Shoulda Been A Cowboy (19 page)

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He lifted his face from between her thighs and his mouth
was shiny with her juices. “Please what?”

Please make me come.”

Cam blew a cool stream of air across her hot, wet folds.
Teasing. Tormenting. Proving his mastery over her.

Then he bent his head.

He'd kept her on the edge for so long, when he
sealed his mouth to her clit and sucked, Domini started to come
immediately. She gasped when a finger breached the first ring of anal
muscles and slid deep.

That added stimulation catapulted her to another level
of pleasure. She placed one hand on Cam's head, wrapping the
other hand around his thick wrist, not sure if she was trying to pull
that probing finger out, or making sure he kept it in.

As soon as the last twinge faded, she propped herself on
her elbows and looked at him.

He wore a funny little smirk. “I've got
nothin' to worry about from a piece of plastic, do I?”

Umm. No.”

Good. Now that you're all relaxed, we're
gonna try something new.”


New?” she squeaked.

Cam dipped his head to her right nipple. “Uh-huh.”

Does it involve the bottle of oil?”

Yep.” He lapped around the areola, loving
her greedy hum of approval. His lips skimmed the shallow dent above
her sternum and he licked the left nipple. Her breasts were small,
but proportioned perfectly, and Cam never considered himself a tit
man anyway. Give him a firm, shapely ass over enormous jugs any day.
Speaking of ass…he wasn't surprised to see Domini
looking down at him curiously as he enjoyed her body.

He kept eye contact with her. “You know what I

Domini nodded.

Say it. Straight up.”

My ass. You want to fuck my ass.”

He smiled. “See? We're getting good at this
communication stuff, ain't we?”

She threw her head back and laughed like he'd said
the funniest thing in the history of the world.

Her pure, unrestrained joy was one of the most beautiful
sounds Cam had ever heard.

He was past the point of no return with this woman and
she hadn't a clue how he felt about her. Not a freakin'

When Domini gifted him with a sweet smile, he kissed
her. The glide of her lush mouth on his always brought his arousal to
fever pitch, but it seemed sharper tonight. Deeper. Almost desperate.

Cam brushed his nose by her ear. He loved the feel of
her silky, baby-fine hair on his skin. When wisps stuck to the
whiskers on his face and tickled his neck. Or crushed in his hands
and twined through his fingers. Trailing down his body. And the
scent. Lord. The cool scent of her hair drove him insane. Or maybe it
was the perfume of her skin that seeped into his brain, making him
absolutely crazed for everything about her.

Domini,” he murmured against her throat. “I
need this from you.”

I know. I want to give you what you need. I want
what you need,

He forced himself from the temptation of her pliant body
only long enough to grab the bottle of oil. His hand shook as he
poured the golden liquid into his cupped palm and coated his cock and
his fingers.

Her heels rested against the wooden footboard and he
tapped her butt as a signal to lift her hips and he placed a pillow
beneath her. The long expanse of her belly tempted him to lick and
kiss until he reached those sweet, tasty little breasts. As he sucked
on a peaked nipple, he lightly circled her anus. He worked his middle
finger in a little at a time until it was imbedded to the webbing of
his hand.

Don't tense up, relax those muscles. There,
just like that.” Cam knew it'd take more than just one
finger to prepare her, so he slipped another finger inside.

He caught Domini's gasp of surprise in a hungry

She squirmed as he scissored his fingers. Curling,
twisting and stroking inside that tight channel, pushing her toward
the sharp bite of pain that would turn into pleasure.

Cam slipped his fingers from her loosened hole and
nipped at her bottom lip. He stood, hoping like hell he didn't
look as unsteady on his feet as he felt. Goddamn he wanted this from
her. Needed it. He circled her ankles in his hands and positioned her
feet on either side of his shoulders. He stepped between her thighs,
poising his cockhead at that enticing pucker.

Domini frowned.

He swept his hand across her belly. “What?”

I thought we'd do this…from behind.”

No. As you've pointed out, we've done
it from behind enough times. I want to see your face as I'm
taking you this way. I want to touch your clit when I'm buried
balls deep in your ass.” Cam pressed the tip to the rosette and
slid his hand beneath her butt cheeks, opening her ass fully. He
pushed until the head of his cock disappeared inside the first ring
of muscle.

Domini hissed.

Breathe out, princess, come on, lemme make you
feel good.”

It burns.”

Going slow wouldn't make a difference now, so he
shoved until his cock was lodged completely inside her.

She gasped.

Ah fuck. She was so tight. And hot. And tight. And
goddamn he had the urge to rut on her. Slam into that vise-like heat.
Feel that snug channel gripping his cock as he eased out slowly, so
she felt every inch scraping against those tight tissues. Then he'd
ram back in over and over. Hard and fast and deep. Relishing the loud
slapping of his balls as he fucked her until she screamed.

Gritting his teeth, he held off on that raunchy
scenario, allowing her untried channel to adjust around his impatient
dick. Once he'd controlled his urge to pound into her without
mercy, he glanced at her.

Her chest rose and fell rapidly. Her eyes were closed
and her teeth were biting into her bottom lip so hard he expected to
see blood.

Domini. Look at me.”

She opened her eyes.

Touch me. I want your hands on me.”

If you lean closer will that put too much
pressure on your leg?”

Leg? What leg? Cam froze. For the first time, he'd
forgotten about his stump. He'd forgotten he wore a prosthesis.
He'd forgotten to be self-conscious. He was so lost in her and
all she brought to him he'd simply…forgotten.

She did this for him. To him. Domini made the world melt
away. His vision wavered at the sudden rush of emotion.

Cam? You okay?”

His gaze zoomed to hers. Hell. He sure as fuck hoped she
hadn't seen him tear up. During sex. Yeah. That'd be sexy
as shit. Bawling on her. While he fucked her in the ass.

That actually brought a smile to his face. Cam angled
his head and kissed the inside of her left ankle, and then he kissed
the right. He slid her feet down his biceps until they were braced in
the crooks of his arms. He eased out, feeling the sphincter muscle
surround just the fat head of his cock. He leaned forward and thrust
into her ass to the hilt.

Domini gasped, pressing her palms against his pectorals,
as if trying to push him back. “Dammit, Cam, I wasn't
ready for that!”

He slipped his hand between their bodies and murmured,
“Sorry, baby. Lemme make it up to you.” He stroked her
clit in the lazy way he'd discovered she liked best. “Better?”


Cam let the natural rhythm of their bodies take over. He
flicked her clit with each thrust into her ass; she raked her nails
down his chest, grinding her pussy into his groin on every upstroke.

That tight tingling in his balls indicated he couldn't
last much longer. When the buzzing sensation brushed his fingers, his
eyes flipped open.

Domini positioned the vibrator directly over her clit.
“Let me see you lose that last bit of control.”

And he did. He hammered into her without caution,
without finesse, his head thrown back, sweat trickled down his throat
and not into his eyes.
Almost there. Almost…

Contractions from her orgasm tightened her cunt muscles
with enough force he felt them in her bowels.

Holy fuck.” Cam shoved into her ass and
went still. He groaned, hell, he howled when those rigid anal muscles
clamped his cock and milked every drop of seed.

A bunch of nonsensical words filled the air and then she
flopped back on the mattress.

Cam slipped out of her ass and pressed his lips to her
throat. “You okay?”

Mmm. Tired. Worn out.” She cracked an eye
open. “Sore.”

I'll refrain from swatting your ass
tomorrow night.”

Swatting? I don't think so.”

Not into spanking?”


Have you ever tried it?”

No. Have you?”

Yep. There's something sexy about seeing a
handprint—on your ass. Then the skin feels hot to the touch.
Just think how good my tongue would feel cooling you down.”


What would you do if I demanded you let me spank

Her eyes held a rare challenge. “I'd let
you…but I'd demand equal time.”

I'll keep that in mind. In fact, the
thought of you smacking my ass turns me on. Everything about you
turns me on, princess.” He nuzzled her hairline and just
breathed her in. “Stay put. I'll get stuff to clean up.”

Domini stretched with that sated, smug expression of a
well-fucked woman.

Heh heh. His well-fucked woman. If he had that
cock-of-the-walk swagger, he'd earned it. About damn time too.

Cam washed up in the bathroom before he dressed. He
brought a warm washcloth and teased Domini with flirty kisses as he
swabbed between her legs. He tucked her between the sheets, wondering
if she'd have regrets about his rough behavior when she noticed
the finger-shaped bruises on her thighs tomorrow.

You okay?”


He kissed her forehead. “I must've done
something right, because you were babbling in Ukrainian when you came
that last time.”

She blinked at him sleepily. “I wish you could
stay with me tonight.”

Another time. Can I make it up to you tomorrow
night? By taking you to supper? Someplace besides Dewey's?”

Or I could cook for us here.”

Princess, we'd just end up in bed. And I
don't see how you cooking for me is a night off for you.”

Are you asking me on a date, Deputy McKay?”

Yeah, I guess I am.”

That skeptical look returned to her icy blue eyes. “Why?
You promised me this wouldn't—”

Just say no if you don't wanna have supper
with me tomorrow night, Domini.”

I don't want to say no.”

Good. Then I'll pick you up at six.”
He kissed her softly and left.

Chapter Eleven

You're going out with him?”

Like Nadia had a right to judge her on men. Domini
sighed quietly. “Cameron McKay is a good man, Nadia.”

He's also
Nadia retorted, reverting to Russian in case Anton was listening.
“Don't you remember what they're capable of?”

Domini absentmindedly rubbed her shoulder where the
German shepherd had taken his pound of flesh. “It's not
the same. He's nothing like the men who were terrorizing and
brutalizing innocents.”

Nadia muttered in Bosnian. Domini understood enough to
realize she'd been called a fool. She let it slide and changed
the subject. “So Anton likes school?”

Being with kids his own age is better for him
than being with the so-called ‘babies' at Sky Blue
daycare this summer.” Nadia smiled at Anton over her shoulder.
“He wishes he could ride the bus home.”

Is he making friends?”

She shrugged. “He doesn't say. He is
disappointed he isn't hanging out with you tonight.”

I'm sorry I can't watch him and you
had to cancel.” Why had Rex insisted Nadia cancel their date?
Wouldn't he encourage Nadia to bring his son along? Even one
time? Especially if he was serious about making them a family again?

The thought of Rex living in the same house with Nadia
and Anton turned Domini's stomach. She knew what Rex used to do
to Nadia. She saw what he'd done to Anton and how that beating
had finally forced Nadia into leaving the man for good.

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