Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Simon: Le Beau Brothers: New Orleans Billionaire Shifters with BBW mates Series (Le Beau Series)
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“I will give myself body and soul to complete you as a man and his wolf. I will unite my life with yours, bond my future to yours, and merge my half of our soul with yours. I will complete the mating ritual with you.”

He laid hot little kisses down her spine as his fingers drove her wild.

She gave a little squeak when his thumb eased in one joint. He made love to her slowly as he shallowly penetrated her from behind. The arousal Simon fueled was about to push her over the edge.

He took his time, her little mewling sounds driving him crazy. Then he pushed his thumb a little deeper, filling her more fully and increasing their pleasure. She desperately tried to buck against him.

He drove her higher and higher, stroking in and out. Before she orgasmed, he removed his thumb, and, thrust powerfully. “I claim you as my mate.” The magic swirled around them with his first words. “I belong to you as you belong to me. I give you my heart and my body. I will protect you even with my life. I give you all I am. I share my half of our soul to complete you. I share my magic with you.” Simon rocked forward and nuzzled her neck, lapping at the spot where he would bite her. He bit quickly, piercing the flesh.

cried out as the shock of pain faded to pure bliss.

He licked gently soothing the bite as he started his thrusting again.

“I beseech the great Luna goddess to bless you and your wolf guardian. You are my mate to cherish today and for all time. I claim you as my mate.”

She felt her wolf soul enter her body, it made her feel fuller, and for the first time, complete. She knew she wouldn’t feel odd or out of place anymore.

He pulled from her and laid on the bed, pulling her on top. “Now you need to repeat the words back to me, my love, and bite me right here.” He tapped his neck.

Standing him upright she eased onto him and began a delicious ride. It was her turn to drive him wild. When his eyes took on a crazed expression and his growling became fierce she began to speak. “I claim you as my mate. I belong to you as you belong to me. I give you my heart and my body. I will protect you even with my life. I give you all I am. I share my half of our soul to complete you.”

Their souls knitting together gave her a charge of energy. The completeness made her throw her head back and laugh. She leaned forward and took his face in her hands. He was kissed like he had never been kissed before. With one final suck on his lower lip she locked her gaze to his. “I share my magic with you.” She hovered over his neck blowing warm air across his skin. His shiver and goose bumped flesh distracted her and fueled her need. Razor sharp canines erupted in her mouth, jolting her into focus. She suckled his neck gave him a nip and bit down piercing his flesh.

Simon moaned as her teeth sank deep, he felt the same erotic experience she had.
Gripping her hips, he flipped her under him. Straining to hold off his release. “Rose you need to finish it NOW!”

Speaking as fast as she could, “I beseech the great Luna goddess to bless you and your wolf guardian. You are my mate to cherish today and for all time. I claim you as my mate.”

With the ritual words completed, he erupted into her with a roar that rattled the windowpane. As soon as his eyesight cleared he started thrusting again, building her arousal to a fever pitch. Reaching between them he stroked her, sending her over the edge. Then he collapsed next to her.

She would never get enough of this man and the pleasure he could wring from her body.

I can’t believe you’re mine, really mine.

“Holy shit,” she breathed, reaching up to run her fingers through his mussed hair.

“I agree one hundred percent,” he panted. “But you have one thing backwards, I’m the one who can’t believe you’re mine.” He ran a finger lovingly down her cheek



Chapter 16



A Charity is formed


Within minutes Rose felt strange. “Simon, I think that regression thing is starting.” She rubbed circles on her churning stomach, “Holy cow! Did you see that!?” Her abdomen began to twitch.

“How do you feel? Can I do anything?” His brows were tight with worry.

“It’s not too bad and Cade said there wouldn’t be anything for you to do but wait. It’s only a little crampy but it feels freaky.”

“Do you want me to stay or leave? Anna said you had to focus and breathe and I shouldn’t distract you.” He ran his hands up and down her arms.

“You can stay, so far it’s not as bad for me as it was for her. Maybe it’s because I don’t need to regress as far as she did.” A slightly sharper twinge rolled across her stomach then eased a moment later.

“Now that was crazy! Your hair, it looked like it retracted into your scalp.”

“I wore it shorter when I was twenty five. Forgot about that.” She touched her hair tentatively.

She rocked back and forth on the bed, trying to ease the cramping, as it grew stronger. Dull aches radiated in her knees, and shoulders. Then everything began to tingle all at once like when her foot fell asleep.

“Could you rub my back and kind of all over, my skin is tingling and feels like it needs to be stimulated for blood flow or something.”

“Anything I can do, mon amour.” He began rubbing small, soothing circles on her back and shoulders.

“How bad is it
, Rose?” All Anna said was there would be pain, but not too debilitating, and with breathing it would pass fairly quickly.

“The cramps seem to be over. But my knees, fingers
, and toes are hot and achy. Oh shit! That hurts like a mother.” Rose grabbed her left arm and rocked as she panted.”

Her muscles started to contract and tighten. The sensation felt like right after a heavy workout. Exhausted and invigorated at the same time.

“Tell me the pain is lessening?” he pleaded.

“Actually it is. It’s not over but its getting better, the breathing helps.”

Okay, shut up and let her concentrate.

Rose laughed and shook her head
. “You’re so cute.”

She was turning her arm this way and that, admiring her leaner, tighter, toned bicep. “Oh my god, look at that.” They watched as her skin began to tighten like 3M plastic on a window when you heat it with a hairdryer. She tipped her head back and laughed
. “This is great!”

“Hey now! You said you wouldn’t get skinnier.” He wasn’t pleased when her curves started to shrink making her soft, round body trimmer and a bit more lithe. She still had an incredibly curvaceous body as long as the shrinking stopped.

“You big baby, I barely changed at all.” She swatted him teasingly. “I think this might be over.” She searched her body and held her breath.

He pulled her into his arms
. “Let’s wait a minute to be sure.”

After a minute she wiggled free and slowly stretched on the bed, trying out her new or was it old body.
do I look?

His eyes glowed bright as he devoured this new Rose with his gaze. A sexy lopsided grin spread across his face.

“I’m assuming you like what you see.”

, yeah.” Simon gave her right nipple a lick. “I think I need to sample my mate inch by inch from head to toe. You know, introduce myself.”

Laughing she shoved him over so she could check out her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

“Holy hot momma! I don’t remember looking this good, but I’m not complaining.”

You are absolutely beautiful. Mon amour. Stunning.

She ran her hands over her perky breasts and down over her round but much smoother hips. Then she touched her hair. That would definitely need to be grown back out.  She caressed her cheek with her fingertips, her skin was tight and supple again. She really liked the woman gazing back at her. A lot.

“If the general population knew about this, women everywhere would line up to be matched with a shifter.”

He took her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. “I thought you were the sexiest woman I had ever seen before and now you blow my mind. How do you feel?”

“This is the best day ever! I feel amazing.”

“What do you think caused the pain in your arm?” he asked.

“Oh, that. I broke it roller blading. It felt like the bone was rebuilding or something. Now that, I can do without ever experiencing again.”

“Ditto, I can live with out it too. My wolf was going insane when your pain peaked.”

Rose busted out laughing. “You do remember the conversation about this at Cade’s right?

He frowned
. “Of course.”

She patted his chest
. “You are never going to survive being in the room when I give birth, that’s for sure.”

“I already solved that problem, Cade and Anna can have all the babies.” He nodded proudly.

“Um, think again. I plan to have a large family. But right now I’m starved, are you going to feed me mate?” she asked as she flashed him her delectable backside and walked into the bedroom for her clothes.

They moved to the kitchen.
“Anything you want, cher. What are you hungry for?” Still naked he wrapped his apron around his waste.

“I could really go for a thick steak and baked potato. OH, and chocolate cake.”

He smiled and pulled a steak from th
. “That sounds delicious, I’ll make two and eat with you.”

Twenty minutes later her taste buds rejoiced in a state of bliss, everything smelled
and tasted better than she ever experienced. “This is the best food I’ve ever had,” she moaned in food ecstasy.

“That’s your shifter senses.
You’ll hear better, smell everything, tastes will be layers now instead of a mixture of flavor, and you’ll have perfect night vision. All of the senses I have.”

“That reminds me, you never told me what your special gift is.”

“I’m an extremely strong empathic. I feel emotions up to ten miles away.”

“Oh man, that must really suck sometimes.”

“You’ve no idea.”

“I wonder if I’ll have a gift?”

“Oh. You will. We just need to wait and see what it is. Do you feel different, other than your new wolf senses, I mean?”

“No, not really.”

She put her knife and fork across her plate and dabbed with her napkin. “So, when do I get to learn how to shift?”

“Are you tired at all?”

She frowned at him. “No, why?”

“If you try to shift when you are very tired you can find yourself stuck in wolf form until you have the energy to shift back.”

“No worries, I feel fantastic.”

He put their plates in the sink and held out his hand
. “Then let the shifting begin.” He led her into the living room.

he watched him push the furniture to the walls. “I must be shifting into a really large wolf,” she teased.

Simon chuckled
. “I’d rather be safe than sorry. I’m never sure what you’ll do as a human, who knows what you’ll try as a wolf.” There was a little too much amusement in his eyes.

“Fine, rain on my parade,”
she teased. “When I’ve seen you and Anna shift, it just happened. How do I do that?”

“Close your eyes and visualize yourself as a wolf. You don’t need to worry about the color and size to do it. You’ll naturally become the correct wolf.” He took a step out of the circle. “Keep in mind,
you need to see yourself as a real live wolf with fur and a tail. Cade didn’t tell Anna and she became a wolf in human clothes.” He laughed. “I would have loved to see that.”

“Got it, fur, tail, no clothes
.” She closed her eyes.

“Very nice
.” He said as his eyes consumed her.

Rose stood before him completely naked.
“Apparently I was overly focused on the clothing.” She closed her eyes again and a beautiful dove grey wolf stood in the center of the room.

Simon gasped. “I should have known,” he whispered.

Rose’s wolf cocked its head and sat looking at him.

He waved her toward the full-length mirror down the hall. As he walked he stripped off his shirt. “I need you to see yourself.”

Rose’s wolf frowned and padded after him.

“Stand right there in front of the mirror.”

She did as he said and watched as he turned his back to the mirror.

Her wolf yelped in surprise and instantly Rose stood in the room. “What the heck? How am I the tattoo on your back?” She spun to face him

“Let’s sit, this may take a minute.”

She sat on the edge of the bed and waited.

“Before Cade and Anna met they had dreams of each other for five years. Very real dreams, visions might be a better word. When I was in the desert I was unable to get the contact and touch that a shifter needs and I suffered for it. Toward the end when it became extremely difficult, I began to have dreams. Every night a dove grey wolf came to me in my dreams and lay beside me to comfort me. I had a local tattoo artist put the wolf on my back as a way to receive some much need
ed contact as well as a tribute to my savior. I didn’t know until a moment ago that you, Rose, were my savior. Your wolf’s soul somehow came to me each night when I needed it most.”

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