Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series) (5 page)

BOOK: Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series)
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Anna gestured to Simon lying with his eyes closed on the couch. “You remember I told you about Simon. He’s not feeling well, but wanted to join us today. He’ll come to the table for dinner if he’s feeling up to it, otherwise I’ll set a plate aside for him for later.”



Rose O’Leary’s gaze was transfixed on Simon. Without thinking, she walked to the couch where he lay.
God, I want to run my fingers through that head of hair…
What the heck is wrong with me!?

Try as she might, she couldn’t shake the intense desire to pet this stranger. Like a ravenous stray dog that hadn’t eaten in a week, she raked her gaze down his delicious body. The way Anna had described him, she had imagined a big, bulky, stern military man. Like the incredible hulk, without the green. Instead, he was a feast for her voracious eyes,
blond thick hair, a bit shaggy as it grew out. He had delectable wide shoulders and lean hips.

Even though she pressed her nails into her palms to suppress the urge, she found herself reaching out and gently touching his shoulder with her fingertips. The caress was really barely a touch at all still the electricity zinging between them was palpable.

Stunned by the sensation and her own actions, she surreptitiously drew her hand away. She was mortified and wanted to run for cover, but touching him had somehow cemented her feet to the floor. It had felt like coming home as her fingers had stroked the few silken strands. At least that is what she imagined the feeling of coming home would be like when she read her novels and watched movies like “You got Mail.” A fierce surge of protectiveness rushed through her.
MINE!.... Where the heck did that thought come from?
The shock of her intense reaction almost made her stumble backwards.

kept her face down and eyes glued to the floor as she returned to Anna. Chewing her lower lip, she examined what had just happened. It was surreal, as if she were watching another woman take charge of her thoughts and actions. A new, confident, self-assured Rose, had invaded her mind, body, and soul the instant she laid eyes on the silent man across the room. It scared the living crap out of her.



Anna Le Beau watched in shock as her friend acted completely out of character. Rose was normally very shy and introverted, always flying under the radar. But
Rose, was completely different, she had touched a strange man in front of a room full of people she had just met. Rose NEVER touched men and certainly did not act confident unless she was wearing a power suit and running an extravagant event. Her two personalities were a mind-blowing dichotomy. Breathing deeply, Anna smelled confusion and fear rolling off her friend. As Rose had drawn close to the couch, Anna saw Simon’s head raise slightly and turn toward her. His nose seemed to twitch but as Rose retreated he’d returned to his original position.

Now, isn’t that interesting…Cade, did you just see that?

I did, do you think….?


Leaning toward Rose she whispered, “Are you all right?”

Rose took her hand and encouraged her toward the privacy of the kitchen. “I don’t know. You know me, I don’t just walk up to strangers and touch them like that. Why did I do that?” she asked.

“Don’t worry about it, hun. Let’s enjoy the meal and we can talk tonight after everyone goes home. I don’t think anyone was watching anyway,” she said to comfort her. She knew darn well everyone had seen Rose’s reaction to Simon but she wasn’t going to tell her friend that.

Pulling the pies from the oven, Anna wiped her hands on her apron
. “Okay, everything is set. I’m going to change for dinner, why don’t you sit with Thomas and John in the great room.”

A few minutes later Anna appeared back with the others. “If everyone will move to the dining room, dinner is ready. Emma and Rose, would you please help me bring the food to the table?”

As everyone settled into his or her seat, Anna held the carving knife out to Isaac. “Would you like to honor us by carving the turkey?”

With a happy little grin Isaac inclined his head and accepted the honor.

Once the platters were loaded with sliced turkey, the feast began as steaming bowls and platters were passed around the table. Everything was perfect. The turkey was juicy and succulent, the mashed potatoes were rich and creamy, and Anna’s family recipe for hamburger dressing was the absolute hit of the meal.

Rose watched her friends and the Le Beau family, quietly taking it all in. She was thrilled to see Anna so in love, and her new family was genuinely inviting and had accepted her as if she had always belonged.

Seated across from Stefan, she smiled as he eyed the mashed potatoes fiercely.

“Do I have to share these?” he asked Anna.

Anna laughed. “Take as much as you want, there’s more in the kitchen.”

Rose recalled the last time she had been part of a family dinner such as this one. It had been over a year ago when Anna had asked her to join the family for Christmas. She had still lived in Denver and was waiting for her final divorce decree. That celebration had been just the four of them, Anna, Thomas, John
, and her. Being a part of this celebration struck home exactly how much she missed out on as an orphan. Wistfully she mused,
what would it have been like to grow up in a family like this
At least I was lucky enough to have Jack and Michael as foster brothers. I should call them later and see how their Thanksgivings went.
She could tell already she was really going to like these people.

She was drawn from her thoughts when the room filled with moans of delight as the men finished eating.

She chuckled to herself as Stefan scooped a third helping of potatoes and gravy onto his plate. He didn’t seem to care that dessert was being served.

Anna announced, “I made my family’s favorites, pumpkin and strawberry rhubarb. I hope you like them
,” as she returned from the kitchen carrying pies.

Thomas and John both said together, “Oh, yeah, Mom’s strawberry rhubarb pie is the absolute best.”

With the pies relegated to the pages of history, everyone sat back in their chairs, and there were quite a few waistbands being loosened.

“We’d like everyone’s attention for a minute.” Everyone quieted and waited to hear what Anna had to say. “Why don’t you tell them, babe?”

“Mom, Dad, in about six months you’ll be grandparents,” Cade announced.

The cheering was deafening with everyone congratulating them.

Thomas and John high fived. “Is it a little brother or little sister, Mom?” John asked.

“We don’t know yet, hun, I’m not sure if we want to find out ahead of time.”

“Rose, do you think you’ll be able to stay long enough to see my baby into the world?” Anna asked.

“You couldn’t keep me away.”

Isaac smiled with heavy lidded eyes half closed with satisfaction. He stole a glance in Rose’s direction and gave Emma’s hand a gentle squeeze under the table.

Rose smiled, thrilled for Anna and watched the family talk excitedly about the new baby. She harbored a few concerns about her friend having a baby at her age, she could discuss that privately with Anna later.

Dinner was cleared away and the party relocated to the great room. The area filled with activity: loud, boisterous men doing what men do when you get a group of them together.

During dinner her heart felt achy, empty, and she had wondered what the heck was wrong
with her
Absently, she had rubbed at her chest to ease the strange sensation. As she trailed behind the family to the great room the sensation eased. That strange yet familiar draw that had ensnared her earlier, tugged at her again. As if a thread were tied around her heart and soul and someone were drawing it in.

Taking a much closer look at the man across the room, she wondered what it was about him that seemed so familiar. She felt as if she recognized him in
an almost elemental way. The sudden feeling of somehow knowing this complete stranger was both exciting and confusing. There was no possible way she could know this man and yet it felt like she had known him her entire life.
What the heck? This is just plain freaky.

Tucking her long blond hair behind her ear, she tried to put her finger on it. The intense lure felt so familiar and yet she couldn’t pinpoint where she had experienced it before
. She felt like she was grasping at smoke. It was like a dream she couldn’t quite remember mere moments after waking.

Deep in thought she hadn’t seen Stefan walk toward her. She gasped in surprise
Holy cow, he’s quiet, he about gave me a heart attack.
He wriggled his way between her and Anna, before he wrapped one arm around her. He winked at her and Anna, which had Anna shaking her head and rolling her eyes.



The almost inaudible gasp from Rose ricocheted through Simon Le Beau like a fire alarm in the middle of the night. He went from what everyone thought was a catatonic state to full alert as he shot to a sitting position. His nose rose to sniff the air, twitching from the tingle of an amazing scent. Tendrils of shock and surprise rolled at him in waves from the beauty Stefan had his arm around. HIS
beauty. HIS MATE.

His glare held a violence his family had never seen him exhibit. Death lived in that icy stare. He kept his hands low, hidden from Rose’s view, as they shifted into the deadly claws of his wolf. He struggled to prevent his wolf from taking over completely. The taste
of his brother’s blood was already thick on his tongue and he hadn’t moved yet.

Marcus gripped his shoulder and forced him to remain seated. His father came from the other side to wrap his fingers around his forearm exerting the authority of his alpha to calm him and his beast.

Stefan prudently removed his arms from around the women, careful to make no sudden moves. Never taking his eyes off Simon, he stepped away from Rose and slowly backed from the room.

Simon intently watched Stefan move away from Rose very slowly, the scent of rage he was emitting flooded the room. He barely suppressed a growl as Stefan put distance between himself and Rose. It took everything he had to remain in human form and not launch himself at the threat Stefan represented. His wolf snarled and snapped for release. Knowing he had to protect the shifter community and not expose himself to a human, and accomplishing it, were two different things. His jaw quivered from the pressure of his gritted teeth.

“Just breathe, everything’s all right, just breathe. Simon, look at your hands. You need to take care of that,” Isaac whispered quietly so only Simon would hear.

He breathed deeply, closed his eyes and centered himself, a practice he had perfected in the marines. That’s when he caught a new scent, the first wisps of heavenly fragrance coming from Anna’s friend. It was
coffee and cinnamon rolls.

He thought he had smelled it earlier when Rose touched him but it had been so fleeting he assumed he’d imagined it.

Rose gave Anna a questioning look,
why was everyone acting so strange
? It was then she saw the brother called Simon was now sitting up on the couch.

Glancing around the room, everyone’s face wore a shocked expression. All except Isaac and Emma. She saw them wink at each other as Simon stood, straightened his shirt and walked toward her.

“It’s my pleasure to meet such a beautiful woman,” he said as he took her soft, warm hand.

Everything inside him stilled except his heart, which hammered at his ribs at a staccato pace. Mesmerized, his breath caught in his throat and it felt as if the world stopped spinning.
Her eyes are incredible
. Brilliant blue, glistening with a bit of amusement still remaining from whatever Anna had just said to her. Soft, gentle, intelligent eyes. A man could lose his heart in those eyes… or find the other half of his soul. His attraction was met and matched by that of his wolf. The poor beast was desperate to rub against her, marking her as its own.

Hello.” Her voice was like a balm to his tortured soul, gentle, lovely. Sexy. A blend of preacher’s daughter and sexy siren that had his wolf cocking its head with more than a little interest. “It’s nice to meet you.”

He had never reacted so forcefully to a voice before. It released something deep inside
him that he hadn’t even known had been imprisoned. It was like having a blindfold and earplugs removed to see and hear the world for the first time.

Simon closed his eyes and sighed. His chest expanded as he took a deep breath, slowly his smile grew a little larger and he opened his eyes. Her intense gaze sent
such a zing to his soul, he didn’t even notice the other people in the room.


“I look forward to spending time with you.” Never taking his eyes from hers, he gave a gentle kiss to the back of her hand and inclined his head. Still clasping her hand, he straightened and walked backward as he led her to the couch.

Small gasps were heard all around the room that didn’t seem to penetrate the fog that had taken up residence in h
is head.

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