Read Sinful Deceit Online

Authors: Ray Gordon

Tags: #sexual exploration, #kinky erotic games, #sexual enslavement

Sinful Deceit (27 page)

BOOK: Sinful Deceit
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"Tongue fuck
me," she breathed as she lowered her naked body, pressing her hot
cuntal flesh over my open mouth. She tasted of sperm, and I knew
that she'd recently been fucked. She'd probably had several cocks
fucking her tight cunt, spunking over her ripe cervix as she'd
gasped in the grip of her orgasm. And now I was to suck her to yet
another orgasm while the men watched. My sole purpose in life was
to attend the desires of both men and women. It was a life of
debauchery, but at least I had a life.

Pushing my
tongue deep into the wet duct of her pussy, I licked the creamy
walls of her hot cunt. She writhed and gasped above me as I tongue
fucked her vaginal sheath, licked the cocktail of female lust juice
and sperm from the sexual centre of her naked body. The lapping and
slurping sounds of my lesbian act resounding around the room, I
pressed my lips against the sex-wet flesh surrounding her cunt hole
and sucked. My mouth filling with the nectar of sex, I repeatedly
swallowed the lubricious cream.

"Lick my
arsehole," she panted, swivelling her hips and aligning the brown
entrance to her rectal sheath with my open mouth. My tongue
entering her tight duct of illicit pleasure, tasting her inner
flesh, I breathed in the musky fragrance of her anal valley. Would
David have liked me to tongue his bottom-hole? I pondered as I
licked and sucked her anal eye. Would he like me to wank him to
orgasm as I tongue fucked his arsehole? I wanted Sharon's bottom,
not David's

The yawning
valley of Maria's open cunt above my wide eyes as I licked her
brown hole, I watched her juices of lesbian desire trickling over
the petals of her inner lips. Her pleasure was increasing, I knew
as her sex juices oozed from her hot cunt and dripped onto my face.
Teasing the sensitive nerve endings surrounding the delicate portal
to her anal duct, I repeatedly pushed my tongue into her tight hole
and sucked on her brown ring. She gasped and quivered, her juices
of lust decanting in torrents from her fiery cunt as her muscles

"My clit," she
gasped, grinding her hips. I could feel the hardness of her
ripening clitoris pressed against my wet tongue. Swelling further,
her clitoris grew to an incredible size as I tongue masturbated
her. She was close to orgasm. Her naked body shaking violently, her
gasps now screams of ecstasy, she came with a cloudburst of cuntal
fluid. Drenched with the product of her orgasm, I licked and
slurped and swallowed. Again and again I snaked my wet tongue over
her pleasure spot, sustaining her shuddering climax as she ground
hard against my face.

The hairless
lips of my pussy yanked apart, I felt fingers enter my hot cunt. My
inner flesh expertly massaged, my juices flowing and trickling over
my anal inlet, I knew they were female fingers. The pulsating nub
of my clitoris inflating as I sucked and licked Maria's solid
passion spot, I desperately needed the relief of orgasm. My cunt
attended, my inner lips rolling over the pistoning fingers, my
yearning clitoris was neglected. I craved a tongue, longed for
fingers to massage my bud of lust and take me to orgasm as I sucked
the pleasure from Maria's pulsating clitoris. I longed for

The fingers
leaving the wet sheath of my spasming cunt, I gasped as a solid
penis entered me and began fucking me. My clitoris massaged by the
thrusting shaft, I finally came in an explosion of love juice. My
inner thighs wet, I sucked on Maria's cumbud with renewed vigour,
her orgasm rolling on and on as she cried out and writhed.

"Enough!" she
finally gasped, her quivering body lolling to one side as she
gasped for breath. "God, that's enough. The wet flesh of her cunt
leaving my face, I watched as she almost fell off the bed and
staggered across the room. My audience chuckling as she leaned
against the wall, I waited for Christine to force the wet valley of
her vagina against my mouth. Sucking sperm from a solid knob,
drinking the juices of orgasm from a hot cunt, tongue fucking a
bottom-hole... I craved sex in all its crudity.

"Are you lot
ready to spunk her face again?" Christine asked in her crudity. I
looked at the veined shafts of the men's penises. Most were fully
erect, their purple knobs swollen in arousal, in readiness to shoot
more spunk over my drenched face. How many men had I sucked off? I
wondered, eyeing the silken purple knobs. How much sperm had I
taken into my mouth and swallowed since arriving at the island of
sin? More to the point, how many more orgasming knobs was I to
suck? I'd lose count, I knew as four men knelt on the bed with
their erect penises hovering above my face. I'd already lost

I pondered on
the so-called doctor as four pairs of heavy balls hung ominously
above my spermed and girl-juiced face. He'd arrive and discover
that his plan had been shattered. Why the hell the girl-sluts had
to invite men to fuck me behind Reece's back, I had no idea. I
supposed they thought it would be fun while the boss was away.
Focusing on the men's sperm slits as they began wanking their hard
shafts, I imagined Reece's boat sinking. Poetic justice? Where was
David? Had his boat sunk? I'd not been in contact with anyone on
the outside world. Why hadn't someone done something? Why the hell
had David fallen prey to his base desires instead of searching for
me? Perhaps he didn't care.

A pool of
sperm lay between the plastic sheet and my naked body, and I
wondered how long I'd have to endure such inhumane conditions. My
face drenched with girl-juice and sperm, my naked body sticky and
starched, I wondered whether I'd be pissed upon. Would David piss
in my mouth? He'd fucked the tight sheath of my arse. No doubt he'd
love to treat me like a common whore by pissing all over me. Where
had his love gone? He'd never loved me. He'd only lusted after my
wet cunt.

As I watched
the men wanking, I pondered on the videos Reece said I'd be
starring in. So many idle threats, I reflected.

"Come on,"
Christine urged the men impatiently. "You lot are useless."

"Give them a
chance," Maria said. "They've already spunked over her once."

"We should
have invited real men," Christine sighed. "Real men would have
managed at least four loads of spunk."

Listening to
the banter as the huge cocks swelled above me, I wondered what the
girls had planned for me. There'd come a time when the men were
done in their wanking and sperming. What would happen then? Perhaps
they'd piss until they were done in their pissing. I knew that the
sperm was about to flow again as the men began gasping in their
arousal. Wanking faster, their heavy balls bouncing, they
positioned their swollen knobs over my face. Any minute now, I
mused, poking my tongue out. The white rain of male orgasm would
shower me once more. Sperm would flow over my lips, run down my
cheeks and trickle into my ears.

"Yes," one man
breathed as a strand of satiny liquid ejected from the slit of his
glans. Streaming through the air, the sperm landed on my face,
splattering me as another knob exploded in orgasm and released it
spunk. All four deep-purple knobs spunking over my face, I opened
my mouth as wide as I could and swallowed the nectar or sex. The
white rain continued to pour, running over my cheeks and flooding
my neck. My long blonde hair soaked, my eyes stinging with the
salty fluid, I watched as the trembling men wanked their cocks
until they'd again drained their beautiful balls.

"This would
make some great cum shots," one of the girls giggled. I think it
was Maria. Cum shots? I pondered on the term. I'd heard it
somewhere in connection with porn on the Internet. Is that what men
liked to see? A pretty face showered with spunk? It must have been
a male domination thing, I reflected as the last of the spunk
dribbled from the deflating knobs and trickled over the starched
skin of my cheeks.

here," Christine breathed with an urgency that sent Maria scurrying
out of the room like a frightened rabbit. The men looked at each
other and then dashed to the window to join Christine. It would be
the doctor, I was sure as I licked my spermed lips. He'd come to
implement his plan, his plan to abduct me and use my naked body
solely for his kinky pleasures. Selfish in the extreme. Share and
share alike.

"It's OK," one
of the men said with more than a hint of relief. "It's the

"What does he
want?" another asked.

"He's come to
carry out his experiments," Christine said. "It's all right, Maria
will get rid of him."

"I hope so. We
don't want him telling Reece that we were here."

"Reece won't
mind," another laughed.

"You know he
doesn't like visitors while he's away."

"It's the
doctor," Maria said as she breezed into the room. "He saw someone
skulking around on the beach on the other side of the island."


"I don't know,
but it doesn't sound good."

"We'd better
go and take a look."

As the men
filed out of the room followed by Christine, Maria gazed out of the
window. I could hear loud voices, arguing. Panic was setting in.
But the plan had gone terribly wrong. Maria turned and looked at
the doctor as he wandered into the room. He looked worried as he
joined her at the window. If the girl stayed while the others went
on the manhunt, the plan would fail.

"There may
have been two of them," the doctor said. "I was rounding the island
when I thought I saw someone on the beach."

"Was there a
boat?" Maria asked.

"By the time
I'd noticed the first man, I'd gone round the bay and couldn't see.
Why don't you go with the others?"

"No, I'll stay
here," she said, looking out of the window again.

"I'll continue
with my experiments and you go and help the others," he

"Are you
trying to get rid of me?"

"Of course
not. It's just that. To be honest, I'm very worried. It might be
nothing more than holidaymakers having a look round. There again,
it might be..."

"There are
enough men to deal with it," Maria broke in. "They'll tell whoever
it is that this is a private island and they're trespassing. Or
they might..."

"They might
what? You do realize that it could be the police."

"If it is...
All we can do is wait and see."

"We'd better
get the girl out of the way," the doctor said, casting his eyes
over my naked body. "If it is the police and they come here..."

"Shut up,"
Maria snapped. She was becoming agitated. "Don't say anything in
front of the girl. Come downstairs with me."

As they left
and closed the door, I wondered whether the doctor would be able to
persuade Maria to join the others. If not, then... then all would
be lost. Including my life, if Reece was to be believed. My face
sperm-starched, my body lying in a pool of spunk, I closed my eyes
and prayed. My fate seemed to be sealed, I reflected. My escape
attempts had all failed miserably, David's search had seemingly
ending in... Hope drained from me like urine draining from a
bladder, like sperm draining from balls. I was condemned to... I
daren't even think about it.





For an hour
I'd lain on the bed, the sperm almost dry, my naked body glued to
the plastic sheet. Perhaps everyone had gone dashing to the far
side of the island, I pondered. I had no idea where Donna was,
where she was being held prisoner, what she was having to endure.
Perhaps the doctor had taken her instead of me. At least Reece was
out of the way for a couple of days. Perhaps I'd have a chance to
escape without the doctor's help.

The ageing
doctor finally entered the room and sat on the bed beside me. He
was wearing a white shirt and tight trousers; too tight for a man
of his age. Rubbing his pointed chin as he eyed the naked lips of
my spermed vagina, he looked anxious. I knew from his expression
that the plan had flown out of the window. Maybe he'd come up with
another idea, I mused as he ran the tips of his fingers over the
full lips of my spermed mouth.

"I'm sorry,"
he sighed, moving his hand down to the erect nipple of my breast.
"I've failed."

"You were only
going to imprison me elsewhere," I returned angrily. "I might as
well be abused by these creeps as by you."

"My prison, if
that's what you want to call it, is a comfortable apartment in
Athens," he said irritably. "You'd have had the run of the place,
your own room and..."

"And you'd
have violated my body in return. You'd have carried out your vile
experiments and fucked me and..."

"No, it wasn't
going to be like that," he broke in. "You're different. I... I
wanted you to stay with me and enjoy sex with me, yes. But you
weren't going to be a prisoner, as such."

"As such? I'd
either be your prisoner or I wouldn't. Would I have been free to
return to England to see my family and friends?"

"We're wasting
time, Kirsty."

"You don't
want to answer, do you?"

"Of course I
couldn't let you return to England. I'd never see you again."

"I'd be a
prisoner in your apartment, then. Just as I'm a prisoner here."

"I'd have
treated you properly."

"Oh, really?
You wouldn't have stuffed dildos up my cunt and fucked me as if I
was a common whore, then?"

"We... Maria
is downstairs. I couldn't talk her into leaving me to guard

He glanced at
the door before taking the key to the handcuffs from the table. Was
he going to release me? What was the catch? He probably wanted to
treat me like a cum-slut and spunk all over my face. Would David
like to wank and shoot his spunk all over my face?

"I'll release
you and then you'll be on your own," the doctor whispered. "I'll
keep Maria talking while you escape. My boat's by the jetty. The
key's in the ignition. Take the boat and... Good luck, Kirsty."

BOOK: Sinful Deceit
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