Silent Symmetry (The Embodied trilogy)

BOOK: Silent Symmetry (The Embodied trilogy)
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Silent Symmetry


a fantasy-mystery love story by


JB Dutton




Book 1 of the EMBODIED trilogy





er 0

Memory #1: There were three in the bed

er 1

Dream #8: I’m floating in space.

Chapter 2

Dream #
2: I’m being watched...

ter 3

Dream #
10: I discover a sparkling river...

er 4

Dream #
23: I’m in a crowd of people....

r 5

Dream #
16: I’m super happy...

apter 6

Dream #
19: I’m in homeroom. It’s morning.

pter 7

Dream #
20: (while in Cilic’s limo)

er 8

Dream #
42: I’m at a circus show.

hapter 9

#7: I’m on Dad’s shoulders.

er 10

#51:The kitchen cupboard is wide open.


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ks by JB Dutton


Copyright and legal notice




Chapter 0


Memory #1: There were three in the bed, and the little one said, “Move over! Move over!” So they all moved over and one fell out...


The second I walked through the door, I knew something was wrong. Not yet old enough to read, I could tell by the way Mom propped herself against the kitchen wall with the phone dangling loosely in her hand. My stomach turned inside-out.

“Mrs. Marriner?” said the tinny voice in the phone. “Are you still there?”

Mom put the receiver slowly back to her ear and groaned, “Uh-huh.” Her eyes were unfocused, her lips trembling.

“Is there someone who can look after your daughter? You need to come downtown and identify the body.”


Mom’s eyes came back to life and flitted down to look at me with a mixture of sadness, pity and fear. She clenched her lips together and hung up the phone. I walked toward her, wary, wondering. Mom crouched down and pulled me close. “I love you, pumpkin,” she whispered.

“I love you too, Mommy,” I answered, reassured by the familiar exchange.

“Listen, I have to go run an errand. I
... I’ll drop you off at Maddie’s, okay?”

Normally the idea of a playdate would have made me jump for joy. But I knew something was wrong.

“Go pick out a sweater.”

“Okay.” And off I ran to my room, still shielded from the new reality.


* * * * *


That evening,
Mom ordered pizza and we sat next to each other at the kitchen table as she explained to me that daddy wouldn’t be coming home any more. I can remember crying, but not really understanding. Mom cried too, even though she did her best to stay strong. She told me a little story about daddy driving to work and a big truck pushing his car off the bridge. Daddy flew and he was still flying. It was just an accident and daddy wishes he could come home, but he can’t, and he still loves me bigger than the universe and sends me kisses and hugs every morning and every night.

Wisconsin winter rain pounded on the kitchen window. We finished the pizza in silence. Something was wrong and there was nothing either of us could do to put it right.

pter 1


Dream #8: I’m floating in space. But space is white and all the stars are black.


Twelve years later and it was raining again. This time it was the New York variety, the kind that washes away bits of garbage and gum, the kind that forms rivers that swirl beside the busy sidewalks while pedestrians wait to cross.

I glanced at the dashboard clock inside the small Korean sedan. Horns blared. “Don’t worry,
Mom – I’m super early,” I reassured her, sensing the tension behind her wire-rimmed glasses, a tightness in her forehead underneath the brown curls now flecked with a few stray, white hairs.

“I think this is it, pumpkin,” she announced, squinting through the wipers at a gray building just ahead.

“Maybe today’s the day we put pumpkin out to pasture, Mom,” I smiled. “New city. New beginning...”

Mom opened her mouth to speak, somehow surprised at the request, then nodded earnestly. “You’re right. Of course.”

“Thanks. How about just ‘Kari’? Or ‘honey’, in a pinch.”

“Sure thing, pum... honey.”

I shook my head and smiled wider. She was doing her best. She’d always done her best with me. For me. When the headhunter had called the lab two months before and told her about the job in Manhattan, she’d said no – it’s too far, it’s not what we know. But when he’d mentioned the salary and benefits, plus the paid tuition at one of the city’s best schools, she’d started to envision a future where I could run instead of walk. Maybe even soar if I put my mind to it. And now here we were – first day of school for me, and first day as ToT Chief Software Engineer for Mom.

She swerved over to the curb and pulled up abruptly. “I can’t park here, so just jump out.”

I undid my seatbelt, leaned across and gave her a peck on the cheek. “Later! Good luck!”

I heard a fading “Text me when you’re done
... Kari,” as I opened the door to get out.

“Sure!” I yelled back above the din of the splashing traffic. I slammed the car door with one hand, the other holding my laptop backpack over my head as a makeshift umbrel
la, in a vain attempt to keep my long, unruly hair dry.

I hopped over puddles that lay between me and the school gate, then
walked through it to the gothic-style entrance where the words carved into the stone above the doors – Chelsea Preparatory School – forced one corner of my mouth up into an ironic smirk. Preparatory? After losing my dad so young, you could say I’m prepared for anything.

Other bedraggled students bustled past me, hurrying to get under cover. I took my time, soaking up my new surroundings. Chelsea Prep had been around for seventy-five years and clearly liked to create the impression that it was a couple centuries older. Faux-gothic gargoyles on the gutters: check. Oak panels with gold script listing the team captains back to the 1930
s: check. Echoey stone slabs as a floor: check. But I wasn’t buying into any of it.

Sure, an Ivy L
eague scholarship would be great, but the reason I pushed Mom to accept the job in New York was her bed. Or, to put it bluntly, the lack of a man in it. I knew how hard she had worked to keep her career going and maintain a decent lifestyle after Dad died, but did she really have to sacrifice any prospect of romance? Maybe there were no eligible bachelors in the tri-state area that fit Mom’s idea of a life partner? She’d only gone on a handful of dates over the last decade. Over-fishing may be a global ecological disaster-waiting-to-happen, but I was positive that there were plenty more fish in the Sea of Manhattan. I mean, Mom’s Sex and the City DVD collection couldn’t have been
fiction, could it?

I strolled down the hallways, musing about maybe a divorced staff member who I could engineer to bump into
Mom at a PTA meeting. No, wait – aim higher – a vice-principal who, like Mom, had concentrated on his career and now in his late-thirties was off the romance radar. He would be kind and educated, but not a snob and – oh! There it was: Room 8A, as per the email. My new homeroom.

I entered and time
slowed to a crawl.

it jumped back twelve years to that fateful Saturday afternoon the cops phoned Mom with the news about Dad. Because I had the exact same feeling again. The second I walked through the door, I knew something was wrong.

There were only two people in the room: a tall,
slim guy my own age, and an older gentleman wearing a black suit and black dress shirt. So far, nothing too weird: student and teacher, right? But they were shaking hands. Not in the typical way, but with both hands at once, staring straight into each other’s eyes as they stood in front of the teacher’s desk. They held eye-contact with each other for several seconds, then both turned their heads slowly toward me before letting go of their hands.

It was beyond creepy. It was other-worldly.

The man walked past me without making a sound, keeping the same blank expression, closing the door as he exited.

“This is the right classroom, isn’t it?” I asked the boy. Stupid question – how would he know?

“Yes,” he answered. The word was spoken ever so softly, but was as clear as a bell in a silent church, as though the sound was coming from inside my own head.

“I... I
...” I was literally speechless. He was looking at me blankly, just like the man, but there was something fascinating about his face. Not classically handsome, with lips too full for a boy and a forehead too wide beneath straight dark hair, evenly trimmed just above his shoulders. What was it about him that made me feel so strange and yet so attracted? He was dressed simply enough in a black long-sleeved tee and black jeans, but there was something I couldn’t decipher. Was it the chocolate eyes? His relaxed hands by his slender hips? There was something about him that I couldn’t quite put my finger on.

I must have been frowning.

“Don’t frown,” he said, in the same soft tone.

“Sorry – I
... I’m Kari,” I stammered. “And you are?”


“Like, as in,
midday?” I ventured, totally not expecting the answer to be yes.

“Yes,” he said, and I felt kind
a silly.

“So you were born right on the stroke of
12 p.m. to parents with little imagination?”

I groaned inside. I was making a total ass of myself in the space of half a minute.

“Crap, that sounded bad.” I apologized.

He smiled for the first time. And I felt a wave of
eff-knows-what sweep over me.

The door behind me opened and three girls pushed past me as though I wasn’t there, chatting and taking off their raincoats.
Noon continued staring at me with his soft-yet-piercing gaze. I felt other people swarm past me but I was mesmerized. The spell was finally broken with a bang when the teacher slammed his briefcase down on the desk and started talking to me. Even then, it took him two attempts to break through my bubble.

“You must be Kari,” he said as he noisily unpacked his books. “Unless you aren’t Kari,” he continued, puzzled.

“Oh, yes,” I replied, snapping out of my reverie. “Sorry, I was – ”

“Don’t worry,” he interrupted, “I’m Mr. Jefferson. Welcome to Chelsea Prep. Take a seat at the back there, one desk in from the window.” He motioned with his head, and I finally felt like my legs were no longer rooted to the spot.

The classroom quickly filled with students. The usual mix of shy and outgoing, stupid and smart, cool and geeky. Nothing too foreign, nothing I couldn’t get used to fast. The only anomaly was Noon, who said very little and moved even less. The guy next to me was cute, although kind of flustered. I soon found out why: his homework assignment was missing and he didn’t want to say what had happened.

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