Sin in the Second City (55 page)

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Authors: Karen Abbott

Tags: #History - General History, #Everleigh; Minna, #History: American, #Chicago, #United States - 20th Century (1900-1945), #United States - State & Local - Midwest, #Brothels, #Prostitution, #Illinois, #History - U.S., #Human Sexuality, #Social History, #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #Illinois - Local History, #History

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“Someday if I no longer”: Wallace, 59.

“She seemed like my own grandmother”:
Chicago Tribune,
November 1, 1953.

“We never hurt anybody”: Ibid.

Minna died: Death certificate #20750 for Minna Lester Simms, issued by the Department of Health, Borough of Manhattan. Her nephew, William Simms, filled out the death certificate and listed “Lester” as Minna’s middle name. He also indicated that she had never been married or divorced, and listed her former occupation as “housework.”

Ada was stuck home:
Chronicle Telegram,
September 17, 1948.

Ada followed Minna:
Daily Progress,
January 4, 1960.

“Best Wishes for a Happy”: Wallace, 65–66.




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