Silence of Scandal (18 page)

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Authors: Jackie Williams

BOOK: Silence of Scandal
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It has been entirely my own fault from first to last but I can no longer fight the tide of hatred directed at me over the past several years. I do not know the full reasons for it and feel that it must come down to greed but I swear to you that I never once thought that my love for Peter Lovell would be so viciously persecuted.

I was still at school when I realized that I had fallen for him. I barely even knew what love was before it was too late. I fought against the feelings for several years but when I left the school I was more than miserable and sought him out again. You cannot imagine my delight when I discovered that my senses had not deceived me. He was as much in love with me as I was with him. I know that you will not want to hear the particulars of our relationship but I assure you that we were always more than discreet but that is apparently not enough for the fiend who threatens to bring me to my knees.

When Peter died I thought my life was over. My best friend and beyond wonderful wife, Anne, has brought me back from the brink of despair. I have told her as much as she needs to know and I think she has already guessed the rest, though I have written her a letter explaining as much as I can too.

I beg of you to keep her close. Help her find the husband she so deserves and the one I could never be. If you retain Ormond and ever discover the felon who stole not only my birthright but also Evenleigh from you please return the estate to Anne. She should be not be left destitute through no fault of her own and neither should she have to rely on her father’s charity. Nor should she be at the whim of her brother, who is unfortunately far too young to understand the heart of an independently minded woman.


Alexander glanced up from the letter as Anne and Giles passed by the window. They were walking slowly and Giles stared down, his eyes never leaving his beautiful companion’s face. He was clearly captivated by the lovely woman on is arm. Alexander smiled as Anne gazed adoringly back up at his friend before he returned to the letter in his hand.


I have confessed every detail to our father and, to his credit he hasn’t disowned me or even pressured me in any way except in the matter of my marriage but the estate cannot survive these blackmail demands. I have no recourse to refuse to pay them as they are sent with details that only someone close would know. Peter has sworn that he has told no one and I am sorry for it but I even considered Geoffrey at the start. I now know that to be false but the details are too sure to be the idle guess of a stranger.

Someone knows my secret Alex.

The letters arrive at Ormond every few weeks. A man arrives a few evenings later and collects the cash from a designated place in town. I have had him followed on several occasions but this man is skilled in the art of deception and always avoids capture or questions. Even if he were caught I do not think this person to be the actual blackmailer but a man hired expressly for the job. I cannot offer proof of anything without bringing dire shame not only on myself but on our family.

With this final demand, as a last resort I offered the contents of a ship that I just happened to win in a fool’s game of cards. If the man who forfeited this hold is to be believed the goods therein should amount to the sum of nearly Fifty Thousand Pounds when sold. I have buyers already waiting but the ship is already two weeks late. I can only hope that I have not been fooled once again and that the weather is the cause of the delay. If it is then I hope that you will never have to read this letter.

If such is not the case then I will have gone to my grave for even though father has forbidden me to countenance such action, I can bear no longer the shame I have brought upon our name and will not help myself escape my demise.


Please forgive me Alexander,

Your loving and loyal brother,



P.S Father has secreted the family treasure in an effort to save something for your return. He begs that you use them only as a last resort. I cannot tell you where they are kept in case this letter finds its way into the wrong hands but if you look deeply into our boyhood adventures your will know where to begin the search for your treasure.


Alexander closed his eyes and crumpled the
letter in his hand as rage swept over him. If he had been at Ormond he would have yelled to the heavens with fury. That his brother could have been brought to such a state over something that was entirely private was unthinkable.

Perspiration beaded on his brow as his blood thundered round his body. If the man who had done this had stood in front of him now, he would have ripped the felon’s own heart from his chest with his bare hands and thrown it for the crows to pick.

There was a sudden commotion outside the door. Alexander stiffened as Fothersby opened the door and bowed as two men came in. They both strode forwards.

“Your Grace, we have not had the chance to meet before but I beg that you will forgive this lack of formal introduction. I am George Ellesworth, Earl of Lavenham. I believe you have already met my son, Edward.” The older man gestured towards the youth standing beside him.

Alexander took a breath and kept control of his temper as he eyed the upstart who had had the effrontery to almost drag Anne from the Dower House at Ormond. Edward was barely past school age and already far more arrogant than he should be. Alexander looked down his nose at the younger man.

“Yes, we met briefly when he came to collect my sister in law. We were sorry for her hasty departure. I had only arrived the evening before and barely made her acquaintance. I would have liked to have been more of a comfort to my brother’s wife. My mother was particularly distressed at the loss. Lady Anne was a great comfort to her.” He ignored the Earls embarrassed grunts. “I came to visit my sister in law with my friend, Giles Denvers, who I believe your son also met at Ormond. He is, at this moment, escorting Lady Anne on a walk about the grounds. You have a splendid park here Ellesworth.” He attempted to find some neutral ground while he regained full control of his temper. It was not to be for although the Earl gave a cursory nod, Edward stepped forwards, his chest puffed up with his own self importance.

“Anne is unattended while walking with that commoner? Father I must go to find them…My sister appears to have lost all sense of propriety since you let her cry off from her original engagement.” His nasally toned insult affronted Alexander almost as much as the letter he still held crumpled in his hand. The boy could have been all of fifteen when Phillip married Anne and the insult to Giles was beyond Alexander’s endurance. He turned towards Anne’s brother with a disdainful air.

“I think you will find that my sister in law is in perfectly acceptable company, Ellesworth. Denvers may not have a title but his uncle is a Lord and even without that noble connection he has far more admirable qualities then many supposedly better men that I have had the misfortune to know.” He looked down on the puffed up boy, glad that his stature and title made the young buck look small and insignificant.

Edward appeared about to respond but his father lay a restraining hand on his son’s shoulder.

“I am sure Anne knows how to conduct herself, Edward. Look, here they are now just walking towards us. They will be here in just a moment.”

Edward’s face reddened and he turned towards the door expectantly. They had only a few moments to wait until they heard laughter in the hall.

They came into the salon together, Giles’s face wreathed in smiles. Anne’s face was flushed and pretty, her rosy cheeks bright against the dark black of her gown. She stopped dead as she saw her father and brother. The Earl raised an expectant eyebrow and Anne rushed into an explanation.

“Father, Edward, His Grace and Mr. Denvers were in the area and came to enquire after me. I’m afraid that I didn’t expect you home so early, if at all, and I entertained by myself.” She stopped as Edward stared down is over long nose at her.

“Clearly we were unexpected! It’s just as well that the Duke and his friend were recognized as they came through town. We were informed of their direction and assumed that this would be their ultimate destination. We left our business in town and came home immediately. It appears we were just in time to put a halt to this scandal.” He pulled himself up to his fullest height in a ridiculous attempt at intimidation as he almost shouted at his sister. “What were you thinking of, entertaining this man while you are meant to be mourning your dead husband? Have you no conception of how this would look to others? Father, really…You are going to have to bring her under control. We can’t have her gallivanting about like this. Think of our reputation.” He moved to his father’s side.

Anne’s face clouded and for a moment Alexander thought she was going to concede but then her chin came up and her eyes turned stone cold as she faced her brother. She gave a brittle smile.

“Edward, darling! Have you listened to yourself lately? You are beginning to sound like one of those men at the market.  Always repeating the same line over and over. I’m afraid that I grow bored with you.” She turned to her father. “I have asked Alexander to stay for dinner and remain for the night. I have things I need to discuss with regard to Phillip’s estate.”

Alexander didn’t think that he would be able to discuss anything much with her brother in attendance but he gave a grim smile.

“I thank you Lady Anne. We would be delighted but do not wish to cause any discord. We will spend the night at the inn in town and then call on you again in the morning.” He ignored Giles’s lowered brow but Lady Anne dismissed his refusal with a wave of her hand.

“Nonsense, I won’t hear of it. We have rooms aplenty. I will inform Fothersby that we will be two more for dinner and I will arrange rooms for you instantly.” She walked to the door but Edward blocked her way and spoke in an audible whisper.

“You cannot be serious Anne. Our reputation has already suffered enough because of you. Crying off once was bad enough and becoming the wife of the Marquis with such indecent haste nearly ruined our good name. It was only luck that nothing came of it, but now you are associating yourself with a man of common stock. It will all be seen as a slap in the face to those who matter.”

Alexander could hear no more against either his family, friend or his sister in law. He spoke as he heard Giles grinding his teeth.

“As our presence is so abhorrent to the young Lord, we will take our leave immediately. Anne, if you would speak to me for just a few moments privately I would be grateful. I will correspond with you directly concerning any other matters. Please know that Ormond will always be available to you should ever need somewhere to stay. My Lord.” Ignoring the son completely he gave Ellesworth a short bow and with Giles at his side, he marched from the room.

As they strode across the hall they both heard Anne begin to speak. He voice was controlled but she was clearly furious.

“How dare you embarrass me in such a manner, Edward! Alexander is my brother in law and Mr. Denvers is a perfect gentleman. It is a pity I cannot say the same for you, you pompous arse!” There was a swoosh of silk skirts and then Anne followed Alexander and Giles out into the hall.

She waited until they were outside on the drive before she spoke. Her face was flushed again but this time with anger and sorrow. She threw up her hands in despair.

“I cannot believe the cheek of the young idiot. What my father has been doing with him the last three years is beyond me. I am so sorry Giles and thank you for not rising to him. He would like nothing more than the attention and possible notoriety of a duel.”

Giles slapped his gloves against his thigh as their horses were brought round from the stables. He held himself in check but spoke bitterly.

“The young pup’s damned lucky I didn’t call him out. One more word and I wouldn’t have been responsible for my actions. Know this Anne, he would not have survived to report his notoriety.” The muscle in his jaw ticked wildly.

Alexander lay a calming hand on his friend’s tense shoulder.

“And you would have been quite within your rights however you know you would regret killing the little idiot. We were all hot tempered in our younger days though it would serve master Edward well to know that Giles here is a not only a crack shot but skilled beyond most with a rapier also. If pistols or swords were called for, Edward would die at dawn.”

Anne’s face paled slightly but she nodded her head. She knew that Giles forbore calling for the duel in favour of her feelings. Her brother needed to learn his lesson. He deserved the warning.

“I will let him know that he should make sure he can back up his insults.” She drew a deep breath as the stable master came around the house with the horses. She looked quickly up at Alexander. “I think it best if you do not write personal missives to me here. I could not be sure that any letters would go unopened. If you need to ask me anything else please arrange a visit through your mother. Any notes can reach me from her sister’s. I will immediately send a note to you if I can think of anything that will help your situation.”

Alexander nodded and bent over her hand as she curtseyed to him then he turned away and mounted Midnight. Anne turned to Giles and smiled with genuine affection. Giles glanced up at the manor and noted the Earl and young Edward both staring out at them. He turned back to Anne and took her hand. He moved the lace of her glove with his thumb and pressed a gentle kiss to her heated skin.

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