Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass (30 page)

BOOK: Sinners On Tour 01 Backstage Pass
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“Are you okay?” After much fumbling, he got the first cuff fastened. “Is it too tight?”

She shook her head. “Brian, I’m not sure about this.”

The fastening of the second cuff didn’t take him as long. “About what?”

“Being restrained.”

“I thought you trusted me.”

“I do.”

“And I thought you liked to try new things.”

“I do.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

She took a deep breath and released it slowly. “No problem.”

“Good.” He pecked her on the lips, then stood and pul ed her arms up over her head. He hooked the chain between her wrists to the chain Jace had suspended from the ceiling. Her knees touched the bed, but she couldn’t rest her buttocks on her heels. Brian jumped off the bed and stared at her.

“You look real y sexy.” He reached behind her head and released the clip holding her hair in a loose knot. The long strands were stil damp from her earlier shower and felt chil y against her bare shoulders and back. Brian careful y arranged a strand over her shoulder to encircle her breast. When his fingers brushed against her nipple, her hands, suspended far above her head, clenched.

Brian retrieved something from Jace’s open case and returned to her side to slide a thick, black mask over her eyes.

She twisted her head to the side trying to avoid being blindfolded. “Don’t.”

“Everything wil be okay.” His face disappeared from view as he slid the blindfold in place. “God, that looks sexy, too. I’m starting to think I’m going to enjoy this as much as you wil .”

Myrna wasn’t sure she was going to enjoy this at al . She didn’t like to feel helpless and that’s exactly how being restrained and blindfolded made her feel.

Next, he put something in her ears. The sound of Sinners music fil ed her head. He pul ed one of the ear buds out of her ear. “Is that too loud?”

“No. I like it loud.”

He kissed her lovingly. “I won’t hurt you.” He slapped her bare ass and she flinched. “Much.”

He put the ear bud back into her ear. She waited, her heart thudding with apprehension. What did he plan to do to her? She couldn’t see him or hear him or touch him. And she had glimpsed some of the instruments of torture in Jace’s case.

Something warm and damp draped across her shoulders and around her neck under her chin. The scent of Brian’s body assailed her. She groaned and burrowed her nose in his sweat-damp T-shirt. His fingers brushed against her lower back and her body jerked.

Deprived of sight, her other senses were heightened. His guitar playing had never sounded so exciting, his scent drove her to distraction, and the gentle brush of his fingers fired a hundred pleasure sensors in her skin. Knowing she couldn’t touch him made her want to touch him that much more. Maybe she was going to like this game after al .

Something brushed across the underside of her breast. Soft. Light. A feather? She concentrated on sensation, trying to understand what she felt. The feather brushed along her rib cage, down her bel y and then up the other side. She shuddered, a soft groan erupting from between her lips. Something clamped down hard on her nipple, bordering on pain, but definitely pleasurable.

Now the other nipple. Her body trembled as the gentle brush of the feather contrasted with the pinching pain centered at both nipples.


The pinching device on her left nipple was removed, leaving it tender and aroused. Brian soothed the ache with his lips and tongue. She groaned and tugged on the restraints above her head. “Please, the other now.”

He moved away and clamped her left nipple again. She gasped in frustration. Something cool and smooth moved across her back between her shoulder blades. A piece of fabric? Satin maybe. The smooth material moved down her spine and over her buttock. A sharp sting assaulted her other ass cheek. She cried out in surprise. He spanked her again. Not with his hand. She decided he had a paddle. She wondered how he was able to remove objects from the case so fast. She started to suspect they weren’t alone. But who?

“Jace?” she whispered suspiciously.

Brian moved behind her, the length of his body pressing against hers. She could feel his naked chest against her back and the rough fabric of his jeans against her buttocks. He pul ed an ear bud out of her ear. “It’s just me. Are you stil okay?”

“Yeah. This is exciting. Don’t stop yet.”

“I won’t until you tel me to.”

He replaced her ear bud and released her nipples from their harsh pinching. A few seconds later, something cold and wet brushed against both nipples. Water dripped down the underside of her breasts as the ice melted between his fingers and her skin.

He rubbed a frigid trail down her body, circling her navel and then moving further down. When he brushed the hot swol en flesh between her legs, she shuddered against him. He stimulated her clit only briefly before sliding the ice cube inside her vagina with his fingers. Her thighs clamped over his hand, holding it in place.

A moment later he spanked her with the paddle and, surprised, she released his hand. He left the ice inside her and backed away. Cool water dripped down her inner thigh as the ice melted. Something hot burned a trail over her lower back.

“Ah!” she gasped, twisting away from the heat. It was very hot but didn’t burn for long. The smel of paraffin alerted her to his current antics. A second splash of hot wax dripped over her thigh.

The bus rocked forward. They were on the road again. She wondered fleetingly if anyone had found her car, but lost the thought as another piece of ice trailed over her skin, beside the hardening wax on her thigh. Brian’s thumb touched her chin. When she opened her mouth, he put something on her tongue. A sweet square of chocolate melted in her mouth. She turned her head to inhale Brian’s scent on the T-shirt stil draped over her shoulders. One of Brian’s best solos now played in her ear.

She protested when he tugged the ear bud out of her ear again. She enjoyed being completely immersed in the man’s musical genius.

“Are your arms getting tired?” he asked, his low voice next to her ear. His breath stirred the fine hairs resting against her neck and she shuddered.

Actual y, she couldn’t feel her fingers, but she didn’t much care. “If I say yes, wil you stop?”

“Do you want me to stop?”

She shook her head vigorously. “Not at al .”

His soft chuckle caused goose bumps to rise on her skin. She was so aware of him that everything he did was a turn on.

“I was just going to take your arms down for a few minutes so you can rest them. I don’t plan on stopping until the sun comes up.”


He wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her to rise off her knees. The chain suspending her hands above her head came free.

“Lie on your bel y.”

Disoriented, she felt the mattress in front of her with her hands so she didn’t do a face plant off the end of the bed. When she was lying face down, he pul ed her right arm out to the side and fastened it down by the restraint cuff.

“I’m not going anywhere,” she said.

He secured her other arm, and then clamped something around her ankle. She tried to lift her leg, but could scarcely move it. He secured her other leg, so she lay spread eagle on her stomach without an inch of play in any of her restraints.

“Uh, Brian,” she said, her heart drumming with a mixture of excitement and fear. “I can’t move.”

“That’s the idea.” He returned the ear bud to her ear.

He left her like that for what seemed like an eon, her nerves suspended on a knife’s edge. She turned her face into his sweaty shirt, stil tangled around her neck. She breathed in his scent and wriggled her hips, squirming to try to al eviate the throbbing between her thighs. There was a sharp sting on her buttocks and she went stil , panting for no good reason.

The mattress sagged beside her. She could sense him near her left side even though he wasn’t touching her.

Something wet trickled down the center of her back.

She tensed.

He spanked her.

She gasped. Forced herself to relax.

His hands moved across her back to spread the liquid into her skin. The heels of his palms massaged her muscles while his fingers gently caressed her. He started at her shoulders and worked his way down slowly. When he reached her lower back, he straddled her thighs. She could feel the crinkly hairs of his legs brush the backs of hers. Was he naked? Did that mean he would take her soon? God, she hoped so. His hands moved lower, over her buttocks. After her spanking, his hands massaging her ass felt amazing. His thumbs brushed against her anus with each circular motion. She could feel the animal-like sounds coming from her throat, but she could scarcely hear them over the music.

She fought her arm restraints, straining towards him, lifting her hips off the bed as high as she could in the hopes that he’d penetrate her. Her muscles felt like warm butter, making the unrelenting ache between her thighs unbearable.

He stopped massaging her. The sting of the paddle on her soothed ass cheek was a total shock to her system. She couldn’t take any more of this.

“Please, Brian,” she sobbed. “Please take me. Please.”

He moved away. The mattress rose beneath her as he left the bed.

“No! Don’t leave me like this, you jerk!”

She fought her restraints until she exhausted herself and fel stil , breathing hard from her fruitless exertions. He returned to her then, sitting on the backs of her thighs. She could feel his rock hard cock resting against the crack of her ass. So it turned him on to torture her, did it? See if she ever let him fuck her again after this was over. Or better yet, she’d give him the same treatment and see how he liked it.

Probably not half as much as she did.

She groaned.

His hands trailed lightly over the skin of her back. From what she could decipher, he wore two different gloves. One hand was smooth as satin as it brushed over her skin, the other rougher, more like a loofah sponge. His dichotomous gloves moved rapidly over her back and sides. A much different stimulation than his soothing massage. Invigorating. Maddening. When his hands dipped under her body to caress her hipbones and bel y, she shuddered violently.

“Ah God, you’re driving me insane,” she said.

She felt his lips against her shoulder and then he began to rub his cock up and down the crack of her ass while he stroked her skin—smooth touch one side, rough on the other. She dug her toes into the mattress and rocked with him, wishing he’d stop teasing her and just thrust into her. She was so hot and wet, she knew she’d come the second he claimed her.

“Put it inside me,” she pleaded. “Just for a minute.”

He moved away again.

She growled in frustration. A moment later, islands of cold spotted across her back. Ice again. But this time he just set the little cubes in various locations and left them there to melt. He placed them down the backs of her thighs, knees and calves as wel , and then took a cube and ran it down the crack of her ass, rubbed it over her anus, around her vaginal opening, and final y her clit. He slid it inside her, pushing it deep with his finger. He repeated the treatment with a second ice cube, and a third. Those stil resting on her skin formed cool pools and dripped water down her sides and the center of her back. The ice inside of her was melting as wel and dripping cold liquid over her hot, swol en clit. He unexpectedly shifted between her legs and then fil ed her with one savage thrust.

She cried out. “Oh God yes, thank you,” she panted. “Thank you.”

He thrust into her more shal owly, once, twice, three times and then pul ed out. A gush of cold water bathed her aching genitals.

She shuddered. He thrust into her again and rested his face on her back, rubbing it against her as if trying to control himself. He pul ed out again and left the bed.

“Okay, Brian, we can finish now. Let me loose.”

She felt one arm restraint come loose from the bed and then the other. She rose up to her knees and reached for him. He surprised her by fastening her wrists together again and stretching them above her head to hook her to the ceiling.

“I said let me loose. You promised you would if I asked.”

He put something minty in her mouth and then pul ed the blindfold up to her forehead. She blinked against the bright light in the room. She’d had no idea every light in the room was on. When her eyes adjusted, she decided she might climax from just looking at him in his present condition. His eyes were glazed, hair sticking to the side of his face with sweat. He knelt in front of her on the bed, his engorged cock jutting out between them. She spread her legs as much as she could, seeing as they were stil restrained to the bed at the ankle. She wrapped her hands around the chain and pul ed her knees off the bed. This would be an exciting position. She couldn’t wait for him to thrust up inside her.

He fil ed the palm of his hand with oil and rubbed it over his cock from base to tip. Apparently, he didn’t realize she was already dripping wet.

He continued to caress his cock, base to tip, tip to base, base to tip. Faster now. She couldn’t stop watching as he stroked himself. The throb between her thighs was painful. Agonizing. She released the chain and drew her legs closer together, squirming as she tried to stimulate her clit and give herself some much needed relief. It was no use.

Her gaze shifted to his face. His head was tilted back, mouth open, expression taut with impending release. His chest rose and fel with heavy breaths.

His hand moved faster now. Faster over the head of his cock. Faster. He tensed and shuddered as he came—three glorious spurts splashed over her bel y and chest. It had to be the hottest thing she’d ever seen in her life. A spasm clenched her insides with a less-than-satisfying orgasm of her own.

Brian sat there for a moment, col ecting his breath, and then leaned forward. He licked the cum from her bel y and then rose up to kiss her deeply. She licked his tongue, greedy for the taste of him. He lowered her blindfold again.

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