Silevethiel (6 page)

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Authors: Andi O'Connor

BOOK: Silevethiel
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«When Irwiendel had her vision, her mother, being a Wood Elf, wanted to disregard it completely. But Irwiendel was so detailed in her descriptions that her father felt it should not be ignored. He knew that because of her age and mixed blood, his daughter would immediately be dismissed, so he petitioned the Lord of the Light Elves himself. After many attempts, he was eventually granted an audience with Lord Greldir, and relayed Irwiendel’s vision as his own.

«At first, Greldir gave credence to the prophecy and added a written account of the vision to the archives. Unfortunately, it became known that it was not the man’s foresight, but his daughter’s. Lord Greldir quickly banished them from Lilendvelle.

«It is said Irwiendel’s parents soon died from grief and despair. She wandered the lands alone, eventually finding her way to the Sea Elves. They took pity on her and welcomed her into the community as one of their own. Although Lord Greldir denounced her vision, a select handful of Light Elves took it quite seriously and made a point to pass it to their offspring. Not much more is known beyond what you have already mentioned, other than the world would be threatened by a king of men.»

«Does the document still exist?»
Laegon asked in the uneasy silence that followed.

«As a rule, nothing entered into the archives is destroyed. Unfortunately, I cannot say whether or not Greldir held true to that custom. Why this sudden interest?»

«I was pondering Irewen’s elven ancestry when something you said nagged in the back of my mind.»

«My memory is not as good as it used to be. Which of my words of wisdom are causing you so much distress?»
Brégen asked innocently, feigning ignorance.

«I am not as gullible as you may think, Guardian,»
Laegon answered with a sly grin.
«You share the same suspicion as I.»

«And what would that be, Protector?»

Laegon rolled his eyes at his Guardian’s evasive stubbornness.
«That Irewen is the woman spoken of in Irwiendel’s prophecy, and that Elthad is the king whose rule will threaten the whole of the land.»

«Aye, tis true,»
Brégen finally acquiesced.

Laegon couldn’t help but laugh at the huge grin he knew to be plastered on the lion’s face.
«And when were you planning on informing me?»

«There is nothing to fret over, my faithful Protector. I was simply allowing you time to enjoy your privacy with the ‘exquisite’ Irewen. It would all have come to your attention in good time.»

«I see,»
Laegon replied curtly, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He wasn’t sure if he was more irritated with himself for becoming so entranced with Irewen that he unknowingly transmitted his feelings for her to Brégen, or with his Guardian for soaking up the juicy gossip like an old biddy busting her gut to spread the spicy details around the entire village.

he snorted,
«when you have finished being the Guardians’ official gossip king, perhaps you would care to tell me what you propose we do? Shall I tell Irewen of the prophecy? Her emotional state is extremely fragile. I do not know if she can handle much more. It is likely she would not believe the prophecy. Even if she did, I can almost guarantee she would not believe she was the one to which it referred. After all, we have no proof.»

«You are quite right, Laegon,»
Brégen agreed.
«She is not ready to receive such information. I think it is best to say nothing until she meets Silevethiel. The Dame knows more than she is telling me. I suspect she is waiting until she speaks with Irewen personally. Simply continue to aid in the princess’s recovery and keep her safe. However, I do think it would be wise to pique her curiosity about her mother’s kin. If she develops an interest in discovering her elven ancestry, we can learn a great deal without alerting her of the prophecy until it becomes necessary.»

Though he knew the Guardian couldn’t see, Laegon nodded his head approvingly.
«Aye. She is still concerned about what to do once she is well enough to leave the cave. Perhaps a search through the Wood Elves’ familial archives in Silverden would be in order. There are no accounts of a mixed coupling in our recent history. For anyone to have blood of all four elven races, we will have to search our records in the time period near the Divide.»

«A search of the Light Elves’ archives would also be beneficial,»
the lion instructed.
«Before the Divide, the four distinct races existed. They were extremely territorial, even within the confines of Silverden. Elves rarely coupled with others outside their own community. My humble opinion is that the woman in her vision was one of her own descendant’s. We already know Irwiendel shared the blood of a Light Elf and Wood Elf. It stands to reason that when she sought refuge with the Sea Elves, she eventually mothered a child. If that is the case, only the blood of a Green Elf would be needed to fulfill the requirements in the prophecy.

«It certainly stands to reason, my friend,»
mused Laegon.
«Permission to access the Light Elves’ records would not be too difficult to obtain. I may be able to find the written account of Irwiendel’s prophecy while we are there. I will see what I can do to spark Irewen’s curiosity.»

«Well done. And Laegon?»


«I resent being thought of as an old biddy.»

«Not to worry, my friend. It is just a term of endearment.»

Although Brégen grunted to show his displeasure at the mimicry, Laegon could feel the lion fighting to hold back his laughter. Beaming to himself, he turned towards the cave entrance. He sometimes wondered how others managed to get through their days without the constant companionship and everlasting friendship of a Guardian.



Her father said only one word, her name, but he was so desperate in his calling that she was immediately pulled from her slumber. She woke, searching in vain for the man she knew wouldn’t be there, couldn’t be there. Sorrow filled her heart anew when he didn’t answer her silent plea. But amidst the all too familiar grief, there flowered a warm bubble of joy.

She had heard his voice, and she had not forgotten.

Sensing the princess’s sudden alarm, Laegon started. The agitation emanating from her body was so strong he felt it seeping into his bones. Rushing to her side, he took her hands in his. “I am here, Irewen,” he assured her. “You are safe. It was simply a bad dream.”

“No.” Irewen shook her head vigorously; stubbornness evident in her clear blue eyes. She wanted to believe his words, but she couldn’t. Her father had been a recurring figure in her nightmares since his death. This time was different. This was real.

“It was him,” she insisted. “He was there. I felt him. I heard him.”

“Who?” Laegon asked, feeling Brégen’s constant presence in his mind grow stronger.

“Father!” Irewen screamed. Throwing away the blanket she abruptly sat up. Tears streamed down her cheeks.

Laegon placed his arm solidly around her shoulders, attempting to comfort her as her slender body trembled violently against his. “Try to calm down, Irewen. Everything will be fine. Take a deep breath and tell me what happened.”

Closing her eyes, she took a few moments to regain her composure. She desperately wanted to hear her father’s voice once again. At the same time, she dreaded reliving the experience. He hadn’t spoken her name in order to recount happy times and fond memories. His call had been frantic and urgent. Although she’d pleaded for him to continue – to tell her what he knew – she hadn’t been prepared to hear his words. Even now, the memory of the tone in his voice sent chills down her back. What evils had he wanted to reveal?

“I was asleep,” she began slowly, her shaky voice barely a whisper. “But I had all my senses. I could think. I could reason. It was as though I existed in a different world.”


«I heard, Protector,»
came Brégen’s swift reply.
«I am listening,»

“It was dark,” Irewen continued, obviously unaware of the others’ exchange. “And cold. I felt heavy, yet strangely weightless, as if I could move anywhere through space without any restrictions or hindrances. I could see no one, but I knew instinctively I was not alone. I sensed a presence, but I could not pinpoint its location. It was one, yet many. Alive, yet dead. Everywhere, yet nowhere. As if it was the universe itself.

“I do not know how long I wandered, trying to make sense of my strange surroundings, before I felt my father’s presence emerge from the being. His haunting voice pierced the silence as he desperately screamed my name. In that one word, I felt his fear and his pain. I shared in his guilt and in his regrets. I knew he needed to tell me something, but he couldn’t. I tried to call out to him, but I could not speak. I silently pleaded for him to talk to me, to tell me what was wrong, but he said nothing more. His presence faded away, blending once again into the being of the one and the many. I woke, searching in vain for him though I knew he would never again walk this earth.”

At a loss for words, Laegon simply stroked Irewen’s soft hair as she thrust her head against his shoulder.

«Well, my friend,»
Brégen replied, his voice rumbling through Laegon’s mind.
«That is most interesting.»

«It was just a dream, Brégen.»

«On the contrary, my good prince. What Irewen experienced was most certainly real. And in relating her tale, she unknowingly revealed part of her elven ancestry. She has the blood of the Green Elves.»

«I do not understand,»
Laegon stated.
«How you can be so certain? What did she say that could possibly lead you to make such a claim?»

«I know the Green Elves are extremely secluded, so I do not blame you for your ignorance.»

«Oh, get on with it,»
Laegon insisted, rolling his eyes.

«The Green Elves have an intense love and appreciation of all things,»
Brégen replied leisurely.
«Because of this, they are the most sensitive of your kind and were the most devastated by the Divide. It is also for this reason that those among the Green Elves who felt the strongest sympathy and empathy for all life developed the rare ability to enter the world of the dead. Known as Cílléren

Speakers, in the common tongue

they enter the Spirit World through their dreams and are able to communicate with the dead. Some are only able to communicate by forming pictures or images, while others can actually speak verbally.

«Unlike the gift of Foresight, which was once shared by all the elven races, Speaking is a trait only characteristic of the Green Elves. Also, unlike one with Foresight, a Speaker will eventually learn how to enter the spirit world whenever they choose. What Irewen just described to you was her meeting with her father in the next life. The fact that she was able to hear him speak shows she is strong in the gift. Over time, she will find her voice and learn how to coax him, and others, into revealing more.»

«Even after all of these years, the extent of your knowledge continues to amaze me, my friend,»
Laegon responded appraisingly.

«It is a Guardian’s job to know. And now that I have enlightened you, what, if anything, do you plan on telling Irewen?»

«She already knows it was real,»
Laegon replied.
«I will tell her she is a Speaker, but I will not reveal that it is a characteristic belonging solely to the Green Elves. We need her to gain enough curiosity to want to delve into her ancestry. It is possible that telling her she has the blood of a Green Elf will squelch what little interest she may already have. That is something we cannot risk.»

«You could always do the research for her.»

Laegon immediately rejected the suggestion.
«No, I will certainly aid her in any way I can, but this is something she must be a part of.»

«So be it. Good luck, my friend. And be sure to get some rest tonight. I must admit you are normally fairly attractive, but you will not gain her interest if you continue to look like you were mauled by a family of bears.»

Despite himself, Laegon chuckled softly, immediately regretting it when he felt Irewen pull away.

The delicate lines of her face were frozen in anger—her voice stern. “What is so funny? I did not believe you were the kind who would laugh at another’s expense.”

He instinctively reached for her hand and grimaced when she pulled away. “I was not laughing at you or at anything you said, Irewen,” he said sincerely. “It was merely a reaction to something Brégen said to me. Learning not to react on our Guardian’s words and actions when in another’s company is something all Protectors struggle to master. Though it is difficult, it is no excuse for my behavior. Please accept my deepest and most heartfelt apology, my lady.”

He saw the doubt in her eyes, and he didn’t blame her. It was an easy and convenient explanation to absolve him of any wrongdoing. He knew that she, along with most others, believed it was an excuse all Protectors used in order to get themselves out of any difficult or embarrassing situation. Nevertheless, he also knew that deep in her heart she wanted to believe him.

“What did he say?” she finally asked, her voice laden with suspicion.

Laegon hesitated, causing Irewen to distance herself further. What Protectors and Guardians spoke of to each other was hardly ever shared, and Brégen put Laegon’s mind at ease.
«You may tell her,»
he said, knowing any more hesitation on the prince’s part would simply convince Irewen that her suspicions were correct.

“He informed me that I need to rest tonight. Apparently, he seems to think that despite my usual mildly handsome features, looking like I have been mauled by a family of bears is doing nothing to gain your interest.”

“Hmm,” she replied slowly. “He does have a point.”

«See? I told you.»
The triumphant overtones in Brégen’s voice were hard to miss.
«You must listen to my advice more often, Protector.»

Without acknowledging his Guardian, Laegon looked at Irewen, completely stunned and thoroughly confused.

“I was joking,” she assured him, patting his hand. “I must ask you to accept my apology, Laegon. I have to admit that I forgot you are a Protector. I should not have jumped to conclusions.”

“You do not need to apologize, Irewen. Anyone would have shared your reaction. Regardless of Brégen’s extremely well-placed remarks, it was inconsiderate of me to react as I did.”

“There are certain things which require laughter, no matter the circumstances,” she said with a slight smile. “I am certain that if our places were reversed, I would have laughed as well.”

“Perhaps, though nothing is certain.”

“Where is Brégen? I have yet to see him.”

“Do not worry; I have not chucked him out in the cold. I needed to send word to my father of the situation and request for him to send a rider to our location with extra supplies. With my horse in tow, Brégen returned to Silverden as soon as we reached the safety of this cave. He protested most strongly about that, claiming he refused to be downgraded to a horse guide. But a cave, no matter its size, is no place for a steed. Given the harshness of the winter, there was nowhere for Silwen to graze, and I did not have enough feed for the duration of our stay. Of course, Brégen eventually conceded to my request. Tomorrow, he will make his way here from Silverden with a companion whose identity I have not yet been able to wheedle out of him.”

«All in good time, my prince,»
Brégen interjected playfully.

“And if this mystery guest turns out to be my horse,” Laegon continued mischievously, “Brégen will be first in line for some choice words.”

Brégen’s grunt of disapproval boomed through Laegon’s mind.

“Are all Protectors and Guardians as entertaining as the two of you?” Irewen asked with an amused grin.

“Guardians do not speak to anyone other than their Protector unless it is an emergency, and our conversations are rarely shared with others, so I cannot say for certain. But I will say that it is highly unlikely. It is well known that Brégen is the resident clown among the Guardians. I have often thought that if he was ever unable to perform his current duties, he could always secure a position as a jester.”

“It must be wonderful to have a Guardian, someone you know will always be there for you and whose bonds of friendship will never be cut. Someone who will never turn their back on you. Someone who would never even dream of deceiving you.”

“Aye, it is wonderful,” Laegon agreed, feeling Brégen delight in the compliment.

«I always knew you would make a decent Protector,»
the Guardian quipped before slowly retreating. His presence quickly became nothing more than a dull pulse in the back of the elf’s mind.

“Like elves, the Guardians are blessed with long lives,” Laegon continued, grateful for the privacy. “I have lived over two hundred years and was chosen by Brégen when I was only fifteen. I cannot remember what it was like not to constantly feel his presence in my mind. There are many times when I wonder how the rest of the world manages to survive their daily lives without such companionship. No matter how far away we are from one another, Brégen is always there.”

“I never realized the connection was that strong,” Irewen commented. “In a way, it must be rather uncomfortable. To have someone constantly in your mind, always listening to your thoughts.”

“All Guardians, even Brégen, are capable of some discretion,” Laegon explained. “Just because we always feel our Guardian’s presence does not mean we are bereft of privacy.”

“I don’t understand.”

“A Guardian’s constant presence in our minds is simply a way for them to ensure that his or her Protector is not in danger,” he clarified. “For example, at the moment, Brégen can simply sense that I am calm and there is nothing posing a threat to either my safety or your safety. He does not know what I am thinking or feeling, nor can he hear what either of us are saying. Most of the time, this is how Brégen is connected to me, prepared to jump to my aid at the first hint of danger.

“That being said, there certainly are times when I allow him to read my thoughts and, if a situation warrants it, listen through my ears. Of course, our connection with one another is strongest when we use Míendvel—Mind Voice in the common tongue—which, as you witnessed firsthand, can lead to rather embarrassing situations in the company of others. Still, every Guardian knows when to retreat and give their Protector privacy, even Brégen.”

“Are you in Brégen’s mind?”

“Most definitely. Everything I have just said is true in reverse. Brégen can feel me in his mind as I can feel him in mine. I know he is in high spirits and does not feel threatened. Should that change, I will know instantly and will do what I can to protect him.”

“That sounds quite lovely actually,” Irewen replied with a longing smile. She wished Silevethiel had stayed with her after saving her from the abyss.

“What was it like when Silevethiel spoke to you?” Laegon asked, as if sensing her thoughts.

Irewen closed her eyes, reliving the experience. “It was absolutely glorious. It was as though I had discovered a part of myself I never knew existed. I felt whole. Complete. When she left, it felt as though a part of me died. I knew I would never again feel such a magnificent and joyful peace. It may sound strange, but even after being connected to her for such a short time, I feel rather lost without her.”

Silence fell between them. Laegon studied her, surprised her connection with Silevethiel had been that strong. “Aye,” he said quietly after a time. “That is exactly what it feels like.”

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