Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (96 page)

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Authors: Ruth Franklin

Tags: #Literary, #Women, #Biography & Autobiography

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library of, 193
Methods of Literary Criticism course at, 196
Myth, Ritual, and Literature course at, 9, 180, 338–41, 496
non-resident term at, 192
Parents Weekend at, 194
purpose and philosophy of, 192–94
SJ as a faculty wife at, 194–95, 197–98, 368, 433
SJ’s lectures at, 263–64
social and sexual culture at, 196, 291, 294–95, 298
student houses at,
, 195
as a women’s college, 191–92

Bennington Weekly
, 301

Benson, Sally, 151, 182

“Berceuse” (Fauré), 37, 39

Berkeley, George, 88

Berlin, 439

Berman, Ronald S., 466

Bernstein, Walter, 103, 109, 126, 140, 144, 152, 162, 183, 194, 235, 276, 328, 343

blacklisting of, 311–12, 360
Hyman’s friendship with, 74, 81–82, 84, 96, 102, 113–14, 121, 138, 154, 254, 360
on SJ, 179

Best, Marshall, 423, 451, 495

Best American Short Stories of 1951
, 278

“Beverley” (Jackson), 22

Bible, 76, 168, 180, 185, 323, 372

Book of Genesis in, 340

“Big Brown Woman” (Hyman), 124

Big Sur
(Kerouac), 446

Bikini Island, 382

Biographia Literaria
(Coleridge), 237

“Biography of a Story” (Jackson), 222, 231, 234, 236, 487

Bird’s Nest, The
(Jackson), 276, 331–37, 377, 390

characters and plot of, 322, 333–37, 344–48, 351–52, 354, 389, 411, 419, 447
critical response to, 352–54
film version of, 353, 361, 426
humor in, 335, 352
multiple-personality disorder theme of, 50, 321–22, 332–37, 350, 351
promotion of, 336
writing of, 321–22, 337, 344–51, 355, 356

Bishop, Jim, 210–12, 223, 241

Bittner, William, 398–99

Bix (dog), 430, 431

Bizet, Georges, 58

Black Hawk, 26

“Black Woman’s Story” (Jackson), 125

Blake, William, 122

Blitzstein, Marc, 195, 360

Bliven, Bruce, 127, 135, 137, 355, 495

Blondell, Joan, 353

Bloom, Claire, 425

Bloustein, Edward, 196

“Blueberry Hill,” 363

blues, 124, 152, 180, 260, 276, 291, 317, 340, 392

Boas, Franz, 88

Boepple, Paul, 319, 320

Bohemian Club, 131

Bohemian Grove, 131

bohemianism, 135–36

Bombeck, Erma, 307

Boni Brothers, 136

Bookman, The
, 216

Booth, Vincent Ravi, 190–91, 194

Boston, Mass., 15, 20, 225

Botsford, Gardner, 374

Boys High School, 74

Brandt, Carl, 315, 422

Brandt, Carol, 400, 450, 483–84, 490

SJ and, 373, 422–23, 436–37, 439, 454, 457, 471–75, 488, 492, 494

Brandt & Brandt, 172, 315, 378, 394

Bravo, Charles, 435, 441

Bravo, Florence, 435

Bread Loaf School for English, 320

Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, 216, 264, 482, 487–89,
, 496

Breit, Harvey, 258–59

Brentano’s, 454–55

Bridge of San Luis Rey, The
(Wilder), 82

Brighton, N.Y., 46–47

Brighton High School, 46–47, 54, 55, 92

Brinnin, John Malcolm, 279–80, 282–83, 345

Bronx Zoo, 77

Brooklyn Bridge, 84–85, 89, 277, 300

Brooklyn Dodgers, 8, 167, 260–61, 463

Brooklyn Navy Yard, 163

Brooks Brothers, 163

“Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?,” 37

Browder, Earl, 109, 123, 311

Brown, Leonard, 88–89, 113, 115–16, 126, 147, 238, 393, 423, 487, 495

Buechner, Frederick, 398

Bugbee, Abbie Stephenson, 14

Bugbee, Annie Maxwell Greene, 15

Bugbee, Charles, 14, 15, 18, 19

Bugbee, Clifford Field (uncle), 19, 25, 44, 117

Bugbee, Evangeline Field “Mimi”(grandmother), 19–22, 25–26, 30–31, 117

Bugbee, John Stephenson (great-grandfather), 14, 15, 18, 19

Bugbee, Maxwell Greene (grandfather), 19–22, 23, 25

Bugbee, Samuel C. (great-great-grandfather), 14–19

Bugbee, Sumner, 14, 18

“Bulletin” (Jackson), 384

Burdick, Eugene, 453

Burke, Kenneth, 7, 87, 109, 185, 195, 233, 243, 436, 452, 462, 465, 474, 496

Hyman and, 115–16, 177–78, 180–81, 186, 189, 238, 319, 337, 372–73, 468, 475, 489, 496–97

Burke, Libbie, 7, 8, 180, 436, 437, 496

Burkhardt, Frederick, 337, 341, 495

Burlingame, Anson, 26

Burlingame, Calif., 13, 25–29,
, 40, 45–47, 58, 77, 213, 220, 462

Burlingame Country Club, 26, 27

Burlingame High School, 34, 80

“Bus, The” (Jackson), 480–81, 490

By Love Possessed
(Cozzens), 394

Cain, James M., 186

California, 11–21, 24, 41, 44, 46, 51, 95, 130–31, 210, 258, 306

Bay Area of, 19, 21
Contra Costa County, 21
Marin County, 25
Ross Valley, 20
Sonoma County, 131
Yolo County, 19

, 11–12

California, University of, at Berkeley, 232

California Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, 20

California Theater, 15

Calisher, Hortense, 316

Call It Sleep
(Roth), 72

“Call Me Ishmael” (Jackson), 123

Cambridge School, 179, 340

Cameo Theater
, 245

Campbell, Joseph, 296

Camp Copake, 105

(Marx), 466

capitalism, 85, 87, 100

Capote, Truman, 258, 277, 302, 463

(Bizet), 58

“Carnival of Venice,” 15

Caro, Anthony, 195, 318

Carrington, Hereward, 406

Carroll, Lewis, 81, 296

(Cozzens), 111–12, 315

Catcher in the Rye, The
(Salinger), 272, 301, 345, 391

Caucasian Sketches
(Ippolitov-Ivanov), 92

“Procession of the Sardar” from, 57–58

Central Pacific Railroad, 14, 16

Cerf, Bennett, 355

Chambers, Whittaker, 235

“Charles” (Jackson), 5, 206–7, 307, 309

, 172, 278

Charyn, Jerome, 487

Château Frontenac, 493

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 389

Cheever, John, 172, 209, 210, 212, 228

Cheever, Susan, 192

Chicago, Ill., 79, 86, 117, 492, 496

Chicago, University of, 493

Chicago Sun-Times
, 370

Chicago Tribune
, 451

Child Ballads, 30, 52, 57, 64, 165, 253, 291

Child’s Garden of New Hampshire, or, How to Get Along in the Country
(Jackson), 161

China, 26

Christianity, 20, 27, 261, 309

Christian Science, 20–21, 26, 28, 31, 33, 54–55, 108, 117, 470

Christ Stopped at Eboli
(Levi), 216

Ciardi, John, 487

Cincinnati, University of, College of Medicine of, 231

civil rights movement, 6

Coates, Robert, 102

Cobb, Jane, 324–25

Cold War, 6, 235, 468

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 185, 237

“Colette” (Nabokov), 245

Collier Books, 468–69, 475

, 210, 307

“Colloquy” (Jackson), 177

Colton, David Douty, 14, 16, 18

Columbia University, 68–69, 115, 126, 150, 244, 401

Columbia Writer’s Conference, 473, 488

Come Along With Me
(Jackson; posthumously published collection), 261–62, 502

Come Along with Me
(Jackson; unfinished novel), 30, 276, 485, 498, 502, 543

characters in, 400, 478, 491–92
humor in, 491
opening lines of, 485–86
writing of, 489–92

“Come Dance with Me in Ireland” (Jackson), 176–77

commedia dell’arte, 30, 50, 52, 214, 313–14, 330

Harlequin figure in, 30, 50–52, 61, 66

, 303

communism, 6, 60, 69, 84–89, 92, 100, 101, 105, 109, 115, 162, 202, 235–36, 310–12, 496

Communist Manifesto
(Marx), 122

Communist Party, 86–89, 100, 109, 311–12

“Company for Dinner” (Jackson), 176, 256

Congregation Shomrei Emunah, 75–76

Connecticut, 271–76, 279–99, 313

Connors, Jane,

Conrad, Joseph, 92

Constantikes, Joan, 198

Copacabana, 73

Cousins, Margaret, 300, 375

Covici, Pascal “Pat,” 401, 420–24, 429, 450–51, 479, 484

death of, 489–90
SJ and, 187–89, 210–11, 396–97, 420, 436–37, 439, 454, 457, 470, 475–76, 490

Cowan, Wood, 272

Cowley, Malcolm, 77, 86–88, 115–16, 135, 137, 276, 277, 393, 416

Cowley, Muriel, 276

Cozzens, James Gould, 102, 111–12, 315, 394, 395

Crane, Hart, 67

Crews, Frederick, 475

Crichton-Stuart, John, 405

Crist, Judith, 426

Critical Method, The
(Hyman), 187

Crocker, Charles, 14, 16–18, 19, 271, 403

Crocker House, 403

Cross Section
, 181

Crown Publishing Group, 212, 475

Crucible, The
(Miller), 235–36, 359–60

Cuban missile crisis, 468

Cummings, E. E., 97, 110, 135–36, 315

Cummington School of the Arts, 263

Czechoslovakia, 112

“Daemon Lover, The” (Jackson), 239, 246, 253, 255, 304, 351, 481

Dahl, Roald, 228, 352

Daily Orange
, 91

Daily Worker
, 92, 100

Dartmouth College, 82, 102, 109, 114, 123

Darwin, Charles, 8–9, 77, 88, 240, 269, 337, 339, 464–65

Daughters of the American Revolution, 124

Davenport, Guy, 453

Davis, Bette, 276

“Day in the Jungle, A” (Jackson), 299–300, 400, 494

Dead Sea Scrolls, 340

Death Takes a Holiday
(film), 52–53

Decter, Midge, 165, 307, 328, 329, 495

Decter, Naomi, 328

Delbanco, Nicholas, 341

Democratic Party, 445, 460

Depression, Great, 13, 18, 40, 77–78, 80, 85, 86, 109, 118

private charity and relief funds in, 28, 78
unemployment in, 28, 54, 79

De Rerum Natura
(Lucretius), 77

“Desk” (Jackson), 509

DeVries, Peter, 263, 276

Dewey, John, 191–92

dialectical materialism, 89

Diamond, Neil, 80

Didion, Joan, 487

“Dinner for a Gentleman” (Jackson), 376

Dissociation of a Personality, The
(Prince), 321–22, 335

Divine Comedy, The
(Dante), 255

Domino, Fats, 363

“Door, The” (White), 151

Dorman, Elsa, 84–85,

“Dorothy and My Grandmother and the Sailors” (Jackson), 35

Dos Passos, John, 87, 100, 315, 399

Doubleday, 483

Douglass, Frederick, 325

Dowson, Ernest, 92, 97, 101

Dreiser, Theodore, 87, 160

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
(Stevenson), 352

Dr. Strangelove
(film), 387

Drummer of Tedworth, 106–7

Dryden, John, 389

DuChartre, Pierre Louis, 51

Duke University, 405

Duncan, Isadora, 314

Durand, Oliver, 320, 361, 362, 374, 377, 438, 458, 468–70, 473, 488, 494, 553

Dust Bowl, 13

Eastern Michigan College, 418

Eastman, George, 45

Eastman Kodak Company, 45

Easton, Adeline Mills, 26

Easton, Ansel I., 26

Ebbets Field, 167, 261

Eddy, Mary Baker, 20–21, 117

Eilert, Andree L., 231–32

Einstein, Albert, 88, 114, 195

Einstein, Greta, 342

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 382, 388

El Camino Real, 27

election, U.S., of 1956, 388

Eliot, T. S., 160, 185, 292, 391, 549

“Elizabeth” (Jackson), 188–89, 253

Ellison, Fanny, 7, 168, 494

Ellison, Ralph, 7, 8, 168,
, 262, 276–77, 302–3, 316–17, 430, 433, 487, 494, 533

Hyman and, 159–61, 174–75, 179–81, 203–4, 241, 244, 276, 316
on SJ, 233, 277

Elman, Ziggy, 121

Elmira (maid), 285

Emeis, Die
(Geiler von Keisersperg),

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 250

Emma (maid), 279, 284–85, 291, 295, 313

Engels, Friedrich, 465

England, 26, 167, 318, 352

“Enormous Radio, The” (Cheever), 228

Episcopalian Church, 216

Erasmus Hall High School, 74, 80–84

Erving, Mass., 102–3, 130, 137

Ettington Hall, 425

Everett, Edward H., 402–3

Everett mansion, 402–3,

Everitt, Rae, 277–78

Exeter, 391, 460

“Experience and Fiction” (Jackson), 261–62

“Fable of Philip, The” (Jackson), 146

(Burdick and Wheeler), 453

Fair Land of Far, The
(Jackson), 484, 490

Fairleigh Dickinson University, 438

“Fame” (Jackson), 266–67

Family Book Club, 323

Famous Sally
(Jackson), 356, 474–75

Farrar, John, 214–17, 257, 261, 322, 370, 390, 487

SJ and, 212, 214–15, 224, 252, 263–64, 345, 391–92, 423

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