Read Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #contemporary romance

Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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“It’s a good thing I don’t love you then, huh,” Her voice rippled like the moonlight on the river.

He slipped behind her and wrapped strong arms around her waist. She wanted to resist, but the heat from his body pulled her in. She rested her head on his shoulder and he lowered his lips, pressing them against her temple.

“Maybe you could show me how to love,” he whispered.

Hope exploded inside her. “You have to want to learn.”

“That’s the difficult part. I’ve never wanted to be in love before.”

She squirmed in his arms in an attempt to turn, but his grasp tightened and prevented her from moving.

His voice took on a wistful tone. “Mom puts on a brave front, but she still loves my dad after all of these years, and he knows it. Whenever she comes to visit, he asks her to spend the night with him. Not because he cares or misses her, but because she lets him. It proves he still has power over her. My stepmom used to get angry, now she accepts his infidelity. Love makes you do stupid things.”

This time when Mikayla turned, Andre didn’t stop her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and trembled when his hands ran up and down the curve of her back.

“Some people can’t distinguish between a person loving them and a person taking advantage of them.” Her fingers brushed the hairs on the back of his neck. “It doesn’t mean everyone who falls in love, is willing to be treated badly.”

“I’m my father’s son. I’ve cheated, broken hearts, and taken advantage. I don’t want to do that, not to someone I could love.”

Warmth spread beneath her skin, she barely contained her smile. “Admitting that means you won’t. You already know the value of having someone love you.”

He slowly kissed her. When he lifted his head there was a tight smile on his face, but no joy. “I’m glad you think that.”

Before she could reply he kissed her. Harder. Aggressive this time. He slid his large hand past the waistband of her pajama bottoms and firmly cupped her behind. A stirring against her stomach meant his arousal was increasing, and her body heated in response.

“Have you ever made love on a balcony?” His deep voice rumbled seductively against her lips.

She moved her head from side to side. He grinned. “Let me introduce you to the delight.”



Mikayla squealed happily when Andre’s country house came into view at the end of the long driveway. Her joy brought a satisfied smile to Andre’s lips. He rarely took women to his sanctuary from work, family, and life in the city. The one time he’d brought Angelica she’d complained of boredom.

“The house is beautiful,” Mikayla stepped out of the car.

“It’s alright.” He tried to play it off as no big deal, but couldn’t hide the pleasure in his voice.

Early morning sunlight filtered through the tall oak trees surrounding the two bedroom cottage. He didn’t need a lot of space while out here and the woods blocked the view from both the road and Jonathan’s house which was a few acres over. Andre considered the place functional and structurally sound, but not beautiful.

“Did you plant the roses?” She walked over to the green stems that would produce yellow flowers in a few months.

He cocked his head to the side. “Me, plant roses?” He chuckled. “No, mom did right after I bought the place. She insisted on adding color.”

Mikayla fingered one of the stems and looked around the yard. “She did a good job. Even though winter is ending, there’s color and beauty.”

“I’ll be sure to let her know you like it. The inside isn’t as nice. I didn’t let her decorate.”

She left the roses and came back to his side. “If she did this good with the yard, why not?”

“My mom loves butterflies. All of her decorations have them. I refused to let her defile my man space.”

Her laugh echoed in the solitude of the early morning. “I like butterflies. Maybe I’ll put a few on the walls.”

He grinned, reached out, took her elbow and pulled Mikayla against him. He enjoyed the feel of her soft breasts against his chest and couldn’t resist palming the lusciousness of her behind. She ran her hands up his arms and squeezed his biceps. He liked the way she got excited when she touched him.

“You keep rubbing me like that and I’ll let you put up pink butterflies.”

She giggled, the lovable sound luring his head down to her lips. The curves of her body pressed against him, and her eager tongue darted out to meet his.

He liked her, a lot. Wanted to spend too much of his free time with her. The fact that she loved him was scary as hell. The Dalmtrix deal was effectively killed and she wasn’t hurt by that. She’d found a way to persevere, but things could still go bad if she discovered his involvement.

Her hand wormed its way to the front of his pants. Getting her inside as soon as possible was all that mattered right now. The roar of a motorcycle engine interrupted them.

Mikayla raised a brow and glanced his way.

The black and chrome Harley stopped beside his car. He pushed back his frustration but didn’t smile at Jonathan’s impromptu visit.

Jonathan removed his helmet and strolled over. “I thought that was your car.” He gazed at Mikayla with an appreciative gleam in his eye. “And you brought an angel with you.”

Andre wasn’t prone to eye rolling, but Jonathan’s Prince Charming routine could be nauseating. “Mikayla, this jackass is Jonathan Wright.”

Her eyes widened and she grinned. “The petri dish defender?”

Jonathan laughed. “You told her about that.”

Mikayla pointed her thumb in Andre’s direction. “I only got his side of the story.”

Jonathan winked. “I’ll be sure to tell you the truth one day.”

Andre raised his brow. “I told her the truth. I always tell the truth.” The lie nearly stuck in his throat.

“Then she knows I kicked your butt?” Jonathan asked with a look of surprise.

Andre pushed Jonathan’s shoulder. “She’s about to see me kick your butt. What are you doing here anyway?”

“You didn’t mention coming up this weekend, and when I saw your car I figured I’d stop by and see what’s up.” Jonathan smiled at Mikayla. It was the same smile Andre had seen turn women into stuttering fools.

“Just showing Mikayla my place. You can leave now.” He swept an open hand toward Jonathan’s bike.

Mikayla playfully swatted at his arm. “Don’t be rude. It’s nice to meet you Jonathan.”

Jonathan’s teasing look meant he wasn’t planning on going anywhere anytime soon. “That’s right, Andre, don’t be rude. Have you been inside yet?”

“You know we just arrived,” Andre said.

“Then she doesn’t know your fridge is probably completely empty. You know you should come to my house for breakfast.”

“I had groceries delivered yesterday,” he cut in before Jonathan could head to the door.

“Even better, I’ll cook.” He took Mikayla’s hand and placed it on his arm. “Andre’s a terrible cook. When we were roommates in college he damn near gave me food poisoning every time he stepped in the kitchen. I still don’t know why I bless him with my friendship.”

Mikayla laughed and peeked over her shoulder when Jonathan led her to the door. Andre sighed but smiled and followed. Jonathan had bugged the hell out of him to meet Mikayla. As annoying as Jonathan’s arrival was, Andre appreciated his friend looking out for him.

Andre’s cell phone rang as soon as they entered the house. His brother’s number flashed on the screen.

“I’ve got to take this,” he said to Mikayla and Jonathan.

Jonathan grinned. “Go ahead, I’ll entertain Mikayla.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

Jonathan winked before escorting Mikayla to the kitchen. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. The sound of her laughter trailed behind them. Andre would have to remind Jonathan to turn down some of that charm.

Andre frowned as another bout of laughter came from his kitchen and answered the phone. “Yeah?”

“I just got word that Dalmtrix is still considering moving to Hartsville.”

Andre spun away from the kitchen, his fingers tightened around the phone. “Where did you hear that?”

“I spoke with someone at the Chamber of Commerce. Apparently Caldwell Development is working out a new project with the school district and Community Development Department. Early buzz about this project is making the area more enticing for their relocation.”

“What about the worries of increased contamination if they move?”

“They’ve sent representatives down to talk with the county council and promised to go the extra mile to prove their commitment to the environment. Even if Senator Leventis disagrees with the deal, it’s going to go through.”

Andre scowled over his shoulder toward the kitchen. Mikayla and Jonathan were engrossed in an animated conversation. He couldn’t make out their words, but knowing Jonathan, the joke was at his expense.

“It’s not worth fighting anymore,” Andre said. “Let Dalmtrix go where they want and we can pilot the landfill gas program somewhere else.”

“I’m almost willing to agree,” Isaac said. “But Dad is taking this as a personal attack from Uncle Philip.”

Andre spun away from the kitchen and gripped the phone. “That’s preposterous.”

“Convince him of that. He’s got dirt on the governor and wants to use it to force a tax deal to get Dalmtrix to move to the Upstate.”

Andre’s pulse hammered in his ears. “What?”

“And there’s more. He’s got information on mishandled funds in the Hartsville school district that could threaten the new development.”

Andre’s hand balled into a fist. He reared back to hit the wall but held back. “We can’t do that.”

“It’s already being done. We’ve got a meeting with the superintendent on Monday morning.”

“I’m not going.”

“You know how this goes. You’re either with dad or you’re against him.” Isaac said in a tone weighted down from years of hearing that statement.

The constant threat from their father grated Andre’s nerves. “My loyalty to this family shouldn’t be questioned.”

“I’m not the one you need to convince.”

Andre ended the call without another word. Frustration and anger crashed like waves inside him. This bullshit was going to blow up in his face. Going with his family on this would surely mean losing Mikayla. There was no way his dad would kill this deal without letting Philip know he was behind it. If he fought his dad, he knew what would happen. Curtis wouldn’t hesitate to snatch away Andre’s rights to the company. He’d lose everything.

Andre stared at the phone then the kitchen. He’d worked so hard to help build the company. If he kept Mikayla, he’d risk losing everything. If he gave her up, he’d definitely lose the only woman who made him even think about love.

But love is a fleeting emotion.

Mikayla popped her head around the corner. A beautiful smile brightened her face and shot an arrow of happiness through his chest.

“Good you’re off the phone. I think Jonathan is about to ask me to marry him.”

“Get it right,” Jonathan’s voice came from the kitchen. “I already asked.”

“Jonathan wants me to break his arms.” Andre walked toward Mikayla. He tried to sound lighthearted, but his words came out gravelly and gruff.

Mikayla frowned and reached up to place her hand on his cheek, concern reflecting in her brown gaze. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” he leaned down and gave her a fleeting kiss. He walked around her and approached Jonathan. “I hear you’re making moves on my lady?”

Jonathan laughed. “Just pointing out that she could do better.”

They continued the good-natured taunts, but Mikayla’s worried glances darting his way didn’t help the unease clenching his gut.


“I like her,” Jonathan said when he and Andre walked outside to his motorcycle.

“Maybe a little too much.”

Jonathan took his helmet off the bike and propped it between his arm and side. “Worried she’ll realize the grass is greener?”

“Not hardly. But it wouldn’t hurt to tone it down.”

A serious look replaced the smile on Jonathan’s face. “You like her, too. A lot.”

He did, but was it enough to fight his dad over? Enough to stir up Curtis’s fears that his sons would turn against him the same way Phillip had?

“I’m thinking about ending things.” The words put a sour taste in his mouth.

“The look on your face says you’re not really considering that.”

Andre ran a hand across his face. “I don’t like it, but it’s for the best.”

“What crazy ass notion put that into your head? You don’t bring women up here. Angelica came because she begged, and I saw the relief on your face when you said she hated it. Mikayla didn’t hesitate to help in your kitchen, and she seems comfortable curled up on your couch right now, I don’t think she’s going to complain. I didn’t believe it, but now that I’ve met her, I see the connection. Why in the hell would you end it?”

Jump right to the point, why don’t you?
Without a second thought, Andre relayed the conversation he’d had with his brother. The entire time he told the story he could hear how unreasonable it sounded to ruin a relationship with Mikayla over his dad’s need for retaliation. Even though Jonathan didn’t agree with him going along with the Caldwell anything goes business model, he knew Andre’s family well enough to understand how difficult it would be to go against Curtis.

When Andre finished, Jonathan put his hand to his chin. “So expose a few scandals, prevent the move of a major manufacturer and push them to go somewhere that profits C.E.S., loose Mikayla, but keep your dysfunctional family intact.”

Andre rubbed the back of his neck. “That sums it up.”

“Do you realize how asinine that sounds?”

He held his head back and groaned. “Yes. It’s asinine. It’s unethical, and it’ll ruin things with the only woman I’ve gotten this close with. I turned against my dad once, and not only was it a disaster, but it proved in the end I was just as bad as him.”

“You’re a grown man now.”

He pushed aside past regrets. “I put everything I had into making C.E.S. successful. I’m supposed to walk away from the company for a woman? Then do what?”

Jonathan smirked and tapped him with the helmet. “You are the C.O.O. of a major corporation. It shouldn’t be hard to find another job. Or, use that damn M.B.A. you got and start another one. Take a few people from your dad’s company and launch your own waste recovery and recycling business. You’ve said yourself small business need better solutions.”

BOOK: Show Me How to Love (Caldwell Family Book 1)
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