Shorts: The Furry Years (13 page)

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Authors: John Van Stry

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #furry

BOOK: Shorts: The Furry Years
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"You're right of course." He paused, "Look I'll testify in court for you if need be. But I'm sorry, I melted it down for the brass." And he looked apologetically at the both of us.

"That's it then," said Jared crestfallen. "I told you it was too much to hope for."

"Thanks anyway Deven," I sighed dejectedly. "It wasn't your fault." I turned to Jared, "Sorry, lets go."

We turned and headed for the stairs.

"If it will help I still have the book that was in it." Deven said turning to Jared.

"WHAT!?" He said whipping around, stunned.

"I had to break it up to melt it down." He stated matter of factly, "So when I found the book I saved it of course."

"Yes! Yes! Show me!" Jared cried.

"Sure, come on in."

Deven opened the door to his apartment and we rushed in. It was neat as a pin and full of books. Packed to the ceiling with them actually.

"I can't stand to throw one away," he stated indicating the shelves. He opened a cabinet and brought out a metal box. "It's pretty old so I keep it in this."

Jared took the box quickly and then carefully opened it. I peered over his shoulder at the old leather bound book inside.

"Yessss!" He hissed and carefully scanned the first few pages. "This is it! How much?"

"It was stolen from your church wasn't it?" Deven asked shrewdly. He was smarter than I thought.

"Yes, a long time ago."

"Then take it. I can not sell something which isn't mine."

"Deven!" I said surprised, "Do you know what this is?"

"Well kind of. I read it."

it?" squeaked Jared surprised.

"Of course, very enlightening. I'm thinking of converting now because of it."

Jared pulled out a large wad of bills and a business card and placed then on Deven's desk.

"Take this, I insist!" He said when Deven shook his head. "The Religion of the All-Father has always believed in rewards, as do I. If you should ever wish to come to Harnian, I would be pleased to have you as my personal guest! Thank you."

And Jared got up and rushed out. I turned to follow.

"You just made a lot of people very happy Deven," I grinned on the way out.

"Key's please?" Jared asked as we reached the car.

"Sure," I tossed them over. "Say could you drop me by my place? I don't want to be late for work."

"I guess."

On the way back it was pretty quiet.

"Take the next plane home Jared," I said when we got to my place. "I'll have to file my report tomorrow and I don't want to worry about anything happening."

"Rest assured Pen, I will be gone."

"Oh, and no funny stuff okay?"

"You have my word Pen, but I suspect I am not the one you should be worrying about. Your old master will be quite cross with you. You should come and visit, Katerina would be happy to see you."

"Even if I wasn't available?"

"I do not think she will be much longer either, so I would not worry much about it."

"I'll see, good luck."

"Good luck yourself my friend. If you need help, call. Your help was most valuable, and greatly appreciated."

I got out then and waved as he drove off.


Work that night was considerably busier than the night before, this being Friday of course. We were open till four, and I was mighty glad when closing time finally came around. The customers were tired from working all day, so there weren't any problems or incidents. I had told Kera to go on home after her last set at
two thirty

"Will you be by later?" She asked eyes glowing.

"Sorry love," I smiled wistfully, letting my tail and ears droop to show how I felt about it. "But I finished up that job today so I have to file my report. I'll be around tomorrow though, Okay?"

"Sure hon. Good night."

We bumped heads gently and kissed goodnight.

"Oh, take this too, okay?" I passed her the most recent of my payments.

When I got home I dug out my old mangled typewriter and composed my report. It was a fairly brief one, I told what Jared had wanted, and that he got it. Took about a page.

Then I crashed.

I awoke the next morning to a loud banging on my door. I looked at the clock, it was only about nine. I don't function well on three hours sleep.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I growled loudly as I headed for the door. The noise stopped only when I opened it.

Imagine my surprise when I saw who it was.

"Charilldel," I hissed tail whipping, "what foul reason brings you to my door at this early hour? Or any hour for that matter!"

"Jared left the country late last night, I want to know why!" He chattered shuffling back and forth on his feet in agitation.

"It's all in my report," I yawned showing all my teeth.

"Then let me see it!" He demanded rudely.

"First there is the matter of payment Charilldel, or have you forgotten?"

"What?! You'd withhold important information vital to the defense of this country for
? Give it to me now I say!"

I noticed the two very large Bulls he had for bodyguards, were beginning to get edgy and paw a little. That didn't improve my disposition either.

"I guarantee that I will kill you before either of your thugs gets his gun out." I growled, eyes narrowing to slits. "Now pay up or split! A deal is a deal Charilldel."

He glared and fumed a bit, but he dug out the cash soon enough. I counted it all too.

"Thirty grand, it'll do." I smiled at him. "Here's your report," and I handed him the type written page.

"That's it?" He asked astounded.

"Read it."

I enjoyed the expression on his face as he did. Monkeys are terrible poker players, they can never conceal their emotions. His were a total rage by the time he was done.

"You consorted with the enemy!" He howled "This is treason! I'll have you executed for it!"

"Oh please!" I laughed scornfully, "How else was I supposed to find out what he was up to? Really, I'd expect you to understand that."

"But you let him have the book! How could you?"

"It was his and I sure wasn't being paid to steal it. It was a religious artifact Char," He winced as I called him that, he hated it, "what do you think the Senate would have said about our stealing it?"

"Why should you care?" he thundered back.

"Maybe, just maybe, I'm a
of that religion. Asshole." I grumbled and started to close the door in his face.

"I'll get you for helping him. You know that don't you?" He threatened ominously.

"I think you better worry about the leaks in your organization!" I retorted spitting. "He
who I was. Knew
about me Char. My life was at stake here," I lied - at least I hoped it was a lie, "my cooperation for my life. You should be happy, nothing military or sensitive was involved at all."

"You haven't heard the end of this Pen!" He screeched at me.

"Dear All-Father above I hope so!" I mumbled back and I shut the door.

I went back to bed and slept till two. Then I went over to Kera's and we celebrated until it was time to go to work. After work we celebrated some more. Sunday was heaven.

Monday was Hell.

I was arrested Monday by the Feds, dragged down to jail, charged with Treason, Impersonating a Federal officer, Aiding and abetting a know spy, violating the official secrets act, Assault with a deadly weapon (Fat Jack), and refused bail. I didn't even get my phone call until sometime Wednesday. Bruce was livid about my missing work when I called him, but quickly calmed down once he heard the story.

The long and short of it was I spent six months in Jail while the whole thing dragged out. My lawyer cost all of the Sixty Grand I had been paid by the Charilldel, then another ten for good measure. They even tried to hit me for tax evasion, and I ended up shelling out another twelve grand to pay for that one!

Charilldel hadn't missed a trick, the charges were easy to defend against, they had no evidence. Plus the church of the All-Father was on my side. Which amounted to about twenty percent of the general population and ten percent of the Senate. But I was still bled dry, lawyers after all cost money. And ones for treason cases cost
of money. Once Charilldel knew that the cash I had made was all gone, he started to slack off.

Once he figured I was totally in debt, he left me alone. The six grand I got from the Church did help some, that was for sure.

But I knew he wasn't going to back off, it wasn't his style. Things were going to be worse now than ever. I had screwed him over this time and Charilldel was not the type to ever forget or quit.

Then Kera and I had a big public fight, to make matters worse. She wouldn't see me and Bruce told me to keep away from the bar. Or else. My landlord evicted me, keeping all my stuff for back rent. Which I owed plenty. Plus I had been in jail so long it didn't matter if I was found innocent, I was guilty by association and media exposure.

I had the clothes on my back and nothing else. Kera still had the money I had given her of course.


So I split. I went native and hit the forests on the coast and played hermit. And things still got worse. I had no money, Charilldel's men kept spying on me and harassing me, and the weather was colder and wetter than it had been in years. Even the elements hated me I guess. I tried going into the local town once or twice to buy a few things and do a few odd jobs for money. But on the third time the Sheriff ran me off. Gave me something of a beating while his cronies watched to make sure I didn't hit back. Charilldel at work yet again no doubt.

After three months of this I couldn't take it any more, the weather was dreary and depressing, always raining and overcast. I missed Kera terribly and wanted to crawl into her arms and never leave. I was as lonely as a soul could get, and roaring at the moon nearly every night and crying during the days. I was hurt from either beating up or getting beat up by the people sent to watch me all the time. When I found out about Kera taking up with Jason in a paper that one of my watchers dropped, it was just too much.


This cat would cry no more.



To:   Charilldel, Head Cov Ops Nat Sec.

From: Roanoff, Field Agent

Subject: Observation of Former Agent/Traitor Pen


It was observed by this agent that on the twenty third of this month that late one night Pen did hang himself from a tree on the edge of the cliff by the ocean. I suspect that the information provided him covertly at your request is what finally caused him to lose all hope. The body was not recoverable as the rope snapped before I could get to it. I did observe it lying broken on the rocks down below, and watched it wash out to sea. No one could have survived that fall, or would have allowed the crows to pick at the body as I observed.

It is therefore this agents opinion that the subject is dead.


"Got the bastard!" Charilldel gloated.

"That you did sir," responded Track. "Roanoff sent that in this very morning. I notified Pen's girlfriend like you requested, she was fairly upset."

"Good, nobody crosses or quits on me. Ever. This'll be a good lesson to anybody who thinks otherwise."

"Yes sir, I'm sure it will. Shall I have his records closed and sent to the archives?"

"Close them yes, but burn 'em. I don't want any record of him left in this organization. When I destroy somebody it's total. Got that?"

"Yes Sir!" Truck walked out of the room quickly. Maybe Pen had been right about the old chimp after all, he thought quietly to himself.


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