Sinful Knowledge (The Millionaires Social Club)

BOOK: Sinful Knowledge (The Millionaires Social Club)
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Table of Contents:

Sinful Knowledge

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

A Message from the Author

Sinful Knowledge

Copyright © 2013 Kat VonSant.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.  

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Chapter 1

Working at Barker and Bowler was the center of Emily Vant's life, but not because of how
the low-paying job was. The people were nice and the work was definitely steady. It wasn't quite what she had expected after graduating her two-years of college in Paralegal Studies. Not having a boyfriend at the time allowed Emily to focus on her career, and spending more hours in the office meant more money to pay down her college debt. "B&B" was affectionately called "The Hell Hole" by the employees. With its
long hours and tight deadlines the company forced on them, the name just seemed fitting. From Monday through Friday, and sometimes Saturday, they owned her.

Today, was just like any other typical day, but at least it was Friday. Emily had just finished meeting her last client and couldn't have been more exhausted. With the economy in shambles, companies were just not hiring anyone like they were two years ago and she wondered sometimes how
ended up getting this crazy job in the first place.

I guess it does pay the bills,
Emily remembered,...
and I wouldn't say it's actually hard, just busy as hell.
Besides, Brad Barker is one sexy boss...

"Shit!," Emily said when she realized what time it was.

"What's the matter, Em?" asked Jennifer Michaels, her sidekick
office bitch
at the firm, and best friend.

"I promised Brad I'd help out at his house tonight."

"You mean his castle?" Jen said. It was no secret that Brad lived in an elaborate estate which matched his ostentatious lifestyle with the expected billionaire toys, exotic cars, and luxurious vacations. He, along with his partner Rick Bowler, had started the company right out of law school and grew it into Upper Fallon's number one law firm catering to the "Elite of the Elite." Some of the clients on "the list" were never seen and Emily preferred it that way. Being around wealthy and dominating people made her feel quite timid and withdrawn. Maybe it was because of her "backwoods country style upbringing," as she referred to it. Regardless, every day she had to deal with their arrogance and pompous attitudes over the phone and she could only imagine how much worse it
would be dealing with them in person.

"I'm suppose to take care of serving the food which he and a couple of his clients will engulf tonight. And, you know Brad. I'm sure there will be some fine wine thrown in for good measure as well."

"Oh yeah? Sounds hot,...I mean, fun,...ahem. I guess a little bit of fun will be thrown in the mix, I'm sure," replied Jen. She gave Emily a wink. Jen had always felt a bit jealous of what seemed like Brad's particular fondness of Emily over her when it came to things like this. Could she blame him though? Even to Jen, Emily was sexy as hell with her dark brown hair, perky boobs, doe eyes, firm buns and legs, and a smile that would melt an acne-faced teen guy any day, let alone a big shot businessman such as Brad. She also knew of Brad's clients and how young and good looking most of them were. They all just seemed to wreak of confidence, wealth and power and it was hard to believe that these guys, most in their mid-thirties, were as financially successful as they were. To Emily, it closely resembled some kind of millionaire deception movie with Brad starring as a big wig schmuck running the entire illegal cartel from his large mahogany desk. She was certain that Brad was already a millionaire several times over who makes his money between the law firm and by owning half of the downtown business real estate. He was rich, extremely intelligent, incredibly fit and had a face that should be on the cover of every GQ Magazine. She often wondered why he was still single and sometimes even fantasized about him during her
special moments
at home.

Emily's cellphone rang. The screen showed it was Brad. "Yes, Sir...I,...I'll be heading out in about two minutes."

"Emily, you were suppose to be here by now. Now I
I gave you instructions to be here by 6:00 and it is now already 5:50," said the voice on the other end.

Emily sensed the irritation in his voice and knew he didn't compromise on punctuality.

"I'm heading out right now, Sir."

"Ok. You owe me, Emily. I do not like lateness nor sloppiness. Understand?"

"Yes, Mr. Barker. I'm on my way."

"Make sure you check in with Natasha when you get here. She's expecting you."

"Yes, Mr. Barker. I will."

Emily stood and glanced at the mess on her desk. Paper was everywhere, a coffee cup sat half full on the desktop and an extra pair of shoes was thrown underneath for good measure. She knew the mess would never get the stamp of approval of her boss. To him, everything was immaculate and was always in place. Even though the job was steady, her life seemed unsettled.
She often felt disconnected with fun and excitement and felt she had no social connection with anything. It must have been at least eight months since she had gotten laid and she was growing tired of her
little latex friend
she had been masturbating with every other day. It was a great stress reliever, but something had to give soon or she felt she would explode.

Monday is a good day to tackle that mess, Em. Life will still suck then too,"
she thought as she scrambled to gather her belongings.

"Okay, Jen. I'm outta here," Emily panted as she slung her purse over her shoulder.

"Good luck, dollface.
Give them everything you got...and I do mean
" remarked Jen in a tone that caught Emily's attention.


The drive to Brad Barker's estate was all about twenty-five minutes and the whole time Emily kept fidgeting with her hair in the mirror and worrying about her makeup. It was the first time she had been to the place and her nerves were starting to get worked up the closer she got. The driveway itself must have been a half mile long, and that was
she got in through the guarded gate. He was definitely well-off.

There's no way he had built this type of lifestyle just from the firm and his real estate dealings,
she thought.
There's gotta be more to my little mystery man of a boss.

The mansion sat back on a hill and was surrounded by some of the greenest grass and shade trees Emily had ever seen. Everything was intricate and well-manicured, just as she had expected. She could barely make out the movement of bodies off in the distance.

Must be the groundskeepers
, she thought.

Geez...Jen was right
, she realized as she parked and got out of her car. She felt that her 1992 Toyota Corolla
with peeling blue paint and rusted wheels looked quite out of place in this type of setting.

It is like a castle. Kinda creepy with it's old stone structure and stained glass windows.
A whisk of cool air shot down Emily's spine making the hair on the back of her neck stand up as she approached the front door and rang the doorbell.

The door opened and a lady wearing a French maid outfit and heels and not much more stood before her. Her dark hair was every bit of perfect and her makeup was obviously of the finest brands and done to perfection like everything else.

"What the hell..." Emily found herself saying under her breath.

"You must be Emily. I'm Natasha. Please, come in. We have a lot to do." Natasha's accent was noticeable and Emily guessed it must be of Russian origin.

"It's Czech," remarked Natasha as if she was reading Emily's mind.

"How did you...uh,...never mind," replied Emily.

Emily walked in and the enormous size of the house was of no surprise. The ceilings were about twelve feet high at their
point and old paintings of what must be past relatives adorned the walls leading up the two sets of stair cases which formed a "U" to the second floor. Brad Barker's impeccable taste and orderliness was apparent everywhere. It was sparse, but well-decorated with expensive antique Venetian pieces. Everything had a place and everything was in its place.

"We need to get you out of that outfit right now so we can get started with the festivities," said Natasha as she scurried out in front of Emily to lead the way. "Let's go!"

"Wait!... what do you mean
get out of this outfit?
What are you talking about?" she asked as she tried to keep up. "I thought that I am just serving dinner! I was thinking maybe some fish tacos and this really cool dip my mom use to..."

Without a word, Natasha found a revealing maids outfit in the closet next to the kitchen and handed it to Emily. "Put this on," she ordered. "You can use that bathroom right there," she said pointing at a door off to the side.

"Are you going to tell me what this is all about? Mr. Barker didn't say anything about wearing this."

"No. We have no time right now for that. You'll be fine. Don't worry. Just do as Mr. Barker says and you'll be fine."

Emily realized she would be fighting a losing battle if she didn't comply and she moved into the enormous bathroom to change.

Chapter 2

Emily entered the kitchen and saw a small staff was busy preparing the nights dinner. There was one main chef and two other cooks engaged in making sure everything was prepared. She spotted Natasha giving serving orders to one other girl who was dolled up in her maids outfit just the same. The girl couldn't have been over 19 years old, very petite, dark blonde with doe-eyes like hers. Her thighs were definitely defined. They were muscular like a gymnast and she showed signs that she must work out religiously.

"Emily. Come over here," said Natasha waving her hand at Emily.

"Mr. Barker has two
important clients here tonight along with his partner Rick Bowler," said Natasha as she tidied up Emily's outfit. "You will do whatever they say. If they say bark, you bark. If they say jump, you ask how high. Understood?

"Uh, sure," replied Emily.

"Most of all, smile and be submissive. And yes, you will be paid well tonight. I expect it to be nothing less than one thousand dollars as long as you do as you are told."

"I'm not sure I follow what you're asking me to do. You want me to parade around half-naked in front of complete strangers, serve them drinks and food, and,... and what else?"

What else,
Miss Emily...well, that will be based on how well you perform the basics. Just remember who you work for," replied Natasha.

It was then that Emily first noticed the incredible scent of Beef and Burgundy filling the air. Emily could hear a bit of laughter coming from the dining area around the corner. It was apparent that Mr. Barker and his guests had been drinking wine for the past hour or so.

"I tink dat one," she heard the accented voice coming from one of the cooks. He looked to be of hispanic descent with maybe some Caribbean mixed in. He was mumbling words to the other cook while taking
glances toward Emily. Even in his cook outfit, she could tell he was incredibly gorgeous. His tan complexion was set off by some of the sexiest light brown eyes she had ever seen. His bicep muscles stretched the upper portions of his sleeves and his sparkling white teeth glistened through his subtle smile. She gave him a kind smile of "thanks" in return.

Okay, Em. Get it together. Let's just do this and see what happens. Let's face it. You need the money. Besides, it's not like you're doing this in front of a bunch of old geezers. Brad is hot, no doubt and you know you wouldn't give it a second thought to have him in any other situation.

A rushing tingle started from Emily's elbows and shot down to her finger tips. A clenching in her throat made it hard to breath and her tongue felt like it had been covered with a sweater all day long. Emily felt a tingling in her loins and she felt a bit of moisture seep from between her legs.

Oh my fucking god, Em? Are you starting to get turned on by this??
You're standing here in a tiny lacy outfit, tits nearly busting out of the top with your ass peeking out of tiny underwear to all the staff, and you're about to prance around and do whatever these rich millionaires command you to do.
This ought to be interesting Em
really interesting.

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