Show Me How (It's Kind Of Personal Book 2) (26 page)

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Authors: Anna Brooks

Tags: #novel

BOOK: Show Me How (It's Kind Of Personal Book 2)
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Instead of verbally answering, because I can’t form words, I smile and grab his shirt to pull him up.

His mouth finds mine and I try to lift his shirt, needing to feel him, but he pulls back and frames my face. “You haven’t given me an answer.”

“Of course, I will.” I go for his shirt again, but he stops me.

“Nope. I’m gonna make this last, Mary.”

He leads me to the bed and before I can sit, he kneels in front of me and lifts my shirt up to my breasts, exposing my midriff. His fingertips make small circles on my stomach then he leans forward and places a kiss right in the center.

Tears sting my eyes, and I squeeze my lids shut, forcing them away.

“Why are you doing that?”

He stands before me now, warm breath on my cheek.

“Doing what?”

“Forcing yourself not to cry.”

I open my eyes and avert my gaze. He gently grips my chin so I connect with his eyes again.

“Stop hiding yourself from me. It doesn’t make you weak to cry. Especially not now.”

Just like always, he can
me. Right through every defense, he knocks down each wall built. He rights my wrongs and settles my nerves.

I press my lips together and then the floodgates open. Tears roll down my face and he holds me, telling me it’s okay. Assuring me everything will be fine. Promising to be a great dad. Vowing to be a devoted husband. I hold on a while longer, and when the tears finally stop, he kisses me. Slow, soft, sweet.

His lips trail across my jaw, down my neck, and over my collarbone. He lifts my shirt and removes my bra, continuing to press his lips and tongue in a path down between my breasts until he reaches the waistband of my pants.

My hands squeeze into fists while I wait for him to do what he needs. The ache between my thighs is almost unbearable, but I force myself to stay still. He takes off my jeans and his fingertips trace up and down my legs. When they finally stop on my underwear, he leans forward and places an open mouth kiss right on top of my mound, and I let out a small moan.

He stands and pulls his t-shirt over his head and strips everything below the waist as well. Another moan passes through my lips at the sight of him. The hard muscles make my pussy throb, but the softness on his face makes my heart swell.

He gently lays me on the bed and slides off my last article of clothing so I’m completely bare to him. Instead of laying on top of me to press his hard body against mine, like I’m dying for, he props himself up on an elbow and lies on his side facing me.

His left arm reaches over and pulls me to him, turning me to my side. We’re chest to chest, and I instantly heat up when I figure out what his plan is.

“We’ve never done it like this before,” I pant.

“I know.” He lifts my leg and rubs the tip of his erection between my slick folds.

I suck in a breath through my nose and hold it when he pauses at my entrance.

“Look at me,” he commands, but it’s not demanding, rather desperate.

I meet his eyes, and he slowly presses inside. I release my breath and begin moving with him. Insanely slow. For a brief second, I look away and down at our connection. How perfect we fit together, how amazing he makes me feel. We rock into each other, and no matter how long it’s been, no matter how long we make love, it’s never enough.

His hips move faster, and he reaches up to grab my chin and slams his mouth to mine. I pull away so I can suck in some air.

“I love you so fucking much.”

“Love you, too,” I whisper.

“Fuck, I’m almost there. You ready?”

I hope the intensity I feel is passed on through my eyes when I tell him, “I’m ready.”

Chapter 24


Mary and I lay in bed, in the same position we just made love. I run my fingers up and down her arm, over her hip, grazing the side of her stomach.
My baby
is in there. I still can’t quite wrap my mind around it. My baby, my future wife.

“Do you know how far along you are?”

“I think maybe six weeks. Not quite two months, I only missed one period.”

“How long have you known?”

She rolls over on her stomach and turns her head, nestling it in the pillow. I can’t keep my hands off her, so I place one on her bare ass and pull her closer.

“Just a couple of days. Listen,” she whispers, “I was on the pill. With the stress of everything that happened with Kelsey, I forgot to take it a couple times. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t you dare apologize. This is something I’ve wanted with you since we used to play house. Me sitting in a chair reading the newspaper, while you held a baby in your arms and fed it.”

Her lips tilt up and she nods. “I wanted that, too. Did you really think it would happen though? Even back then?”

“I did. I honestly did. What? You didn’t?”

“No. Well, I mean I did, but it was almost like a fantasy.”

I kiss her hand. “I am kind of fantastic.”

She giggles and licks her lips. “You don’t think it’s too fast?”

“If anything, it’s too slow for me.”

I would have married her and had a baby the first day I saw her again. She’s right in her assessment that everything happens for a reason. It probably would have been too fast. I intend to marry her soon, though. Like tomorrow.

She hums and her eyelids get heavy when I trace the stems of her tattoo.

“Did you go to the doctor yet?”

Her eyes pop open and she shakes her head. “No. I umm . . . well with not having insurance and stuff, I need to sign up for something. I have money saved up, but it will get expen-”

“Fuck. You don’t have health insurance?” I snap. How in the hell did I not realize that?

“No.” She sits up and wraps the sheet around herself.

“I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at myself that I never thought to ask you. Or even think about it myself.” I don’t want to bring it up, but I wonder what she did for health care in the past. I know she went to the low-income clinic for her pills. The one where, somehow, she was able to get a prescription using a fake name. I don’t even want to know how that happened. But fuck me, it completely crossed my mind to make sure she had insurance now.

“It wasn’t your responsibility to do that. I’m an adult; I should have gotten it myself.”

“Well, don’t worry about it. We’ll get married next week, and I’ll get you on mine right away.”

She gasps. “A week?”

“Yeah. Why not?” I crawl over her and hold her face in my hands. “I want to marry you, babe. I’ve wanted to forever. Please? We’ll go to the courthouse tomorrow. Apply for the license.”

She rolls her eyes and the most beautiful smile spreads across her face. “Okay.”

“Okay?” I ask, shocked she caved this fast.

“Yes. Okay. I want this. I want you. Forever.”

* * *

While Mary takes a shower, I call Travis to tell him the news. He’s, of course, excited, and Charlotte squeals in the background. We’ll go tell Mom and Dad in person tomorrow. He also shared that Charlotte’s pregnant again. Good things are happening to the Parkers. Everything feels right. Our kids will be close in age and hopefully form a bond like I have with my brother.

“Hey, Mary?”

“What?” she yells from the bathroom.

“Do you want to go to a concert tomorrow night?”

Her head pops out of the bathroom door with a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth.


“Reason to Ruin.”

Her eyes light up and she nods and mumbles yes around a mouth full of toothpaste.

“Yeah, man. You want me to come up and get the tickets?”

“Nah, I’ll bring the baby with me and we’ll stop and see Mom and Dad. Let Char rest for a little bit,” Travis answers.

He and Charlotte were going to go to the concert, but she hasn’t been feeling well lately.

“Thanks. I was going to make dinner reservations and try to do something else to celebrate, but this works out great.”

“I should be the one thanking you. Char’s cousin, Meara, got the tickets for us, and Char didn’t want to hurt her feelings by telling her she didn’t want to go anymore. So it really worked out great that you guys will be using them because either way, she wasn’t going. Not with the way she’s been feeling.”

“Is Meara going, too?” Her boyfriend, Liam, is the drummer for the band.

“Yeah, you couldn’t keep her away if you tried. You’ll be next to her for the concert, but she’s driving herself there. If you can keep an eye on her, that would be appreciated.”

“Of course, man. No problem.” Too many drunk and high assholes. But Reason to Ruin plays some sick music, so it’ll be worth it.

“Cool, I’ll stop by tomorrow and drop them off at Mom and Dad’s so you can pick them up when you tell ’em they’re gonna be grandparents again.”


“Congrats, brother. I’m fucking happy as hell for you guys.”

Mary emerges from the bathroom and crawls under the covers. “I’ve always loved that band. I’m really excited. Are Char and Travis going, too?”

“No. He’s giving us the tickets they were going to use. Good seats, too. Meara will be with us for the concert.”

“Awesome. I really liked her at the wedding and stuff. She’s hilarious and has such a funny personality.”

“Yeah, it’ll be fun. We can stop by Mom and Dad’s to tell them the news and pick up the tickets then go to dinner first.”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

I shut the lights off and lie down next to her, pulling her as close as can be with a renewed sense of peace, knowing she’s going to be mine forever.

* * *

Mary insisted on staying after the concert and me having a drink at one of the bars inside the arena. She says cheese fries are better than alcohol anyway and devoured an entire basket herself. I’ve been nursing a beer for the past two hours.

“Still think that was the best concert I’ve ever been to,” I tell her. The band was awesome. They kept the crowd engaged and the special effects were amazing.

“It was my only, so I’d have to agree with you. Another thing checked off the mental bucket list.”

“We went to concerts.”

“Yeah, but little state fair ones aren’t the same as this huge place. I mean, professional athletes play here.”

“Good point.”

My phone rings, and I get a hollow feeling in my chest when Travis’ number lights up the screen. The first thing I think is something happened to Char, but I answer without giving anything away. I don’t want Mary upset when I don’t even know what’s going on.

“Hey, you still close to the concert?” Panic fills Travis’ voice.

“Yeah. We’re at a bar inside. What’s up?”

“You need to go find Liam. Flash your badge, do whatever the fuck you have to, but you need to get his ass up here to Wisconsin.”

“What’s going on, man?” I’m already standing and throw some cash on the table. Mary puts her hand in mine and follows me silently out of the bar.

“It’s Meara.”

“What happened?”

Mary’s hand squeezes mine and I pull the phone away from my mouth. “Meara,” I tell her. Her eyes widen with the exact thoughts as my own. What in the hell could have happened? She was with us a couple of hours ago and everything was fine. Jumping around and screaming at the top of her lungs.

“I don’t fucking know. We’re all at the hospital. She has a messed up arm and cuts all over her body. The last time we talked to her, she was fine. Somebody found her and called the cops. She won’t talk to anyone. It’s fucking scary as shit, man. We need him here to see if he can get her to talk.”

“Fuck. All right. Let me see if I can find him. I’ll call you back.”

I relay the information to Mary as we make our way back to the stage. The place is deserted except for a cleaning crew. We walk on the stage and toward the back area surrounded by security. It takes me pulling out my badge and a lot of strong language, but we’re finally allowed backstage.

There’s a door with the band’s name on it, and I knock. “Hey, is Liam in there?”

“Nope. In the bus,” a voice yells from inside the room.

I look around for an exit and when one comes into view, I wrap my arm around Mary’s waist and push through the metal door.

A security guard stands just outside, and I explain the situation to him. He talks into an earpiece and nods in the direction of the bus Liam is in.

“Thanks.” I walk as fast as I can with Mary and pound on the door of the bus. “Liam. Open up, man.”

No response, so I try the handle and it swings open. Fuck. I don’t want to bring Mary on here not exactly sure what we’ll see. But I sure as shit am not leaving her outside by herself.

“Come on.” I push her behind me and walk up the two steps.

It’s dark inside, and I feel around for a switch. When the home on wheels lights up inside, I cringe at the sight of Liam. He’s passed out in nothing but his boxers. His body is half on the floor, head inches away from spilled beer. The other half is on the couch cushion, twisted in an abnormal way.

“Gross,” Mary whispers.

“Liam.” I nudge him with my foot, and he groans. “Dammit,” I mutter. I lean down and lift his body, sitting his top half up. I slap his face a couple of times, and his eyes finally roll open.

“Hey,” he mumbles.

His head falls forward along with the rest of his body. I grip his shoulders and prevent him from doing a face plant.

“Watch out.” Mary throws a glass of water on his face, and it wakes him up.

“What the fuck?” he mumbles and wipes the drips off, then glares at both of us, a hint of recognition in his eyes. “I know you?”

“We’ve met. At Charlotte and Travis’ wedding. I’m Brandon Parker, Travis’ brother.”

“Yeah. So, what the fuck?” He stands, stumbles, and rights himself.

“Travis called me. You need to come with us. There’s something wrong with Meara.”

His head snaps up, panic starting to replace the drunk. “What?”

“Let’s go. I’ll drive and tell you more in the car.”

He swallows and his eyes widen. “Is she okay?”

“She’s alive, yes. A messed-up arm and I guess she’s pretty beat up. But we need to go.”

His mouth opens and closes a couple of times, and he finally nods. He takes a step toward the door.

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