Read Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar Online

Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #Adult, #Contemporary, #Anthologies

Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar (31 page)

BOOK: Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar
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He chuckled.
“I’m a required accessory for your gift. Ever heard of a tantric chair?”

“Uh, no.”

A doorman
interrupted when he greeted them at the entrance with hearty congratulations. Sed nodded at him in thanks and then stepped onto the waiting elevator with Jessica still in his arms. The doorman helped Sed press the button to the top floor and offered them a knowing wink and a thumbs-up before the elevator doors slid shut. Normally Jessica wouldn’t have let Sed carry her like this, but it seemed to make him content. And she loved that his dimples were showing, framing the perma-grin on his handsome face.

When the
elevator doors closed, Jessica asked, “So what’s a tantric chair?”

“A surprise.”

“Is it what you’ve been teasing me about all day? You know I don’t like surprises.”

“You like surprises that make you come,” he said,
nuzzling her ear, his warm breath sending shivers of delight down her neck. “And both of these surprises should do the trick.”

He wasn’t wrong about her favorite kind of surprise.
She was going to google tantric chair the first opportunity she got however.

The elevator opened on the top floor
, and he carried her to one of two shiny red doors. There was a pair of sprawling two-story penthouses in the building and one of them belonged to Sed. The other was rarely used by its wealthy European owners, who only spent a couple months out of the year there. Good thing, because occasionally Sed and Jessica didn’t quite make it all the way into their condo before succumbing to their insatiable lust for one another.

“Can you get the lock?” Sed asked, holding her next to the numbered keypad.

She punched in the code, and he balanced her precariously as he opened the door and carried her across the threshold. “Welcome home, Mrs. Lionheart,” he said. Then he claimed her mouth in a deep kiss.

He kicked the door shut and set her on her feet, sending her spinning in a dizzying twirl so he could unzip her dress and let it drop to the floor.

“I still have sand everywhere,” she said.

He made an unintelligible sound in the back of his throat.
Apart from her partially loosened white corset and the kitten heels she’d rescued from the beach, she was naked. She glanced over her shoulder to find him staring at the lacings down her back and the cheeks of her ass, as if he was seeing her in a state of undress for the first time.

“Do you like?” she asked, doing the slow seductive stripper walk she’d perfected for the runway as she headed for the stairs and a much needed shower.

“Mercy, baby,” he growled. “Show me the front.”

She climbed the first step
, pretending to ignore him as she threaded her fingers through her long tangled hair. She doubted she was doing a very good job of seducing him in her current state of disrepair.

“Jessica,” he
said, his voice harsh and raw.

She turned on the stairs to look down at him, her full breasts on display above the corset. Her nipples were
as hard as diamonds. Surely he must be able to tell how turned on she was by his attention.

“Yes, Sed?” she asked, tilting her head coquettishly
, knowing it made his motor run.

“I can’t decide if you look better coming or going,” he said.

“I assure you I look better coming,” she said, grinning. “Wanna help me with that?”

She continued up the stairs slowly. Taking her time to tease. To lure. He stumbled up the stairs after her, catching her on the top landing with both hands on her chest and his cock planted firmly against her ass. God, how her breasts ached as he massaged her nipples. If sex was always this good while pregnant, she’d gladly carry all eight of the kids Sed claimed to want. She rubbed her ass against him, needing him hard, needing him to fill her.

“We’ll have to multitask,” he said, using her boobs like steering wheels and her ass like an accelerator to propel her toward the bathroom. “It’s important that we aren’t late for our evening rendezvous.”

Which would be…”

“A secret.”

She sighed. “Of course.”

In the bathroom, he turned on the shower and stepped away to look at her front in the mirror and her back right before his eyes. As she examined herself in the mirror—ignoring the rats nest she usually called hair—she had to admit
that even though the corset wasn’t cinched tightly, it did amazing things for her body.

“Is that thing waterproof?” he asked, tugging her toward the shower.

“I doubt it. And I wouldn’t want to ruin it. I know how much work Aggie puts into these things. Unlace me, please.”

He struggled with the lacings. Apparently her neat bow had become a not-so-neat knot at some point. By the time he freed her, he was really hurrying her along. “I don’t think we have time to fool around,” he said, shedding his clothes as quickly as he could and leaving them in a pile on the floor.

“There’s always time to fool around, Mr. Lionheart. You just need to learn the place of a quickie.”

“Quickie? What’s that?”

“You owe me an orgasm for the one I gave you in the limo. Remember?”

“I would never forget that.”

She stepped into the shower, and he followed. She turned to put her head under the stream of water and gasped in surprise when Sed sank to his knees, grasped her ass in both hands, and pulled her pussy to his face. His tongue darted in and out of her cleft, working her clit with thought-shattering speed and friction. She moaned in approval and clung to his head. She watched the water coursing down her breasts and belly and over the lips caressing her aching mound. She could get used to the look of him at her feet, wet and naked. Pleasing her. God, how he pleased her. Her breath hitched as his mouth pulled her higher, higher until she shattered with a loud cry of release. He licked her gently to bring her down slowly before patting her bare ass and climbing to his feet.

“Now we’re even,” he said and turned on the second shower head, so they didn’t have to fight for water.

He jumped as water sprayed him in the chest. “Damn, that’s cold, but I suppose a cold shower is in order.”

gazed at his rigid cock with appreciation. She knew that erection right there would probably get her through ten earth-shattering orgasms before he found release again, but apparently they were in a hurry. Tomorrow was another day. And she didn’t really mind that
was not in the man’s vocabulary.

They hurried through their showers
, and he did allow her to blow dry her hair while he dressed, but claimed they didn’t have time for her to apply any make-up other than lip gloss since they were already running late.

“You don’t need any
make-up,” he assured her. “I’ll be crushed if we miss our reservation time.”

And she didn’t want to crush him.

“Ah, so we’re going to dinner,” she said. Hopefully at a restaurant with very private booths so she could play with him beneath the table without prying eyes turned their way.

“Dinner will be included,” he said.

She hurried into the walk-in closet—which was bigger than her bedroom had been in the apartment she’d shared with Beth in law school. She shimmied into her panties and bra.

When she turned, Sed lifted a hanger from the rack and held a sexy black dress out to her. “Wear this for me?”

She knew what it meant when he wanted her to wear a skirt in public. Her nipples grew hard in anticipation of what was to come, even if she wasn’t exactly sure what was coming. Actually, she was sure what would be coming.
be coming. She just didn’t know how or when or even where.

“Will you be wearing your leather trench coat?” she asked.

“It’s in the car.”

Chapter Seven

Jessica watched the countryside speed by through the windshield of Sed’s car.

“Where are we going?” she asked for the tenth time. Did restaurants even exist out here in the middle of nowhere?

“You’ll see,” Sed said, downshifting to
ease the Mercedes around a hairpin turn. “We’re almost there.”

tired all of a sudden,” she admitted, making a conscious effort not to yawn. “It’s been a long day.”

He reached across the car and
fingered her hair. “So take a little nap. You’ll want to be awake for my surprise.”

She leaned back against the comfortable leather seat, blinking drowsily as they headed farther and farther out in
to the middle of nowhere. The next thing she knew, Sed was shaking her shoulder.

“We’re here,” he said.

She opened her eyes and sat bolt upright in her seat, her eyes wide with wonder. In a field, a colorful hot air balloon waited, tethered to the ground with ropes.

“Sed?” she said, for lack of anything more profound.

“We’ll have dinner and bubbly floating high above the earth. And where it leads from there…” He shrugged.

“Can we do it in there?” she
whispered, her heart thudding with anticipation.

He chuckled. “We can try.
That was my plan.”

She grabbed him around the neck and pulled him close so she could kiss him. “I love you,” she said against his lips. “Did I ever tell you I’ve always wanted to make love in a hot air balloon on my wedding night?”

“Uh, no. I don’t think so.”

“That’s probably because I didn’t realize
I wanted it until just now. Sometimes I think you know me better than I know myself.”

He laughed and kissed her deeply.
“You like to have sex in unusual places. It’s not a mystery, only a challenge to figure out the best spots.”

Antsy, she unfastened her seat
belt and opened the car door. “Hurry,” she said. “I can’t wait.”

She fled the car, approaching the balloon in the valley using a half-run/half-skipping gait that made her feel
utterly buoyant. Sed quickly caught up with her and took her hand in his.

“Good surprise, huh?” he asked, his voice deep and gruff.

“Great surprise!” she said. “It’s so beautiful!”

The balloon was a bright blue with yellow stars and
a curved quarter-moon decorating the fabric. The flame beneath the giant sphere glowed bright in the waning light as a man inside the basket pulled a cord and sent fire shooting up into the neck of the balloon.

“I was starting to think you weren’t coming,”
he yelled in greeting.

“Sorry we’re late,” Sed called. “We had a hard time getting away from the reception.”

“Congratulations on your marriage,” the man said.

“Thanks. As far as wives go, I think I did all right,” Sed said.

Jessica elbowed him in the ribs.

Standing beside the basket, Jessica stared up at the enormous balloon, her mouth agape with wonder. She’d seen hot air balloons in the sky before, but never up close. She couldn’t believe how big it was. “Wow,” she said.

“I’m Gary Bastion. I’ll be flying our craft this evening.”

“It’s so big!” Jessica said.

“That’s what she said,” Sed quipped under his breath.

“First time?” Gary asked.

“Oh no, she hasn’t been a virgin for a while,” Sed said.

Jessica elbowed him in the ribs
again. “It’s my first time in an air balloon,” she said.

“You’re in for a treat,” Gary said. “
You’re lucky the storm passed early.”

“Lucky, he says,” Sed murmured.

“We do have a few things to go over before we can lift off, but we need to hurry.”

Jessica and Sed listened to his
safety spiel. They even practiced the tuck and kneel position they were supposed to assume should they be in for a rare rough landing.

“Careful,” Sed said as Jessica flattened herself face down on the ground. “You’ll squash little Sed.”

“Is she pregnant?” Gary asked.

“Yeah. We sort of started our family early,” Sed
said, giving Jess’s belly an affectionate rub. “Couldn’t wait for the honeymoon.”

“How far along are you?”

Jessica looked up into Gary’s concerned face.

“About ten weeks
,” she said. “Why?”

“We don’t allow women in their third trimester to fly at all,” he said. “There’s always a slight danger of a rough landing
, one that could trigger early labor.”

“Should we cancel?” Sed
asked, a mixture of concern and disappointment on his face.

“I’ll leave that up to you. I’ve never had a rough landing—though there’s a first time for everything—and she’s not close to giving birth or anything. Have you had any complications with your pregnancy?”

“No,” she said. “None.”

Gary nodded, but his expression was serious. “The chances are slim that there will be any issues with the landing, but there’s always a chance.”

Sed looked to Jessica and squeezed her hand. She really wanted to ride in the balloon and she was far from her third trimester. How rough could a balloon landing possibly be? She couldn’t imagine it being too extreme.

“I really want to go,” Jessica said. “You went to all this trouble to arrange it and the danger is slight. It is slight
, isn’t it?” she asked Gary.

“Almost nonexistent.”

She nodded at Sed. “Let’s do it.”

“If you’re sure,” Sed said. “I won’t be upset if you’re worried and want to cancel.”

“I don’t want to cancel. I’m not worried at all.”

Sed smiled and nodded. “
Everything will be fine.”

“All right,” Gary said. “Climb aboard.”

Sed helped Jessica climb the ladder, and Gary gave her a hand over the edge of the basket and inside. Sed was soon standing beside her looking up at the balloon with as much wonder in his expression as she felt.

“Give me a minute to talk to Gary man-to-man,” Sed whispered in her ear. She had a feeling he’d let his wallet do most of the talking, but she did want to make love to her husband floating high above the earth. She hoped Gary was accommodating. Sed
and his wallet could be very persuasive.

Jessica leaned over the basket and noticed a woman sitting in the grass near one of the tethers.
Jessica waved at her and got an enthusiastic wave in return. A cool wind rustled though Jessica’s hair, and she rubbed her hands over her upper arms, wishing she’d thought to bring a sweater. But how was she supposed to have known that she’d need one when Sed refused to tell her his plans for that evening? A warm, hard body pressed against her side, and Sed wrapped an arm around her lower back.

“Cold?” he murmured into her ear.

“A little,” she admitted, but that wasn’t why she was shivering. It had been a very long day and she very much needed to get lost in her man’s arms. “Well? What did Gary say?”

“He doesn’t allow that sort of thing to go on in his balloon while he’s watching.”

“Oh,” Jessica said, her voice flat with disappointment.

“But for a couple thousand dollars, he promised to look the other way.”

With his sensual mouth, he caressed the skin just below her ear—nibbling, licking, suckling that delicious spot until her knees went weak and she groaned.

He stepped away. “Dinner first,” he said. “Then dessert.”

“I want dessert now, “Jessica said.

He captured her mouth in a heated kiss. Her entire body thrummed with pent
-up sexual energy as she kissed him desperately.

He tugged away and leaned close
to whisper in her ear, “I’m worth the wait.”

She was well aware of that, but spanked his ass for being
so full of himself.

He left her standing there and went to sit at a small rattan table next to one edge of the basket.

“Are you coming?” he asked, gesturing toward the seat across from him.

“Not yet, unfortunately,” she grumbled under her breath.

But the table built for two was inviting—though not quite as alluring as its occupant—so she rubbed the chill out of her bare arms and took her seat. The table felt a bit awkward. The seats were higher than a normal chair—more like tall beanbags than anything—and when she was seated, the table was very close to the tops of her thighs. She wondered at the strange configuration until she peered out over the edge of the basket and realized she’d be able to see out while they dined. That would explain why the cushions were high, but why was the table so low in comparison?

Gary came to stand near the table. “My wife is an excellent cook,” he said proudly. “She’s gone to retrieve your meals from the warmer in the SUV. Once the food is on
board, we’ll cast off, and she’ll follow us in the chase car. You’ll have to serve yourselves, I’m afraid. I’ll be keeping the balloon on course. And we have to land before it gets dark.”

“Why is the table so low?” Jessica asked.

“So your dinner doesn’t fly overboard and spook the vineyard grapes,” Gary said and then laughed.

“Oh,” she said, smiling. “That makes sense.”

“Is this your first dinner cruise?”

Nope. My wife proposed to me on a dinner cruise,” Sed said, nodding at Jessica. “But it was on a boat.”

proposed to you?” Gary’s eyebrows lifted comically.

“Yeah, she was a little desperate, I think.” Sed grunted when she kicked him in the shin.

“You’ve got it all wrong. I proposed to Pes, remember?” Jessica said.

Sed laughed. “He’s my evil twin.”

“Is that why you put this together?” Jessica asked. “Trying to one-up my proposal dinner?”

“Of course not. I wanted to give you a wedding night you’ll never forget.”

She reached across the table and took his hand. “You know what it does to me when you’re uncharacteristically sweet, don’t you?”

He wiggled his eyebrows at her. “I am well aware of that, Mrs. Lionheart. I might have a few ulterior motives here.”

“Boats are romantic,” Gary admitted with a shrug, “but I think your husband might have you beat with the hot air balloon. Not that I’m partial or anything.”

“We’ll see,” Jessica said. “If so, I’ll have to come up with something even more splendid to reclaim my title as biggest romantic fool.”

“Gary! A little help, please,” a woman’s voice said from the opposite side of the basket.

Gary went to help his wife load two lightweight Styrofoam coolers into the balloon.

Sed tilted his head at Jessica while they waited. “You look chilled.”

“I have a feeling it’s go
ing to be even colder once we take off,” she said.

“I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?”

“Patience, love,” he said with a grin.

Next thing she knew, Sed spoke a few words to Gary and was gone. She craned her neck to watch him jog across the field to the car. A moment later he was on his way back carrying his leather trench coat. Oh yeah, she knew what that meant. He only wore the trench coat when they were trying to keep their public liaisons as clandestine as possible.

Jessica looked up and smiled at Sed when he dropped the coat over her shoulders a few minutes later.

“Better?” he asked, placing a kiss on her temple.

She snuggled into the coat and inhaled the scent of leather and Sed—a heady combination. She felt instantly warmer, more than half of it due to anticipation, not the garment. “Yes
, thank you. I’m glad you remembered it was in the car.”

He took the seat across from her again
, and Gary’s wife approached the table. “You’ll have to serve yourself,” she said, “but everything that’s warm is in the cooler with the red tape and everything cold is in the blue-taped one.”

“What’s on the menu?” Jessica asked, leaning over to lift the lid of the red cooler. The lid slammed shut before she could get a look at or a sniff of the contents. Sed’s hand rested on the
cooler, blocking her inspection.

“Patience, baby,” he said.

“But I don’t have any patience,” Jessica said.

Gary’s wife opened the blue cooler and placed a plastic bucket of ice in the center of the table. Jessica wondered if everything in the balloon was kept light or soft to prevent injury. Either that or Gary and his wife were cheap.

Gary’s wife retrieved a bottle and forced it into the ice bucket, rattling and crunching ice as she pressed down.

“Utensils and glasses
for your toast are in the basket there,” she said, pointing behind Sed. “I think that should cover everything. Enjoy your evening. And congratulations on your marriage.” She glanced specifically at Jessica when she asked her next question. “Was this really all your husband’s idea?”

BOOK: Sinners On Tour 06 Sinners at the Altar
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