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Authors: C.E. Black

Shifted Temptations (6 page)

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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I left the apartment, shutting the door firmly behind me and went to see the superintendant. He could tell me when she moved and if she left a forwarding address. She couldn't have been gone long, I thought. The last time I saw her was almost a week ago.

A week too long, I regretted. She mentioned that she was leaving, but I just had not believed it, didn't want to believe she would leave so suddenly. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought she would always be there.

Shit! I felt like punching the wall. I was such a dickhead. How could I have let that much time
go by without seeing Sam? How could I be as callous as that, to think she would wait around for me? Between work and Jordan's temper tantrums; I had just kept pushing the problem back for later, wanting to give her time.

Well, time was up
. I would find out where she had gone. Jordan and I would have that talk then we were going after her and if he said no, then I would go alone. She may hate me. Hell, she probably did and I couldn't blame her, but I was determined to find her, if for nothing else than to beg forgiveness.




~ 4 ~




“Thank you so much for letting me stay here.” I sat down on the bed and looked around the small room. My bed took up most of the space, leaving little room for the dresser Liz already had and the boxes that held my things. The walls were plain, white and empty.

The place was too small to stay for long. Soon I would need much more space, enough for a whole other person. That was the reason
I hadn’t bothered with decorating; only making the bed with white sheets and a floral quilt my grandmother had made me before she died six years ago. No matter where I moved, that piece of her came with me.

“Of course, Sam. You can stay as long as you need. You know that.” Liz spoke from the doorway.

I was so grateful for her. She was the only person in my life that I trusted implicitly. We had met in college and became fast friends. As roommates, we both preferred to stay away from the numerous parties and focused more on our studies and spending quiet nights out at the coffee shops instead.

Our personalities meshed well, but that was the end of our similarities. Physically we were complete opposites. Where I was short, only a little over five feet, Liz had a model’s physique. She wa
s almost six inches taller and was lean and trim compared to my voluptuous figure. She was a tall blonde, I was a curvy brunette, and we were the best of friends.

After breaking things off with Jordan and Alex, Liz
had insisted I stay with her. I was hesitant, only because I didn’t want to be a burden, however Liz had been adamant. She lived an hour away, in the bigger city of Knoxville. I had no second thoughts about quitting my job at the lawyer’s office. I had needed the change of scenery.

I had called my parents to let them know I was pregnant. I in no way expected them to take
care of the baby and me. My parents were happily retired and on one of their beloved road trips. I had not seen either of them in months, but we tried to talk regularly.

My mom was actually
excited that her thirty-year-old daughter was finally giving her a grandchild. She asked about the father and I told her he was not in the picture. Mom seemed to take that information in stride and said she and dad would visit soon. That could mean a few weeks or months. I never knew.

“Are you alright?” Liz

Nodding, I avoided answering her.
I was not all right, was unsure when I ever would be again, but Liz was concerned enough. I did not want her to worry over my fragile heart.

“I won’t be staying for very much longer,” I said. “As soon as I find a job and a place I can afford, I’ll be out of your hair. No offense, but I’m going to need something a little bigger for me and the baby.”

I had been staying with Liz for over a week. At my insistence, I had spent most of that time alone. Liz had allowed me my space and I was grateful, but it was time to get back on my feet.

“Hey,” Liz said as she came to sit beside me on the bed. “Don’t worry about that now. You have plenty of time
before you are going need more space.” She smiled down at me.

“Besides,” she continued. “I have an idea I
wanted to run by you.”

“What’s that?”

“Well, I’m tired of my sardine box of an apartment, so I’ve been on the hunt for something else. How about we go in together and get a nice place? Just the three of us.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

Liz clasped my hand in both of hers, her gaze sincere. “I think it’s a great idea. Please, just think about it?”

“I don’t know...wouldn’t having a single mother and her child around all the tim
e cramp your style or something?”

Liz rolled her eyes and laughed. “What style?”

Her laughed died away and her face became serious. “I really want this. You were there for me when I was at my lowest, Sam. If you had not been there when Rachael died, I’m not sure what I would have done.” Her eyes became wet with unshed tears and I quickly wrapped my arms around her.

Liz’s only sibling, Rachael, died of leukemia at only thirteen years old. There had been a seven year age difference betwee
n the two sisters, but that didn’t hinder the strong bond they had shared. They were extremely close and Rachael’s death had almost killed Liz.

I held my friend tight
ly as she took a few deep breaths. It was her method of keeping the tears at bay. I smiled as I pulled away.

will always be here for you, Liz.”

“I know.” She sniffed as she grasped my hand once more. “And I
will always be here for you. I don’t consider you just a friend, Sam. You are my sister and you’re carrying my little niece or nephew in that tummy of yours.” She squeezed my hand gently and grinned.

“Let me help you. I want to help and I would love nothing more than for the three of us to find a nice house where we could be a family.”

I quirked my eyebrow at her and she laughed, bumping my shoulder playfully.

“Not like that!”

I bumped her shoulder back and laughed with her.

“I know. I was just playing.”

Our giggles quieted and I gave Liz somber eyes. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely,” Liz said seriously.

I sighed. Some of the tension I had been carrying flowed out of me.


“Great!” Liz let go of my hand and stood up. “We have a lot to do. I’ll talk with Mr. Wolford first thing in the morning. When it comes to real estate, he’s the expert. He will find us something perfect.” She beamed.

Liz was officially excited and
I couldn’t hold back my smile. I could see her wheels turning. Lists and plans were being filed away in that pretty little head of hers. She was a sucker for stuff like that and was the most organized person I had ever known.

was not surprised that she would talk to her boss about finding a house. Samuel Ellis Wolford was the CEO and owner of the famous five star Wolford Hotels and would know a thing or two about real estate. Liz was his executive assistant. I loved teasing her about her exceptionally handsome boss.

“How is that hot man of yours?” I asked, biting my lip so I
would not laugh.

Liz stopped her eager planning to deliver me the death glare.

“He is not
my man
. Mr. Wolford is my boss and nothing more.”

“Sure, sure,” I said. “But I bet you wish he was your man.”


Liz’s mouth gaped open and I
could not hold back my laugh. She was the flawless professional when it came to work, but I knew she harbored a secret crush on that striking boss of hers. She would never admit it. Nevertheless, I knew her better than I knew anyone. She could hide nothing from me.

“Mr. Wolford is not my type.” Liz sniffed, lifting her chin high in indignation.”

“Are you serious? He’s everyone’s type.”

I pictured Mr. Wolford’s image in my mind. He was tall, slim yet
muscular; a swimmer’s build, with a head full of silky dark hair. His eyes were such a bright blue they glowed amidst his coffee colored skin. His lips were plump and he had a habit of licking them often. If I hadn’t been so enamored with Jordan and Alex, I might have wanted to kiss him myself.

Lifting my hand
s, I counted on my fingers. “He’s gorgeous, successful, sweet, rich...”

I don’t care that he’s rich!”

I hit a bad note with that one
I smirked. “He gorgeous,” I said again.

“Ugh! You are impossible, Sam. I do not have a thing for my boss. I could
never be with a playboy like him. Women come and go from his bed like it’s a privilege and he disposes of them like dirty napkins.”

“He always seemed like a nice guy to me.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “He is nice, when you’re not in his bed.”

She slashed her hand through the air. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

“Alright,” I huffed teasingly.

“Speaking of gorgeous men, you never told me what happened.”

I looked up at Liz’s expectant face and wanted to run. For only a moment I had let myself relax while I enjoyed teasing my friend. Now I felt like I just got showered with a reality check. I had not yet told Liz about my argument with the guys, because I was more than a little ashamed of how it had turned out.

“Was it bad?” She asked as she sat back down beside me.

“Yeah,” I sighed.

“I’m assuming, because you are here, that they don’t want anything to do with the baby?”

I shook my head.

“You know it doesn’t
really matter what they want. They have a responsibility to help take care of the child.”

I pursed my lips. “I don’t even know which one is the father.

that not the kicker? I felt like a total slut for sleeping with two men at the same time. I was pregnant with no clue as to which one fathered the baby.

Liz shrugged. “You can get a DNA test.”

What Liz said was true. I could get a DNA test. However, did I really want to know which one was the father? I rather liked the idea that the baby was both of theirs.

course, there was another reason that I didn’t want to push them into taking responsibility and it was time I told Liz.

I looked down, too ashamed to look her in the eyes
. “They don’t know,” I whispered.

“What? I thought you told them.”

I glanced back up at Liz and chewed on my bottom lip. “I did, but then I told them I was going to have an abortion.”

I closed my eyes waiting for her to freak, yell, something. When she
stayed silent, I opened my eyes to see her staring at me like I had two heads.

You’re not, are you?” She seemed scared of what my answer might be.

“No, no, of course not,”
I said, fervently shaking my head.

did not harbor any ill will towards any woman who made that choice, but personally, I just could not do it. I fell in love with my baby the moment two blue lines appeared on the home pregnancy test.

Then why lie to them?” She asked, her eyebrows pulling together. “I just don’t understand. I can’t believe you would do something like that. They deserve to know.”

“I know, I know,” I moaned.
“I was just...” I exhaled noisily.

There really wasn’t a good excuse for what I did, but I wanted Liz to at least understand why I lied.

“They were really angry.” I finally said.

“About the pregnancy?”

I nodded “The pregnancy, the break-up, me leaving...”

“What did they say?”

“They accused me of planning, of getting pregnant on purpose to trap them.”

“No!” Liz gasped. “Both of them?”

“Well, Jordan did most of the finger pointing He was fuming and I can see now that his words were tossed out mostly in anger. But Alex, I could read the doubt all over his face, Liz. He believed it too.”

I felt the tears staining my cheeks and I wiped them off half
-heartedly. It still hurt so badly to think of the accusations Jordan had hurled at me. Ironically, it turned out that I was exactly who they thought I was. I was a conniving bitch for lying to them about terminating my pregnancy.

“I am so sorry.” It was Liz’s turn to pull me into a hug.

I held onto her tightly and closed my eyes, soaking in the comfort she was offering. Only for a moment, though. I pulled away, wiping away more tears.

“The three of us will be just fine, Sam.”

“You’re not going to yell at me, demand that I tell them the truth?”

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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