Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1) (31 page)

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Authors: Adriana Noir

Tags: #SKALS

BOOK: Sinister Kisses (SKALS #1)
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“Of this guy. Of what could happen. Why did you have to do those things to him, Sebastian?”

He sighed. His swallow was the only thing to break the silence. Looking up, she watched the emotions play across his face. It hardened, and for a second there was a brief flash of anger. Anger and something else. Something much more sinister—darker. The muscles beneath her head tightened with his shrug.

“It’s part of who I am,” he admitted quietly. “It’s what I had to do. To protect you. To protect us.

“But all he did was touch me. Even Josh said he was drunk.”

Sebastian shook his head. “No, Taylor. It was so much more. He crossed the line, and I pushed him back over it. I can’t afford to be weak, let alone show it. Especially not in front of my team. Those men depend on me to lead them and set an example. You depend on me.” He sighed again. “The why doesn’t matter. In the end, this is where we are. I’ll order extra security and have them stationed outside. No one will be able to get in without my say and you,” he said, planting a tender kiss on her palm, “are to stay put. I don’t want you leaving this house unless I’m with you.”

“For how long?”
she whispered.

At least until we have this whole mess straightened out.” He offered a slight smile and traced her shoulder with his forefinger. “Maybe never.”

Taylor sat up, levering her head
off his shoulder. Her eyes flew to his face, searching for some sign, any sign, that he was joking. He regarded her with a curious stare, his expression as stoic and unreadable as ever. She licked her lips, but they still felt parched, her tongue thick and swollen.

“Sebastian…I love you, and I understand we need to be careful right now, but
that’s not funny. You can’t really expect me to live the rest of my life locked up here like some kind of prisoner.”

His head tilted. “Prisoner?
You have everything here.”

“I’m not saying it’s not beautiful, but if you keep me under lock and key, it’s still a cage
even if it’s gilded.”

“Is that what you want, Taylor?” he whispered quietly.

She swallowed as his eyes narrowed and took on that dangerous gleam.

“Do you want to see what being under lock and key really is? I assure you that can be arranged.”

Her heart sank then hammered. “No, Sebastian. Please, just listen to me. I’m just saying it’s not fair…I don’t want--”

“Not everything is about what you want, Taylor
. This conversation is done. Get some sleep.”


“No?” he asked softly.

She knew that tone, that
word, and that pressing tilt of his head all too well. She’d only experienced what followed once or twice before, but that was enough. She’d witnessed the aftermath more times than she cared to count. Her breath hitched and she inched toward the other side of the bed. Feeling him tense, she scrambled to get clear of the mattress. He snared her hair and wrenched her back with a savage yank. A pained cry tore from her lips, and she struggled as he loomed over her. Absolute fury twisted his features into a fearsome mask. Taylor trembled at the rage brewing in his eyes. The fist in her hair tightened, and the other clamped around her throat, pinning her to the bed and cutting off her feeble attempts at getting air.

“Taylor, Taylor,” he whispered with a slow shake of his head. “Where did you think you were going
to go?”

Unable to answer, she stared back at him w
ith tear-filled, pleading eyes. He released her neck, but a vicious backhand snapped her head to the side. White-hot pain exploded across her cheek. Dizzying light detonated before her eyes. The bite of his fingers silenced her anguished scream.

“I warned you,” he
said, unfurling his hand from her hair to stroke her blazing cheek in a deceptive caress. “Don’t you ever try to run from me.
. Do you want to leave me, Taylor? Is that what you were trying to do?”

Her lungs ached, burning in her chest. Her heart felt like it would explode. She tried to clamp her legs together to still the throb of her bladder. Whimpering low in her throat, she shook her head as much as his hold would allow. Desperate to appease him, she reached up and ran her trembling fingers along his arm. Dizzy and disorientated she gasped for air, sobbing and begging
, as he hauled her to her feet. Her legs caved. Falling, she crumpled at his feet. Strong fingers sank into her arm, dragging her across the room. The carpet abraded her knees as she fought for enough purchase to stand. She barely recognized her own voice or the broken cries echoing through the room.

Cold terror silenced her as Sebastian pulled the drawer to his nightstand open and her gaze locked on the gleaming silver
pistol in his hand. The click of the safety sounded with the force of a cannon in her ears. Shaking her head, her eyes darted to his, pleading. Her hands shook as she lifted them. A low, keening whimper broke from her throat as Sebastian crouched on the floor beside her. His lean muscles constricted like a snake as he wrapped an arm around her.

“Do you want to leave, Taylor?” he asked softly.

She winced, trembling as the cold press of steel kissed her temple. “N-nooo p-pleaaasee. Please, Sebastian.”

“Shh,” he soothed, stroking the back of her head. “Listen to me carefully, sweetheart, because I am only going to say this once. This…this is the only way you are
going to get to leave me.”

She sobbed, choking back a scream as his lips settled above the gun, kissing the side of her head.

“Do you understand me?”

Her chest jerked with
rapid inhales. She was panting, her breath coming a hundred miles a minute. Slamming her eyes shut, Taylor nodded. God help her, she was going to pee—and then he really would kill her. Her body snapped into rigid tension as she felt him smile into her hair.

“Good girl,” he whispered.

Standing, he crossed the room and retrieved his pants. After pulling them back on, he relocked the safety and tucked the gun into the waistband of his jeans. She remained crouched on the floor, too terrified to move, as his pale stare bore into her.

“I’m going to assume whatever you came down with has made you delirious
. Get back in bed. I have some work to do. If you are smart, you’ll get some rest and pray your attitude improves by morning.”





She’d never put much stock or belief into fairytales. It was hard to believe in things like happily ever after when your father walked out on you at such a young age. It was harder still to cling to that faith when your own mother turned her back on you years later. But last night—Taylor shook her head. Last night something deep inside her had shattered and broken. Whatever small illusions she’d clung to had withered and died between the brutal slaps and the cold press of steel. Her lips trembled as she regarded her face in the mirror. Faint marks still marred the high ridges of both cheeks. Dark, troubled shadows stretched beneath her eyes, like the remnants of a boxer’s fists. That, she could almost handle. What killed her was the heartbreak, the anguish of losing what she thought she had. Her chest ached and her stomach remained knotted with cold dread. Everything in life was a lie.

Tears spilled unbidden as she tugged her hair up into a loose ponytail. She wanted to go back. To find that place where they were before, to not know the things Sebastian was capable of doing. But there was no return trip. No way home. Her eyes were open now, and she had no idea how she was going to face him again. The only thing that was clear anymore was that she had no choice. No say.

She turned from the mirror and crossed the expansive bedroom to peer out the window. He was ever a man of his word. Armed guards stood stationed near the front gates, their figures dark and ominous against the bright morning cheer of the sun. Her shoulders fell as she swallowed against the lump in her throat. Maybe it wasn’t Sebastian’s intentions in the beginning, but she had no doubt he’d given them strict orders to keep everyone else out and her in. Shame washed over her, dragging up the first pangs of guilt. What had she done? In some sick way, she couldn’t help but feel she was partially to blame. Leaving
had never been her intention. At least not then. Now—now, she wasn’t so sure. Her mind argued she should. Her heart clutched at threads. He was under a tremendous amount of stress. She should have kept her mouth shut. She knew better than to push. A million things, a million reasons fluttered through her brain. Most of them disintegrated like ash before she could cling to the hope they offered.

Sighing, she braced herself and wandered downstairs. She froze on the bottom step, her hand lingering uncertainly on the railing as she spotted Sebastian. He stood in front of the windows in the morning room. His back was to her, and his gaze remained focused on the grounds beyond. She watched as his spine straightened.

“Good morning, Taylor,” he greeted. He didn’t turn.

She swallowed, hating the painful ache in her throat. “Good morning.”

“Have you thought any about our conversation last night?”

The air left her in a shaky exhale. The steady drum of her heart started to beat faster. Gripping the railing, she nodded even though his back remained turned. “Yes, Sebastian.”

“And what conclusions have you drawn?” he asked. Clasping his hands behind his back, he rotated on his heel to face her.

“That…that I am going to stay here with you.”

He nodded and stepped forward. Encased in his work uniform, he appeared even more menacing. The black fabric encased his sleek muscles, rippling across them as he prowled closer. She lowered her gaze to the floor.

“I’m glad to hear it, Taylor. Is there anything else? Any other decisions you would like to share?”

“I…I won’t…”

“You won’t what?” he pressed quietly. His head tilted in question.

She shivered as he approached the bottom of the stairs and the warm, woodsy scent of him rolled across her. “I won’t leave the house without you.”

He stared at her for a long moment and nodded. “Good,” he said, turning away.
He strolled back to his spot in front of the windows. “As you may have noticed, the security team arrived this morning.” His tone was light, almost conversational. “They’ve been put into place and, should you have a sudden change of heart, they will enforce compliance. They will also place a phone call to me, and I assure you, that is not a call you want them to make.”

Ice entombed her. Dropping onto the step, she lowered her chin to her chest and closed her eyes. Her chin trembled with her efforts not to cry. It seemed so stupid. She’d assumed as much when she’d seen them. But his tone, his cold and distant demeanor, made things feel infinitely worse. This, this was lock and key. There was no hint, no trace of the man she knew and loved. Only a callous replacement. Was this her punishment?

“I see this information doesn’t please you. You would do well to get over it, Taylor. I prefer you do so before I get home.”

“Sebastian?” She felt his gaze settle on her. She still could not bring herself to look him in the eye. “Do…do you want me to make you something to eat before you go?”

“Something to eat? No,” he said with a reproachful shake of his head. “No, Taylor. Food isn’t what I want from you.”

“What do you want? Please, tell me what to do—how to fix this, please.”

“You’re a smart girl. You figure it out.”

Her heart shattered with the closing of the door. She shook, fighting back screams of frustration and anguish as she listened to the whir of the garage door. It opened and closed. Torturous seconds ticked by as she clung to the fragile threads of her composure. Gouging her fists into her thighs, she waited until the Benz was clear of the house
. Then, she let go. Pummeling the steps, she gave into the dreaded pull of her emotions and cried.



Josh’s purposeful strides faltered upon seeing him, as did his crooked smile of greeting. Tension coiled through
Sebastian’s shoulders, making the muscles throb. The last thing he felt like doing this morning was engaging in idle chitchat. His thoughts, his focus, remained centered at home. It didn’t bode well for his performance or his mood. All he could think about was Taylor, and how her reaction the night before had damn near shattered him. What the hell was she thinking? A simple jest between them had turned into a brutal dose of reality. Had he been joking? He wasn’t sure, but one thing was abundantly clear. The things—the life he offered her weren’t enough. He’d expected she wouldn’t be happy with the lockdown. What he hadn’t seen coming was her defiance and getting the distinct impression she wanted to leave. His stomach tightened.

All that after promising him forever only seconds before.
What was he supposed to think—to believe?

Offering a curt nod in his partner’s direction, Sebastian kept walking. He growled beneath his breath as J
osh jogged down the brightly lit corridor to approach his side.

Wow. You look like shit. Rough night?”

“Late night. Let’s leave it at that.
How is my sister?”

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