Shoot for the Moon (Black River Pack Book 2) (11 page)

Read Shoot for the Moon (Black River Pack Book 2) Online

Authors: Rochelle Paige

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Shoot for the Moon (Black River Pack Book 2)
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“It was my dad,” I rasped. “He was in my dream.”

“Shit,” he murmured. “Was it bad? A vision of his death or something?”

“No,” I answered, my voice cracking.

“Hold on,” Spencer ordered before he jumped out of bed and left the room. He soon returned with a bottle of water, which he opened and practically shoved in my face.

The ice-cold drink felt amazing on my parched throat. By the time I drained the bottle, I felt much better.

“I don’t think he’s dead. I think he somehow survived and they kept us apart.”

“Fuck!” Spencer hissed. “I never thought to ask about your parents. After I was told about the shunning, I was so damned pissed I didn’t even think to ask about your family.”

“It’s not your fault they lied to me,” I said, trying to calm him down. “You had no way of knowing they were hiding something like this. Maybe that’s even why I was shunned.”

“If your alpha did this to make sure you wouldn’t be able to find your dad, I’m going to rip that fucking asshole’s head from his dead body,” he growled.

“He blamed me for his son’s death. Maybe he wanted me to feel the same kind of pain?” I asked Spencer even though I knew there was no way he could know.

“He kicked you out of the pack—the only home you had ever known—left you with no friends, and allowed you to think you had no family remaining? Losing your mom wasn’t enough for him? That’s beyond cruel and he doesn’t deserve to lead other wolves,” Spencer argued.

“Let karma be the bitch who takes him down,” I said.

“I’m not going to let this go. He can’t get away with hurting you like that,” he countered.

“If he hadn’t kicked me out of the pack, I might never have found my way to you,” I pointed out. “Besides which, we’ve got bigger things to worry about than what an asshole did to me years ago.”

“Bigger things?” he repeated.

“I think my dad has been searching for me and finally found out where I am. I think he’s on his way here,” I explained. “He’s got Parker’s mate with him, and trouble isn’t far behind.”

Other books by this author



Push the Envelope

Hit the Wall

Summer Nights (novella duo)

Outside the Box

Winter Wedding (novella)


Sucked Into Love

Checked Into Love (coming soon)


Crying Wolf

Shoot for the Moon

Thrown to the Wolves (coming soon)




My boys – Thank you for not complaining too much about the piles of laundry & carry-out meals while I was writing. Yes, I know… yet again. I love you!


Mom – Thank you for always supporting me and inspiring me to live my dream.


Yolanda – Thanks for being a great friend. Even though we live states away from each other, your continued support means the world to me.


Mickey – I am so grateful to have found an editor like you! Thanks for putting your mad editing skills to good use for me. This book seriously wouldn’t have released on time if you weren’t so amazing!


Panty dropping Book Blog – Thanks for your help getting the word out about my books. Heather has been great and you all have done an amazing job pimping me! The bloggers that work with you have been so generous with their time and efforts on my behalf.


FBGM girls – You know who you are and you damn well know why I love you so much! For reals.


Readers/Bloggers – Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a chance on me. I would not be living my dream right now if it weren’t for all of you.




I absolutely adore reading—always have and always will.  When I was growing up, my friends used to tease me when I would trail after them, trying to read and walk at the same time.  If I have downtime, odds are you will find me reading or writing.

I am the mother of two wonderful sons who have inspired me to chase my dream of being an author.  I want them to learn from me that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.

When I told my mom that my new year's resolution was to self-publish a book in 2013, she pretty much told me, "About time!"


Connect with me online!


Twitter: @rochellepaige1




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