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Authors: Unknown

Shy... (16 page)

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“Look at it... god...” She said, moaning loudly.


And here I felt her pussy clamp down on my hand, the orgasm
right around the corner.


“Mmm baby,” I nodded, “Look at that cock. Think of how good
it would feel inside your wet pussy...”


“Ahh!” She screamed, tightening her legs around my hand as
I felt the rush of cum flow forth from her pussy and onto the sheets. Her body
convulsed in wild motions, more than I had ever seen before. Little whimpering
noises were coming from her mouth – my wife's legs twitched in every direction.
She had never responded like this before! It was incredible! A true orgasm, for
perhaps the first time! And I, myself, was rock hard and dying to cum! What a
treat this had been.


“Well,” I smiled, “how was it?”


“Pretty good...” she sighed, turning away slightly.


Janna appeared to be a bit embarrassed by the act. As if
she were ashamed of being turned on by another cock.


“You've never looked hotter to me, baby,” I whispered,
leaning down to kiss her pussy. “I can't wait to have another man inside


“Well...” she said, raising an eyebrow.


It would take some convincing still.





We repeated the same activity for every night during the
following weeks. Sitting in bed, watching porn, and talking about sexy cocks
for her. Little by little, she caved in to the idea of allowing another man to
please her – with my consent, of course. She liked the notion of doing it for
me. Of making me happy, sexually. Janna knew I had suffered with insecurity in
the bedroom. And she figured that if doing this could please me, then it was
worth a try. So long as we were both in agreement.


I certainly was!


Though it was an idle gesture. Saying it on a steamy night
in bed was one thing... actually going out and selecting a man, bringing him
home, and having him rail my wife was something else entirely. She probably
was, like so many times before, just agreeing with me now to make my situation
better. To give me some glimmer of hope that this wretched desire of mine might
actually be fulfilled.


But, I had a plan... and a horny boss.





Some bigwig who'd been eyeballing my wife for a good many years.
I knew he had the hots for her. And how could he not? She was perfection!


He would need very little convincing to rail my woman. Very
little indeed. She could probably bend over to pick up a cup off the floor and
he'd be unzipping his pants, ready to thrust his manhood inside of her. Though,
I figured why not get something out of it myself? Get her fucked... fulfill my
fantasy... and perhaps a little raise at work?


I just knew Mr. Lansberg would go for it. What was a few
extra dollars to him when he could be spearing my wife through the cunt at the
end of it all? And I'd seen his hefty package around at work as well. Even in
the professional attire, the impressive manhood would swing out wide. He was
the perfect candidate for the job... and I knew just how to convince my wife to
play along.





“We need this honey...” I sighed. “We need it badly. Money
is getting tight.”


“And he says you'll get a raise for sure?” She asked me,
looking quite alarmed.


I felt only slightly bad at deceiving the lovely woman. I
just knew it was all for her benefit. How much pleasure she would have being
pounded by the big boss! A little white lie wouldn't hurt anyone, would it?


“Yes, dear. 100%. If you let him... fornicate with you,
while I watch, then I am positively going to get the extra money. And you know
we could use the cash,” I continued.


She paused for a moment, biting her lip... in a way that I
couldn't quite discern – perhaps she was imagining how a foreign cock would
feel stuffing her pussy. Or perhaps she was worried about what would happen. I
surely hoped for the former.


At last, she looked up and said, “Ok honey... I'll let
fuck me
, for you.”


“Good girl...” I smiled, giving her a kiss. “Now, let's get
you ready. He looks pretty big. And he doesn't take no for an answer.”


She gulped.





Janna paced anxiously up and down the entry room of our
home. She rubbed her shoulders, sighing loudly now and then. And I could
understand just how she felt, as we stood here waiting for Mr. Lansberg to


There's a big difference between simply talking about doing
something, and actually doing it! Especially with an activity of this nature.
Wife sharing and cuckoldry? Certainly a big step to undertake... One I was
fully prepared and eager to undertake! You might say I was as giddy as
school-girl. I had, after all, viewed Mr. Lansberg's sizeable member earlier in
the day when he sent over a picture, as proof I guess. Something to intimidate
me. That was just his way of acting... always trying to be big shot. And now I
understood why – with a dick that big, you could rule the world!


Just the thought of seeing him abuse my wife with that thing,
and know she was getting off another man... oh my god! Janna would make my
fantasy a reality! I would give her the gift of sturdy, massive dick and she
would grant me with untold sexual gratification.


I honestly felt like a wonderful husband in this moment.
Knowing I had gone out and procured something I, myself, lacked. It is a man's
duty to fulfill his woman, is it not? This is only me doing my part (well yes,
and perhaps a little gratification for myself).


“Excited, honey?” I asked.


“Kind of, but nervous,” she replied. “You said it was


Oh... so that's what she was afraid of! The size! And here
I thought it might be from actually taking a foreign cock! Well, it gave me an
extra burst of energy knowing she was anxious to participate in the lewd


“Don't worry, honey. He'll take good care of you. Just
remember, I want YOU to get off! Just take that cock and think of it as your
own personal fucktoy.”


“Ok, babe,” she smiled. “Are you sure you want this?”


“Positive. Do you?”


“Yes, John. I want to please you.”


“And you want to see how a big cock feels, right?” I asked.


“Yes, baby, I want to be stretched!”


“There's my girl,” and here we shared a laugh together.


Knock. Knock.


Uh oh... it was show time!


“Let's do it, baby,” I nodded while reaching for the


“Ok, let's do it!” She repeated, fixing up her bra straps,
making those girls stand out in bold relief.

God, she looked good...


“Hey Mr. Lansberg!” I beamed, swinging the door open.


And there he was. Our big man on campus. The hefty bull
with a mighty club ready to do some deep penetrating!


“Hello there,” he smiled. The virile voice even sent a
little shiver through my body. Mr. Lansberg was certainly a man's man. Not too
much to him other than sex appeal and lust. A wonderful selection, I thought,
staring him over.


And it was here that I glanced at my wife – only to see
that her wandering eyes were already busy scoping out the
If I wasn't mistaken, her gaze even
did a few sweeps over the hefty southern bulge. They'd seen each other before,
but meeting like this meant everything was anew once again. No pleasantries.


“This is my wife, Janna,” I said. “Janna, this is Mr.
Lansberg. He'll be our... our friend.”


“I like friends,” my wife commented with a sultry tone. I
hadn't heard her use that one in years! Not since our first dates, in fact! I
guess she reserved this voice for those moments where acts of a lascivious
nature were called for. And earning my promotion seemed to be a worthy cause!


“Me too,” Mr. Lansberg nodded.


“Come on in,” I said, ushering the man inside with a wave
of my hand.


“Already?” Mr. Lansberg chuckled. “I thought I'd last a bit


“I hope so, man!” I laughed along, once again noting my
wife's wandering eye peering over his body. She was definitely taking notice of
the broad shoulders and muscular chest. But better than that, she took extra
notice of his package!


And in turn I saw my
eyeballing my wife. And who could
blame him? She was wearing a low cut shirt, some short mini-skirt, and a pair
of naughty shoes. Just the sight of the two of them standing there gave me all
kinds of dirty thoughts! His strong, muscular body – equipped with an
extraordinary member, and her soft, supple, womanly physique... the two of them
were going to have fun together, alright!


I couldn't wait to get them going at each other. And, I was
also on the clock! So I decided to speed things along.


“Well honey, what do you think? Should we undress him?” I
asked Janna.


“Sure, let's see what he's got under that tight
look at me


“There's a lot to look at, baby,” Mr. Lansberg said with a
sly smirk.


And a moment later he had disrobed; removing the shirt. A
nice ripped body. The kind you see on fitness covers and romance novels. The
type I'd seen my wife reading late at night when she thought I'd gone to bed.


“Mmm, my my,” Janna said.


“Go on, dear,” put a hand on him. “You'd like that,
wouldn't you Mr. Lansberg?”


“I demand it!”


And with that, my wife stuck out a hand and ran it down his
chest, down farther to his rippling stomach. She paused just above his pants,
staring intently at the expanding bump.


“Keep going,” Mr. Lansberg uttered, taking hold of her
fingers and sliding them down even lower – right onto his manhood!


I saw Janna light up with enthusiasm. The taboo act had


“That's right,” Mr. Lansberg continued. “Is that what you
wanted to feel? A nice big manly cock?”


“Yes, it is!” I cried out, butting in.


Neither of them seemed to notice me. My wife had become
transfixed on the boss' body. She let her hand linger on his crotch, rubbing
from side to side, feeling the growing treat lurking beneath those troublesome


That's it honey... go to town on this big slab of meat! I
revelled in the sight of having her touch another man in this sexual manner! Oh
god! Why couldn't she just rip his pants off and pop that pole into her mouth!
Stop worrying about my miniature wang and focus on that bat of Mr. Lansberg's!


“Mmhmm,” my wife said at last.


“Nuzzle your face against it,” I whispered.


She gave me a sinister smile – and then... placed her cheek
sideways against his groin, strafed across his front. I could see his thick
shaft pressing against the material, sticking tightly against his thigh. It was
here that she rubbed her face up and down the length of him. And what glorious
length it was!


“Take them off!” I shouted.


“It's your show, baby,” Janna winked. “If your friend
doesn't mind, that is.”


“Whatever you'd like, girl,” Mr. Lansberg smiled.


And with that, my woman reached up, undid the belt,
loosened his pants and set about removing them entirely... She took hold of his
boxers in the same motion, pulling those down along with the trousers.


“Oh my god!” Janna screamed, tilting backward.


“Jesus...” I whispered.


Neither of us could believe the size of Mr. Lansberg's
cock! What a monster! My pitiful thing couldn't even pass as a pubic hair on
this massive rod!


“He's already nice and hard for you, baby,” I encouraged
her. “Your sexy tits must have him excited.”


“Actually, it was the ass,” Mr. Lansberg grinned, looking
down at his cock hovering right next to my wife's face.


“Even better,” I laughed. “Now honey... what do you want to
do with that big piece of manhood?”


“I want to taste him...”


“Mmm, you read my mind, baby,” Mr. Lansberg nodded. “Go on
then... open your mouth and let me see that tongue on the tip of this cock.
Show me how much you want it.”


Oh wow... Mr. Lansberg was good! I even thought of dropping
to my knees and sucking him off! Maybe I should just shut up and let him work
his magic. That might be better, actually. Don't take away focus from Janna. I
wanted to keep her focused on the big dick, but also know I was loving it all.


And here Janna cast one more glance back in my direction,
as if giving her final
are you
this? l
ook. I nodded, smiling with endless lust. Go on, baby... let a real
cock rock your world!


That was all it took – my wife reached up, placing a hand
on Mr. Lansberg's shaft. It was far too big for her to wrap around completely.
But she took what she could – I only imagined how rough and sexy it would be
when entering her pussy!


“C'mon baby, I won't bite. Open wide and put this dick in
your mouth. Show your little husband how dirty you can be,” Mr. Lansberg


I watched as my wife spread her lips apart, as far as they
would go, and she inched forward... at last the moment had arrived! Go, Janna
go! Ahh yes! And there it was! The head of Mr. Lansberg's cock pushed inside
her mouth! The big virile rod sliding inside... Oh, god!


Janna was straining to fit him inside, that much was
obvious. She was used to me, after all. This was a stark contrast! But she gave
her best effort. Gripping the lower half of his cock and lurching her head
forward, she took another inch or two down her throat.


My wife began to gag and slobber, choking on the big piece
of meat wedged between her jaws. Mr. Lansberg, ever the professional, took hold
of her head and
with the motion. He pulled her
closer and closer, forcing more of his shaft into my woman. How wonderful it
all looked! Watching that impressive pole impaling my wife's throat!


“Choke for me, baby! Choke!” I shouted, almost unconsciously.
“Show me you love big nasty cocks!”

This caused her to rock forward, jamming even more of the
meat inside. Several teardrops rolled down her cheeks from the intense effort.
Her throat must have been near shut off completely.


“Oh god, baby,” Mr. Lansberg moaned. “You suck that cock so
good. I bet you can taste all my precum dripping into your mouth, can't you
filthy girl?”


And here Janna gave the cock a great big squeeze,
apparently in an effort to shove out some more of the clear, tasty liquid.


“You look so sexy, baby,” I smiled.


She withdrew the pole from her mouth, wiping off the spit
and panting heavily, quite thankful to have a breather.


“Oh god, John, you were sooo right! This big cock is amazing.
I've never had my throat filled like that! It's so hot...”


“Just wait until I bend you over, bitch,” Mr. Lansberg
nodded. “You'll really love it then.”


“Oh yeah,” I nodded, not too disturbed by him insulting my
wife. “You want him to bend you over, don't you? Just look at that big dick!
You know that is going to stuff your pussy full, baby.”


“I know, baby,” Janna smiled. “I want to find out just how
far it'll stretch me. Are you up to it, big boy? Can you fuck this wife's


She crouched down on her knees, right in front of his cock.
Mr. Lansberg reached down, fondling her breasts, squeezing them in all angles
and directions.

BOOK: Shy...
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