Shuttered Affections (Cornerstone #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Shuttered Affections (Cornerstone #1)
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Chapter 11

“Note to self: buy more garters.”

Even though Sid’s shift ended thirty minutes before mine,
she still wasn’t home when I trudged up to my apartment, which meant she was
likely staying at Sean’s again.

Should I text her and
tell her how much I need her?

No. She was happy. No need to fuck up her life again because
of my past. But, damn. I didn’t want to be alone again tonight.

I slid down the wall in the kitchen, sat on the floor, and
put my head on my knees.

“Wait, didn’t Aiden give everyone his cell number on the new
syllabus he passed out?” I asked out loud to no one in particular.

I shook my head. No. It was nearing one in the morning. I couldn’t
call him this late. That was a ridiculous thought.

About ten minutes later, I peeled myself off the kitchen
floor and weaved to my room. The heels may have looked good, but they had to
go. My feet were killing me.

Just then, I saw my computer. Maybe Aiden emailed me back. That
would probably make me feel less alone right now.

I stripped down to nothing but my panties, groaning as my
boobs were released from the iron grip of my bra.

Sure enough, I had two emails from Aiden.

My heart sped up as I read.


[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, March 13 at 3:51 PM

Re: A garden fit for an Angel

My Angel (I like that) –

The mirror sounds amazing. Next time I am around the area,
I will swing by Pat’s place and take a look at it.

If you’re going to be working tonight, I might swing by. I won’t
be able to stay for long, but I would love to see where you work.

As far as the recommendation,
you’re more than welcome, Angel.



Instead of replying right away,
I skipped to the next one on the list.


[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Tuesday, March 13 at 11:44 PM

Those heels…

Do you have any idea what you
do to me?


Wow. I had no idea, but I was
dying for him to show me. I quickly hit the reply button.


[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 14 at 1:02 AM

Re: Those heels…

I didn’t know I affected you
so. Please, I’d love for you to tell me.


Then, I boldly pressed send.

Here I was, pretty much naked, attempting to flirt with my
I think I’ve lost my
ever-loving mind.

A ping brought me out of my personal torment.


[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 14 at 1:09 AM

Re: Those heels…

I think it is obvious
how you affect me, Angel mine. My affections should not be exposed through
electronic communication. I want to see you again… and not just in class.


I couldn’t believe he was still up. I quickly pressed the
respond button before I lost my nerve.

[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 at 1:12 AM

Re: Those heels…

What’s your cell number?


Within moments of pressing the send button, my phone
vibrated two short buzzes. I picked it up with curiosity and read.

This is my cell number. You
may call or text me anytime, Angel mine.

I smiled and replied.

Thanks. I just had a rough
night after you left. I wanted someone to talk to till I fell asleep.

I cringed as I pressed the send button. What was it about
this guy that made me want to spill my guts about my feelings? I was never this
open, especially with someone I didn’t know.

My phone began to ring and the caller ID showed the number
Aiden just sent his text from.

“Hello?” I answered in a small voice, even though I knew it
was Aiden.

“Julia? Is everything okay? Did something happen?” he asked,
his voice sounding frantic.

“Ahh, no. Well, yes and no. It’s a really long story that I
don’t have the strength to get into, but I just… I really wanted my roommate
here but I think she decided to stay with her boyfriend again.”

Damn it! I definitely didn’t want those words to come out of
my mouth. The last thing I wanted was for him to know just how weak and needy I
really was.

I began to backtrack, sounding apologetic, and added, “I’m
really sorry to have burdened you with my troubles. I just…”

“Shh. Angel. It’s okay. Would you like me to talk to you
until you are able to fall asleep?” he asked in such a sweet, tender voice.

“That would be so nice, Aiden.”

“Great. But first, will you do me a favor?” he asked.


“Even if you’ve already done it, would you get up and make
sure your door is locked and secured tight? Please?” he practically begged.

“Of course. That’s a good idea,” I admitted.

After checking the locks again, I said, “Yes, the door is
locked on the knob and the deadbolt.”

“Good, Angel. Now, listen to what I say… okay?”

“Okay.” Where was he going with this?

“All right. Go back to your room, shut your door, take off
all your clothes, and slide into bed,” he demanded gently.

I chuckled as I headed into my room and shut my door.

“What’s so funny, Angel?” he enquired.

“Um, actually, I’m already naked. Well, except for my
panties,” I bravely admitted. I’ve never, ever confessed what I was wearing to
anyone over the phone before.

I heard a groan come through my cell phone. Then in a
gravelly voice, Aiden said, “God, Angel. You’re trying to kill me.”

“I’m sorry,” I apologized with bashfulness.

“Don’t be sorry. It’s so sexy,” he confessed. “Will you tell
me what kind of panties?”

Oh, my! He wanted me to get detailed.

Okay, you asked for
this… he’s doing a great job at distracting you. So, quit being a ninny and
just tell him.

“They’re black satin, low-rise bikinis from Victoria’s
Secret. They fit me flawlessly and happen to be my favorite cut.”

“Oh, hell. You’re perfect.” His compliment made me smile.

As I stood by my bed, an awkward silence had me regretting
my forwardness.

“So, Angel? Are you comfortable in bed yet?” he asked.

“Not yet. I was waiting for your direction. I need you to
tell me whether to take them off or leave them on,” I said with a slight
innocence to my voice, even though I was being anything but.

“Leave them on, please. They sound so sexy,” he whispered. “Someday,
I would love to see you in nothing but those sexy red garters and stockings
with the matching heels. Just watching you strut around in them drove me insane

“I’m glad you liked them,” I drawled with a smile that was
so big, it was beginning to hurt my cheeks.

“I more than
them, Angel…”

I was definitely proud of myself.

Note to self: buy more
garters and… as Aiden called them… fuck-me heels.

I slowly eased into bed, shutting my main light off and
leaving the one lone lamp on that was within reach on my bedside table.

“Okay. I’m now comfortable in bed,” I told him. “The sheets
feel nice against my bare skin.”

I heard him take a deep, shuddering breath, like he was
trying to keep control over himself. Then he said, “Good, Angel mine. I’m glad
you’re comfortable. Now, tell me. What would you like me to do if I were there
next to you?”

“Mmmm…” I moaned. I couldn’t believe I just moaned out loud
to this man.

“That good, huh? Tell me what I’m doing to make that
heavenly sound leave your mouth,” he coaxed.

“Just having you here would please me,” I confirmed. I felt
both embarrassed and excited in the same breath.

“Me too, Angel. But I want to hear what it is you want me to
do. What would you like me to do with my mouth?” he boldly asked.

“I wanted you to kiss me tonight,” I brazenly admitted with
a whisper.

“Oh, God, Julia. So did I. But I didn’t want your gorilla
friend making a mashed banana out of me. And I wasn’t sure if it would get you
in trouble,” he told me.

“Oh, is that all? I thought maybe you would be worried
someone would see us,” I said rather seriously. “I mean, if we get caught
together, you could get in a lot of trouble with the college, right?”

“Well, I guess I should be concerned about that, but the
only thing I was focusing on was you. You captured me and I couldn’t think

I sighed, “Oh, Aiden. I feel the same way. What is up with
this… this chemistry we have?”

I could almost see him shaking his head, and then he spoke,
“I don’t know, but I intend to find out, Angel.”

With that, I smiled. “Mmm… I’d like that.”

We spent a few more minutes talking about nothing in
particular and just relaying our events of the evening. I conveniently left out
the note from…

Aiden complimented me on my choice of beer. Even though he
didn’t say so directly, I felt like it was a test. A test to see if I would
choose something he liked or to see if we had more in common than we thought.

“…Stella is usually my first choice, but not many places
serve it. So, I was completely surprised when you chose it for me,” he said.

His voice jarred me a little and I could tell I was
beginning to fade fast. I was fighting sleep like a baby, wanting to stay awake
so I wouldn’t miss a moment. But, I was quickly losing the battle.


“Yes, Angel mine?”

“I’m getting very tired,” I said, with a strong lisp to my

“I’m glad. It sounds like you’re tired, Angel. You need to
rest. Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I’ll hang up once I know you’re no
longer awake.”

Oh, what a sweet man.

“Okay… Oh, and, Aiden?” I asked.

“Yes, Angel?”

“Thank you for being so nice. And thank you for taking care
of me. I’m usually not this needy. I just…”

“Shh. It is my pleasure, Juliana. Trust me on that,” he said

I thought I heard him say something about
wanting to take care of me from now on
but my mind was quickly fading and I couldn’t be sure.

It was no surprise I didn’t want to sleep. I wanted to stay
on the phone with him and listen to his voice. But, I was so tired that I ended
up losing full control over my wishes.

I very faintly heard a sigh of approval leave my throat.

And with that, I finally dozed.

Chapter 12

“I swear my heart leapt from my chest like a Looney Tune
on steroids.”

I woke the next morning with my phone glued to my face and
my bedside lamp still lit. He really did stay on the phone with me until I fell

How sweet is he?

I decided to text him and thank him for being so thoughtful
last night.

Thank you for being there when
I needed you. You’re so thoughtful. I hope I didn’t snore in your ear. :)

Bounding out of bed, I decided I wanted to get to school
early in hopes of snagging a parking spot in time so I wouldn’t be late for
Aiden’s class. So, I quickly dressed in my usual casual attire. I wanted to
dress a little sexier, but knowing I had ceramics late in the day, I chose to
be sensible.

I didn’t feel like going for a run today, and the worry of
being out there compounded my desire
to stay indoors. I quickly decided I would try not to think of
anymore. That was just what he
wanted and the last thing I wanted to do was please

I managed to shower, do my hair, and leave before quarter
after eight. Knowing the first of classes on campus ran until ten minutes
before nine told me it would be a damn miracle if I found a parking spot before
my class.

As I was casually making my way through traffic and nearing
the school, I felt my butt vibrate. I was adamantly against texting and
driving, so I tried to put the notification out of my mind—at least until
I got into the parking lot and was moving at a snail’s pace.

Shockingly, there was a spot already open as soon as I
pulled into the lot.

Wow! My luck must be
looking up today!

“Half hour early,” I grinned.

Usually, if I were this early, I would stay in my car and keep
busy with some sort of work to pass the time. But, today, I was way too eager
to see Aiden and hoped he would be in the classroom early.

Before I exited my car, I pulled my phone out of my butt
pocket and checked my messages.

I enjoyed listening to your voice, and then your breathing
as you fell asleep. I can’t wait to see you today, Angel. Of course, I will
find it hard to control my smile while you’re around.

Such a sweet talker. I replied really quick, hoping he would
get the message before class.

I’m already on campus. Luckily
no one pilfered my parking spot today.

I grinned widely as I pressed the send button and got out of
my car with all of my photography stuff in tow. I even brought my digital
camera in with me so I could work on some of the garden shots during my
independent study today.

As I approached the glass double doors of building P, my
butt vibrated again and I smiled.

I’m in the classroom. I’ll
unlock the door for you.

Just as I put my phone in my back pocket, the classroom door
swung open and I swear my heart leapt from my chest like a Looney Tune on

He was even more handsome than I remembered.

“Good morning, Aiden,” I said cheerfully as I passed him in
the doorway.

He quickly closed the door behind me and replied, “Indeed, it
is a good morning, Angel. I trust you slept well?”

I set my stuff down and turned to find his smiling face very
close to mine.

“I did sleep very well, thanks to you. As well as to be
expected when a phone was shoved into my face all night,” I said as I chuckled
and touched my cheek. “I don’t think I moved at all after I passed out.”

Which was surprising, considering I usually thrashed around
with night terrors. He didn’t need to know about that though.

He reached up and touched the fingers that I still held to
my cheek, but then quickly pulled away.

“Julia, I want so badly to touch you. But what you said last
night about being careful that people don’t see us made me realize I’ve been
careless,” he said, remorse dripping from his words.

Knotting my fingers in front of me and tilting my head down
to the floor, I said, “I understand. You need to protect yourself and your job.
I would never want to jeopardize…”

Interrupting my words, Aiden hooked his finger under my chin
and forced me to look at him as he spoke.

“The only person I am trying to protect is you. If the
school or other students find out, I am concerned they will make things
difficult for you too. They will worry about preferential treatment, which is a
laugh considering you need absolutely no favoritism from any teacher in order
to impress people with your work,” he said with a soft smile.

I just nodded and swallowed, unsure of what to say.

Aiden caressed my chin with his thumb and tugged lightly to
remove my swelling lip from my teeth. Passing his thumb over the sensitive skin,
he stared at my mouth hungrily with his mouth partly open.

He inched closer, so close I could feel his breath on my
lips. Mustering all the self-control I possessed, I gently placed my hands on
his chest and held him apart from me.

He tried to open his mouth in protest, but I cut him off.

“Aiden, it’s okay. On campus, we need to be in control. We
must have full control over ourselves in order to protect us both,” I said as I
smiled politely.

His muscles were strong and hard beneath my hands. He was
tense as he backed away from me and nodded. It took all the power I had not to
leap into his arms and I was sure he felt the same.

He stood back with his hand on his hip and ran his fingers
through his hair as he mumbled, “Maybe if I open the classroom doors it will
help me compose myself.”

He looked up at me, a pained look on his face, as if he was
waiting for my response. I felt so bad turning him away, but I knew it was for
the best. I nodded and grinned, even though disappointment was rotting my

He strolled over and propped the big, black double doors

Walking back in my direction, he asked, “Can we just sit and

“Of course. I’d love that. I enjoy talking to you,” I
assured him.

Straddling a stool, he sat adjacent from me with his elbows
on the table and his chin on his fists.

“Um, there is actually something I wanted to tell you,” I
said with a hint of embarrassment.

“Okay,” he responded nervously.

“My friend, Maddy, the one I went with to Pat’s place
yesterday,” I clarified, making it sound like a question more than a statement.
“She asked me about you. She said she could tell you showed interest in me.”

His eyes went wide and he dropped his hands on the table. I
reached out for his hand, to hold him and comfort him, but I quickly retreated,
remembering our agreement.

“Damn. I didn’t realize I was that obvious,” he said,
clearly stressed as he ran both hands through his hair.

“Don’t worry, she won’t say anything. And, she knows me
better than anyone else in class. She could tell my reaction to you was
anything but innocent,” I said with a blush.

That made him smile and relax a bit.

We spent about ten more minutes chatting over nothing
important before some students finally started trickling through the doors.

He gave us free time to work in the lab during class, which
I welcomed because it meant we would separate a bit, making our desires a little
easier to control.

Now that I had some separation from Aiden, I noticed just
how many of the girls were drooling over him. At first, it made a nervous
tickle run through me. I usually wasn’t the jealous type, but the thought of
any of them putting their hands on him made me pulse with anger.

Get over yourself,
Julia. He’s not yours.

I stealthily watched him as he interacted with the other
students, going over their projects and giving advice. He was genuinely good at
photography instruction. The way he spoke to the students was precise,
knowledgeable, and professional in every way. I also observed just how
different he related with me compared to how he interacted with them.

Just as I was losing my mind in thoughts of Aiden and I back
in the darkroom together, he glanced over and caught me smiling at him. And,
damn it, I blushed. In an attempt to make it look purposeful, I winked and bit
my lip, causing a delicious smile to spread across his face as he turned his
attention back to the student he was talking to.

Everyone knew I had my independent study by myself after our
class, so it wasn’t out of the ordinary for me to stay behind.

Maddy was the last to leave. Just as I said goodbye to her,
Aiden rolled his chair to the door of his office and popped his head out to
say, “Hey, Maddy. Could you kick away those door stoppers and shut the doors on
your way out?”

“Sure, Mr. Stone,” Maddy said, with a flash of a grin in my

I just mouthed ‘thank you’ as she rolled her eyes and began
to shut the doors behind her.

Through the crack of the almost-closed door, she brought her
thumb and pinky up to the side of her head and mouthed
call me
. Before I could respond, the door clicked shut.

Aiden rolled back into his office.

I sat down at Aiden’s big L-shaped desk in the center of the
classroom and loaded the digital photos I took of Pat’s place onto his iMac. I
should have been using one of the student iMacs, but there was something
exciting about using Aiden’s station.

As I began thumbing through all the photos, I realized I
took a lot more than I thought. They turned out beautiful, but paled in
comparison to the real thing.

Just as I came across a few photos of the mirror I loved, I
heard a gasp from behind me. Startled, I turned and saw Aiden leaning, one hand
on his big desk, the other on the back of the chair I was sitting in.

He was just staring at my photo in utter shock and I
immediately felt embarrassed. I didn’t want him to see these photos.

Ground, swallow me up
now, please,
I begged.

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