Shoulda Been A Cowboy (25 page)

BOOK: Shoulda Been A Cowboy
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I will. Thanks for letting me crash here.”
Brock grinned. “Thanks for letting me fuck your girlfriend.”

welcome to her ever again.”

Good. Tell her how you feel. Go all caveman on
her ass. At least one of us has a chance at being happy. Do something
crazy and impulsive for once in your life.”




Cam was on his way to work when Keely's F-250
extended cab diesel truck blocked him in. “What's up,

Can't a girl stop by her favorite brother's
house and tell him she misses him?”

He snorted. “What do you want?”

Nothing. I'm headed to Cheyenne. I wondered
if you needed anything from the VA while I'm there.”

No.” He squinted at her behind his shades.
“What're you doin' at the VA again?” For the
last couple years Keely spent at least one week out of every month at
the VA in Cheyenne, but she never divulged the details to anyone,
which was completely unlike her.

Moonlighting. They're short staffed and I'm
short on cash so it's a perfect partnership. I work PT two days
this week, then I'll be back.” A weary sigh escaped. “I
sure am tired of living out of a suitcase with Mom and Dad while I'm
working out the details of going to work for Doc Monroe.”

Sucks to be you.” Now he knew what was
behind her impromptu visit.

Cam, I'm just gonna say this flat out.
Please let me live with you until I get my own place. I'd pay
rent. I'd cook and clean and—”

Keely, darlin'. Stop. I love you. But it
won't work. I need my own space.”

Space to do what? To keep your family out? How
long are you going to make Mom and Dad and our other brothers suffer
and hope you'll pull your head out of your ass and join the
goddamn family again? How much longer are you going to wallow in
misery? Jesus. Why don't you build a fuckin' moat to
protect yourself from us? Do you really need this much space to hide

No, I need it to fuck in
on the tip of his tongue but he bit it back. “That smartass
answer ain't helpin' your cause, little sis.”

Sorry. But—”

But nothin'. I'm not exactly a
hermit. I am seeing Domini. And Brock crashed here last night—”

Brock was here? Really? How is he?”

Good. Why?” With Keely's suddenly
chipper disposition, followed immediately by her hesitation, Cam
guessed the truth. “For Christsake! You slept with him!”

She drummed her fingers on the steering wheel—the
adult equivalent of jamming her fingers in her ears and singing
la la



I don't believe this. Jesus, Keely! He's
like, ten years older than you. He's my best friend and
you…what the fuck were you thinking?”

Keely lowered her sunglasses and glared at him. “I'm
thinking I'm not twelve, Cam. Yeah, Brock and I made mattress
angels when he visited you in Cheyenne. I could bullshit you about
how we comforted each other because we were torn up over your
situation, but the truth is…Brock is really freakin'
hot. He's sweet and sexy and I like him a lot. I trusted him.
It sort of just happened. We both knew it'd never go anywhere,
and I have not a single regret.”

Brock and his sister. Surreal.

Please don't go all psycho big brother on
him and threaten to kick his ass or anything, okay? I know he's
your best friend. I would never do anything to sabotage that
friendship because I know how important it is to both of you. Which
is why neither of us said anything.”

Fine.” He pointed at her. “But this
is the reason you can't live with me.”

Because I slept with Brock?”

No, because your behavior drives me insane. And
my house is the one place where no insanity exists.”

You suck.”

Yep.” Cam smiled. “Drive safe.”

I always do.”

Her tires spit gravel for twenty feet before the rubber
caught pavement.

Safe. Right. Keely was a menace. He oughta write her a
damn ticket.




Domini was restocking the pie case after the lunch rush
when Deputy McKay strolled in.

Normally he'd wave off the waitress and head to
his favorite booth if it was unoccupied. Not today.

Today Cam strode directly to her. The gleam in his eye
was unmistakable.

No hello. No smile. Cam just planted his lips on hers
and kissed her with passion, hunger and total possession.

In public.

The only place they touched were lips and tongues until
Cam reached for her hand, sweeping his ragged thumb across her
knuckles. Domini's knees threatened to buckle. This man could
undo her with a simple touch.

Finally, he eased back and smiled at her. “Hi.”

She blinked at him. Their faces were close enough his
breath teased her damp lips. Seeing such pleasure in his eyes, his
smile, even his posture, made her throw caution to the wind. She
returned his kiss with the same potent lust.

Cam's growl was too low for anyone else to hear,
but to her it sounded as loud as a lion's roar.

Domini broke the kiss in tiny nipping increments. She
smiled up at him. “Hi yourself. What are you doing here?”

I needed coffee.”

Have a seat and I'll bring you a cup.”

He squeezed her hand. “That was a lie. I needed to
see you. I need to talk to you.”

Her stomach cartwheeled like a tumbleweed. “About?”

Last night.” Cam tossed a look over his
shoulder. “Is there someplace more private than the dining

Domini glanced around. Only three tables had customers,
but everyone was watching them. The rumor about Cam's
surprising public display of affection would fuel the gossip fires
all day.

Can't this wait?”


My office is in the back, but I'll warn you
it's the size of a coat closet.”

That's fine.”

She stopped at the waitress station and poured two cups
of coffee, handing one to him. They wove through the cardboard boxes
of produce stacked in the prep area. She unlocked her office. “I'll
get another chair.”

Cam pushed the door closed. And locked it. That unholy
gleam was back in his eyes. “No need. I'll sit in the
chair. You sit on the desk facing me.”

His posture read: don't argue. Domini shoved aside
the papers littering her desk and kicked the chair against the wall
giving them both room.

But after Cam's ass hit the seat, he rolled the
chair up to the desk. Right into her space. He didn't touch
her. He studied her intently as he nonchalantly sipped his coffee.

What? You're making me nervous.”

Are you okay after last night's threesome?”

She blushed.

Does that blush mean you're
okay with what happened?”

Domini focused on him, but his eyes were flat, as if he
were interrogating a suspect. “If I wasn't okay with it
what could I do about it now? It's over.” Her hands
tightened on the coffee mug. “Unless that's why you're
here? You're wanting to demand a three-peat?”

Fuck no.” He gulped his coffee and set the
cup aside. He curled his hands around her knees. “After you
left I wondered if the situation with Brock bothered you…if
I'd gone too far because you practically ran out of my house
when it was over.”

And if I say yes, you'd gone too far. What

Then I'll ask your forgiveness and assure
you it won't happen again.”

The conversation sent a jolt of power zinging through
her. Rather than remind him she'd already confessed she wasn't
a threesome girl, Domini decided to do something bold for a change
and…toy with Cam a little. Make him sweat. She gazed at him
with aloofness, casually finishing her coffee. “And if I
say…no? If I admit I liked it? What then?”

The muscle in Cam's jaw popped he'd clenched
his teeth so hard. His nostrils flared. His eyebrows were squished
together. Yet for all his agitation, the pressure of his hands on her
legs didn't increase at all.

When he didn't respond, Domini prompted, “What

Cam inched toward her. “My answer is still no.
Fuck. No
. I had plenty
of time to think about it, too, and know what I've determined,

Holy moly. Maybe she shouldn't have taunted him.

I don't like to see another man's
hands on you. I don't like to see another man's cock in
you. Last night with Brock I realized I don't like to share,
especially not you. And you don't need two men in your bed to
satisfy you. You need one man.
He pushed out of the chair and crowded her. “Any questions?”

Was the thrilling sense of belonging only to Cam
McKay…wrong? If so, too bad, Domini absolutely gloried in it.

I said, any questions?”


Good. Now c'mere. I'll make you
forget every man's touch but mine.”

Cam's mouth was hot and controlling. He clamped
his hands on her behind, yanking her forward until barely an inch of
her butt cheeks rested on the desk. He broke from marauding her mouth
to demand, “Undo your pants.”

After loosening the drawstring, the white chefs pants
were baggy enough Cam easily snuck his hand inside.

He lightly traced the seam of her panties before his
fingers slipped beneath the lace band. He parted the wet folds of her
sex and probed her entrance with one finger, then two. “I love
how fast you heat up for me.” He pressed his fingers deeper and
trailed openmouthed kisses down her throat. “I love to make you
come. I wish I had time to spread you across the desk and lick away
all this sweet cream. Make you come against my tongue. Then I'd
do it again, making you wetter and hotter. Making you come over and
over until I had to carry you out of here because you couldn't
walk. I'd carry you straight upstairs to your bed and fuck you
until you screamed.”

She let her head fall back and withheld a moan when Cam
slid his middle finger to her clit and started the rapid flicking
that caused her whole body to vibrate like a tuning fork.

More?” he murmured.


Between his blistering kiss and the attention to her
clit, Domini's speedy climax bowled her over. She whimpered
through each pulse, grateful Cam's mouth muffled her cries.

When she opened her eyes, Cam was staring at her. Very

I can look at you from here on out and know no
man has touched you but me.”

That statement was true in so many ways.

I want your hands on me, Domini. Now.”

She unhooked his belt buckle and lowered the zipper. The
weight of his gun and cuffs on his pants dropped them to his hips.
His cock jerked against her fingers as she slipped her hand beneath
his briefs and circled his hard shaft.

He hissed. “Stroke me hard. Don't squeeze
too tight but pull harder and faster than you think you should.”
He put his hand on top of hers. “Like this.”

Oh wow. That was more forceful than she dared try. But
with Cam's guidance she created an unbroken rhythm that brought
forth his deep groans and gave her that heady sense of power again.

He buried his lips in her hair and his choppy breathing
drifted over her ear. His hips started pumping faster, “Yes.
Don't stop. I'm right…there. Jesus.” He
cupped his hand around the tip as she kept stroking until warm, thick
liquid coated both their hands.

Domini squeezed one last time and he grunted.

Cam's lips sought hers. His kiss wasn't
sweet, but flirty. Teasing. He smiled against her mouth. “I
didn't show up here hoping that'd happen, but I won't
complain it did.”

Me either.” She reached for the box of
tissues and cleaned both their hands while she continued the playful

He stepped back and righted his clothing. “I want
to see you tonight. I'm giving you fair warning that you're

BOOK: Shoulda Been A Cowboy
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