickly discarded his briefs. Naked, he stretched out beside her. The eager swell of his erection pressed against her thigh as he drew her into his arms. His gaze took on a new smoldering intensity as he stroked a hand down her cheek. “Me too.”
Acutely aware of the feel of his heated flesh pressing against hers, she realized her hand was a few inches away from his pulsing erection. Somehow it felt right lying here beside him, both of them naked and exposed in every way. It was a relief to shed her inhibitions and simply enjoy the moment.
Without really thinking about what she was doing, Gwen let her fingers trace a path from the plum-ripe crown, down the length of him. Her exploring hand cupped and marveled over the heat emanating from his engorged flesh.
She heard Blake suck in his breath. A low, almost inaudible groan drew her gaze up to his face. “Damn,” he gritted, body trembling from the intimate contact. “Keep that up and I won’t last long at all.” His voice was taut, as ragged as his respiration.
A tingle burned all the way down her spine. Though she’d fooled around at various times with past boyfriends, she’d never stripped down to the skin and gotten in bed with a naked man. Her experience was limited to exploration without actual nudity or penetration. She had a feeling she was in for a treat.
“Don’t lose it,” she countered breathlessly. “I want all of you.”
Blake stroked her hip. “We’re going to have to take it slow.” He moaned softly as her hand made another leisurely trek. “Really slow.”
“I can handle slow.” She nipped his lower lip with her teeth.
Blake shuddered. “And I’m about to show you everything I’ve been fantasizing about doing to you.”
Threading his fingers through her damp hair, he brought her face within an inch of his. Their kiss started out slow, but didn’t remain that way. Desire had built between them since they’d first met, and need was too urgent to contain.
Sensation took over.
Hand slipping down to the curve of her hip, Blake’s grip tightened. His chest felt like a rock wall. The solid ridge below his waist grew harder, its pulse more insistent.
As their lips parted, Gwen exhaled the breath she hadn’t been aware she was holding. “I can’t believe this is happening.”
Blake traced his fingers over her skin, following the thick lines of her scale pattern. Her fingers grazed his chest, ruffling through the thick patch of hair growing there. A lot of the men she saw on the beach were shaved down to bare skin. She liked that he kept things natural. He had a real man’s body.
Trailing his fingers down her side, his hand graced her left nipple. The little nub hardened, igniting a whirlwind of sensations deep inside her core. He rolled the tip between thumb and forefinger, gently tugging.
A soft moan slipped from Gwen’s lips. Her heart beat rapidly against her rib cage. “That feels so good,” she gasped.
“It’s about to feel better.”
Lowering his head, Blake drew the quivering peak into his mouth. His tongue painted the tip, circle after damp circle. A soft moan slipped over her lips. To her surprise, her nipple tingled under the roughness of his tongue. Her lower body arched against his, a silent plea for more. Her body quivered with pent-up tension.
Responding to her sounds of delight, Blake flicked and teased each nipple in its turn. At the same time he brushed the flat of his palm down her belly as he sought the softness between her thighs.
Gwen momentarily stiffened.
He sensed her hesitation. His hand froze. “Should I stop?”
She quickly shook her head. “I haven’t been with anyone in a long time,” she explained, hedging around the truth. “I might be a little, um, tight.”
Blake relaxed and resumed his exploration. “Tight is good.” He pressed a kiss to the tip of one tented nipple. “Relax.”
He slowly eased two fingers inside her slick depth. “You like that?” he whispered in a sultry tone.
Back arching, her hips lifted to join the tempo of his hand. “Mmmm . . . yes.” Hovering like a hummingbird in flight, all she could do was feel.
He grinned. “Then you’ll love this.”
Blake slipped lower, adding the soft pressure of his mouth. His fingers moved in and out as his talented tongue worked at her most sensitive flesh.
Gwen’s hips jerked upward, the beginning of a grinding, rocking motion that was sweeter than it was hurried, more paced than it was furious. With every gliding thrust, Blake’s fingers delved farther into her depth. The friction was almost too much to take.
Tremors engulfed her, minute shivers that gradually became frantic convulsions. The agony was so prolonged, so exquisite that Gwen wanted to cry out for harder, faster thrusts.
Just as she was about to climax, Blake slowed the pace.
The moment slipped through her fingers, taking pleasure with it. “Damn,” she moaned.
Blake laughed low in the back of his throat. “Take it easy. Give me a minute and I’ll make it feel even better.”
Reaching over the edge of the bed, he snagged his discarded slacks and fished out his wallet. Opening it, he produced a foil-wrapped packet. Blake tore open the foil with his teeth. “Being prepared doesn’t hurt anyone.” He extracted the rubber and rolled it down the length of his shaft with a practiced hand.
He stretched out over her, supporting his weight on his outstretched arms. His hips sank between her thighs.
Gwen’s hands slipped over his shoulders, down his back. She knew he was letting her get used to his weight, his length and size. “I want you, Gwen,” he whispered. There was a slight hesitation. “But only if you want me.”
She pulled him closer. “I want you, too,” she murmured against his lips.
Unable to restrain himself another minute, Blake thrust into her. Gwen arched with pleasure and agony, unleashing a startled cry into the air. Her nails dug into his flesh. She bit her lip, fighting the urge to moan.
Between them they began a sweet rhythm that steadily grew more frenzied and eager. Her initial pain faded into something far different, something delicious. Heat leaped and flickered inside her, burning all her nerves to cinders.
Gwen’s trembling hands instinctively slid lower, cupping his firm ass. “More.” Her gasped sobs of pleasure mingled with his own rasping breath.
Rocking up against him, she allowed him even fuller and deeper access. With every plunge of his hips, Blake went farther inside her. The crescendo of climax came without warning, sweeping both of them away.
Body shuddering with release, Blake growled a rough sound in the curve of her neck. His hips slammed into hers a final time, triggering her release.
Tossed through one shimmering wave of ecstasy after another, Gwen writhed beneath his weight. She cried out with wonder, glorifying in complete and total fulfillment.
Even after their bodies collapsed, the pressure of his weight continued to send tiny little spirals of sensation whirling through her core.
Gwen wrapped her arms around his waist. She doubted she would ever breathe normally again. “I don’t want this night to ever end,” she murmured into his ear.
Shifting his weight, Blake rode on his elbows and stared down at her face. A grin parted his lips. “Oh, trust me,” he said impishly. “I’m just getting started.”
Gwen tightened her grip. “Oh, trust me,” she countered with more than a little delight. “That’s the best thing I’ve heard since this entire mess began.”
Chapter 14
lake awoke to the sunshine filtering in through the blinds covering the windows. Brow wrinkling in confusion, he glanced around the unfamiliar surroundings. It took him more than a few seconds to remember where he was.
And who he was with.
He glanced over to the other side of the bed. Gwen lay curled in a ball, her arms wrapped securely around a pillow. Strands of red hair were spread out around her head like a fiery halo. Eyes closed in sleep, her breath winnowed softly through her lips.
It had been years since he’d woken up with another person in his bed. He’d gotten so used to living and sleeping alone that getting up with someone else lying beside him was almost scary. Living alone meant he didn’t have to worry if he left the toilet seat up or a pile of newspapers scattered across the couch. An avowed grouch, he didn’t even want to hear the sounds of another human being’s voice before he’d had at least two cups of coffee when he first woke up.
Glancing at Gwen, Blake felt his throat tighten. Damn. She looked so gorgeous lying there.
You are one hell of a lucky man
He blinked. Now where had that idea come from?
He wasn’t quite sure. But one thing was for certain. Every move of his muscles reminded him about last night’s vigorous exertions.
He had to admit he felt good. Great sex, good sleep, waking up beside a beautiful woman. What more could a man ask for?
Rolling over onto his side, Blake had to resist the urge to reach out and touch her. Exhausted in the aftermath, he didn’t even remember falling asleep. Blurry images wafted across his mind’s eye, entertaining him with glimpses of their recent lovemaking. They’d gone after each other like two teenagers, barely taking the time to breathe before attacking each other again. Gwen had been insatiable, begging, urging, pleading for more. He’d delivered until every last reserve of his strength had been depleted. He’d done his best to be a generous and giving lover, making sure her wants and needs were well satisfied.
Francis Fletcher had better have a medal tucked away with his name on it. He’d gone over and above the call of duty and service to his country.
Trouble is, last night didn’t feel like work. It felt like pleasure. It felt personal. Somehow his needs as a man had gotten between his duty as an agent. Heart beating faster, he suddenly felt nauseous. His skin felt all prickly, his mouth as dry as cotton.
He should have gotten up and gone home last night. Waking up in bed with Gwen had only sealed the deal. He wanted to wake up with her beside him every day.
Somehow it just felt right.
Not that he could let anyone know. If his superiors felt he’d become compromised in any way, they’d pull him off the assignment in a heartbeat. That would mean being separated from Gwen.
He’d have to tread carefully. The line between exploiting the Mer and protecting them was a very thin one, indeed. Technically he was supposed to be on the side of the government. Morally, though, he wasn’t so sure. Did the government have the right to invade the lives and suppress the rights of those society would view as strange—or alien?
Someone had to watch out for the Mer.
And he’d be the man who took the job. Whether he wanted it or not, the responsibility had dropped in his lap.
He reached out, laying a gentle hand against Gwen’s bare arm.
If anyone harms her or her family
. . .
There would be hell to pay.
His touch woke Gwen.
BOOK: Siren's Surrender
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