Significance, Satan's Attitude MC (12 page)

BOOK: Significance, Satan's Attitude MC
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hiskey was furious.

He called Rebel up to tell him he was leaving for New Jersey. Rebel could tell by the way Whiskey was talking that this wasn’t just some random problem. He made him wait until he could get to his house. As Whiskey paced, he got more and more pissed that Thrash would upset Elena by scaring and threatening her. He called Zero and asked him to come with him, then called Indigo, one of the meanest men that Whiskey called a brother. He didn’t care for Thrash either and was ready to go to New Jersey too. Whiskey usually tried to be diplomatic as much as he could be. Rebel was the more fuck-it-let’s-kill-the-problem biker of the two. However, at the moment, Whiskey just wanted to choke the life outta Thrash. He wished Hunter was alive so he could have some words with him, too. He looked out the windows and cursed that everyone was taking so long. Damn that Violet Rose, too. Why he had to come home and see a kid he already knew was Rebel’s was the most stupid reason ever. He could have been right there with Elena and handled this shit with Zero.

Rebel finally came in with a few of the men he trusted the most and Zero and Indigo were with him.

“I told you, those fuckers in Bound for Hell are scum, Whisk. It wasn’t always that way, though. I’m going up with you. We show we ain’t fucking gonna take this shit, Thrash or not.” He grinned madly. “I was tired of being home listening to Violet going on and on about Brandon’s every fart. I love my ol’ lady being happy, but damn, it’s driving me crazy.”

“Rebel, your crazy ol’ lady had you call me back so I could meet her son … who is
son. I’ve met the kid, I was there with you when he was born, for Christ’s sake. I’m thinking that it’s a good idea that we have a few more chapters in New Jersey. You’ve wanted to do it and now I’ve got a bar I wanna buy up there, and I want Elena. You got an issue with that, Rebel?”

Yawning, Rebel took his time answering and scratched his chin as Whiskey glared at him. The bikers listening to this all wondered if Whiskey was going to explode.

The look on his face caused Rebel to bust out laughing. “Whiskey, you wanna go up there and be the state president, I’m fine with that. Calm your ass down. We’ll be heading out as soon as we make a plan. I figure I’ll tell Hammer some history of me and Bound for Hell. Tramp wasn’t around that I recall when I went inside. I don’t know what he knows or doesn’t. Diablo didn’t like my supporters, and while most of them joined this club, I know there’s a few left—the ones he couldn’t run off. They’ll join up and I’m sure some of the members here will want to go to Jersey too. Bro, there’s not much you can do to Thrash. I get you’re pissed. You need to put a property patch on Elena and you know that. Claim that ass. Violet even likes her. She told me she gives you her seal of approval.”

Whiskey made a low growl in his throat and Rebel laughed harder.

The tall dark-haired man with eyes the color of indigo stood up finally. “I’ve got guns in the panels of the van. Let’s cut the bullshit and just get on the road. Rebel, I ain’t riding with you or coming back here. On this, I’m with Whiskey and Zero. I’ve still got a beef with Thrash; he did shit to stop Rabid.” Indigo usually said little, but his ex ol’ lady had been one of Rabid’s victims and the pain was still there.

They got into their cars and those that were planning to stay up in New Jersey went into the van with Indigo. They made the trip in record time and went directly to Dirty Deeds bar. The bar was closed to patrons, but open for their meeting. They pulled into the back of the bar and Swiper opened the door for them.


* * *


arko, Black Dog, and Hammer from Nefarious MC, and Rebel, Whisky, and Zero from Satan’s Attitude MC sat in the office at Dirty Deeds club. Indigo stood facing the door with his back against the wall.

Rebel leaned forward, facing the Nefarious members. “Not sure you all know my history with Bound for Hell. I was a founding member of Bound for Hell along with my brother, Diablo. I went to jail and left my family with my brother. It was a bullshit charge that my fucking brother cooked up, and the rest is kinda personal. He never thought I’d get out, but I did. When I got out, I wasn’t welcome back into
club! I went to Maryland and started my own. We’re big, and we’re getting bigger. Now I want my MC here and Whiskey is moving to New Jersey. We want a bigger presence here. Hammer, your club isn’t as big as either mine or Bound for Hell. So, we can do this easy and Nefarious and my club stay on good terms… or we do it the hard way.” He sat back, eyes glinting a bit madly.

Hammer spoke quickly. “I know some of the history, Rebel. You took a fall, you got fucked by your brother. It isn’t a secret that he also kept Violet Rose and your girls. There’s no reason why we all can’t stay on the terms we had. Nefarious won’t put a nay on Satan’s Attitude in New Jersey. I’m not sure what Tramp will say, but we’re good with it. We’re not gonna see you go with the Filthy Fiends.”

Rebel finally smiled, and everyone in the room relaxed a bit, except for Whiskey, Zero, and Indigo. They still weren’t satisfied and wouldn’t be until Thrash was held accountable one way or another.

The back door slammed and Tramp, Bullet, and Veiko from Bound for Hell MC walked into the room. They looked at Whiskey, who was visibly pissed off. Grabbing a seat, Tramp left Bullet and Veiko to lean against the walls. They looked uneasily at the other men and wished they had brought more of their own members.

“We haven’t found Thrash; but we’ve got bros looking. I’ve got Nailz coming up here anytime now. I understand Whiskey is angry, but Elena doesn’t belong to anyone.” Tramp did his best to stare down Rebel and failed.

Darko spoke up. “She does. She’s under my protection and always has been since Hunter tossed her away. Thrash leaves her alone; she doesn’t want him. Whatever Hunter wanted doesn’t matter either, he’s dead. They weren’t together when he died. Calm your SAA down, Tramp, or I will. The shit that went on when Rabid was president, it ain’t happening again. Satan’s Attitude and Nefarious don’t treat women like he did.”

Whiskey stood up and spoke his piece. “Satan’s is moving numbers up in New Jersey. Nefarious is good with it. We want at least three big chapters. As for Elena, my boys will be on her farm twenty-four seven. I’ve got feelings for her and she’s got them for me. I ain’t explaining myself to any of you. I’m telling you. Thrash calls her, he threatens her again, and we will take him out with Nefarious.” He sat down and reached for his glass of whiskey.

Veiko moved away from the wall. “I don’t know what my brother did now but he thinks he loves Elena. Nobody is taking my brother out. Understand that, Whiskey?”

Tramp looked at Rebel with concern. “You’re increasing numbers here in our area and you expect us to be good with that? Are you crazy?”

Rebel chuckled at that. “Guess you don’t know your club history too well, Tramp. I helped found Bound for Hell. Diablo was my blood brother. He and I made this club, bro. Be glad I like Maryland or I might want to move the entire fucking chapter to Jersey. Do you have a problem with Satan’s Attitude moving a few chapters into New Jersey, really? Think hard, Tramp. You’ve got a lot more to lose than we do. We’ve got a good idea of where Honey and your son could be… If you ever want to see either of them, deal with us. My club is in many states. As Bound for Hell grew, so did Satan’s Attitude. Some of your members still know who I am and how I was played dirty. Some of your guys want to jump over to my club and I’ll take them.”

Rebel looked at Tramp as if to say
go ahead make my night motherfucker
. Tramp looked around and decided it wasn’t worth losing blood over. He knew when and where to choose his battles.

The door opened and Nailz walked in. Tramp motioned to Veiko to move over. Nailz looked at the angry bikers all around him and saw a potential bloodbath. He eyed Indigo and gave him a nod. Once, they had been in Bound for Hell together years ago.

Rebel watched the two men. “Nailz, do you remember me? Whose brother am I?”

Nailz answered him straight up. “You’re Diablo’s brother. You got fucked over. Most of us know the story, Rebel. I remember you coming outta jail and how you were treated, but I had no say back then.”

Tramp took a very deep breath. “Welcome to New Jersey, Whiskey. Same terms as we had?” He wasn’t going to risk any chance of losing his son over Thrash being a douchebag.
Let Whiskey have Elena
, he thought. He didn’t give a fuck as long as it didn’t start a war and he could use Satan’s Attitude to get Honey and his son back.

Whiskey stood up and looked at each man in the room. “I see no reason why there isn’t room for all of us. The Filthy Fiends seem to be growing somehow. Makes more sense to band together. Just keep Thrash from bothering Elena and we’ll stay at peace with each other. I understand he was drunk. Hunter may have thought he was doing her a favor telling Thrash he had his blessing, but she doesn’t want him. Elena is not his kinda woman. But she is mine,” he asserted, his eyes on Veiko. “If it comes down to it, I’ll take your brother on one-on-one, V. Should it come to that? Hell no. You know that, and so does every man here. Just don’t think for one second that your bother scares me; I’ve been up against bigger men than Thrash.”

Nailz spoke up. “I stopped at Elena’s house tonight. I was going to see Jersey, but I wanted to see her. Mad Jack filled me in on everything. I heard the messages on the answering machine Thrash left. He was vile and drunk, but that isn’t the point. She doesn’t want him, and she’s said so before. Where the hell is Thrash anyway? Shouldn’t he be here?”

“We looked for him,” muttered Bullet disgustedly. “He isn’t in his shop or apartment. Nobody could find him.” He turned to look at his president. “Tramp, I gotta agree with Darko. This kind of shit we can’t have. I saw Kima suffer from Rabid. I ain’t into the forcing-chicks-against-their-will shit. You wanna pull my colors, go right ahead. I hate what I saw in the past and the idea of you coming back was to stop this. I ain’t asking you to pull Thrash’s colors over a chick who isn’t really an ol’ lady, either. I say we put our efforts into taking out the Filthy Fiends and not get into pissing contests over chicks.”

“We all agree that Elena is her own person, free to choose who she wants. We’re all agreeing that we’ll get along and we’re good, right?” Rebel demanded. “No colors get pulled, unless Thrash fucks up again.”

The men present all muttered their consent. Darko sent Black Dog out to get a few chicks to get them drinks. Satan’s Attitude was now officially going to have more chapters in New Jersey in addition to the Southern Jersey chapter.


* * *


hiskey knocked lightly on the door of Elena’s house.

Jack let him in, followed by Zero and four other men. Rebel had returned to Maryland and Violet Rose. He assured Whiskey he would have all the freedom he wanted in New Jersey except for starting a biker war over Elena.

Indigo had decided to let the four men stay in the house and took the bunk room in the barn. He wanted to be on the outside in case there was any trouble. He planned to keep a low profile and start recruiting men for their new chapters. He’d touch base with Hyway, Nico, and others who remembered him. Also, he wanted to go down and see Gringo as soon as Thrash was no longer a threat. He missed New Jersey’s pizza and found himself liking the idea of moving back.

He flipped on the light to the room and turned the electric heater on. It was beginning to snow and he hoped for a couple inches so if anyone did come around he would be able to see their tracks. He inhaled the scent of hay and decided to check out the horses. He liked them; he’d grown up around them and he’d been a hell of a barrel racer and knew a lot about cutting cattle and roping. He lived with his grandparents because he couldn’t stand his father and older brothers. It was a great life until they passed away. That was when he’d gotten into motorcycles and the MC life. Many times he wished he’d chosen a different path. At least he wasn’t in the scumbag club his brothers were in.

The horses he saw all were happy for the treats he found in the grain room. He moved quietly down the barn and found a peace he hadn’t felt in a long time.

He remembered something his grandfather had told him: the outside of a horse was good for the inside of a man. If Whiskey would keep him here, this was exactly where he wanted to be.

He tossed his sleeping bag on the bunk and laid down. There was one thing bothering him, though. He wanted to reach out to his brother Wolf. It had been too many years. Rebel and Whiskey knew who Wolf was so he didn’t think they’d care. He’d run it by Whiskey, but either way, he was going to see if he could get his brother to jump out of his club before it got his ass killed. He had promised his mother as she was dying that he’d try to take care of Wolf and he was a man of his word. His other brothers were as rotten as the man they called their father. He believed the rumors that Wolf was trying to get the Filthy Fiends into line. He hated to believe their older brothers would kill Wolf, but his gut told him Wolf’s days were numbered. He was on his own mission, and if he could help Whiskey with Thrash, so be it.

If not, he was going to save Wolf.



lena woke up to Whiskey’s arms around her. She’d woken up at some point and put on his tee shirt. She couldn’t believe this man had come to her rescue and she slid her hands down his body.

“Stop it, Elena, you’re making me hard.” Whiskey was wide awake.

“I owe you for coming to help me,” she whispered. 

“Is that so? You think you owe me? I’m not like the scumbags you’ve had in your life, darlin’.”

Elena didn’t know what to say to him and looked at him wide-eyed.

“We need to talk, Elena, so listen to what I gotta say.” He rolled over and faced her. “You don’t owe me for coming last night. Because of you, I get there is more to life than partying and fucking nonstop. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past. I messed up big time with Margo. I want a real relationship this time around. I want to build something lasting with you.” 

“I haven’t been with a man since Hunter, Whiskey,” she sighed.

“When it’s the right time, we’ll both know. Elena, you aren’t just a fuck, you’re so much more to me, darlin’. We’ll wait until the time is right, and it will be well worth it, trust me.”

Whiskey got up and Elena admired his tattooed chest in awe. His back was tatted and his arms were as thick as her thighs. He opened the door and stepped out, leaving her to get dressed. Entering the kitchen, she saw a biker giving Rhiannon a bottle. “Damn, I’m sorry, you should have woken me.” She reached out to take the baby.

“My name’s Zero. I don’t mind babies. Whiskey has no manners since he hasn’t introduced us yet. Rhiannon likes her Uncle Zero.” He moved the baby so she could burp.

Whiskey muttered, “Uncle Zero,” as he hung the phone up.

Elena sat down and saw a cup of tea someone must have made for her. She wondered what he was going to say to her as she sipped it.

“Are you allowed more trailers on the property?” he inquired.

“Yes. There were two old ones, but we junked them because they were in such bad shape.” Elena wondered what Whiskey was getting at. “Why do you ask?”

“Zero was looking around and he found a hookup for one not too far from the house. I can put a single wide trailer there. I could live in it while we work on our relationship. Once we move in together, I’ll put some of my guys in there.” Whiskey was determined to do things right this time around. “Zero found one for sale.”

“Why wouldn’t you just stay in the house when you come up here?” Elena wondered aloud.

“Things changed last night and I’m moving to New Jersey,” he explained. “Satan’s Attitude is opening up more Jersey chapters starting here and I’ll be the state president. So I need to have a few guys around me. I’ll stay in the house when I bring Shanna over or when you want me to.” He eyed her hungrily.

“I think you should just move in here and we can get a crib for Shanna as long as Lacey-Jane isn’t part of the deal. I know how I feel about you, Whiskey.”

“I’m going to make sure this is what you want, Elena. Life is going to change, but it will be for the better. I promise you that. I’m buying a go-go bar. Zero will help me run it so I can be around more for you and the babies. At least, once I get all the shit I gotta do straightened out. No Lacey-Jane, either. Once I get the trailer, things will change with her and Shanna, but that’s my problem to deal with. I’ll handle her.” 

Elena looked at him questioningly. “It almost sounds like you’ve been planning this for a while.”

“Jack’s father told me about this bar, The Drop Inn, that’s for sale. He had it scoped, but backed out of buying it because of his wife. It’s a good investment so I’m buying it. I got a good deal on it, and maybe you can book the dancers I need from your agency?”

“I’ve got plenty of dancers,” she agreed. “They’re looking for work all the time.” She was unsure if she was really hearing all of this or if it was a dream.

Whiskey looked seriously at her. “This shit with Thrash, if he comes around, calls you, anything—I want to know about it right away, or you tell one of my boys. Nobody’s touching my ol’ lady or talking shit to her.” He took a breath and kept his eyes on hers, excited for his next words. “So now the question is, do you wanna put my property patch on? Or am I going too fast for you?”

Elena couldn’t believe her ears at first. She sat there looking at him, a million emotions racing across her face.

So he asked her again. “For your protection, Elena, I really want you to wear it. We’re committing to each other slowly, but I gotta know you’re safe. So will you wear it?”

Elena got up and sat in his lap. Forgetting all about Zero and Rhiannon, she kissed him hard and whispered, “Yes!”

A cough from Zero made her blush and she got up fast. Whiskey pinched her butt and she squealed as she smacked his hand away.

“Elena, we’ve got a few guys here. One is in the bunk out in the barn, so you and that girl who lives here need to be aware of that. We took over two of your bedrooms, too,” Zero informed her. “Now, we need to go check out that trailer, so we’ll be outta your hair for a few hours.”

Elena nodded at him, unsure what to say or what Joy was going to say about all of this. For Whiskey, she didn’t care what anyone thought. Those butterflies in her stomach were back—and in a good way.

Whiskey looked outside and watched his guys over by the barn. “Indigo knows horses; he can help if you need it. The guys I brought up here with me, they’re good men, so you don’t have to worry about them. Violet asked if we wanted to go to her house for Thanksgiving. Seems she put her stamp of approval on you, by the way.”

“Oh, no. I can’t go to Maryland. I have Thorn and Tears coming here, as well as Jack and Deidra. I was thinking of asking a few others too.” She bit her lip, anxiously studying his face for a sign of disappointment. “I need to make happy memories in my house, Whiskey.”

“I’m good with that, and I know Zero is too. Any reason he can use to avoid Violet Rose.” He gave a dry chuckle. “He’s a great cook and will help cook some turkey southern-style in a smoker or on a grill. I want to get to know your friends, too. While we’re out, we’ll pick up groceries since we’re hungry men. You can leave the cooking to Zero if you want.”

Elena smiled and informed him, “I’ve cooked for large crowds of people before, but if Zero wants to cook, he sure can.”

“Alright. I’m leaving my guys here. If you want to let them inside, like I said, they’re fine. Or they can hang in that bunkhouse, it’s up to you.” He kissed Rhiannon’s head and lightly kissed Elena’s lips.

Elena watched as they put on their leather jackets and went outside into the snowy cold weather. Whiskey spoke to his guys and two moved toward the house. She wasn’t afraid of these men at all.

She whispered into Rhiannon’s hair, “Baby, I found him, the man that is going to be a daddy to you, and you’ll have a sister. I really found him.” She repeated it a bit louder because she had never believed that she would feel the way she felt for another man ever again as she did for Whiskey.

She placed the baby in the playpen and went to check the fridge for eggs. Those guys had to be hungry, and she was not going to leave them out in the cold.
I should have made a shopping list,
she thought as she began to cook.


* * *


ours later, Whiskey and Zero returned with bags and bags of food. Amy helped put them away and seemed in awe of the new men in the house. She didn’t say much after eating and went directly to her room.

Elena sighed and wondered if she’d lose her live-in help and hoped not. JJ hadn’t made any promises to Amy, but he might not like her around the Satan’s Attitude MC bikers. She also wondered what Joy and Jersey were thinking. It had been days since she’d seen either one of them. It irked her that she was still paying the bills and Joy seemed to think she was going to just pay them indefinitely. She hated to be a bitch, but that was going to happen really soon.

She smiled at the bikers that took over her living room and seemed to be content to lay on the floor playing with Dragon. Her dog hadn’t minded them at all, which amazed her. He seemed to like the biker with the odd blue eyes, Indigo, the best. He had spoken to her about the horses and he knew what he was talking about. Elena looked at the clock and it was nearly ten pm, so she decided to go take a bubble bath and let them figure out their sleeping arrangements. She was glad that the farm house had two bathrooms.

Elena whispered in Whiskey’s ear that she was going to take a bath and said good night to the bikers.

She slipped into the bedroom and undressed, tossing her clothes into the hamper and grabbing a silky robe. She walked into her bathroom. The deep claw-foot tub was soon full of hot water and bubbles that smelled like roses and jasmine. Elena twisted her hair into a loose knot on top of her head and slipped into the water. She loved her tub and she closed her eyes as she soaked.

She didn’t hear Whiskey silently walk into the bathroom or feel his eyes looking at her. She lay there blowing at the bubbles that came close to her face.

Whiskey stood there looking at the woman he was falling in love with and he couldn’t get enough of staring at her. Elena was always on his mind and she was like a drug he craved but refused to touch... yet. He wanted her so much but he was afraid he’d fuck things up. He hoped she’d trust him with her heart and know that he’d never cheat on her.

He couldn’t help but reach over and splash her. She opened her eyes and looked up at him with a contented smile. She didn’t mind in the least that he was there; in fact, she hoped he’d want to make love to her. This waiting was driving her crazy with desire for him. Before meeting him, she hadn’t even given sex a thought. It was a relief to know that she was still sexy enough to attract a man as hot as Whiskey.

He knelt down beside the tub and dipped his hand into the water. His fingers found her nipple and he ran them around her areola, making her nipple harden. She moaned softly. He reached over and did the same to her other breast. His hand traveled down her stomach, lightly touching the scar from her cesarean section.

“Did it hurt? Having Rhiannon that way?”

“I don’t really remember. I started to bleed and Thorn took me to the hospital,” she replied softly.

“Can you have more children?”

“Of course I can, I want more children. I can’t promise they’ll be sons, though. I know you want them.”

His hand slipped over her mound. It didn’t matter as much to Whiskey about having a son, he realized. He just loved what her skin felt like, silky smooth. He touched her clitoris gently.

Elena’s mouth formed an O as she let him touch her. Her body arched to meet his fingers. He stroked her in circles, rubbing the pad of his finger over her most sensitive area.

“Feel good, darlin?”

She became even more turned-on from the rough sound of his voice. “Very good. Too good, in fact. Just keep doing that circle thingy. I
that,” she breathed.

His fingers moved faster and she breathed deeply. Her body started to shake, and then she climaxed. Afterwards, she couldn’t help but blush.

Whiskey tried to stand up, but Elena was too fast for him; she wasn’t letting him get away without her taking care of his pleasure. She stood naked, water dripping off her on the bathmat as she tugged on his belt.

“Elena, you don’t have to do this… You’re going to catch a cold.”

She grabbed her robe and pulled it loosely over her wet body, the silky material molding to her. She got his jeans unzipped and found his hard cock. She knelt down in front of him and pushed his jeans down to his boots.

He felt her take his cock into her hand and he shut his eyes briefly.  Once her mouth latched onto him, he opened his eyes to watch her suck him off. Her tongue traced the tip of his cock and then she sucked it back in. Her black hair tumbled down as she moved her head over and over his cock. Whiskey ran his hands through her hair as she sucked him deeper and deeper. He knew he was going to cum, but he wanted to shoot it over her breasts. His balls tightened; he was about to blow. He pushed her head away, pulled the robe open, and jetted his cum all over her chest.

Elena licked her lips and smiled up at him, her golden-brown eyes gleaming in satisfaction. As soon as he was done, she took him back into her mouth for one final suck. She dropped the robe and went back into the tub and washed off. There was water all over, but they didn’t care.

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