SHIVER (43 page)

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Authors: Tiffinie Helmer

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“What kind of story?” Aidan frowned.

The woman in the smart navy suit was the one to answer him, offering him her hand to shake. “My name is Brooke Malone. I’m a correspondent for KTVF Channel 11. We’d like to do a follow up on the—” she glanced at Fox and lowered her voice “—the unfortunate incidents of yesterday.”

“She means Mr. Harte’s murder, my kidnapping, Mom’s shooting, all done by the famed Lonely Lady stripper, Genie in the Bottle,” Fox said around a mouthful of fries.

Aidan tried not to smile. “Hmm.”

“It’s a hero piece, Dad. Isn’t that perfect?”

“Hero piece?”

Brooke Malone stepped forward, gesturing with her hands. “We want to tell about what you did, rescuing your family under such hostile conditions. You’re the hero of the hour and we’d like to do a special interest report on it.”

“Uh…” A rush of emotion stole Aidan’s breath.
? He wrote about heroes. He’d never been the hero in anything.

“Isn’t that cool, Dad.”

“Uh…yeah.” He needed some air. “If you’d excuse me for a moment, I gotta…go.” Before he melted like a snowman under a spring sun, Aidan rushed out of the room, down the hall, until he found the stairwell. He pushed the metal door open and fell back against the cool surface. What the hell was wrong with him? He was acting like a sissy girl all because someone thought he was a hero. He was no hero. He hadn’t done any more than any other man would have done for the people he loved. So why were tears flooding his eyes?

He pushed away from the door and sat on the stair riser before his legs gave out. What a mess he was. A blubbering, sniveling mess.

The door cracked open and Fiona peeked her head around the corner. “I thought I saw you duck in here.” Rather than leave him in peace, she entered the stairwell and sat next to him.

He quickly wiped his eyes on the sleeve of his shirt. “Fox okay? Raven?”

“I’m more worried about you right now. It’s difficult seeing yourself in a different light, isn’t it?”

He nodded as emotion, he couldn’t seem to turn off, flooded him.

She gently smoothed back the hair that had fallen over his forehead. “I always knew this man was in you. I’m glad you are finally meeting him.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “That son of yours wants to be on TV.”

Panic stirred in with the other crap he was trying to stamp back in its place, making breathing next to impossible.

“You can’t disappoint him.”

That was the crux of the problem. Dealing with people seeing him as he’d always wanted to be seen scared the shit out of him. What if he failed them now?

“Come on. Go and splash water on your face, maybe take a quick trip out in the cold. You’ll look refreshed rather than spent.” Fiona smiled at him with love shining from her eyes. “Either that, or I have some makeup in my bag we could try.”

He choked out a laugh, got himself under control. “Thanks, Fiona.”

“No. Thank you.” She smoothed back his hair again, looking deeply into his eyes until she touched his soul. “I love you, Aidan, just as much as if you were one of my own.”

Tears tightened his chest. He couldn’t keep himself from reaching out and wrapping his arms tight around her. She smelled like blueberries.

Fiona rubbed his back and held him for a moment, then patted his shoulder. “Go. Get yourself cleaned up. I’ll hold off the reporters until then.”

He released her and stood, helping Fiona to her feet. “Thanks, again. And just so you know, I’ve always loved you and Fox senior.”

“I know you do, Aidan. I’ve always known.”

Dealing with reporters was hell, but the news segment was taped and due to air that evening. Fox was over the moon, he’d spent the rest of the afternoon calling all his friends. The doctors had released him, but decided to keep Raven one more night. Aidan was relieved when she awoke again to see that the dark film of pain had released its hold on her and the deep, warm brown of her eyes was showing through.

Aidan hung back in the corner, leaning against the wall of Raven’s room, enjoying Fox’s impatient wait for the news program to begin, regaling Raven with the story how they had interviewed them earlier. Fiona and Pike had returned to the lodge. He hadn’t seen any sign of Garrett and Sonya. He figured they were helping Peter with Lana until he could be there with her. They’d had a short conversation on the phone and she’d promised not to leave until he’d returned to Chatanika.

There was a knock on the door and Eva wheeled in Lynx who held their new baby girl as though she were made of glass. “Heard you were up for visitors,” Eva said.

“What happened to you?” Raven asked Lynx, her expression one of disbelief. “Eva, what are you doing wheeling him around? You just had a baby?”

“Yeah, you don’t
to tell me that.” Eva grimaced. “Just goes to prove again, who the stronger sex is.”

“I’m never living this down, am I?” Lynx murmured, shaking his head.

“Not in this lifetime.” Eva took a seat near the bed and asked Raven, “So how are you feeling?”

“Better. What about you?”

“You should have seen her,” Lynx said, pride in his voice, “giving the nurses and doctors orders as she pretty much single-handedly delivered little Lark. Do you want to hold her?”

“Oh can I?” Raven held out her arms as Eva transported the baby into them. Raven’s face lit up and she cooed to the sleepy, pink infant in that womanly, motherly way. “She’s beautiful.”

“We think so,” Eva said.

“The most beautiful baby girl in the whole world,” Lynx said.

Raven glanced at her brother. “Want to fill me in on why
are in the wheelchair?”

“A moose hit me.”

Eva rolled her eyes. “Come on, Lynx. You hit the moose. I’m not buying that a kamikaze moose lay in wait until you rounded the corner and then broadsided you.”

“But that’s what happened. It came barreling out of the trees, hit me on the passenger side and pushed me off the road. The tree I hit killed the truck. The moose snorted as it walked away.” He let out a frustrated breath. “Just you wait until you see the truck. Then you’ll believe me.”

“Okay, hon. Whatever you say.”

Lynx tried to convince Eva again with another play-by-play, but Aidan lost interest. He couldn’t take his eyes off Raven. She looked so natural holding the baby. How had she looked cradling their son in her arms? Did she ever wish she’d had more children?

She must have felt his eyes on her for she glanced up and their gazes caught. Heat began to smolder between them and just when he thought he’d implode, she turned back as Tern entered the room, carrying a vase of flowers.

He should have bought Raven flowers.

Tern set the vase down and jockeyed for position to hold the baby next, oohing and ahhing. The hospital room had gone from small to cramped.

“Hey, guys,” Fox interrupted the chatter. “Look, there’s me and Dad.” He turned off the mute button on the remote and increased the volume.

Aidan flicked his gaze to the television. Brooke Malone introduced the segment, standing to the side of Fox in his hospital bed with Aidan sitting on the edge looking scared shitless. The walk Fiona had suggested hadn’t done the trick. He looked flushed, his eyes bloodshot, his skin waxy. Maybe he should have let her have at him with the makeup?

Brooke’s words blended together creating a static in his head as the interview was replayed on the screen. Luckily it was a short segment, and the camera faded to Brooke standing outside the hospital.

“Something like a Greek tragedy unfolded in the otherwise quiet town of Chatanika this evening. Acclaimed graphic novelist of the best-selling Spirit Totem series, Aidan Harte, is being hailed a hero tonight. Just like one of the heroes right out of his own novels, Mr. Harte saved the lives of his son and the mother of his child, while also apprehending alleged kidnapper and murderer Alba Flake.

“What makes this story even more sensational is that Mr. Harte reportedly gunned down his father, Earl Harte, last July, while defending two hostages. The deceased, Earl Harte’s brother Roland, was wanted for questioning in three deaths, and according to sources, both men were intimate acquaintances of Alba Flake, street name ‘Genie in the Bottle’, who is currently being held without bail on charges of murder, attempted murder, and kidnapping.”

I know this reporter will sleep better knowing that the heroic Aidan Harte is living nearby.”

Aidan sucked in his breath. The news reporter had certainly done her homework.

The room, which had been full of love and well-wishes, went silent.

Then Tern laughed. “Your editor’s going to love this when it hits the Internet. Think of all the free press.”

Ah, hell. Aidan wanted to sink into the institutional gray walls. Just his luck, the networks were bound to pick the story up and broadcast his horrific family history.

“You’ll probably become even more popular.” Eva nodded.

“Yeah,” Lynx added. “Your family connections will finally be worth something. Bet they’ll add an extra zero to your next contract.”

He risked a glance in Raven’s direction. She was focused on the baby, but he knew she felt his gaze on her. The room turned silent again, until Fox who seemed clueless to the undercurrents said, “I’m hungry. Can we head to the cafeteria? I’m in the mood for Jello.”

“Sure,” Aidan said. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had Jello.”


Raven fell back against the pillows. Eva, Lynx, and little Lark had returned to their wing of the hospital. Aidan had taken Fox home, but Tern was still visiting. She’d had enough visitors. All she wanted was quiet and peace. Quiet so deep, she didn’t have to think. Her head still pounded and if she stood for too long the room spun. She’d be released tomorrow. Then what?

“Want to tell me what the hell that had been about?” Tern asked, waiting two seconds after the door had shut on Fox and Aidan.

“What was what about?”

“Come on. Don’t milk the concussion.” She planted her hands on hips covered in designer jeans. “You didn’t say one word after that interview.”

“What was I supposed to say?”

“Let me tell you something. You’re going to lose the only man you’ve ever loved if you don’t get over whatever this ‘thing’ is.”

Pain sliced behind her eyes and she had to shut them. “Can we do this later?”

“How much longer are you going to drag this out? It’s been twelve years.” Raven felt the bed give and opened her eyes enough to see Tern perched on the edge. “Is this still about Dad?”

Raven gave a heavy sigh. “When Dad was dying, he made me promise to stay away from Aidan.”

Tern sucked in her breath. “Oh, honey. Dad didn’t know what kind of man Aidan would grow into.” She covered Raven’s clasped hands with one of her own. “Dad knew who killed him. He was only trying to protect you. Do you really think he would make you promise something like that now?”

“I don’t know,” Raven whispered. It was too much effort keeping her eyes open. “I just don’t know what to do anymore.”

“You’ve got to listen to your heart. Lord knows, listening to your head has seriously fucked up your life.”

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