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Authors: Carolyn McCray

Shiva (21 page)

BOOK: Shiva
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squared his shoulder
ready for the impact of the recoil
when a bullet flew past his ear. He jerked his rifle to the left and fired in the same motion. He put a hole in the side of the second chopper
but it was cosmetic damage at best.

Through his scope
he could see the Disciples

sniper haul himself back into his chopper. A broad smile on his face. Davidson almost cursed. Almost. He had been too shortsighted. Apparently
the sniper hadn

t died back in Jordan. Just because the man hadn

t let off a shot didn

t mean he wasn

t attached to the mission.

Snapping his gun up, Davidson made his way down the tree as the other men shot at the fleeing helicopters. It did no good. The choppers were too far away for the range of their guns. It had been Davidson

s duty to neutralize the helicopters.


Another failure atop of losing Rebecca.

He landed hard on the ground, right next to Brandt. The pain in the man

s eyes seared Davidson. Those choppers were headed only one place. Straight

s staging site. The Disciples might be after the girl

they had found out about her

but now they were on the trail of Rebecca as well.

I am

Save it,

Brandt grunted
rolling his neck from one side to the other.

But the Disciples are


s eyes narrowed.

I know what the Disciples are doing.

Everyone stood silent as Brandt stretched out one arm
then the next.

Um, Sarge?

Lopez asked.

What are we going to do?


With that
the sergeant charged up the forest slope, heedless of the steep grade or the thick underbrush.

Lopez grinned.

Last one up writes the after
action report!

Davidson strapped his rifle onto his back. This was one race he was not losing.



Northeast Congo Jungle


Since Rebecca

s rescue from the python, the jungle had descended into darkness. The constant chatter of African gr
y parrots had transformed into the unnerving creaks and squeaks of unseen wildlife. The forest pressed down upon her as she held the girl close. They followed the old man wordlessly through the rain

To the south, the helicopter had landed
and the men had already trashed the hut. Search parties had quickly been sent out. It would only be a matter of time before they were caught.

And when they were caught

there was no doubt they were going to be caught

the only weapon they had was the old man

s long, hollow stick.

The old man stopped, sniffed the air, then urged her deeper into the jungle. It seemed this was where he planned to make his stand. How this spot was different than the other hundred they had passed in their silent trek, Rebecca had no idea.

As she moved past him
Rebecca reached out and touched his ritually scarred arm.

Thank you.

His response was an annoyed grunt and head jerk toward the path he had set them on.

Taking no offense

she was used to Brandt
after all

Rebecca went to oblige
but the girl wouldn

t budge. Taking her small hand from Rebecca

s, Vakasa hugged the old man. At first
the elder did not seem to know
what to do
hen he put a hand on the girl

s back and gave it a pat.

The girl murmured something in Romanian,
ncient Greek
and Swahili.

As much as Rebecca could cobble together
it meant,


ll see you again.

Or Vakasa wanted a mocha latte.

The old man shook his head sharply, but the girl only hugged hard


least that

s what Rebecca thought. Her French wasn

t exactly

With one final, awkward pat, the man forced Vakasa away from him and put her hand in Rebecca



he whispered in heavily accented English.

Squeezing the girl

s hand, Rebecca headed out into the forest
still dripping from the latest downpour. Moonlight streaked through in thin slices, edging its way through the thick canopy.


s hand was warm in her palm. So little. So trusting. Rebecca was the one used to be
protected. She was

built to be the protector. Was she?

Shots sounded behind them. A war cry that resounded in Rebecca

s bones was the answer. The battle headed north. The warrior was drawing the men away from her and the girl. Not wanting to waste his efforts, Rebecca broke into a run. The sound of their flight masked by the fight to the north.

She had absolutely no idea where they were running. Rebecca only knew that she had to get as far away from the hut as possible, as quickly as possible. Then Vakasa stopped cold, nearly jerking Rebecca

s shoulder out. She tried to coax the girl forward
but the child

s lip trembled as she pointed ahead.

Three men stalked from the trees.


s heart sank so hard that she was sure she heard it hit the ground. The Disciples had set up a perimeter. Bastards.

She pushed Vakasa behind her. The men wanted Rebecca. Perhaps if she gave up, they would let the girl melt into the forest.


ll go quietly,

Rebecca said as she stepped toward them.

The nearest man backhanded her. The force snapped her head to the side as she fell to the ground.
What the…

He then lunged and grabbed the girl, jerked her toward him. He laughed harshly
speaking in broken English.

So much dollars for something so small.

The men wanted Vakasa?

Rebecca couldn

t get kidnapped to save her life today.

* * *


ve got the girl,

Bunny whispered to no one in particular.

You were right,

Emily stated.

Prenner just frowned, staring at the small dot surrounded by three much larger dots. A fifth dot lay off to the side. Rebecca? The dot held a steady orange
so she must be alive
but for how long?

Not far, but too far away
Brandt and the men surged ahead. Bright
red flashe
marked their gunfire. The splashes of color made the forest look afire. This was another reason why Bunny didn

t get on that helicopter with Davidson. Yet her heart lurching at each burst and the smell of gunpowder in her nose, she might as well be there.

At least they are able to hone in on the enemy,

Prenner said
indicating the live feed to the men

s devices.

Bunny glanced to the blobs that appeared to be Rebecca and the girl. How had the Disciples honed in on
so well? They were out in the middle of the jungle. Bunny presumed they had stayed quiet. Then how?

Turn it off!

Bunny shouted
realizing that the Disciples were honing in on Rebecca the same exact way Brandt was honing in on the enemy. By the satellite feed.

What are you

Prenner tried to demand, but Bunny elbowed him out of the way and got up along side the technician.

Cut it!

Are you kidding me? Do you know how hard it is just to keep the damn thing aligned and transmitting?

Bunny slipped off her stiletto and smashed the heel into the keyboard.

I take it that might make it harder?

The screen warped and fuzzed
losing detail
but not enough. Bunny turned to take on the CPU, but Prenner caught her wrist.

no, you don


Well, Bunny had two shoes, didn

t she? Kicking backward, she plunged a heel into the CPU
which sparked and hissed. The screen went an icy blue.

You just took away the slim advantage they had!

Prenner growled.

Yes, I did,

Bunny responded
then glanced to Emily.


advantage. We

ve got to shut down the British feed in case they are getting their intel from there.

On it,

Emily said
flipping open her phone.

Prenner looked from the CIA operative to Bunny.

You can

t really think they are
hacking us.


s exactly what I think,

Bunny said as she jerked her wrist out of his grip. She turned to the tech.


ve got to find the source of the hack.

The guy indicated to his fried keyboard and CPU.

Kind of need a work station to accomplish that.

Bunny nodded to the glass walls revealing dozens upon dozens of options.

I think we can find a replacement.

The tech looked to Prenner
who gave a sharp nod.


he tech rolled his chair back from the desk
then stopped.

I just gotta say…


Bunny urged.

That was kind of hot.

BOOK: Shiva
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