Silence of Scandal (9 page)

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Authors: Jackie Williams

BOOK: Silence of Scandal
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“But why? I had nothing. Hardacre held all my brother’s notes; he could have had Ormond anyway. Why force this woman, his daughter, into marrying me. It makes no sense,” he gasped out.

The sobbing behind him became slightly less pronounced.

Carter shrugged.

“I was there when she signed the papers. There was no coercion.”

Giles had moved over to the carriage. He pulled out the steps and held out his hand while rolling his eyes as he expected a wizened old crone to appear. He actually staggered back as he saw his friend’s new wife for the first time.

“Good Lord! Was there a more beautiful creature ever born on this earth? What the devil is this goddess doing marrying the likes of you?” His incredulous tones reaffirmed Alexander’s first impression. This woman had to have been forced to marry him.

Carter cleared his throat.

“I think we should go inside. Your wife appears to be in need of a rest from the exertions of the day. There is still the ball to come. Your guests will be arriving within the hour.”

Alexander immediately turned to the young woman still sitting tearfully in the carriage. Her eyes were wide with fear as she stared at him. He brushed Giles aside and held out his hand.

“Come, my dear, this will be resolved instantly. Come and take a glass of sherry while we fathom a way to set you free. I’ll have Grady turn away our guests at the door.”

She stared up into his face for a long moment more before she placed a trembling hand in his and took a hesitant step forwards. Her foot caught the hem of her dress and she went tumbling into Alexander’s outstretched arms. He gathered her against him refusing to let her fall to the ground and his blood immediately began to race around his body only to pool in the one place he would have preferred that it hadn’t. Fortunately the fabric of her silken dress covered his embarrassment as he turned with her still in his arms and strode uncomfortably towards Ormond.


Elizabeth Carlton Hardacre cursed her own feeble heart as it lay thumping erratically in her chest. From the second she stepped inside the church she could think of nothing but her escape.

She knew her father to be a harsh man but how could her father have done this to her? Threatening her with destitution and a life on the streets if she didn’t agree. She shuddered at the thought but still she had hesitated, weighing up her options. She took one last look at the door wondering if there would a last chance for freedom but in her heart she knew it was hopeless. She had no other choice but to go through with it. The door clicked firmly closed behind her and she took a wary step forwards.

The dark haired man at the altar stared curiously at her and she was more than relieved that her father had insisted on the heavy lace veil but having her face shrouded so thickly left her little space to breathe. She dragged the air into her lungs as she tried to fathom the reasons behind this union.

It was clear that the man was being forced to marry her. She quailed at the thought. This wasn’t how marriage was meant to be. He was tall and well built, his face tanned and incredibly handsome; even the scar that marked his cheek didn’t detract from his appeal. His coat was a little tight across the shoulder but otherwise of a quality she had only recently come to recognize and his black boots shone like a like a piece of newly split coal.

Elizabeth let her gaze drop to the stone floor. Someone this rich and this handsome clearly wasn’t meant for her. She would become an embarrassment, be a burden for years and he would hate her. She hesitated in her steps, desperate to think of any way out of the dreadful situation but she had nothing. She couldn’t even give voice to her concerns for there was no one here but Carter who she had ever had contact with before.

Her tongue burned in her mouth as she formed the words of her oath, the oath her father had made her repeat for hours on end. When he had nodded and smiled at the two words flowing together she had felt relieved that she had pleased him. She had felt the sting of his hand once too often but now she hated herself for being weak enough to let them slide past her trembling lips. She let her eyes fall to the floor again, her thoughts in a turmoil of anxiety but it was only as he pressed the dainty ruby ring on her finger that she realized that she had missed her husbands name.

The man in front of her would never forgive her when he discovered why she was being married off. Her father was right. No one else would have her. That was the simple truth of it. She was unwanted and undesirable and the only way she could catch a husband was for her father to find a man so deep in debt that he couldn’t say no. The coming festivities were going to be a nightmare but she only had to dance one dance and then claim a headache. Everyone would understand and pass the evening happily while she and her husband escaped the throng. She just had to remember to keep her mouth shut and her eyes down. Feigning shyness in front of all the guests wouldn’t be a problem at all.

She sat staring out of the window of the carriage as guilt burned deep inside her and then her new husband had touched her arm. Fire leapt through her body as she faced him. She stared at him from beneath her veil as his full lips moved gently. He wanted to see her face and she could put off the moment no longer. For a fraction of a second she considered throwing herself from the carriage but as the ground sped by with alarming speed she lost her nerve. Gathering her courage, she lifted her veil and awaited his damnation.

She dropped her eyelashes as the shock registered in his expression and she waited for the slap across her cheek, the angry scowl of frustration as he discovered the deception. She was no beauty, she knew that. Her skin was too pale, her lips too red, her nose too small and her eyes too dark. She looked like something from a tomb and in a way she supposed that she was, kept indoors as she had been and hidden from sight for so many years. Her pinched, haunted looks were exactly as her father had told her. When the man she had married discovered the rest that her father had planned she would be damned to a life of misery.

Neither the slap or the scowl occurred and she lifted her eyes to his again. He sat there looking completely dumbfounded and then the heat of anger flickered in his gaze, the sapphires darkening into pools of midnight blue. She felt her heart pounding in her chest as tears began to flow and his whole demeanour changed. He was appalled and his rejection was instantaneous. He couldn’t bear what he saw, he didn’t want her, he’d been forced into this marriage as much as she had.

The carriage moved quickly through the countryside. The horses slowed as they climbed a hill and Elizabeth’s hands flew to her mouth as she took in the huge stone towers that loomed above them. They turned into the tree lined drive and her gaze shot back to the man sitting opposite her. She stared at his glossy dark hair and then back to his deep blue eyes. His dark brows made a heavy line across his forehead as he spoke again. He was already calling for an annulment.

She almost choked on her own tears as they fell unabated. What should have been the happiest day of her life as she discovered the identity of her husband turned sour and a tear of bitter disappointment slipped from the corner of her eye. The sudden compassion in his expression was beyond anything she had ever imagined and more tears flowed. She couldn’t stop them and she gulped for air, the tightening in her chest threatening to overwhelm her as Ormond came into view.


The carriage stopped on the gravel and her new husband instantly flung the door open. He leapt from the carriage, desperate to put some space between them as she fell back onto the cushioned seat and let full vent to her desolation.

The man who had stood with Alexander at the wedding put his head inside the carriage and quickly withdrew it as shock registered on his cheeks and then Alexander was holding out his hand, beckoning her into his home. She wanted to shout to the driver to move on, to turn the carriage around and take her from this place but her mouth wouldn’t work. Her husband stood there waiting, an angry scowl on his beautiful brow and fearing that his temper would not long remain even she came quickly to her feet. Her slipper caught on the hem of her overlong dress and she fell into his arms.

What should have been heaven was hell. His lips moved above her but she couldn’t make out his words. He seemed to be implying that it would all be over very soon. No doubt he had seen through her father’s idiotic plan. She wanted to escape before her humiliation was complete but the feel of his arms around her and his hard body beneath her was more than she had ever thought possible in her whole life.

If this was the only time it would ever happen then she had to lay there and accept. It would all be over soon enough and she would travel back to her lonely life in the rooms in Oakley with this day becoming a dream to remember.


Chapter Six

Donkey or Goose?


Alexander lay his beautiful bride gently on the chaise in the salon. Her sobbing had ceased but her tear stained face robbed him of breath. That he could have brought such a woman to this depth of despair stabbed him more harshly than any French blade to his face.

He turned to Carter.

“I want this farce stopped now. You can see the stress that has been placed on her. This marriage must be annulled immediately.”

Carter faced him.

“I’m afraid that is impossible, Your Grace. Miss Hardacre was fully aware of the nature of the agreement and so were you. This marriage cannot be annulled under any circumstances.”

Alexander lifted his chin proudly. He didn’t hesitate for a second.

“I’ll forfeit Ormond and the rest of my estates.”

Carter smiled.

“You can forfeit whatever you like but you will still be married to her, that part of the bargain is non-negotiable.”

Giles glanced at Alexander’s bride. Her beauty struck him hard but he could see that it had affected Alexander even more. He moved to Carter’s side and spoke in low tones.

“She’s meant to be a troll or worse. He never expected to marry someone so beautiful. What on earth did you need any agreement for Carter. One look at her and she would have nations kneeling at her feet let alone a humble Duke.”

Carter looked at Alexander who was indeed now kneeling beside the chaise, sherry glass in hand. He offered Elizabeth a sip and placed his arm around her shoulder to help her forward.

“The emotions of the day have run higher than I had considered. Though I hoped for it in time, I confess I never expected this instant attachment. I don’t think her father’s plan will work. The young Duke now has only one more hurdle to overcome,” his voice was low but Giles frowned.

“This has all been planned? For how long and to what end? Alexander is the rightful heir. He has Ormond as he should have done on his brother’s death. What manner of trickery has been afoot?”

Carter’s eyes moved to Giles but he didn’t make a direct response to the man’s question.

“They only have the ball to get through for all the conditions to be met.”

Giles looked over to Alexander and his new bride. Neither looked capable of receiving guests but it had to be done. He went to his friend and tapped him on the shoulder.

Alexander looked up.

“I know...We have a ball to get through. Thank God that only a few dozen people could attend at such short notice. I will have one dance with my bride and then we will excuse ourselves. Can I look to you to hold court for the rest of the evening?”

Giles immediately concurred.

“Of course. No one would expect you to remain long anyway. Just so long as she’s been seen in public is all that the contract requires. Make your escape as soon as you can afterwards.”

Elizabeth appeared calmer and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Weeping women were something few men could handle and neither Alexander or Giles were any different to the norm.

Grady came into the salon.

“Your guests have begun to arrive, Your Grace.”

Alexander turned his eyes to the beauty on the chaise. She stared back up at him.

“Elizabeth, it appears that there is no getting out of this. Can you bear to have one dance with me? After that we can see what is to be done but we have no time to sort this out before without causing a scandal. I cannot bear the thought of my family being food for the wagging tongues of the ton and would not wish it upon you either.”

Elizabeth took a deep breath. She nodded and stood up. She glanced at Grady and then took Alexander’s proffered arm. It was one dance. Just one and then they could escape. She barely knew how she put one foot in front of the other as they moved towards the door to greet their guests.


She felt as though she had been on her feet for hours. Alexander stood by her side as Grady announced their visitors. Each of them stared at her as they bowed or curtseyed. She vowed that she had never felt more uncomfortable in her life.

Fortunately nothing else was required of her save a graceful smile, a nod in acknowledgement and the odd loving glance towards her new husband. She glanced towards the ballroom where she could see the matrons twittering behind their fans and the jealous glances of unlucky maidens. Their hopes had been dashed by her stealing the handsome new Duke so quickly away from them.

Alexander passed her a glass of champagne and she nodded her thanks. She was parched and she gulped it down then opened her eyes wide as the bubbles fizzed in her nose. He brought his eyebrows together as he stared at her curiously before he took her empty glass away.

“Have a care, my dear. Sparkling wine has a habit of finding its way to your head very quickly. We’ll take another after we have eaten but I suggest that we dance first of all. Our guests are waiting for us to lead off with a waltz.”

Elizabeth swallowed her fears and placed herself in Alexander’s care as he swept her out onto the empty dance floor. The musicians in the gallery began their music and she was suddenly caught about the waist and gripped by searing heat as her husband’s palm threatened to burn through the fabric of her gown and leave his imprint branded upon her skin.

She had never danced at a ball before. Her dance master had visited but three times, giving her the basics but practicing with her maid was nothing like the real thing. Stepping out with Alexander was beyond her wildest dreams. Her feet barely touched the floor and his thighs pressed closely against her flowing skirts, as they twirled about the room.

Other dancers began to join them and Elizabeth began to breathe once again but her heart caught in her chest as she glanced up at her husband’s face.

His eyes smouldered down at her. The intensity of his gaze pierced her heart and she suddenly found the room spinning about her. Seconds later Alexander had caught her up into his arms and he carried her from the ballroom, amid laughter and shouts of encouragement of friends and neighbours.

Giles had been watching from the great hall and managed to have a word in Alexander’s ear before they left the ball entirely.

“Grady and I will get rid of this lot as soon as possible. A few more dances and some food and they’ll be away. No one expects more. I’ll call back in a few days when you’ve had time to settle down. I’ll be staying at the Bear and Dragon in town. Send for me there if you need my anything.”

Alexander barely glanced in his friend’s direction. He stared down at the beauty in his arms and spoke over his shoulder.

“Yes, of course, though you are most welcome to stay here. There are rooms aplenty.”

Giles grinned and shook his head.

“I’ll leave you in peace for a couple of days before I lean on your charity once again.” He turned to the solicitor who stood at the door. “Are you returning to the dance, Carter? I think the tide of despair has turned. Alexander will not frighten her again.”

Giles and Carter moved back towards the ballroom just as Grady entered the hall. He bowed before he spoke.

“Your Grace, the Duchess’s maid has arrived with all of her trunks. Shall I send her to the guest rooms?”

Alexander shook his head without looking up.

“No. Show her to her own room and attend to the maid’s needs as necessary before you take all my wife’s belongings to my suite. Install Elizabeth in the chamber adjoining mine.”

Grady bowed as he backed out of the hall and Giles and Carter followed quickly.

Alexander turned spoke to the woman in his arms.

“It seems that we are stuck with one another my dear. I suggest for the time being we make the best of it and have supper served in my suite. We can make any other arrangements after our guests have departed.”

Elizabeth’s heart broke as his shoulders slumped in resignation. He didn’t want her or even like her. His tender touch was only because he was a gentleman. For all the lessons she had learned on how to become a lady, none of them mattered if her husband was only putting up with her. Her heart felt as though it was about to split when Alexander smiled sadly down at her.

Without thinking she lifted her fingers to the scar on his cheek. It looked new but was healing nicely. He would always have a mark but it suited him somehow. He caught her fingers in his own as she looked up questioningly at him.

“A narrow escape. I should have been more careful. A lesson you would have thought I had learned well,” he paused for a moment. She stared up at him with her fathomless dark eyes and he knew that he was already lost. He gulped back his warring emotions and tore his gaze from hers. She was somehow involved in a scheme to ruin his family. He shouldn’t even want to speak to her. He should house her in his most uncomfortable rooms, not give her the time of day. He should leave her at the Dower house. Anywhere but with him.

He looked back at her and knew that he couldn’t do it. He spoke to her gently again. “Would you like to see your room? I’m afraid that Ormond has been neglected for the last few years and the selection is limited. I have placed you next to me for tonight,” he heard her breath quicken and her body stiffen slightly as her dark eyes assessed him. “Not for any other reason than your own comfort. The servant’s quarters are some way hence and if you should need anything in the night I would be the easiest person for you to call. Come I will show you, do not be afraid.”


As if she would be afraid of him.

With a pounding heart she wriggled from his arms and gained her feet then she clasped his proffered arm and walked with him up the stairs.

It was only as they mounted the stone steps and the music faded behind them that Alexander realized how quiet Ormond had become. In his childhood the corridors had rung with excited yells and trampling feel of youthful adventure. Now his footsteps were the only sounds to echo in the halls. He had also grown quite used to Giles tramping along beside him everywhere but this tiny waif of a woman beside him hardly made a sound. Her silk slippered feet were completely silent and only the gentle frou frou of her gown as it brushed the flagged floor could be heard along the quiet corridor.

As quiet closed around them he suddenly realized that she still hadn’t spoken another word since the wedding ceremony.

“Might I ask where you lived before coming to Ormond?” He asked as they walked along side by side. There was no response from her. She looked out of each window into the dusky light as they passed and she peered into one or two of the rooms whose doors were open but she ignored his question completely.

He tried again.

“Did you have a long journey to reach here?” more silence greeted his ears. He frowned. He had hoped that her shyness would pass when she realized that he was not about to immediately force himself upon her.

He reached her bedroom door and guided her forwards. Grady had already lit the lamps and pre-empted Alexander’s desire for supper to be served in their rooms, for a tray laden with silver covered dishes sat on the fireside table. Bottles of wine stood in coolers by the chair.

Elizabeth brushed her fingers down the drapes around the bed before she moved to stare out of the window. Alexander stood behind her.

“This was my mother’s room. She loves bright colours usually but my father persuaded her to tone down her bedroom. He always said that anything brighter would give him a headache early in the morning.” Alexander shut his mouth as he realized the implications of what he was saying, but Elizabeth didn’t look at the primrose yellow. She pressed her hands to the cool glass and looked out over the terraces. She breathed deeply as she gazed out over the wall of the castle and along towards Bluff Cove. The deep turquoise sea rolled gently in the distance. Moonlight left a silver streak across the waves. She sighed contentedly and Alexander moved up behind her. For a long moment he stared at the near translucent skin at the back of her neck, resisting the almost overwhelming temptation to bend his head and lay his lips upon her.

He forced his eyes to follow hers, cleared his throat and stepped back to a safer distance.

“It is a lovely view. I know it was the reason for my mother’s late rising in the mornings. She said that she couldn’t bear to draw her eyes away from it. Did you live near the sea?” Still no response and for the first time he wondered if there was anything seriously wrong. More seriously wrong than marrying someone you had never met before. He reached out his hand and touched her shoulder determined to have her speak to him.

She leapt like a scalded cat and let out the strangest scream he had ever heard. The maniacal sound gurgled around the room as Alexander leapt backwards in surprise.

“Madam, I meant you no harm.” He floundered and sat down hard on the bed as the back of his knees hit the mattress. He grabbed at the nearest thing to him to steady himself. The pale yellow drape instantly collapsed under his weight and floated down over the top of his head. He attempted to fight his way out of the all enveloping material, becoming hopelessly entangled in the process.

And then he stopped dead as the most awful sound reached his ears. It sounded like a braying donkey gasping for its final breath.

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