Read Side Chic Online

Authors: La'Tonya West

Side Chic (17 page)

BOOK: Side Chic
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“Why are you acting like this is all my fault? I didn’t make you do shit! You were a willing participant! If I remember correctly you were the one chasing me even after I told you no several times! Now all of a sudden you acting like some damn victim.” I wiped my tears. “Don’t worry
, your girl won’t find out. Especially not from me! I ain’t that kind of bitch! I thought you knew me better than that but it’s obvious that my judgment is all fucked up!” I opened my car door to get in. “By the way I’m seven months pregnant with twin girls
and yes they are yours.” I slid
into the driver’s seat and reached over in the glove box and retrieved the papers that I’d brought with me from my doctor and tossed them at him. “It’s all good though. I see now that you don’t want any parts of their lives and that’s cool because honestly I don’t want you anywhere around me or my babies!”

“Good! They probably ain’t my babies anyways. Your whore ass probably don’t know whose babies they are!” He spat.

“I’ll be that
!” I started my car and put it in reverse. I sped out of the park leaving him standing beside his car. As I drove in the direction of my parent’s house tears flowed freely down my cheeks. I was hurt by the scene that had just taken place but I’d learned a very valuable lesson from it all….karma is a bitch!

















By the time I made it back home, it was a little after one. I dropped my keys down on the coffee table and walked down the hallway to my bedroom to let Kisha know that I was home. I pushed the door open and peeked inside. The room was dark and I could hear Kisha snoring softly.
I eased the door shut and went back into the living room. I flopped down on the sofa and sat there in the dark letting the events that had taken place not too long ago play over in my head. I felt bad about putting my hands on Lala. I honestly felt like
hit for that! My anger had managed to get the best of me and for a split second I lost control. I’d never put my hand on a woman before.
The look in her eyes after I’d slapped her was such a pitiful sight. At the time I didn’t care because she had made me so upset but thinking back on it, I felt horrible. I could have handled the situatio
n a whole lot better than I had!

After she’d left I picked up the papers that she’d tossed at me and read over them. The papers confirmed her pregnancy and the conception date. Of course I didn’t need confirmation that she was pregnant but the date of conception left no doubt in my mind that those were indeed my babies that she was carrying.
Damn what in the hell have I gotten myself into?
I thought to myself.
How in the hell am I going to tell Kisha that I’ve gotten some other chic pregnant with twins? She will never forgive my ass for this shit!
I sat up on the edge of the sofa with my head in my hands, a million thoughts running through my mind at once. I didn’t want to lose my family. I had to figure out a way to fix this shit but as of right then I didn’t see any way at all!

The next day I left home a little bit early so that I could go by Casper’s crib and holla at him before heading to work. When I got there Tamika let me in.

“Hey, Tre.” She greeted me as she opened the door and stepped back to let me in. “Casper and Skeet are downstairs in the basement.”

“Word.” I responded walking past her.

“Tre…” She called after me. I stopped walking and looked back at her waiting to see what she wanted. She moved closer to me and I took a few steps back. “Ummm…I was wondering why you always be acting so uptight whenever I am around? You act like you don’t like me or something. Is there a problem?”

This nasty bitch right here was a damn trip! “As a matter of fact there is a problem. I don’t appreciate that shit that you did that night that I passed out down in the basement!” I replied trying not to talk to
loud. “That was some foul shit! You did that shit right here in my man’s crib like it wasn’t nothing! You’re a sorry bitch!”

She seemed unaffected by my words. She tucked her long weave behind her ear and looked up at me. “So are you telling me that you didn’t like it? I mean, I could be wrong but judging from your moans I believe that you enjoyed it.
” She reached out and touched my chest. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you…”

I smacked her hand off of me, pointing my finger in her face. “Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you? You have the nerve to come at me like this after sitting your ass up in my house grinning in my girl’s face! Look let’s get something straight right now! I do not want your trifling nasty ass! Never have and never will! I don’t see what Casper sees in you! Stay the fuck away from me and don’t bring your ass back to my crib!”

She rolled her eyes. “Boy whatever, you trying to play like it’s all me but I’ve caught you looking at my ass and shit! I don’t know why you are frontin’. If you were so upset by what I did then why didn’t you say something to Casper or tell Kisha?” she asked but didn’t give me a chance to respond. “I’ll tell you why because you liked that shit!”

I grabbed her by her face and pushed he head back roughly causing her to stumble a little. “Stay the fuck away from me!” I warned her before walking off. When I got downstairs, Skeet and Casper were playing the X-box and sharing a blunt. “What’s good?” I greeted them walking over and giving each of the
m some dap before taking a seat.

“Ain’t shit my nigga.” Casper replied looking up from the game briefly. “What’s good with you?”

“Bout to head to work in a few got a lot of shit on the dome though man.” I admitted. “You got a beer?”

“Yeah over there in the refrigerator.” He motioned towards the refrigerator sitting over in the corner. I got up and got me a beer. “Damn what in the hell you got going on that has you drinking before work and shit?”

I popped the top and drank half of the beer before responding. “Man, y’all remember the chic named Lala that I’d told y’all about that I was smashing for a minute?”

“Yeah.” Skeet and Casper both nodded.

“Well y’all know that I told y’all that she packed up and dipped a while back. She had told me some shit about her being in love with me and not being able to continue to stay here and work with me. Well to make a long story short, she’s back and seven months pregnant.”

“Oh damn!
” Skeet shook his head, pressing pause on the game controller and sitting it down. “Shit, it might not be yours! Don
’t fall for that shit man!
Make that hoe prove it’s yours before you get all worked up for nothing! Bitches be lying just to fuck your shit up! Does she know about Kisha?”


“Yeah that bitch probably lying, I agree with Skeet.” Casper added. “Bitches ain’t shit.”

Just like the bitch
you got laying up in your crib!
I thought to myself. “There’s more. She’s pregnant with twins. She showed me the paperwork last night from her doctor. Judging by the conception date, they are my babies.”

Skeet shook his head again. “Man if she was fucking you knowing that you already had a woman, there ain’t no telling who else she was fucking! That bitch is probably a straight jumpoff! They could be anybody’s babies!”

“Hell, yeah!” Casper laughed. “Shit, they may even be my babies. How does she look? I may have smashed her.” He and Skeet laughed.

“Yeah or they might be mines.” Skeet joked. “Man, don’t let that shit worry you. That hoe just wants some attention.”

I decided to go ahead and tell them the rest. “She’s written a book called Confessions of A Side Chic. The shit is about what happened between me and
her. The worst part about it is
Kisha done read the damn book an
d now she is Lala’s biggest fan!
She’s all on Facebook trying to friend the bitch!”

Skeet threw up his hand. “Hold the fuck up! Did you just say that the bitch wrote a book about y’all? She didn’t use your name did she?”

“Yeah she wrote a
book and nah she didn’t use my name. She used fake names.”

“How the fuck did Kisha get the book?” Casper inquired.

“She ordered it. From what Kisha was telling me it’s a huge success. You know how bitches are they love drama so the shit is probably selling like hotcakes!”

“Damn, I don’t know whether to call this chic crazy or smart!” Skeet commented. “I mean at least she found a way to make some paper out of it all. Gotta give her credit for that but damn how many bitches are running around writing books about fucking the next bitch’s man? Man, I don’t know what type of bitch you done got yourself mixed up with.”

“Well, how is she carrying shit? I mean, is she threatening to tell Kisha?”

I shook my head. “Nah, she isn’t that type. She claims that the reason she left in the first place was because she didn’t want to risk Kisha finding out. My question though is why in the fuck is she back now? If she stays here there is only a matter of time before Kisha finds out about this shit!
You know Boykins is small as fuck and everybody is in everybody’s business!

“Well, why don’t you sweet talk her into taking her ass back wherever she came from? You said that she was in love with you. Use that shit to your advantage! If she is in love with you then you can get her ass to do whatever you say. All you have to do is show her a little bit of attention from time to time and make her think that you love her ass too. I’ll guarantee you that she won’t tell shit and everything will be good. Just try to stay on the hoe’s good side.” Skeet suggested.

He did have a point that might just work. The only thing was that after the way that I had treated Lala the night before she may not want to hear shit that
I had to say. “I don’t know.
I slapped her last night. She was talking out of the side of her neck and I lost it!
I doubt if she wants anything else to do with my black ass. The last thing she said before she pulled off was,
‘I see now that you don’t want any parts of their lives and that’s cool because honestly I don’t want you anywhere around me or my babies!’
Then she left!”

“Well shit there you have it! If she doesn’t want you anywhere around her or
babies then you have nothing to worry about.” Casper said.

“But damn man, I feel bad about slapping her and if they are my babies. I ain’t trying to be no deadbeat.” I told him.

“I feel you
that.” Skeet agreed. “But it’s either that or lose Kisha and your boys because you know damn well that if Kisha finds out about this shit, it’s going to be a wrap!”

“I know.”

“It’s a lot to think about but give it a few days. Give this girl a few days to cool off and then call her up and try to persuade her to leave town again. It will be a lot easier for you to deal with the situation without her being in the same small ass town with you and your girl. You have a better chance of Kisha not finding out.”

“Yeah that’s true.” I finished my beer and took a look at my watch. “Let me get my ass up out of here and go punch this damn clock. Umma holla at y’all niggas a little bit later. I sure appreciate y’all listening to a nigga and trying to help me straighten this shit out.”

“No problem my nigga
that’s what we are here for.” Casper assured me.

“Yeah we are here to help your ass sort through this damn real-life soap opera that you got going on!” Skeet laughed. “I bet you’ll keep your dick in your pants from now on!”

“Shit…and you ain’t know? Trust me I have learned my
I gave each of them some dap before turning to leave. On my way up the basement steps, I bumped directly into Tamika.

BOOK: Side Chic
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