Simply Irresistible (2 page)

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Authors: Kate Pearce

BOOK: Simply Irresistible
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“You might think so, but recently there's been something in her eyes . . . something that scares me, as if she is bracing herself to be brave. I'm beginning to wonder if she will ask James to return for Jamie's sake and give me my marching orders.”
It was the first time he'd put his concerns into words, and even as he spoke he wasn't sure if he believed them.
Val's expression softened and he brushed a finger across Peter's cheek. “Don't say that.”
“Why not? It's the truth.”
“She loves you.”
Peter shrugged. “As if love is ever enough. Abby is a lot stronger than you think. Much stronger than I am when she believes she is right.” He pushed away from the door frame. “Good night, Val.”
“Peter . . .” Val kept talking. “I haven't seen you for weeks. I was rather hoping . . .”
“That I was going to beg to be admitted to your bed?”
Val's smile was slow. “I do like it when you beg, but in truth, I was about to do that for myself.” He leaned in and ran his tongue along the seam of Peter's lips. “Sara and Abby can join us when they return. You know how much Sara likes watching us fuck.”
Peter opened his mouth and let his tongue tangle with Val's. “Are you sure you aren't just feeling sorry for me?”
“Well, there is that.” Val laughed low in his throat. “But I do have other needs, and you are the only man I wish to fulfill them.”
Peter met Val's narrowed gaze. “Can I fuck you?”
“If you wish.”
Val considered him for a long moment. “Yes.”
“I don't feel like being gentle.”
A shudder ran through Val's lean frame. “Then make me beg. Sara will like that even more.” Reaching forward, he undid the pin of Peter's cravat. “How do you want me? Naked while you are fully clothed, or shall I undress you, too?”
Val took a step back and started undressing, his gaze fixed on Peter, his hands busy ripping off his clothes and throwing them to the floor. It was no hardship for Peter to stand and watch the lithe, muscled body of his first lover emerge from the restrictive fashions of the
. Val was beautiful. His hair was longer than considered fashionable and gathered at the back of his neck with a black ribbon.
Reaching forward, Peter released the ribbon, allowing Val's dark locks to swing around his shoulders.
“Do you enjoy seeing me like this?” Val asked.
Peter nodded, his gaze taking in the half-coin medallion around Val's neck, which matched the one he wore.
“Your cock is already hard and wet, Val.”
“It has been since you arrived.”
Peter smiled. “You missed me?”
“Don't sound so surprised. I've learned to admit to my weaknesses. One of which is most definitely you.”
“I'm a weakness?”
“Not like that.” Val scowled. “Because I love you and I hate loving anything or anyone. You
“I do.” Peter held out his hand. “Then take me to your bed. I am yours.”
Chapter 2
Peter walked through into Val's luxurious bedchamber and closed the door behind him.
“Kneel on the bed, Val.”
He waited until Val gracefully did as he asked and then strolled over to him. It was unusual for Val to offer him such control at this early point in their coupling. Peter usually had to wait until his more dominant lover had had his fill of him before he was allowed to reciprocate. Either Val was feeling very sorry for him indeed or his friend had finally learned to ask for what he wanted.
At this point, Peter didn't care which it was; Val was naked, erect and willing to be fucked and that was enough.
“Suck my cock, Val.”
Val shifted closer to the edge of the bed and competently unbuttoned Peter's trousers to reveal his cock. He sighed as he licked at the gathering pre-cum and then took Peter deep in one easy swallow.
Peter shoved one hand in Val's long hair to keep him exactly where he wanted him and simply enjoyed the experience of being sucked off by an expert. He knew that if he chose to, Val could keep him on the edge of climaxing for hours. But tonight he wanted more immediate results and eventually tugged on Val's hair.
“Stop.” Val eased off him, his chest heaving and his mouth wet from Peter's pre-cum. “On your hands and knees.”
Val obeyed him, and Peter found the oil kept in the bedside table and slicked it over his throbbing cock as he fingered Val's arse, making him ready to receive the thickness of his shaft. He paused to admire the arch of Val's back and reached around to touch his lover's stiff cock.
“I thought you wanted to fuck me hard and fast,” Val breathed.
“Oh, I do.” Peter climbed onto the bed, gripped his cock at the base and pressed the well-lubricated head to Val's hole, pushing deep. “God, I do. Is that hard enough for you? Is the great Valentin Sokorvsky in the mood to beg?”
He started to thrust long, slow strokes that had Val swearing as he struggled to accept Peter's thick length. Reaching around Val's torso, Peter wrapped a hand around his lover's cock and gently played with him, his soft touches at odds with the hammering of his hips, giving Val no choice but to take what he was being subjected to and endure.
“God . . .” Val muttered, his hands fisting on the bedclothes as Peter bit down on the back of his neck. “That's—”
Peter held still, his finger and thumb loosely ringing the root of Val's cock. “I think I hear the ladies. Or if it isn't them, your valet is in for a surprise.”
“He's seen you with me before.”
“Perhaps I'll ask him to join in, Val, stuff his cock down your throat. Would you like that?”
“You know I damn well would not!”
Peter chuckled. “Then let's hope it is Sara and Abby.”
A low appreciative laugh greeted his words, and he turned to look at the door, where Sara Sokorvsky and Abby stood watching them. Both ladies were dressed in the height of fashion, Abigail in her favorite blue and Sara in red.
“Don't stop, Peter. I do so
to see Val on his knees,” Sara breathed.
“Then come and help me keep him there.” Peter held out his hand. “You, too, Abby.”
His lover smiled, but he could already see that she had been crying. Tension knotted low in his gut and he held still, all too aware of the painful beat of his heart and the answering throb of his buried cock. He'd hardly touched her recently, their squabbles over their desire to have another child having led to a physical separation he hated.
Beneath him, Val groaned and arched his back. “Fuck me, Peter. Sara wants to see me beg and plead and come all over the sheets.”
“I have a better idea.” Peter recovered himself and managed to grin at Val's wife. Wrapping one arm around Val's lean hips, he gently sat back, bringing Val upright over him. He waited until his lover's feet were planted securely on the bed and drew him even further upright until Val's back and arse were plastered against his body, his cock still buried deep.
“Don't come, Val. The ladies want to watch you suffer.”
He touched Val's stiff cock with one finger, rimming the wet slit until Val started to writhe down on him and swear.
“That mouth of yours, Val. I truly wish I had another cock to fill it with to stop you speaking.”
Sara pulled up her skirts. “I have a much better idea. Perhaps he can lick me while you lick Abby. That should keep you both too well occupied to speak.”
“Abby? Would you like that?” Peter asked gently. She nodded and took his hand, bringing it to her lips and kissing his fingers. “And then later, if you want, you can have both of us inside you, or just Val, or just me, or whatever you want.”
“What about me?” Sara demanded.
Peter smiled at her. “You ask for what you want and take it as your right. Abby is a little more polite.”
“Then I will have you both, too. It's been far too long since I've had the opportunity.” Sara presented her back to Abby. “Can you unlace me, please, and then I'll do the same for you. We can watch Peter fuck Val while we undress.”
“Oh, yes, I would like that.”
Peter studied Abby's expression as she worked on Sara's laces. She seemed more than happy to be in bed with them all. At first he'd worried that she only joined in for his benefit, but she'd soon disabused him of that notion. Over the past two years he'd found that he preferred to have her with him when Sara was present. It made everything more interesting and more balanced.
“Peter . . .” Val pinched his arm. “I know you can stay hard all night, but will you please concentrate on fucking me?”
Peter smiled and wrapped both his hands around Val's cock. “Do you want to come?”
“You know I do.”
“And what if I don't want to let you? What if I want you to stay like this, impaled on my cock, all night?”
“Then you'll annoy the ladies, who also want to share both of our talents, and we might be forced to band together to overcome you.” Val's breath hitched as Peter started to rub his cock. “Let me come, Peter, and then make me hard enough again to fuck my wife.”
Abby watched Peter's hands move over Valentin's body and shivered with anticipation. Peter's concentration when he made love was absolute. He would do everything in his considerable sexual repertoire to make his lover experience every delight known to man. Or woman. She considered herself very lucky.
But watching him now, with Val, his first love, was bittersweet. It comforted her that even if she left him, he would still have this, but it also reminded her of everything she would lose. And letting him inside her, or even letting Val inside her, meant risking a pregnancy she would not be able to conceal.
“Abby?” Peter looked over at her, his smile fading. “Are you all right?”
She clutched at the bodice of her dress as Sara loosened her stays. “I'm fine.” She nodded at Sara, who was already naked and crawling toward her husband with a very determined expression. “I believe Lady Sokorvsky wishes to avail herself of her husband's cock, so he'd better not come again
Peter smiled, but he still looked anxious, one hand held out to her. “Come and help me, then. I can't handle two voracious Sokorvskys at once.”
Val groaned as Sara bent forward and licked the pre-cum from his cock. “Sara, let me fuck you,

Abby moved closer as Sara pouted. “But I am not ready to take you.”
“Then let Peter finger you, or kneel up and let one of us use our mouth on you.”
Peter adjusted his grip on Valentin's cock. “You lick her, Val. I need my fingers for Abby.” He smiled at her. “Come here, love.”
She couldn't stop herself from moving closer. If she was going to lose him and lose this, she intended to treasure the moment.
“Abby.” Peter threaded his fingers through her hair, dislodging pins as he went. “Kiss me.”
She obliged him, and heard his low moan of approval deep in his throat as he kissed her back. The languid motion of his tongue was at odds with the quickness of his fingers as he pinched her nipples and then slid his hand lower to play with her clit and rub her sex.
Just watching him controlling Val made her wild. His hands on her made it easy to come, and wetness soon coated his thrusting fingers as he sought her opening and gave her what she needed. Beside her, Sara gasped as Valentin licked her, straining away from Peter to reach deep between her legs and bring her to a fast and sharp climax.
Abby kissed her way down to Peter's shoulder and then stroked Valentin's rigid arm and chest. There was no room between the two men's bodies; Peter's cock was still embedded deep in Valentin's arse. Bringing her hand around Peter's, she found a way to grasp Valentin's cock and played with him as he writhed even harder and groaned against his wife's most intimate flesh.
She gasped herself as the fingers inside her doubled, and she realized Val had added his to Peter's, widening her and pleasuring her until she screamed and climaxed. Peter fell back against the sheets, bringing Val with him, and Sara took the opportunity to climb onto Val's cock.
Abby moved slightly to the side, forcing both Peter and Val to remove their fingers from her sex. She watched Sara raise and lower herself over Val, and heard his strangled shout as he started to come inside her, making Peter come, too. She didn't feel left out. Watching the three of them together was always a pleasure, and she knew they wouldn't forget her for long.
But what if she left Peter?
She studied the tangle of limbs and listened to the whispered words of satisfaction and contentment between her three friends. Peter would be fine with them. She would be the one who would be bereft.
Without warning, her eyes filled with tears, and with a murmured apology, she climbed off the bed and, scooping up her clothes, headed toward the dressing room situated between the two bedrooms. If she was lucky, she could use the servant's stairs to run up to her room without being detected.
She struggled to disentangle her shift from the froth of clothes and finally managed to put it on and find the discreet door that led onto the staircase.
She refused to turn around as Peter came into the dressing room.
“Don't go.
She stayed where she was, one hand on the door, and heard him splashing water over himself and noted the sweet smell of lavender soap. When he tentatively touched her shoulder, she shivered.
“Abby . . . I'm sorry, I didn't mean to neglect you. Val offered, and I was too eager to have him. I didn't think about your needs and I should've put you first. Will you forgive me? I—”
“You didn't do anything wrong. You know I love to watch you with Val and Sara.”
“Then why are you leaving?”
She forced herself to turn around, flinching at the mingled hurt and love in his beautiful blue gaze.
“I'm just rather tired.”
“Then let me—”
“Please go back to your friends.” She touched his muscled arm. “I don't need you to see me to my own bed.”
He stiffened. “
bed? You don't intend to share mine?”
“Here? In London?” She sighed. “I don't think that would be wise, do you? Servants talk, Peter. I cannot afford to be gossiped about.”
“That's why you didn't want to come to Town with me, wasn't it? Not because of Jamie.”
“This is
about Jamie. I can't—”
He swallowed hard and took a step back. “I apologize for my presumption, my lady. How stupid of me to imagine you would want to sleep with one of your employees.”
“Don't do this, Peter. Not now.”
“Do what? Obey your order to stay away from you?” He glanced down at his cock, which was already filling out again. “You no longer wish me to fuck you, my lady?” He gave her an elaborate bow. “I have obviously forgotten my place.”
She fisted her hands in an effort not to reach out and comfort him. Perhaps this was the right time to do what had to be done—to push him away from her forever.
She took a deep breath and summoned a calm smile. “There is no need to be so melodramatic, Peter. When we return to Beecham Hall, I will certainly reconsider whether I have need of you.”
“In your bed.”
“Yes, seeing as that is all we shall ever have together.”
“That's all I mean to you?”
She couldn't allow herself to speak.
The simmering anger on his face lessened. “Why are you so determined to fight with me?”
“I am just speaking the truth. The truth that we try to pretend doesn't matter.”
“Because I am a married woman, Peter, and I cannot afford to sleep with you and become pregnant when my husband is far from home. Is that plain enough? Have you forgotten that?”
She turned and opened the door and made her way up the stone steps to the floor above. She half-expected Peter to come after her, but he didn't. And perhaps that was for the best. Perhaps he, too, knew that neither of them could bear to be together anymore.
A sob tore from her throat, echoing in the stairwell, and she pressed her fingers to her mouth, fingers that smelled of sex and love and . . . everything she was contemplating giving up. Tears flooded her eyes and she blundered toward her bedroom, locking the door behind her and flinging herself onto the bed.
At least here in London Peter had the Sokorvskys to help him deal with her desertion. She had no one, but that was her own fault. Everything was her fault, so perhaps she deserved to suffer alone.

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