Signed and Sealed (9 page)

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Authors: B.A. Stretke

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

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try,” he stated with suppressed humor.

“I promise to give it my all.” He said it jokingly, but the look on Eli’s face when he turned to regard Will was very serious.

“I’ll try to be a better host,” he stated with what sounded like real sincerity.

He wanted Eli, Will admitted to himself, but there had to be more to it than that. Jumping into bed with the first hot guy he saw was not William’s style; he wanted love, a real relationship. He didn’t even know this man, and most of what he did know, he didn’t like. Still, he was ready to give him everything, every part of his being. Never once did he feel any of this with George; their relationship should never have been taken further than friendship. After two and a half years with George, he never felt compelled to give this kind of passion, yet all Elijah needed do was look at him with those dark eyes and all rational thoughts scattered.
Have I become so shallow, so pathetic, that my need for a man has driven me to this?
No, he discounted that thought immediately. If he were simply needy, then any man would do. He only felt this way with Elijah. It must be the location and the element of danger. He tried to write it all off as normal, considering the circumstances.

They drove on in silence until Will felt the need to get out of his own thoughts and talk for a while. “So, did I pull you away from anything important?”
It’s an idle question, just a conversation starter
, Will thought.

“Nothing is more important than you,” Eli said.

He stared at Eli, not sure if he’d heard him correctly, then decided he must have been speaking sarcastically.

“I suppose you’re right, considering I’m $500,000 worth of collateral.” He sighed thoughtfully. “I’ve never had a dollar amount placed on me before. I was hoping to ring in a little higher, but $500,000
significant,” he stated softly.

“I would gladly have paid ten times that amount to have you here,” Eli said, but he kept his eyes on the road. Will couldn’t read him. He sounded serious, yet it had to be a joke.

“Then I guess you got a bargain,” he said cynically.

He turned to look at Will directly with a big warm smile that softened everything about him. “That I did.”

Will wished Eli would quit playing with him and say what he really meant. He seemed to be alternately nasty and then nice. It was impossible to read or understand him, and it was equally impossible to stop thinking about him.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to stop at Adam Gerard’s. I have some business to attend to that I was unable to deal with earlier.” Eli’s tone indicated that he was the reason.

Will nodded. “That’s fine.”

“His ranch is just south of mine.” Eli removed one of his hands from the steering wheel and placed it on Will’s knee, indicating a familiarity that Will was far from reciprocating as he glared at the intruding appendage. “Adam’s a horse trader and has made claims that the current Thoroughbreds he has purchased are the best to arrive this year.”

“I’d love to see them,” he stated enthusiastically.

Eli turned and looked at him with renewed curiosity. This was the first time Will had shown any real interest in anything. Will maintained his reserve, his distance, and his disinterest at all times, except when they were kissing, of course. He was pleased with Will’s response to his suggestion and the look of excitement he saw in his eyes. Will loved horses. Eli should have realized that when Will was sitting watching Steven lead the big, black Thoroughbred around the yard. He was so fascinated by the animal that he hadn’t even heard him enter the room. He smiled to himself, knowing that he’d found his hook.

They arrived at the Gerard ranch shortly before six o’clock. Elijah pulled into a long, gravel drive that ended in front of a large, two-story house. The ranch was a working ranch much like Eli’s, but it lacked the extra care and attention that was plain throughout the Hunter estate. There were no flowers or shrubs, no landscaping of any kind that Will could see. The house was in need of a fresh coat of paint, and the grounds were worn and neglected. The horses, though, were magnificent. Elijah took his arm as they walked together toward the large fenced-in yard adjacent to the stable. There were three men standing together, leaning on the gate. They watched as Elijah and Will approached. Their surprise was obvious in their expressions, which they quickly tried to suppress. They were expecting Elijah, but never had they observed him escorting a man, especially not to a business meeting. He was holding Will’s arm, and he looked to be especially pleased with himself. They said nothing until Elijah introduced them.

The older man was Adam Gerard, and the others were two of his ranch hands. They all shook Will’s hand and stated how pleased they were to meet him. Shocked was more the word, but they tried not to let it show. He didn’t seem like Elijah’s type, they were all thinking, whatever type that was. He seemed to be sweet and shy, definitely not someone they would normally link with Elijah Hunter. He was handsome but not gorgeous. Elijah could probably have any man or woman he wanted. He was cross and difficult and unpleasant, but he was the richest man in the area, and he was considered handsome in a rough, dark sort of way. What did he see in this guy that caused him to hold him so tightly and watch him so closely? They’d seen him with men a few times during social gatherings, which he rarely attended now, but he never seemed very comfortable or satisfied. He would usually pass them off and then promptly disappear. They doubted he would ever pass this one off. Eli held on tightly, as if he thought Will was going to try and run away.

Will spoke with Mr. Gerard, who was the first to step forward and shake his hand. “You have a nice place here.”

“Nothing compared to the Hunter ranch, but I like it,” he answered with a smile. “Are you enjoying your stay here in our neck of the woods?” he asked politely.

Will wished he could tell him the truth; he hated every minute he was trapped here and was being held prisoner because of the actions of a sister who wouldn’t be long for this world once he got his hands on her, but instead he answered, “Yes, very much. This is a lovely area. I’ve never seen so many… mountains in my life.” Mr. Gerard seemed like a nice man. He was gruff and weathered, but very polite and accommodating, a true gentleman.

Will noticed several horses in an adjacent yard and asked Mr. Gerard if he could go take a look while Elijah continued with his business.

“You go right on ahead, that is, if Elijah has no objections.” He added the last part when he noticed the intensity with which Elijah was watching him.

Elijah was actually reluctant to release Will, but in the end, let him go. “I’ll meet you when I’m finished here,” he said and watched him closely as he walked away.
Is he truly the shy, polite boy he presents himself to be?
This was the thought that pervaded his mind as he watched Will. He believed it to be true, but he’d met some very cunning men in the past who had presented themselves as harmless in the beginning. He couldn’t equate Will with those men, though. If he was pretending, he was by far the most talented actor Eli had ever met. He saw a few of the men in the yard watching Will as he walked over to the corral. Suddenly and quite unexpectedly, Eli was hit with an intense jealousy. He wanted to make them stop looking. With effort, he pulled himself back to the business at hand and shifted his gaze back to Adam and the stock.

Adam saw very clearly that Elijah cared for this boy. It was surprising to see someone like Elijah so smitten. He wondered when Will would become a permanent part of the Hunter ranch, although he didn’t comment on any of his observations or thoughts. Elijah wasn’t the sort of man who discussed such things and would have been sorely affronted if Adam had tried.

Will watched as the two horses were led around the yard. They seemed especially graceful and even noble in their movements.

“Hello,” came a vaguely familiar voice from behind him. He turned to see the young man from the plane.

“Hello,” he responded and smiled.

The young man introduced himself as John Gerard. He came up to stand beside Will at the fence. After a moment, he shot Will a speculative glance and asked, “You’re staying with Elijah Hunter?”

“Yes, but just for a couple of weeks,” he answered without looking at him.

“The Hunters never have visitors,” he stated and then added in a lurid tone, “except for your sister Katrina, of course, but she was allowed to stay because she was sleeping with Martin.” His voice was low and his meaning was clear. “I never thought I’d see the day that Elijah Hunter was taken in by a handsome face. Many have tried, mind you, but you are the first to succeed.” He turned to regard Will fully, his leering expression sickening him. “You must be treating Elijah… very well. Maybe you’d be willing to share some of this with a farm boy like me,” John said with a wink, while grabbing Will’s ass.

Will stared back at him until John shifted his gaze, suddenly embarrassed by his own words and actions.

“You hardly know me well enough, Mr. Gerard, to be commenting on my character,” he answered coldly. “I’m a guest at the Hunter ranch and nothing more. Sorry to disappoint you. If you ever touch me again, I’ll rip your balls off.” Will’s candor caught him off-guard, and John attempted to apologize. Unfortunately, at that moment Elijah appeared at Will’s side.

“Hello, John.” His voice echoed the harsh look on his face.

“Hello… Elijah,” John said while backing away. Elijah took Will’s hand, holding him securely. He then subjected John to a dark and menacing stare. Elijah hadn’t heard what had been said, but he didn’t like the familiar way in which John was behaving with Will. He’d never trusted John and made certain that his business was always with Adam, exclusively. Adam was a decent man, but his son was not. Elijah had never tolerated disrespect directed at himself or anyone associated with him.

John finally found the words to excuse himself and hurried into the stable. He knew he’d barely escaped a severe thrashing. It wouldn’t have been the first time Elijah had dealt with someone in that manner. His short temper and his physical strength were well known.

Once John was gone, Elijah turned to Will and attempted to sound casual when he asked about  how he knew John Gerard, but his question came out with an edge to it. Will didn’t like his tone but answered him anyway.

“I met Mr. Gerard on the plane from Billings. He sat behind me. There is no relationship between us other than that,” he explained, but Elijah’s expression remained severe. He knew that something had passed between them, something that had left Will agitated.

“What did he say to you just now? You looked upset,” Eli said, pressing for answers

“Nothing worth repeating,” he said with disgust. Will’s behavior left Elijah consumed with the need to know what John had said. He intended to deal with this in his own way. His business with the Gerards was over for today.

“Shall we go, then?” he said in a much lighter tone, which elicited a quick smile from Will.

“Yes,” he said and headed toward the car. Eli continued to hold his hand as he led Will back to the car. There was something between them, he was sure.

Adam Gerard was more than a little concerned that his son’s behavior toward Mr. Drake would prove more damaging than just the loss of a sale today. Adam Gerard depended on Elijah Hunter for a good share of his yearly sales. The loss of Elijah Hunter as a client could prove devastating for him. Few people in this area could afford the caliber of animal that Elijah demanded.

Adam gave Elijah a brief wave as he drove by him and continued out of the gate. Elijah did not return the pleasantry. The set of his features and the look in his eyes told Adam all he needed to know.

Chapter Four

that evening was simple, but delicious. Martin was there and presented a cheerful face, as always. Will was puzzled by the fact that Martin seemed indifferent with regard to this entire situation. He was under the impression that Martin did not want to marry Katrina and yet he was okay with his brother enforcing the marriage contract that would either force her to marry him or pay $500,000.
What would he do if Katrina suddenly changed her mind and agreed to marry?
he wondered.

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