Simply the Best (4 page)

Read Simply the Best Online

Authors: Wendi Zwaduk

Tags: #Erotica, #bdsm, #anal sex, #toys, #spanking

BOOK: Simply the Best
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Chapter Six

Emma sighed. She crinkled her nose. The smells in the room were different, but in a pleasant way. Leather, pine and sweat. She rolled onto her side and blinked her eyes open. Little by little the room came into focus. Bland ivory walls with heavy dark furniture… Not her bedroom. No photographs on the walls or the bureau and no clothes strewn on the floor beyond what she’d removed the night before. The race tickets and a set of keys lay on the nightstand.

A groan split the silence in the room.


Emma stayed as still as possible with her back to him. Was he awake? Waking up? Part of her wanted to pounce and tell him all the thoughts in her head. The rational part of her kept quiet. No need in overwhelming him with a bunch of what he probably perceived as womanly junk.

“I can hear you thinking.” Sam palmed her bare ass. “It’s like white noise.”

She smothered a laugh behind her hand then rolled onto her other side to face him as he lay on his back. “I’m not used to waking up in a strange room.”

“I would think not.” He moved her hair off her face. “Feel better after a real nap?”

“I do.” Sore in spots from sex, but nothing she couldn’t handle. She noticed the tent in the sheets. “I can make you feel better.” Emma inched closer to him and trailed her fingers over the bedding. “Tell me what you want.”

“You on top of me.” He grinned. “Come here.” Sam tugged her onto his chest. He smoothed his fingers through her hair and then kissed her. “What turns you on? What are your kinks?”

“Sex.” She liked his direct approach. Emma spread her legs, nestling his cock between her pussy lips. The heat from his dick added to her pleasure. He’d been honest with her. Why not be honest in return? “Sex is good. Playing with each other is better. But I really like to be taken over my man’s knee and spanked. Something about it frees me. Like none of the crap I’ve had to deal with all day matters. I can let go.” She bit her bottom lip. After the shit she’d let slip when they talked on the bridge, he could either love what she said or be turned completely off.

“Very exciting.” Sam caressed her cheek with the back of his knuckles. “What else?”

“I like anal.” The tips of her ears burned. At least she’d found something they probably had in common. “It’s not for everyone and I didn’t think I’d like it until I tried it.” Not quite ready to look him in the eye, she traced her fingers over his collarbone. “You can talk dirty to me, pull my hair and I won’t mind. I’ll watch porn with you. Playing the voyeur is fun.”

“Oh?” He tipped her chin. “Why?”

Something in the way he looked at her made her want to confess her deepest sins and secrets. “There’s something sexy about the sounds of people making love. I want to jump in the middle.” Her skin prickled with renewed desire. “I’m sure that makes me some kind of freaky slut, but I don’t care. You asked. I answered.” She’d put her heart on the line as well.

“You’re not a freak.” Sam kissed her, brushing his nose against hers. “Most women I’ve come in contact with are turned off by porn and are scared to death of anal. It’s kind of nice to find one who is confident enough to tell me what she needs. I hope I can fulfill what you crave.”

Call her silly, but when he said things like fulfilling what she craved, her resistance crumbled. “Me, too.”

“I want you to talk to me. Ask away. I’m yours.”

A man with manners—he continued to be too good to be true. She grinned. Still, she had so many questions… “What’s it like to be with a man?”

“Ah, you hit with the hard stuff right from the get-go.” He cupped her jaw in both hands. “Being with a man is the same for me as it is for you—one has the hole and one fills it. Rinse and repeat. Although there’s usually a lot of lube and grunting involved.”

She’d seen her fair share of gay porn. The mechanics of man on man wasn’t much different than man
woman, but something about seeing them seemed so strange and clandestine. “It has to feel different.”

“You’re right.” Sam twined his fingers with hers. “Men are harder. More muscle and hairier. Usually. Some like to wax every inch of their body. But guys tend to be more violent and frantic during sex. Women are softer. They want gentle touches and whispers. Women want to be cuddled and caressed. Men take what they want, no questions asked.” He kissed her fingertips. “But there isn’t the crazy raw power struggle like with a man.” He sighed. “You’re a unique woman. This interests you?”

“You’d be surprised.” The idea of seeing two men together, especially two she cared about did seem interesting. She could almost imagine Sam with a guy, grunting, pinning each other and groaning their way to orgasm. Maybe there was something wrong with her. “I’d watch you with another guy.”

“Emma?” Sam stopped moving and didn’t say anything for a long moment.

“What? I’m being honest.” She sat up, the sheet pooling around her waist. Her hair slipped over her shoulders, not quite covering her breasts. “The thought of two guys turns me on and if you’re one of them, then even better.”

“I’m a one-woman kind of guy.” He dragged the bedding around her thighs, covering her. “I don’t like to cheat when I’m in a relationship.”

“But you don’t want to limit yourself to just me. That’d be ignoring a whole side of your personality.” She knew him better than he thought. Guys were genetically comprised of a lot of testosterone and without the predisposition to stay monogamous.

“I sure as hell don’t want to see you with another man. Or another woman. I’m a territorial son of a bitch when I find someone I’m attracted and attached to.” He slipped both her hands into his. “I’m attracted to you, so you’re the one stuck with me.”

Stuck with him.
Good grief, did he have a way with words. She fought the urge to roll her eyes. At least he was trying. She’d known a few bisexual men in her time. All three of them couldn’t keep a long-term relationship if they tried. Something about Sam made her reconsider what she knew. Maybe the time had come to put her heart on the line and try for actual love.

“I don’t get you, but I like you.” Emma stretched her legs out and settled on his chest. “A lot.”

“The feeling is very mutual,” he rumbled. “You’re the one I never saw coming, but I’m glad I stopped to see.”

“Then we’re a couple?” Hope blossomed in her chest. She wanted to belong to someone and have that someone care about her.

“Yes.” No hesitation, no stuttering.

“Exclusive?” God, she was moving at warp speed.

“That’s the idea.”

“I like it.” Emma slid onto her side, but kept her head on his chest. She tangled their legs together. “I’m glad I met you.”

“Me, too.”


Sam sighed and closed his eyes. She raised valid questions. He wasn’t ready to limit himself sexually and even though she was cool with sharing him, the idea of sharing her didn’t sit well with him. Open relationships never worked before and he didn’t want to risk losing her.

Besides, they’d only been together for a little more than a couple days and exclusive for less than an hour. For all he knew, the pairing would fall apart in a few months. He doubted it, but in his experience, love didn’t always last.

No, he’d worry about his issues with relationships later.

“Sweetheart, when you’re ready, you can tell me about your past.” He stroked her hair. “I’ve seen a lot of shit in my time. Even if you shock me, I’m here for you.”

“It’s nothing.” Emma flopped onto her back and picked at her fingers. “You know, I’m tired of minimalizing it.” She sat up and covered her upper body with the blankets. “Blaine doesn’t even know.” Her brows pinched and she closed her eyes. “I mean, what the hell? You’re my boyfriend. If I can’t tell you, who can I tell?” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “The last two weeks of my senior year, there was a group of guys interested in me. I didn’t think much of it. I’d been fending off guys from the moment I sprouted my D cups.”

Sam wrapped his arm around her. The pain in her voice hit him deep. He caressed her hip.

“I went down to the art room for my class and they cornered me.” She shivered. “The wood shop hadn’t been used for a couple of years and no one bothered to properly lock the room.” More tears flowed and her voice cracked. “Two of them held me down while three of them took turns—on me.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “It wasn’t my fault. I screamed but no one heard me. They spit on me and called me names.” She grabbed her stomach. “The shame haunts me.”

“Baby.” Sam sat up and gathered her in his arms. He didn’t even know the full story, but his instincts hit him at full force. The cop in him wanted to beat the shit out of those kids for being so stupid. The teddy bear in him needed to keep her in his embrace and protect her. Yes, she was a strong woman, but damn.

Emma wiped her face and pulled away from him. “I don’t usually tell people about that. Bethany doesn’t even know.”

Sam hauled her against his chest. “I’m honored you feel comfortable enough to tell me.” He cupped her face in both hands. “I can’t imagine what you went through and I won’t try to say I understand, but I’ve got your back. No matter what happens, I’m yours.”

“Thanks, Sam. You’re the best.” She threw her arms around his neck and cuddled on his lap. “Truly.”

He sat with her in silence for the longest time, taking in the serenity of the moment. She felt so good against his body and smelled like heaven. Battered, broken, fragile, but strong, she was what he wanted.

“I’d be willing to bet the HR lady over at the Bainbridge library is off today, but I’m off all next week and I’d be happy to go with you if you want to talk to her.”

Emma splayed her hand on his chest. “I can take care of myself, but I appreciate the gesture.” She finally looked up at him. “I love you, Sam.”

Sam stared at her. He’d heard the words before, but coming from her, they meant so much more. Yet, he couldn’t admit the same to her. “Emma.”

“I know.” She cracked a smile and averted her gaze. “I just spilled my darkest moments and said something to make most men run away. I know you probably don’t feel the same way about me—you like guys and I’m not a guy—but, yeah, I love you.”

Liking guys had nothing to do with him admitting his feelings, but once again she nailed him. He curled his fingers under her chin. “I’ve had my head up my ass for so long that it’s going to take some time for me to be able to admit what I know in my heart.” He swiped his thumb along her bottom lip. “Believe me, babe. You’ve got my heart in your hands. I don’t want you to settle for me, but even after just a couple of days together, I’m sure you’re better than the best. The words are there. If you can be patient with a stubborn bastard like me, I will do you proud.”

She nodded and laughed. Nothing strong, but enough to prove she got his point. “You can be stubborn, but you’re not old. I’m glad you’re mine.”

“Me, too.”

Chapter Seven

Sam shifted in his car seat and stared at the police department building. Six months of living with and loving Emma flew by so fast. It seemed like they’d just met, but he couldn’t envision his life without her. They’d settled into a nice domesticity, too. She worked full time at the Bainbridge Library while he remained on the Gates Mills Police force. Life worked well.

He patted the center console. Going shopping for the ring seemed right at the time, but now he wasn’t so sure. His partner and best friend, Officer Quinton Reynolds, sat beside him.

“Sam, you’re filling the car with smoke.” Quint sighed. “Want to talk?”

Hell yes, he wanted to talk. He wanted to tell his friend everything—he loved Emma but wanted something with Quint. He’d bought her a ring, but couldn’t get his partner out of his mind. Oh, and maybe Quint would tell him not to propose. Maybe he’d offer a good reason why Sam shouldn’t marry her. Not likely.

“I bought Emma a ring.” Sam stared straight ahead. His stomach pitched and rolled.

“Cool. She’ll love that. Chicks love jewelry.”

“No, man. I bought her
ring.” Sam glanced at Quint. “I want to marry her—I think.”

“You think?” Quint removed his glasses and scrubbed a hand over his face. “If you’re looking for my opinion, I think you should go for it. The force here isn’t wild about gay cops, even if they don’t say it. Besides, she’s good for you. I’ve never seen you so calm in the five years I’ve known you. She’s pretty and sweet. I like her.”

Sam gritted his teeth. He remembered the way his friend, Jeff, had been treated because the other guys on the force learned he was gay. Most of them didn’t care, but the two who did and got away with it made his life miserable. But did Sam want to use Emma as a beard? No. He loved sex with her. She played just as rough as he did and came back for more. More importantly, she made him whole. He loved her. So why was he worried?

“If you’re looking for a way out, then tell her. Emma’s a strong woman. She can take it if you’re honest.” Quint reached across the console and slipped his hand into Sam’s. “If you’re worried there’s something missing with her, then tell her. Wasn’t it Emma who said she wanted to see you with another guy?”

“Yes, she did, but I don’t want to do that to her.” Not yet. “I love her.”


“My heart says she’s the one. Everything else is there to distract me.”

“Even me?”

“Quint.” Damn it. Yeah, his friend served as a huge-ass distraction. All lanky muscle and sexy blond hair. Those eyes…Sam dreamed of Quint looking into his eyes as they made love. He shivered. Making love to Quint—while Emma watched. He could only hope and shove the thought aside. She never acted upset when they were all together, but still.

“Be honest.”

“If I hadn’t met
, you’d be the one I’d be with. I know it sounds
, but I love her, too. My heart wants her. I’m not sure I’m ready to try sex with you and her at the same time.” He held tight to Quint’s hand and stroked the rough skin of his palm. “She says she wants to watch. What if she changes her mind? What if the actual event does more emotional damage than good? I’d never be able to live with myself if I hurt her.”

“Then marry her.” Quint inched across the seat, closer to Sam. “You’ve always got me. One way or the other, things will work out. We should all hang out more often.”

“No. I need to keep this thing with us as separate as possible from what I’ve got with her—for now.”

“If she’s interested in exploring, then I’m your man. I’ve got my heart involved and I’m not sure I can walk away, but I swear I won’t come between you two.”

“You’re a good man. I don’t deserve you.”

“Then don’t let me down.” Quint nodded and squeezed Sam’s hand. “Emma’s a good girl, too. Give her a chance.”

Sam stared out the window at the birds on the lawn in front of the building. His feelings for Emma ran deeper than he would have ever believed. His feelings for Quint were pretty entrenched in his soul, but for different reasons. They were partners, like brothers… Yes, he wanted to fuck Quint senseless, but how could he? He loved Emma.

“It’ll all work out in the end,” Quint said and let go of Sam. He climbed out of the car, and then leaned on the open window frame. “You never know. All three of us could be the solution you’re looking for.”

“Fat chance.”

“Ah, ever the pessimist.” Quint grinned. “See
.” He strode across the parking lot to the electric car he loved, his ass swaying with each step.

Sam rolled up the windows in his cruiser and logged out of his computer. After a debriefing session and a quick shower, he grabbed the ring from the console and headed home. Quint’s words rang true, even if Sam didn’t want to accept them. All three of them could easily work out.

He’d wait. No sense in introducing a potentially toxic element to the relationship. He locked his truck and then headed into the apartment. “Hey, dirty girl,” he called. “How was your day?”

Emma appeared around the corner and leaned on the wall. Her hair fell around her shoulders in thick curls and she wore more makeup than usual. The thin negligee left nothing to the imagination. He tipped his head. There was something different about her. No curls at the apex of her thighs.

“You shaved,” he blurted.

Emma waved a thick purple dildo at him. “That’s all you noticed?”

Okay, so he hadn’t seen the dong before. He swept his gaze over her once more. “Your hair.” He strode across the apartment. No more blonde. He trailed his fingers through the now black strands. “Baby?”

“I needed a change.”

“To black?”

“You saw Blaine. My natural color is black.” She wriggled away from him. “You don’t like it.”

“No.” He gathered her in his arms. “It’s different, but not bad.” He dragged his nose along her temple. “Black looks perfect on you.” The darker shade brought out the pale pink of her skin. He never considered himself a
kind of guy, but the more time he spent with her, the more she fit his type.

“I needed to be myself.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve been hiding and not accepting the woman I’d become. I let the girl from school rule my life. No more.”

“I love it.”

“Speaking of opening up, I needed to do something for you, too.” She led him into the bedroom. Voices bounced off the walls. What the hell? Had she invited people over? He cocked his head and peered around the room. No one on the bed, but there was still groaning.

“Watch this with me.” Emma crawled onto the bed, waving her bottom with each move. She stretched out and the negligee rode high on her hips. “I don’t like watching porn alone.”

He turned in the direction of the television. Well, shit. Gay porn. The two men on the screen were tangled up in the sixty-nine position. The sight of each guy sucking the other’s cock sent blood rushing below his belt. He rubbed his groin.

“You’re watching this for me or because you like it?” He tugged his shirt from his pants.

“Sam, lots of guys want to watch two women going at it. I’m one of those girls who want to watch two men go at it.” She trailed the dildo between her breasts. “It turns me on.” She moved the toy down between her legs and groaned.

“Hell-fucking-yeah.” He hadn’t doubted their connection before, but seeing her so wanton solidified his feelings. He wrestled free of his clothes and climbed into the bed beside her. Sam tangled her in his arms and kissed her. Her perfume swirled around him and her whimpers turned his senses inside out. She rolled on top of him and straddled his erection. The heat from her pussy seared him straight through.

Sam palmed her breast through the flimsy fabric of the negligee, rolling her nipple in his fingers. Emma moaned and arched into his touch.

“Scream for me, baby. Tell me you like this.” He pinched her other nipple. Everything in his body tingled. Between the sounds of her moans and the groans from the men on the television, he wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to hold out. He picked up the toy and rubbed it between her legs and his cock.

“Yeah.” Emma leaned backwards, exposing her pussy to him. “Please?”

“Baby.” Sam sat up enough to work the dildo in and out of her sweet cunt. No doubt about it, his heart was fully invested in her. Her cream slicked around the toy, and he increased his thrusts. He couldn’t help but be jealous, not having a cock in his ass in such a long time. “God, I want that in me.”

“Yeah?” Her eyes lit up. Emma slid off his lap. “I’ll give it to you.” She stretched out beside him, her head at his feet, and patted her thigh. “Come here.”

Sixty-nine? Hell yeah. He crawled on top of her and buried his face in her pussy. Sam rested on his knees and his elbows and eased her legs open. Her pink skin glistened and her juices slid down the crack of her ass. He speared two fingers into her hole. When she groaned, he pumped his hand.

At the same time, Emma smeared something cool on his asshole. Lube. Oh, holy God, this was happening. He moaned and exhaled, giving her extra play in his hole. The head of the dildo breached the tight ring of muscle. Euphoria filled his mind and his body trembled. Almost as good as the real thing in his butt.

“Fuck,” he bit out.

“Very nice.” Emma eased the toy in and out of his hole, rocking the dildo as she moved. “Your cock bounces and it’s covering me in pre-cum. Sexy.” She wrapped her hand around his dick and massaged him.

The last time he’d been filled was longer than he wanted to admit. He pulled his fingers from her pussy. “Been a while,” he said and sighed. He couldn’t breathe. She bumped his prostate each time she pushed the vibe fully into his body. The orgasm built low in his belly. He fisted the sheets in both hands and dug his toes into the bedding. The sounds of the men giving in to climax radiated in his ears. Oh, shit.

“Jesus. I’m gonna come.”

“Yeah,” Emma purred. She built up speed, fucking him with the toy and stroking his aching cock.

“Emma.” He couldn’t hold back any longer. His vision blurred and his head swam. He wobbled on his knees as she withdrew the dildo. “Shit.” He spilled his seed and collapsed beside her. He panted and closed his eyes until the climax abated enough for him to move.

Emma sat up. Cum slipped down her chin and dribbled onto her breasts. She smeared her fingers in the sticky mess. “So good. I like watching you come apart.”

“Yeah.” No other words came. He puffed. Dear God he was fucked up. Having her do him was almost as hot as him doing her.

“We need to get a strap on.” She leaned over the bed and grabbed his shirt, and then wiped the mess off her upper chest.

Sam nodded. After a few moments, he recovered enough to sound coherent. “That was awesome.”

“Good.” She grinned and tossed the shirt in the direction of the hamper. “I like making you happy.”

“You did.” He turned around to face her. “I didn’t give you nearly enough attention.”

“I’m sure you’ll make it up to me.”

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