SinfullyWicked (6 page)

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Authors: Tina Donahue

BOOK: SinfullyWicked
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That wasn’t the end of it. From the top of the frame hung a
leather collar, added insurance to keep her confined and submissive to whatever
her master meted out.

Another of Connor’s films played on the back wall, showing
her just what that might be. The young woman, fully nude, wore one of the
leather masks Nikki had seen in the dressing room. It hid the upper half of her
face, leaving everything beneath her nose exposed. Shackles held her wrists and
ankles. Belts were around her waist and thighs, the leather collar about her
throat. She cried out silently in what seemed to be bliss as a young man
wearing a similar mask administered his discipline with a broad strap. The
leather cut across her ample buttocks, whipping around the top of her thigh,
then sliding down it. In slo-mo, the scene played, the strap’s movement

Once more, Shoshana leaned close, murmuring as one would in
a sacred place. “In addition to the performer chained to the center frame, we
lock several other girls in those manacles on the wall, their nudity exposed
for all to see and enjoy.”

Nikki couldn’t stop staring at the punishment administered
in the film. She imagined the strap whistling through the air, its crack upon
making contact with the young woman’s ass, the glorious heat that followed, not
unlike a killer orgasm. “Are those other girls punished too?”

“Only if they agree to it. If they prefer to act as
waitstaff, that’s fine with us. Even if a client requests that a girl be
spanked, there’s an extra service charge involved and no client ever touches
one of our ladies. We only allow male performers to do so. The girls are
compensated well for the extra action and they aren’t harmed in the least. The
spanking is mild and completely erotic.”

Nikki’s head swam at the thought of being so completely
shackled, Mitch and Connor observing her as they had in the office, then both
of them taking turns whipping her buttocks, making her wet for their stiffened

Shoshana continued, “There are other rooms for same sex
couples, individuals with fetishes and areas where our young ladies dance nude,
similar to what a man would expect in a typical gentlemen’s club. For now
though, I think you’ve seen enough.”

Not true. This place was beyond any of Nikki’s wildest
fantasies, Connor’s films all that Mitch had promised and more. “Where will I
be working tonight?”

“It’s your choice.”

Nikki regarded the frame, those daunting yet fascinating
eyebolts, manacles, belts and collar. “Where do Mitch and Connor most often go
when they do show up?”

Shoshana studied her thoughtfully, whatever she was thinking
well hidden. Nikki figured if she’d been any other new hire, the young woman
would have laid down the law. She was here to serve the patrons, not to seduce
the bosses. However, she wasn’t the typical new girl, was she? Connor and Mitch
had told Shoshana about her, what she’d done. Nikki sensed it in the lingering
silence and increasing tension.

Shoshana’s tepid smile did nothing to break it. “After a
hard day at the office, most men don’t want to have to work for their

No, they did not. Nikki thought of the rooms she’d seen,
those incredible films playing. The virgin submitting obediently to the man
whose bid had won her for the evening, her parted legs inviting him to do
whatever he willed. And the more experienced woman in the leather mask, chained
for punishment, her body bathed in perspiration, the same as the guy who
wielded the strap.

A tingling sensation dashed up Nikki’s spine to the back of
her head. Following Shoshana downstairs, she knew where she wanted to work
tonight. Where she had to in order to see Mitch and Connor again.

Chapter Four


Alone in Shoshana’s office, Connor faced the bank of
monitors showing the specialty rooms on the second floor. It was barely eight
o’clock and the club was already packed. Men’s voices dominated, their
conversations lively, punctuated with laughter, at times rising above the music
playing in the various areas.

Chopin and Rachmaninov filled the Virgin Room, the classical
sounds appropriate to a period when pirates captured young maidens, selling
their virginal flesh or taking them against their will. In the Garden Room,
drums beat seductively, adding to its primal allure. Heavy metal predominated
in the BDSM Room with selections from Iron Maiden, Metallica and other bands,
as long as they were loud and throbbing.

Some of the patrons strolled from area to area, not yet
certain of their preference. All watched the attractive servers and performers
already on the floor. At the beginning of this venture, Connor recalled how
he’d also stared at the females, astounded by their sensuous good looks. Many
had come onto him. He’d never dated a one of them, uncertain whether they liked
the man he was or coveted the wealth he and Mitch had accumulated.

What a bummer. Here he was surrounded by all this bounty,
yet still as isolated as he’d been in school when the cool girls had treated
him and Mitch fucking bad because of how they’d lived, their home life a

At least now it was better. Sort of.He smiled
sardonically. As the owners of this club and other businesses, they could live
better than most, but they were still the ultimate pariahs. Atlanta’s good
citizens might enjoy frequenting Wicked, but none of them were going to ask the
Ward brothers to join them at one of their country club parties. Nor would they
be inviting Nikki as they might have in the past.

Where is she?
Earlier, Shoshana had confirmed that
Nikki was here, preparing for the evening.

“What room is she going to be in?” he’d asked.

Shoshana arched one slender brow. Not exactly a
chastisement, but near enough. As close friends, he, she and Mitch had shared
many a liquor-fueled evening spilling too much information about their pasts.
She seemed to be thinking about that as she murmured, “At this point, let’s say
it’s a surprise.”

Nikki showing up at all was stunning. Connor had honestly
believed she’d chicken out and would take off, leaving him and Mitch without
apology or regret.

“She did seem eager to start,” Shoshana added.

She wouldn’t last long.Most likely, she wouldn’t
make it through the night. Regarding the Virgin Room, Connor sensed she’d be
working there since it was relatively tame compared to the other areas. He
cursed the monitors’ black-and-white screens. They should have opted for color,
no matter the extra cost.

Unable to spot Nikki’s auburn hair, he scanned the servers’
bodies for her identifying features…the diamond belly jewelry, that mole near
her navel, the small scar on her knee, the curve of her ass, the long tips of
her nipples. Characteristics seared into Connor’s memory, her nudity in Mitch’s
office not something he’d forget.

Adjusting the cameras’ positions, he leaned closer and
scanned a number of female forms, including the babe on the four-poster, her
wrists cuffed above her head. Hardly the greatest actress, she looked far less
vulnerable than Nikki had when she’d stripped. If Mitch hadn’t caught his arm
then, Connor wasn’t certain what he would have done. Touched her most likely,
giving her some BS about it being his job to see if her cunt was as soft and
smooth as it looked, if her ass was as firm, her lips as supple, molding to
his, yielding.

He recalled her magnolia scent and imagined how she’d taste,
her mouth all wet and warm, her tongue bearing a hint of peppermint toothpaste.
Beneath his hands, her muscles would tremble slightly, her skin growing moist.
She’d moan. He’d groan. They’d behave like the teens they’d once been. At least
in his dumb fantasies.

“Where the hell are you?” he muttered. His attention jumped
from screen to screen.

She wasn’t dancing nude in the areas set up for that, nor
was she in any of the fetish zones. Had she somehow wandered into the same sex
territories? Frowning, he studied the spaces. Nope, she wasn’t in any of them.
He concentrated again on the Virgin Room until something in the corner of his
eye caught his interest…a brief flash or sparkle. Not from one of the many
candles. Oh no.

Nikki’s body jewelry.

Turned to the next monitor, Connor stared at those
glittering gems and what else she’d chosen to wear. He gripped the edge of the
desk to keep steady. With her back to the bar, Nikki waited for the order she’d
put in, her attention darting about the shadowy room as though she were looking
for someone.

Old boyfriends from high school? If any of them showed up
tonight, they sure as hell wouldn’t recognize her.

“What the fuck?”

Connor didn’t bother to acknowledge his brother’s sudden
presence. Mitch strode to the monitors, squinting for a better look, his
murderous expression saying he didn’t like what he saw. “Was it your idea to
have her work in that room?”

As though he had the power to make her do anything he
wanted? “Shoshana said it was Nikki’s. I didn’t think she’d even show up,

“She shouldn’t be anywhere in this club.”

No, she should not.

Connor’s jaw clenched as two guys eyed her hungrily. They
leaned toward each other, exchanging comments that made both of them smile,
then one flagged down a server. With a nod, the young woman acknowledged
whatever they’d asked for, writing it on her notepad.

The bartender delivered Nikki’s drink order. She headed for
the two men, each step causing her sleek muscles to ripple slightly, enhanced
by the candlelight. It didn’t take a psychic to know what was going to happen
next. Connor saw the truth of it in those guys’ expressions. Shit.

Why in the fuck did she show up? Why in the hell was she
continuing to do this? Why couldn’t she be like the Nikki he recalled, the one
he thought he knew? The girl he didn’t want to care about any longer. The one
he wasn’t about to forgive and didn’t want to protect.

“Crap,” Mitch said, leaving the office.


pumped through the BDSM Room, raw
and provoking. The scents of male musk, leather, smoke and hard liquor
overwhelmed the more delicate female fragrances. Against the wall were several
young women chained in various positions. Some faced the crowd, arms shackled
above their heads, their naked breasts or cunts a sensual feast for every
patron to observe. Others faced the wall, exposing their asses to discipline.

The frame on the platform was still empty, but now bathed in
the haze of cigar smoke and the glow of an overhead spotlight, as soft as the
candles’ illumination. An earlier announcement revealed that tonight the
patrons could bid on it and the young woman they wanted to see punished there.

With her tray held slightly above her shoulder and her body
exposed, Nikki reached her customers. Young men her age, possibly investment
bankers dressed in expensive suits. They didn’t bother to glance at their
drinks, eyeing her instead as animals do in the wild, seeing something they
want and intend to take.

Their male hunger gave Nikki an acute sense of being
helpless. Her costume ensured it.

She wore the leather half mask that hid enough of her
features to prevent identification, while making her feel somehow captive. The
brazen bustier didn’t protect her at all. Stopping at her navel, it not only
revealed her body jewelry, its half cups supported her breasts while flaunting
her naked nipples. Her tips were erect and hard even though the crowd and her
own heightened breathing made the room’s air steamy. Below the garment and her
gems, Nikki sported thigh-high spike heel boots. Nothing else.

Her naked cunt was available for scrutiny by these two guys
and anyone else. Her slit was moist with lubrication the other girls suggested
she use to make the men believe she was ready for a man’s cock. She wanted it.

Oh God, she did, as long as it was from the right men. Had
Shoshana’s cryptic answer led her to the wrong room? Nikki didn’t see Mitch
anywhere. Or Connor. His film played on the back wall, these images lustier
than the ones she’d viewed previously. Chastised by the strap and spent, the
young woman submitted to the man who’d punished her, her lids fluttering as he
suckled her throat and slipped his hand between her legs, his thumb running up
and down her baby-smooth cleft.

Nikki bit her bottom lip to hold back a wanting moan. Never
had she experienced such carnal need mixed in with true longing. At Ty’s
parties, it was nothing but wild monkey sex, the kind that leaves a woman’s
flesh humming. She remembered none of it, only her intolerable yearning for
someone to love her, to have the emptiness inside drained away for at least a
short while.

The same as now.

She wondered if Connor and Mitch were even at the club. If
so, were they watching her? Shoshana said there were monitors in her office.
Were they all there now, discussing business, teasing each other as friends and
lovers do, not giving her a second thought?

The pain in her gut was so intense, Nikki whimpered. She’d
missed Mitch and Connor like crazy over the years. It would have driven her
insane if not for the fact that she was in New York, far enough away from them
for her to function. Back in Atlanta, the emotional separation was severe and
devastating. Not that she could expect better after treating them so horribly.

Too late to make amends for that with so many years gone by.
She should have contacted them sooner, when things were going well in her
world. They might have accepted her apology then and her reasoning for what
she’d done. Not now. The best she could do was perform well in her job.

She took the scotch and soda from the tray and slapped on
her most seductive smile, honed while entertaining Ty’s clients. “For you,” she
purred, handing the drink to the guy on the right. He had wavy brown hair and
dark-blue eyes, his features handsome enough for him to ditch his chosen
profession and model in a men’s fashion magazine or work here.

“Why thank you, hon.” His accent was all Southern gentleman,
his attention to her nipples no better than a rutting hound dog. “What did you
say your name was?”

Nikki hadn’t offered it. Twice she’d had to ask both of them
what they wanted to drink before either seemed to hear or understand her question.
“Cherry,” she said, heeding the other girls’ advice about using a fake name.

The guy on her left, equally good-looking with sandy-blond
hair and just the right amount of stubble, trailed his fingers down her arm.

It was. She’d denied carnal need for so long, even a
stranger’s touch made her teeth tingle. Not that Nikki was about to act on it,
remembering Shoshana’s admonishment and her own good sense. Deftly, she
delivered his vodka gimlet, giving his hand something to do, then stepped back
to service the rest of her stations.

“Don’t go,” the one with the scotch and soda said, reducing
the space between them.

“Stay,” his friend chimed in and also advanced. “We came
here tonight just to see you.”

Such pretty liars. Not direct and unyielding like Connor or
Mitch. When it came to foreplay with them, Nikki envisioned what she wanted.
The brothers stating their minds, taking what they required, no BS, just ballsy

Mitch would haul her to one of the wingchairs where Connor
already sat, naked and insolent, his stiffened cock in one hand, his thumb
stroking the head, appeasing it until she tended to him. On her knees, she’d
bury her face in his groin, inhaling his luscious scent while Mitch positioned
her body, making certain her thighs were parted widely, her buttocks lifted,
her openings available.

As he settled in behind her doggie style, she’d lick the
length of Connor’s rod, hot and faintly salty, swirling her tongue around his
fleshy crown, enjoying his surprised gasp, taking his full length into her

Mitch would plunge into her then, testing her endurance and
obedience, his fingers rubbing her clit in time with his unhurried thrusts,
demanding she pay attention to him and to his brother.

She would, releasing Connor’s cock to lick his lightly
furred balls, wonderfully wrinkled and—

“So do you?” Mr. Scotch and Soda asked, interrupting her
wayward thoughts.

Nikki offered a blank look and considered whether she should
give him a frown for having slipped his arm around her waist. A definite no-no
in this club, especially with his fingers so perilously close to her cunt.
Before they dipped there, she removed his hand from her.

“Careful,” his friend said, “or you’ll get us thrown out.”
To her, he asked, “Do you like to be spanked?”

Her entire body got hot, increasing the intensity of her
magnolia scent and wild fantasies of Mitch and Connor hauling her away from the
wingchair toward the shackles. Nikki’s arm fell to her side, her fingers barely
holding onto the tray as she stared at the instruments of punishment on the
wall, the manacles and the young women already there moaning in delight at each
lick of the strap.

“I think she does,” the friend added, then murmured to her,
“say yes.”

“To the frame,” Mr. S&S cut in. “We’ve already paid for
it, outbidding everyone else while you were getting our drinks.”

Efficient bastards, weren’t they. Probably great at their
jobs. Nikki forced a peek at the frame, all those eyebolts, chains, shackles
and the inescapable light pouring down. Unlike the servers manacled to the wall
and observed by a few, any woman who agreed to punishment on The Frame would
capture everyone’s attention…even from the monitors in Shoshana’s office.

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