Siren's Song: The Gray Court, Book 5 (12 page)

Read Siren's Song: The Gray Court, Book 5 Online

Authors: Dana Marie Bell

Tags: #fae;faery

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When he found out, his Hob would shit kittens, as Jaden was fond of saying.

Michaela swayed as she stood up, prompting Robin to grab hold of her. “I’m fine.”

“You say that, yet you are not.” Robin settled back down, tugging Michaela into his lap.

Michaela squirmed until she was comfortable, settling her head against Robin’s shoulder with a sigh. “She was healing on her own. I just had to remind her where her own song was.”

Robin eyed him over the top of Michaela’s head. The baffled expression on Robin’s face that only Michaela seemed to elicit amused the hell out of Oberon. “Do you understand a word she’s saying? Because I must admit, I’m lost.”

Oberon nodded. “It makes perfect sense.”

The Hob shrugged, but the green in his eyes had faded away now that his bondmate was snuggled close to him. Michaela had a calming effect on Robin. “If you say so.” He glanced toward Cassie, who stirred, rolling over onto her side. She cupped her cheek with a sigh and settled back down. “Perhaps we should take this into another room, lest we disturb Cassie’s rest.”

Michaela nodded. “She’ll need to sleep for a while longer, but she’s going to be fine.”

“Let’s adjourn to my study, then.” It was Oberon’s favorite room, where he did the quiet, day-to-day work of running the court. “We can have a quiet drink and—”

“No.” Robin stood, Michaela in his arms. Oberon would bet it was something Robin did often from the way she rolled her eyes but didn’t struggle. “We haven’t gone through the decanters in your study yet. In truth, Michaela and I have not had a meal here since you disappeared.”

She grinned. “Paris was lovely, but I think I liked Venice best.”

“Did you,
amore mio

Michaela put her finger over Robin’s lips, her cheeks blushing bright red as Robin kissed her fingertip. “Not now, dear. We have company.”

Oberon shook his head. “You two are disgustingly adorable.”

Michaela giggled as Robin carried her out of the room.

Instead of the study, Robin led them into the dressing room right off of Oberon’s bedroom. Inside, Harold, his brownie majordomo, stood holding a tray of food. The brownie had tears in his eyes as he laid everything out on the coffee table where Oberon often took his morning meal. “It’s good to have you back, sire.”

“It’s good to be back, Harold.”

Robin placed Michaela on the sofa. “Did you follow my instructions?”

“Yes, your highness.”

Robin winced. “Please, Harold.”

Harold cleared his throat, his amusement at Robin’s discomfort obvious. “Yes, your highness.”

Robin snarled, but settled next to Michaela.

Harold turned to Oberon. “I prepared everything on the tray myself, sire. I give you my word it’s safe for you to consume.”

The tinge of magic in Harold’s voice made it a vow Oberon could trust. “Thank you, Harold.”

“Wait.” Michaela nodded toward a chair. “Harold, can you join us? You know the staff that comes in and out of here better than we do. You might have some insight as to how Oberon was poisoned.”

“Poisoned?” Harold took the seat Michaela indicated, his expression grim. “Sire, you were poisoned?”

“According to my bondmate, yes.”

The majordomo straightened. “Bondmate?” He said it in a near whisper, his gaze darting toward the bedroom door. “Then Princess Cassandra is…”

“My truebond, yes.” Oberon wasn’t going to hide Cassie from anyone. The courts would get the official announcement soon enough, and it would fall on Harold’s shoulders to organize the formal bonding ceremony and ball.

Harold muttered something that sounded suspiciously like thanks or a prayer, or perhaps both. “I’m happy for you both, sire.”

“Thank you.”

“Do you wish me to send the announcements to Atlantis and Pacifica, sire?” Harold pulled out a notebook.

“Do it. A truebond trumps an arranged marriage, so there should be little resistance on either side.” Although that wasn’t always the case. The Malmayne clan, once White Court, had objected to Leo Dunne’s truebond with a mortal woman, Ruby. They’d made such a pain of themselves they’d resorted to kidnapping, attempted murder and torture, and eventually had become Black Court. The few who had not chosen to follow their clan were now loyal to the Gray, and led by Tristan Malmayne. “We’ll have to invite representatives from both courts for the formal bonding ceremony as well.” With luck, both courts would drop the issue or arrange for a different bonding. Cassie had sisters who could fulfill the contract now that she’d truebonded with him, and the cachet of having one of their daughters becoming the Lady of the Gray should appease Atlantis.

“A suitable gift should be arranged for both courts as well.” Harold scribbled some notes. “Something like a bride price, as neither court chose to back away from their contract.”

“Considering how angry both courts have been over Cassie’s disappearance, that might not be a bad idea.” Robin poured them all some tea, handing the first cup to Michaela.

“Perhaps I should discuss it with Shane.” Oberon accepted a cup from Robin, sipping carefully at the hot beverage. “He might be willing to sculpt something for us.”

“If so, he might be working on it even as we speak.” Robin smirked. “I do enjoy my time spent with that boy.”

“He is interesting, I will grant you that.” Oberon placed his cup back down and picked up one of the dainty croissants. “But now, on to more important matters. Harold?”

“Yes, sire?”

Oberon smiled, aware from Harold’s shiver exactly how cold it was. “Tell me who you suspect among my staff.”

Harold gulped. “Ah. Yes.” He took a deep breath. “There are three who linger in my mind. Your valet, your personal assistant and the cook herself. Your valet has access to the entire palace, as does your personal assistant. As for the cook…” Harold shrugged. “If your food was poisoned, who would be in a better position to do so than her?”

His words made sense. “Robin?”

Robin nodded, vanishing from sight, no doubt to investigate the three named by Harold as suspect.

Michaela stood. “I should head to our rooms. Robin will look for me there.” She yawned. “Besides, I need a nap after taking care of Cassie.”

“Thank you.” Oberon stood as well, offering Michaela a small bow.

“You’re welcome.” She strode toward the door, her step missing its usual bounce. “If you need me, you know where to find me.” Lady Goodfellow walked out the door, yawning once more.

“Will that be all, sire?” Harold stood as well, tucking his notebook back into his vest pocket.

“Yes, thank you. When Cassie wakes, I’ll ring for you.”

“I’ll be waiting, sire.” Harold saw himself out, closing the door softly behind him.

Oberon went back into the bedroom, food forgotten, and curled around his sleeping bondmate.

Chapter Eleven

Cassie shifted. Every atom in her body ached, even her toenails.


She opened her eyes, surprised to see the pale blue ceiling instead of dark water. When had that happened? The last thing she remembered was singing to the High King under the waves. She’d freed him from the bonds of the dark poison, and then…

And then…


She took a deep breath and tried to assess the damage. Something had happened, something profound that had changed the timbre of her song. But what?

“Don’t try to move, my dear. You’ve given us quite the scare.”

She turned her head and instantly regretted it. “Owie.”

Robin Goodfellow laughed softly. “Owie indeed. Perhaps one should think before, as my mate so eloquently put it, trying to drink from the fire hose?”

Sticking her tongue out hurt like hell but was worth it. “Oberon?”

“Reinstated to his rightful place, as I suspect Shane Dunne had planned on.” He frowned. “My son has yet to call and inform me of exactly why Shane and Jaden kept the High King away.”

“Keep him safe.” It was all she could do to form the words.

“I suspected as much.” Robin brushed her hair off her forehead. “Michaela will be in soon to help ease your pain.”

“Glad she made it.” She swallowed, the pain of speaking becoming sharper the more she tried.

“So am I.” Robin’s eyes flashed bright green. “Your bondmate comes.”

Cassie blinked. “When?”

“Now.” Robin winked as Cassie heard a door open.


Oberon’s voice shivered through her, resonating deep inside her.


Oh, shit.

They were truebound. She remembered now. She’d sung his song, accidentally taking him inside her, forcing him to save her by singing her song back to her. They’d bonded in the way of the merfolk, twining their lives together for all eternity.

She was so screwed, and not in the happy fun-time way, either.

A weight settled on the bed next to her. With great difficulty Cassie turned enough so she could look up at Oberon, who leaned over her with an anxious expression. “Good. You’re awake.” He looked almost relieved. “You’ve been out for a couple of days. We were starting to get worried.”


“Hush.” His finger rested against her lips, and she had the strongest urge to stick out her tongue and taste it. “The bonding was strong. It’s to be expected.”

She noticed
hadn’t passed out.

He must have seen something of her thoughts in her expression, because he chuckled. “I’m much older than you,
a thaisce
. The bonding was rougher on you than on me.”

That wasn’t the only reason and he damn well knew it.

“Did… Did you

Robin’s astonished tone almost made her want to look at him, but movement was beyond her.

Oberon glanced over at the Hob with an amused expression. “And what if I did, my Hob?”

“Then I owe my new queen far more than my loyalty.” The love Robin had for Oberon was clear in his voice.



Cassie groaned. Of course. When you bonded with a king, you became his queen. And a truebond with the High King would make Cassie High Queen.

Her parents were going to love this.

“We’ve sent announcements to both Pacifica and Atlantis, informing them of your truebond with Oberon.” Robin’s amused voice floated over her. He was well aware of how she felt about the arranged marriage her parents had set up. Hell, he’d helped hide her for two months.

“Wonderful.” Her voice was a croaking whisper, barely audible.

Oberon glanced over at Robin. “Can you get her some water?”

“Of course.” She could hear the sound of water flowing.

Oberon helped her sit partially up, carefully holding the glass to her lips. “Not too much, now.”

She grabbed hold of the glass and downed it in three gulps. She held it out to Robin, already feeling better. “More.”

Robin’s brows rose.

“Please?” She gave him her best puppy eyes, pouting for all she was worth.

“Michaela was concerned that too much too fast would make you sick.” Oberon plucked the glass from her hand. “We should wait and see if you hold that down.”

“I’m a siren, Oberon, a water nymph. Water will make me feel better, not worse.” The aches and pains that had dogged her since she woke up were already starting to fade, but it would take more of the life-giving fluid to bring her fully back.

He studied her for a few moments as if he doubted her words, but when she pushed herself to a full sitting position on her own, he held out the glass to Robin. “You heard the lady.”

Robin gave a little half bow and disappeared into what looked like a bathroom. She heard the fall of water once more, and her throat tightened.

Gods, she was thirsty. When was the last time she’d had something to drink?

“Shh.” Oberon’s arms wrapped around her waist. “He’ll bring it soon.”

Had she actually whimpered?

“Would it help to get you into a bath?” He chuckled as she made a whining noise. “Let’s go.”

Oberon stood and lifted her easily in his arms. “Robin, run a cool bath please.”

“Salted or not?”

“Salted, please.”

She relaxed in Oberon’s embrace. The two men seemed to know exactly what they were doing.

When she saw Oberon’s bathroom, she gasped. Vanities flanked them, beautiful granite countertops dark against the bright white porcelain of the sinks. The woodwork in the room was cherry, a bright, cheerful counterpoint to the dark countertops.

But what really grabbed her attention was the tub. Easily sized to hold two people, it stood alone under a huge window with a view of the mountains. Private and exposed at the same time, it gave a glorious view for anyone soaking in the huge tub to enjoy.

Robin stood over the tub, pouring salt into the water. He reached in and tasted, nodding in satisfaction. “Here you are, my lady.” He winked at Oberon. “I will leave you to the tender mercies of your bondmate.”

She gulped. She was so not ready to be alone with Oberon yet.

Oberon growled at Robin, who merely smiled before he disappeared.

Cassie whispered, “Is he really gone?”

“Yes, he’s really gone.” Oberon set her on the edge of the tub and began taking off the pajamas she hadn’t even realized she was wearing. When had he switched her clothes? “He knows I would never allow you to be seen naked by anyone other than myself.”

The possessive glint in Oberon’s gaze gave her some hope that perhaps he wasn’t as upset by their bond as she’d feared. Still, she felt compelled to apologize. “I’m sorry.” The last of the silken cloth fell to the floor, leaving her naked to his heated gaze.

“For what?” He lowered her into the water. “Drop your Seeming,
a thaisce

She obeyed, swishing her fin lazily in the water. She felt ten times better already, the water healing her as only her element could do. “For bonding you without your permission.”

His brows rose. “If I recall, I ordered you to sing with me. Does that mean that I, too, need to apologize?”

She ran her fingers over where her flesh slowly became scales, unable to meet his eyes. “I just…” She blew out a breath, wondering if they should even be having this conversation. But if she didn’t say it now, it would bother her for decades to come. “I am aware you did not wish for a bondmate.”

She winced. She’d slipped right back into the formal speech of the Atlantean court. She’d even straightened up, squaring her shoulders even though she couldn’t bring herself to look at him.

“Cassie.” His tone was gentle as he placed his finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “It’s true I didn’t want a bondmate, let alone a truebond.”

She nodded, why, she wasn’t sure. Agreeing with him, perhaps?

“But I’m not unhappy this happened.”

That…wasn’t what she’d expected to hear.

“We are truebound. I feel the pull just as you do.” He brushed her hair away from her face. “I can’t say that I will come to love you as you deserve. I don’t remember what that feels like, not entirely. But I do promise I will do my best to make this a good bonding for both of us.”

She had to make the offer, even if it killed her. “You broke a bond once. It could be done again.”

His eyes darkened to gunmetal grey. His skin began to sparkle, his ears becoming pointed. His hair shone with strands of metallic silver as it grew until it puddled on the floor. “No.” His voice echoed through the room with quiet power, a magical vow that shivered through her, binding them even more tightly together. He grabbed her chin, his grip almost painful. “I will not let you go.”


He silenced her, taking her mouth in a kiss that touched her down to her soul.

“I will never let you go.” How dare she even suggest it? Was he so easily dismissed, left behind by the women who should have been his other half?


Never again.

Her dazed expression barely registered as he took her mouth once more, doing his best to imprint himself on her until she finally got the message.

The gods had given Cassie to him. He would be damned if she broke them apart.

In between kisses he removed his clothing. The song inside him trilled, and he realized something he hadn’t before. While they were bound in the way of her people, they were not in the way of his. Perhaps that was why she was still so unsure of him, of his level of commitment.

From his reactions to her, he had no doubts that she would come to mean far more to him than Titannia ever had. If she left, tried to break their bond, it would literally destroy him. What was left of his heart would go with her. At that point he might as well turn himself over to Titannia, because unless Robin destroyed him he would become the monster Shane saw in him, with or without the fangs.

So he would bind her to him, claim her as only a Tuatha Dè could, wind them so tightly together she couldn’t leave even if she wished.

If that made him a villain, then so be it. Losing Cassie was not an option.

He managed to get into the tub with her without breaking the kiss. The silky feel of her scales rubbed against his legs, brushed against his cock, making him moan with pleasure.

Her tail split, became legs once more. Delicate scales still decorated the long length of them as she wrapped them around his waist, pulling him closer to her.

He gazed down at his truebond, smiling slightly at her heated expression. Her Seeming was still down. Her aqua hair darkened where it hit the water. Her eyes, huge and glistening, shone with desire. She’d taken on that soft aqua glow she’d had beneath the waves, giving her an otherworldly beauty that stunned him.

She was his. This gorgeous, exotic creature was
, and he would treasure her for the rest of his existence.

The tips of her breasts were the same aqua as her hair, tempting him to see if they tasted sweet or salty. Faint, pearly scales highlighted the round globes, shining with that faint aqua light. He cupped one, smiling at how warm Cassie was, even in the cool water of the bath.


Her breathless voice shivered through him, a sing-song tone that trilled at the end as her siren nature took over. He would make his mermaid sing, hear that glorious voice as he rode her and claimed her.

He could feel his own light bursting from his skin, startling his bondmate. She jumped beneath him as their light combined, his lending a silvery hue to her aqua.

Good. His power had accepted hers, mingled with it easily. Perhaps the merfolk bonding eased the way, or the gods had granted him another gift. He neither knew, nor cared. All that mattered was that Cassie, for good or ill, would be his in every way possible.

She moaned as his power brushed through hers, the sound inflaming his senses. She pushed up until she was sitting, forcing him to kneel in front of her or be knocked over.

Cassie surprised him by leaning forward, kissing and nipping the side of his neck. He shuddered as she found a particularly sensitive spot, the sensation shooting straight down to his cock.

She hummed, a fragment of song that resonated within their shared light, causing it to undulate like the northern lights, joyfully dancing to the siren’s song.

He cupped her shoulders and gently pushed her back, giving him access to her breasts. He finally got to taste, finding her both salty and sweet. The faint scales did not cover the tips, her nipples soft and supple on his tongue.

Cassie arched her back, her hum becoming a wordless song filled with pleasure. Her hands flexed on his shoulders, digging the nails in.

She drew blood, but he didn’t care. He would bear her marks proudly as a sign of her passion.

He lifted her, careful of the slippery tub, and placed her on the edge, her back against the window. He spread her legs, eager to taste his bondmate for the first time.

The moment his tongue touched her clit the song rose, overwhelming every other sound. Her head fell back, her eyes closing as she continued to hum her wordless melody. She clutched the side of the tube as he pleasured her, sliding a finger into her.

He was determined to make her come at least once before he took her.

He continued to taste her, gliding his tongue over her clit in measured strokes. Her pussy tightened around his finger, her impending orgasm sending the song soaring.

She gasped, the song stilling as her body went taut, the pleasure glowing from her as her light brightened. Then the song erupted from her, seeming to pour from her very skin, bouncing off the tile and echoing through the bathroom.

His bondmate was beautiful when she came.

He continued to stroke her clit, gently now as she squirmed and shivered above him. She was sensitive to the touch, her song hitching once or twice as he kept the passion alive.

It didn’t take long to get his mate to move with pleasure once more. She spread her legs further apart, giving him ample room to play.

Oberon shifted, his cock achingly hard as he played with his mate.

“Please.” She was trembling, clutching at him with unsteady hands. “Inside me. Please.”

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