Shikasta (16 page)

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Authors: Doris Lessing

BOOK: Shikasta
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Chaos ruled. Chaos economic, mental, spiritual – I use this word in its exact, Canopean sense – ruled while the propaganda roared and blared from loudspeaker, radio, television.

The time of the epidemics and diseases, the time of famine and mass deaths had come.

On the main landmass two great Powers were in mortal combat. The Dictatorship that had come into being at the end of World War I, in the centre, and the Dictatorship that had taken hold of the eastern areas now drew into their conflict most of Shikasta, directly or indirectly. The younger Dictatorship was stronger. The older one was already in decline, its empire fraying away, its populations more and more in revolt or sullen, its ruling class increasingly remote from its people – processes of growth and decay that had in the past taken a couple of centuries now were accomplished in a few decades. This Dictatorship was not able to withstand the advance of the eastern Dictatorship whose populations were bursting its boundaries. These masses overran a good part of the older Dictatorship, and then overran, too, the Northwest fringes, in the name of a superior ideology – though in fact this was but a version of the predominating ideology of the Northwest fringes. The new masters were clever, adroit, intelligent; they foresaw for themselves the dominance of all the main landmass of Shikasta, and the continuance of that dominance.

But meanwhile the armaments piled up, up up … The war began in error. A mechanism went wrong, and major cities were blasted into death-giving dusts.

That something of this kind was bound to happen had been plentifully forecast by technicians of all countries … but the Shammat influences were too strong.

In a short time, nearly the whole of the northern hemisphere was in ruins. Very different, these, from the ruins of the second war, cities which were rapidly rebuilt. No, these ruins were uninhabitable, the earth around them poisoned.

Weapons that had been kept secret now filled the skies, and the dying survivors, staggering and weeping and vomiting in their ruins, lifted their eyes to watch titanic battles being fought, and with their last breaths muttered of ‘Gods' and ‘Devils' and ‘Angels' and ‘Hell'.

Underground were shelters, sealed against radiation, poisons, chemical influences, deadly sound impulses, death rays. They had been built for the ruling classes. In these a few did survive.

In remote areas, islands, places sheltered by chance, a few people survived.

The populations of all the southern continents and islands were also affected by pestilence, by radiations, by soil and water and contamination, and were much reduced.

Within a couple of decades, of the billions upon billions of Shikasta perhaps 1 percent remained. The substance-of-we-feeling, previously shared among these multitudes, was now enough to sustain, and keep them all sweet, and whole, and healthy.

The inhabitants of Shikasta, restored to themselves, looked about, could not believe what they saw – and wondered
they had been mad.

Report by Emissaries
of the
into the 
TIME. SUMMARY. [This was the first mission sent to the planet from Canopus since Johor's visit at the Time of the Catastrophe.]

1 We have thoroughly surveyed the northern hemisphere, and have had meetings with the representatives of Sirius, both those stationed here, and visiting. We have also encountered Shammat's agents, without their knowledge. We confirm reports by our visiting and indigenous agents that there is an unexpected development. All over the northern hemisphere are a race of ‘little people', which is how they are referred to everywhere. Blood, tissue, and bone tests suggested Sirian origin, and Sirian representatives confirmed they originated from experiments by Sirius as far back as the epoch of Johor's visit at the Time of the Malalignment. A great part of the northern hemisphere has been covered by ice. This process has locked up more of the Shikastan waters, and water levels have sunk, and dry land has appeared where none was, making bridges between landmasses and islands, facilitating the movement of these ‘little people' everywhere. Sirius confirms their extensive presence on the two major southern continents and the smaller southern continent.

2 These ‘little people' can be no more than a span in height, and at their tallest are not more than four spans. They are of various types, ranging from squat, heavy, and physically very powerful to slight, exquisite, and beautiful even by Canopean standards. The former extreme tends to dwell underground in caves, caverns, and subterranean places of all kinds, sometimes very far beneath ground, to the extent they may seldom or never see the surface at all. They are skilled in mining, smelting, surveying. They produce and use iron, copper, bronze, gold, silver. The more delicate types live in and with vegetation, understanding the uses of plants, or are adapted to water and its properties, or are creatures of fire. All shun the larger inhabitants of Shikasta to the point that in some parts they are already the
stuff of myth and legend. But in some places a link has been established and maintained, even to the extent of exchange of information and commodities. These races have in our opinion little or no evolutionary potential. They dwindle in size and numbers and most have already transferred themselves – not to Zone Six, where they are not at home, but to Zones One and Two.

 3  Because of the pressures of the polar ice masses so far south,  there have been extensive movements of the two stocks we are  interested in. The Giants, established mainly in the mountainous  and plateau areas of the main landmass, spread out towards the  east, and emigrated to the Isolated Northern Continent in large  numbers, over the new ice bridges. There they flourish. They are  now two-thirds of their former height. They live about two  thousand years. Their life-spans and their stature both lessen fast.

    The Natives, who were settled further south and further north  than the Giants, have crowded in on areas the Giants left empty  or sparsely settled and have also emigrated southwards  everywhere, even to the extent of establishing themselves over  the northern areas of Southern Continent I. They, too, are losing  height, and are two-thirds of what they were in Johor's time.  They live about eight hundred years. As with the Giants, their life- span and stature dwindle rapidly.

4 There is now mating between these two races, which produces a physically improved type, sturdy, healthy, but above all adaptable, able to withstand extremes of climate, to sustain themselves on any diet, and to fit themselves rapidly to sudden and drastic changes. For instance, they are living adequately on the very edge of the ice cap. Their mentalities are not better than either the Giant or the Native stocks, but are ingenious and – again – very adaptable, within the limits, of course, imposed by the limited ingestion of SOWF by the planet.

   The new hybrid lives among or near the Natives, but the Giants are less amenable. There is always, and increasingly,
disharmony on personal and intergroup levels, but this does not yet show signs of developing into war, nor is war something considered inevitable or desirable. On the contrary, enough of the substance of Johor's ‘Rules' remains to make all species uneasy when they fall into bellicosity, even briefly; and antagonisms remain local and short-term affairs.

   These three species – for the Cross should now be considered as a new species – breed and develop animals of all kinds, for food, for transport, and for use in agriculture. The use of metals is little understood, even though rumours of the skills of the ‘little people' suggest all kinds of experiments and attempts. We have inspired individuals in every part of Shikasta to search out the ‘little people' and learn from them what they can, particularly in the realm of metals.

 5 The ‘Laws of Canopus', as described by Johor, have to a certain extent stabilized themselves not only in the various ethical structures, but even genetically. Transgressions cause discomfort, and have to be compensated for, in sometimes unfortunate and nonproductive ways. But we have to report that, as was expected, these Laws rapidly diminish in effect. Not least because of the efforts of Shammat, whose agents are energetically at work. The psychological malaise caused by ‘transgressions' provide fruitful grounds for Shammat's needs. For instance, they have successfully established human sacrifice as a means of ‘pleasing the Gods'. This practice is everywhere on the increase. Shammat encourages in every place and in every way the falling away of Shikastans into animalism. As this does not differ from what we already know of Puttiora and Shammat elsewhere, there is no need to enlarge.


a A boost of Canopean genes to the new Cross. This in our opinion has the greatest evolutionary potential, showing a tendency towards frequent and varied mutation.

b More frequent visits from our representatives. We know
that Shammat's theft of SOWF cannot be stopped, but their efforts towards degenerating the stock can be combated.


I covered the designated areas. The polar ice is retreating. The level of the oceans is almost at its former height.

The populations are settled mostly in the regions of the great inland seas, because of the climatic advantages, and on the islands in the ocean that separates the Isolated Northern Continent from the central land mass. (These islands are unstable.) That is, between 20 degrees and 40 degrees north, their measurement. The Giant/Native Cross proves, as forecast, the most enduring. Purebred Giants and purebred Natives are now minorities, and tend to live by themselves. Both are seen as ‘Giants' by the new Cross. This breeds with every generation shorter, smaller, and very strong and vigorous. It is intellectually inferior, even within the limits imposed by the depredations of Shammat. They are belligerent, acquisitive.

There is accumulation of wealth and even land by the few at the expense of the many, who are often in the position of slaves and servants. Some of these are escaping northwards after the retreating ice, and establishing themselves in harsh conditions. They make frequent forays southwards to raid and plunder crops and livestock. There is now continual fighting and looting everywhere.

Little remains of the instruction left them by Envoy Johor and subsequent visitors.

Systems of taboos operate around objects and artefacts and animals. Human and animal sacrifice is operated mostly by ‘priests', self-appointed custodians of the ‘Divine'.


a I support the recommendation of the Commission that there should be a genetic boost. There is an argument that there are already too many species on Shikasta. Against this I urge that the Giant/Native Cross will soon predominate. Its peculiarly violent and rapacious qualities must be reduced. There will otherwise be no species left at all! For instance, the ‘little people' are now almost extinct, except in certain mostly northern parts where the severity of the climate preserves them. They have been hunted down
for sport.
I need say no more in underlining my contention that Shammat's influences are almost overwhelming.

b Our servants have been instructed to remain unnoticed where possible. Their function has been mostly to monitor and observe. I believe we should embark on a new policy of vigorous intervention. It will be necessary to work inside the existing mental sets and tendencies. This means making use of existing ‘religions' and perhaps introducing new ones.

Our plans must be postponed. The instability of this planet has again been confirmed. Shikasta flipped over on its axis and back again. I have arranged for the relevant experts to ascertain the cause. There were floods, storms, earthquakes. Some islands submerged. There will be changes in climate. Shikasta is slightly distanced from its sun. The effect on its moon is as yet not certain. There was great loss of life, more in the northern than in the southern hemisphere. Several promising cultures, carefully monitored by us, have been wiped out. Adalanterland is one. Agent Nasar, now permanently established on Shikasta, is sending an independent report. These events however do not change the basic situation, and after an interval for the effects of the
events to lessen, the recommendations of my report should be followed.

I picked up five males from Eastern Sector, Canopus, five from Planet 19, and five from Planet 27.

There is not now much evidence of the recent unfortunate events, but the population levels remain reduced.

The males were divided into five groups and put down as follows: To the immediate north of the Great Mountains. To the immediate south of the same. In the extreme north of Southern Continent I. Two groups south of the Great Seas, one of which I accompanied. All of these had to acclimatize themselves for several days, before allowing themselves to be noticed.

The group of three I was with was on a mountain near a flat space where our craft put down. This flat area has sacred connotations in the area.

Our problem was that only the chosen females should mate.

I approached descendants of the old Davidic strain, who because of natural superiority tend to hold positions of influence. I told each ‘in secret' that ‘sacred beings' were present, drawn down from ‘higher regions' because of their beauty. These selected women were led to the males and mating was accomplished. There were about fifty of them, each at first believing she was unique.

Our plan was that they should tell others ‘in confidence'. This was to ensure the spread of rumours about Gods and so forth. But we did not wish mating to become general.

In a short time the high place on the mountain where our volunteers were ensconced was under siege from willing females and from suspicious males. The four of us made our way as unnoticeably as possible to the space vehicle, but two of the women followed us, and mating took place in spite of my remonstrances that these were not designated women.
Suggest that Planet 27 is unsuitable for this work. Planet 19 less enthusiastic.

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