Silver Sparks (18 page)

Read Silver Sparks Online

Authors: Starr Ambrose

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Suspense

BOOK: Silver Sparks
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He rocked the truck to an abrupt stop. He had company.

A black Explorer sat out front. On the porch, Maggie sat in one of the plastic chairs, feet up on the porch rail, reading a newspaper. He wasn’t used to seeing her in jeans, and took an appreciative look at the long line of her legs. Not bad at all, even though he liked them better bare.

She looked up at the sound of his truck, grinned, and dropped the paper. Half his weariness fell away just looking at her bright face.

He had barely slammed the truck door shut when she bounded down the steps and threw herself into his arms. “It worked, Cal! I had the absolute best day!” She pushed back enough to look at him. “I hope you don’t mind that I waited here. I just had to tell you about it!”

He didn’t mind at all. Her infectious smile had wiped away the scowl he’d worn for the last three hours. “Tell me about what? No, wait.” He ran his hand under her hair and drew her in for one long, deep kiss. The last of his tension eased away, her happiness melting it as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She smelled like flowers. He inhaled deeply, soaking in her scent along with the pine-scented air. He could get used to this place. “Okay, tell me.”

Her smile was as bright as her sunlit hair. “Our plan worked, Cal! People have been calling the store since last night and placing orders online. I’ve done more business in one day than I usually do in a month! No, two months!”

She was nearly bouncing on her toes with excitement, making him laugh. “I’m glad to hear so many people hate the De Lucas. But it was your idea, not ours.” Not ready to let go of her, he put an arm over her shoulders as he started toward the cabin.

She slipped her arm around his waist, cuddling close. “My idea, your brilliant plan for implementing it. I guess Rick gets some credit, too. He did a great job getting the media on the story.”

He held the door, then followed her inside. “Why don’t we leave Rick out of it for now?” He turned the lock. “I like it better when you focus on me.”

Understanding flashed in her eyes. “I’m tempted to remind you that I don’t like bossy men, but you don’t seem so bossy lately. In fact”—she stroked a finger thoughtfully down the stubble on his cheek—“you seem pretty cooperative.”

“Told you I’m all about teamwork.”

“You did. I’ve been sitting on your porch for the past hour, thinking about that very thing.”

Her sultry look said all he needed to know. His heart probably sped up, but it was hard to tell, since every part of him had gone on high alert the second she fell into his arms. “You were sitting out there an hour? I’m flattered.”

She slipped both arms around his waist. “I had some thinking to do.”

“That’s nice.” He kissed her and forced her backward a few steps, moving with her.

“Don’t you want to know what I was thinking about?”

Probably the same thing he’d been thinking about the past couple of days. The thing that had taken over his mind and wouldn’t let go. But she seemed to want to talk about it, so he nibbled her ear and said, “What were you thinking about?”

“About how well we work together.”

“We do.” He kept her moving back, past the kitchen counter and onto the rug behind it.

“And how not exploring that chemistry might be pretty stupid.”

“You’re not stupid.” Three more steps. He brushed kisses along her jaw.

“Mmm.” She rolled her head, allowing him to drop more kisses on her collarbone. “No, I’m not. And that means . . .”

Her voice trailed off as his hands slid under her shirt and up to her breasts. He could feel her nipples poking hard against the smooth material of her bra. “What does it mean?” he asked, watching her eyes. She looked a little dazed.

“Uh . . . I don’t know.” She blinked slowly. “I forgot what I was going to say.”

“I’ll stick around while you think about it.” One more step. The back of her legs hit the foot of his bed.

She closed her eyes for a moment as his thumbs moved in lazy circles. When she opened them, her sleepy gaze focused on his as her hands went beneath his shirt. “I think I’m done thinking.”

“About time,” he murmured. He pulled her top off, then helped her remove his own. He supposed her bra was pretty, with all that black lace, but he didn’t take time to admire it. Reaching around to unhook it, he slipped it off her arms and out of his way. Then paused to admire the view.

“Freckles.” He smiled at the light scattering of color that faded out halfway down her breasts.


“I like them.” He cupped each breast and rubbed his thumbs over the tightly puckered nipples. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes. “I like that, too,” he said, watching her reaction before ducking his head to pull one firm nub into his mouth.

“Oh, God . . .”

He was in complete agreement.

Cal could have happily spent the next hour acquainting himself with the taste and feel of her breasts, but each delighted moan from Maggie created more pressure in his groin, until he didn’t think it was possible to get any harder. The urgency to do something about it only increased when she found his erection and began stroking him through his jeans. When she unfastened them and reached inside, he groaned and pushed into her hand. Her fingers caressed as they stroked. If she kept doing that, he’d never last long enough.

He bent her backward as he held her, taking them both down to the bed. With a last lingering kiss on her breast, he pushed up and slid her jeans off. He smiled at the scrap of black lace, wondering exactly what shade of red he’d find behind that thin little triangle. Loving the anticipation, he ran his fingers under the thin bands that crossed her hips, then down the silky front triangle where it disappeared between her legs. As his finger touched moistness, Maggie breathed a soft, “Oh,” and drew a quivering breath.

That was all he could take. He pulled the black lace panties off her legs.

Blond with a hint of red. He cupped the softness, thrilling at the way she rose against his hand, seeking more.

Lifting her arms, she pulled at his shoulders. “Come here, she pleaded. “I want to feel you against me.” Lifting her foot to the bed for leverage, she started to scoot toward the pillows, making room for him.

He caught her other knee, holding her in place. “Not yet, sweetheart. I think I want you right here for now.” Pushing her knees apart gently, he knelt between them.

Maggie was melting from the inside out. Certainly her bones were gone, because she was as limp as a rag. All she could do was clutch the bedspread and ride the waves of pleasure Cal drove through her body. His big hands held on to her hips and caressed her legs, while his tongue . . . Oh, God, what hadn’t he touched with that tongue? She quivered when he tasted her, then gasped as he licked into her most sensitive spots, arching helplessly against his mouth. She couldn’t stop herself, and didn’t want to. She whimpered, then panted, then nearly screamed as every muscle below her waist spasmed in ecstasy. When she finally opened her eyes, Cal was leaning over her, gray eyes dark with desire.

Was there a proper etiquette for thanking a man for the best oral sex ever? Following her instincts, she grabbed his neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss. When their lips parted she found her voice, even though it was rough and low. “Tell me you have a condom.”

He smiled. “I have several.”

She lifted an eyebrow, which clearly said, “Why the hell don’t you have one on already?”

He was ahead of her, slipping out of his jeans and ripping open the packet in record time. Impatience made her squirm, while watching him sheathe himself ignited a new fire between her legs. She hooked her legs around his hips, pulling him close, wanting to feel him inside her.
to feel him.

His gaze burned, too, watching her as he reached between them. His finger found her wetness. She made a small sound a pleasure in her throat. His eyes closed halfway, steady on her own, as he inserted another finger.

She bit her lip. “Cal,” she breathed.

Then his fingers were gone and he slipped inside her, deep and full.

She moaned. She wanted to move, hard and fast. But he held himself there, eyes closed. “Jesus,” he breathed, then gave a half chuckle. “You feel too good. Give me a second.”

Her heart gave a little skip. Damn it! It seemed like he touched every part of her, including emotions she didn’t know she had. She was tempted to ask if it had been a long time for him, too, but she didn’t want to know if it hadn’t, so she lay still. When he moved slowly a few seconds later, she found herself right back on that desperate edge. This time he didn’t hold back. Delicious pressure built with each thrust, until she thought she’d go out of her mind with desire. Seconds later she gave herself over to the waves rippling through her, aware that he reached the same pinnacle immediately after her. She arched against him, helpless, then collapsed, too tired to move another muscle. He gave a satisfied groan and settled on top of her, breathing heavily.

She stroked the cool sweat on his back and ran her hand down to his tight butt. When he got up she was definitely going to take an appreciative look at that. It had looked mighty good in jeans, high and firm, and she wasn’t going to miss an opportunity to admire it naked.

Finally she turned her head, brushing his where it lay cradled on her shoulder. “You going to let me get up?”

“No.” He raised his head to look at her. “I’m trying to figure out a way to keep you right where you are.” He kissed her slowly, lingering at the end to take a gentle nip at her lower lip. “I forgot to tell you—Amber’s with your sister.”

“I know.”

“Then don’t leave.”

She hadn’t been about to. Especially not after seeing the heat in his gaze that promised more of the same. “I’m not going anywhere.”

He smiled. “Good.” He whispered it as he kissed her ear, sending shivers all the way down her arms. Then he pushed himself up, separating them. Cool air touched her hot body. She wanted him back already. They probably had a few hours before Amber and Sophie returned, and she intended to spend every minute of that time in his bed. From the look in his eyes, Cal agreed with that plan.

She watched him walk to the bathroom, following the ripple of muscles in his tight ass, and sighed happily. No interruptions for the next two or three hours. She owed Sophie for this one.

Maggie’s phone woke her. She lifted her head from Cal’s arm, spotting the phone on the chipped table beside the bed. She couldn’t reach it, not with Cal’s leg pinning her down, and she didn’t feel like trying to move him. Being wrapped in his arms felt too good. She propped herself up, weighing the options. After two more rings, it went to voice mail. Problem solved.

“You didn’t answer it.”

She looked down to meet his amused gaze. “I don’t want to get up.”

He ran his fingers through her hair, watching lazily as the strands sifted through them to her shoulder. “Me, either. What time is it?”

She looked at the watch she hadn’t bothered to take off, and widened her eyes. “Damn, it’s almost ten.”

He pulled her down and rolled on top of her, his naked body fitting nicely against hers. The hard line against her thigh was especially nice. He moved his hips against hers, stirring all sorts of tempting ideas.

On the table, her phone chirped, announcing a message.

He didn’t say anything, waiting for her decision. She hesitated, then closed her eyes, surrendering to her responsible side. “Can you reach it?”

He did, rolling off her so she could sit up. Gathering the sheet around her, she accessed her messages while Cal lay back, hands behind his head, waiting. She was about to give in to the temptation to run her hand over his broad chest when Sophie’s voice hit her ear at top volume, speaking over blaring music: “Hey, Maggie, I just wanted you to know that Amber and I are hanging out at The Aerie. We’re having a great time, so don’t jump out of bed or anything. See you later!”

Maggie lowered the phone. “Sophie and Amber are at The Aerie.”

Cal’s eyebrows drew together in a suspicious look. “Amber’s sixteen.”

She didn’t like it either, but there was no point in getting him more upset. “It’s in the hotel. And I don’t think Sophie would let her order a drink.”

Cal sat up. “It’s not the alcohol I’m worried about. The Aerie draws a pretty sophisticated crowd.”

Including the
Trust Fund Brats
. He didn’t have to say it. He also didn’t have to remind her that Amber was rather uninhibited, or that she and Sophie both had a chip on their shoulders about Rafe De Luca, and an aggressive attitude about payback.

“I have to shower before we go.”

A spark of interest lit his eyes. “It’ll be twice as fast if we shower together.”

Stepping into the cool mountain night was disorienting, like stepping from a dream into reality. The last few hours in Cal’s tiny cabin had been an erotic interlude, suspended in time. Reality was the pine-scented night, the other cars on the highway, and the laughter and music that drifted from The Aerie lounge before they even opened the doors.

Maggie paused at the entrance to The Aerie. She’d come here countless times, but had never seen it quite so crowded and noisy. The deep bass beat of dance music thumped behind the wall of raised voices and laughter in The Aerie’s back room. “Do you think they’re having a wrap party for the show?” she asked.

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