Read Shifted Temptations Online

Authors: C.E. Black

Shifted Temptations (17 page)

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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I wasn’t stupid. I knew Alex
would not be too keen on the thought of Sam and me together. I had been watching the two of them since she came to stay with us. Alex cared for her, that was a no-brainer and it was obvious she felt the same.

did not mind sharing. We had done it before. I loved Alex like a brother, more than that even and I would never do anything to purposely hurt him, including taking away someone he cherished as much as I.

That was only one thing we had to discuss
though. It was time to brief him on the Wilde Mountain mission. We had to leave for the assignment soon, and I knew he would want in. Having someone take care of Sam was a problem, but I had an idea that I would run by Alex when the time came.

I pulled the covers over Sam’s peaceful form just as I heard the apartment door open and shut. Giving the woman I loved one last
longing glance, I left the room.

stood frozen, grocery bags still in hand, as I walked into the living room. He took in my disheveled appearance. I had not bothered to button my jeans nor put on my shirt.

ust as I knew he would, he took a deep breath through his nose.

He closed his eyes for a mo
ment and when he opened them, I was not terribly surprised at the anger I saw. However, I was taken back at just how much rage reflected back at me.

His brown eyes flared gold, proving
just how close he was to the change. Intense anger could do that sometimes if you couldn’t control it quickly.

“Fucking, a

Alex’s growl raised my hackles and
I made sure to stare him in the eye. No need for him to think he could dominate this conversation.

“There i
s nothing to be upset about.”

Alex dropped the grocery bags to
the floor and walked towards me, his fist clenched at his sides. He stopped just a couple of steps from being in my face, which was a good decision. My own control was slipping as the waves of Alex’s rage pounded at me. If he got too close, it could cause a nasty fight.

“I know you don’t have
any feelings for Sam, but how could you take advantage of her that way?” Alex sneered, his tone clearly disgusted.

My jaw ached as I ground my teeth at his ridiculous accusations.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

’s smile was mocking, showing off his sharp teeth. “I don’t, do I? Well, for your fucking information, before I left, Sam was all over me. Her hormones are all fucked up from the pregnancy.”

She doesn’t know what she wants right now and I, unlike you,” he growled “walked away because I knew she would hate herself afterwards. She is not ready for us to be making moves on her yet, especially from you. You haven’t even talked to her since she got here.”

As I listened to Alex’s words, dread seeped into my bones. Could he be right? Did she respond to my touch only because of some damn
pregnancy hormones? Admittedly, I hadn’t known much about those kinds of things, but I did remember how sensitive she was to even the smallest caress.

My anger dissipated into a wave of guilt. I hung my head in shame, not able to look at Alex.
It was official. I was a complete jerk. I did take advantage of Sam. I just had not realized it at the time.


My head jerked up at the sound of Sam’s sharp voice. She stood
in the hallway entrance, wearing only my shirt, her long hair falling over her shoulders. Even with her rounded belly, the shirt swallowed her whole, making her look almost frail, vulnerable. The shaky way she balanced on her crutches did not help the image.

I rushed over and helped her to the sofa. She sat down with a sigh and graced me with a soft smile of gratitude. I held onto that smile like a dying man, even as she turned her attention
to the fuming Alex.

“Leave him alone, Alex. Jordan did
not take advantage me. I wanted to be with him.”

I wanted to breath
e a sigh of relief at her words, but the guilt continued to nag at my subconscious.

Alex threw his hands in the air in agitation. “Do you not remember what happened before I left to go to the store?”

Sam blushed, but did not turn away. As pretty as she looked with that rosy glow, I wanted to throttle Alex for embarrassing her.

That would have to wait
it seemed, because at that moment, I was too busy trying to keep up with the two of them. It was like a ping-pong match, back and forth they went. I wondered when they would realize the fight was useless.

“I remember you being a complete ass.”

“Yeah, well better me being an ass than taking advantage of your crazy emotions.”


“Irrational! You threw a book at my head!”

“You deserved it, you prick!”

I watched as Alex came closer and closer to Sam with each shout. It was obvious what had happened. Alex had pushed Sam away, claiming her hormones were too unbalanced, when all he really wanted was to take her up on the offer. Sam, while it might be true that her emotions were up and down at times, knew exactly what she wanted.

I let the argument play out, knowing how it would end. Alex loved S
am as much as I did and I did not doubt Sam felt the same.

Alex was right in front of Sam, leaning down so that their noses practically touched. “You kiss
ed me!”

“You’re right, I did!

“You shouldn’t have!

“No, you
shouldn’t have run like a pussy!”

barely held back a chuckled as Alex pulled back, his mouth opened in shock at her blunt words. It didn’t take him long to recover.

“Oh yea
h, well maybe next time I won’t!”



I grinned
as their lips collided with an intense kiss.




~ 17 ~




I was so angry with Alex for tearing into Jordan and implying that I couldn’t make my own decisions. I acknowledged that I was feeling uneasy; so many different emotions were crashing into me at the same time. The one thing that had never changed was how much I wanted him and Jordan.

As we argued, my need only increased unti
l it had to have an outlet. Alex’s mouth was the perfect conduit.

lips were hot and fierce as he took possession of my mouth. For it was a possession. He owned me, they both did. I gave myself to him, letting him devour me with each stroke of his tongue. The anger dissipating and my need only grew stronger.

His hands were everywhere. They skimmed
down my back, up my thighs, my sides, over my stomach and breasts. However, even in his hurried, eager state, he remembered to be gentle, caressing my nipples softly and not squeezing my breast too hard.

I was moaning into his mouth, becoming just as enthusiastic as I ran my hand under his shirt to feel t
he hard plains of his stomach. Suddenly, I was lifted off the couch. I wrapped my arms around Alex’s neck as he broke the kiss, only to run his tongue down my neck while he carried me to his room.

We both fell to the bed, pulling at each other’s clothes. We were naked in seconds and I relished the feel of his bare skin against mine.
His dark chest hair, brushed against my heated flesh, causing me to shiver with want.

Alex moved over my body, his hands, mouth, fingers, tongue, they were everywhere, bringing me closer and closer to the edge. My mouth opened wi
de and I arched back as he thrust his thick cock into my wet core.

He pressed deep, filling me completely, but
carefully, keeping his strokes gentle and his weight off my middle. I was on the verge of an explosive climax when I notice Jordan standing in the doorway watching.

is blue eyes were dark and fixated on my face. His hand was grasping his engorged cock, stroking slowing. I licked my lips, wishing he would come closer.

did not grant me my wish. He stayed where he was and continued to jerk his shaft. The sight had my sex gushing. With Alex’s cock pumping into me, combined with his thumb stroking my clit had my back arching as I detonated. I screamed Alex’s name and dug my nails into his shoulder as my orgasm rushed through me.

slowly came back to earth. My limbs were lax and my eyelids were heavy as Alex continued to thrust. He turned and motioned for Jordan to join us. Jordan shed his jeans and crawled across the bed until he kneeled beside my head. I didn’t hesitate to open my mouth.

Jordan’s cock was big, but I had learned how to swallow just right to take most of him. He moaned as I swiped my tongue across the sensitive head, lapping up the salty juices that had began to seep out.

I sucked him in deep, trusting Jordan to control his thrusts and not choke me. He placed his hand on my cheek, holding me gently. His gaze held mine, showing his appreciation.

Alex’s finger rubbing circles over my clit had me bucking off the bed

“One more,” he gritted out of c
lenched teeth.

He was close, but wanted me to come again. With the
two of them loving me, it had not taken long.

My thighs tensed as I came
hard, crying out around Jordan’s cock. My screams cut short as ropes of hot cum shot down my throat.

Alex and Jordan both
shouted out as they reach completion. I swallowed as my body quivered with the intense orgasm, my sex clenching and throbbing, pulling Alex deeper.

Moments later,
Jordan slipped free from my mouth as Alex pulled out of my swollen flesh. They cuddled around me, caressing my flushed skin, calming my pounding heart. They wrapped themselves around me and I was in heaven. This was what I had been missing all those months ago.

“I wasn’t too rough, was I?” Alex asked. He was facing me, running his fingers down my arms
. Jordan nestled against my back, his hand warm against my stomach.

“No,” I whispered.

The three of us intertwined, just holding each other in silence. I could not believe I was with my two men again. I had thought they were out of my life for good and that was before the accident. I shuddered, thinking about what could have happened.

Those few seconds before that car collided with mine were the scariest moments of my life. I was so thankful for the broken bones and bruises, because that meant I
was alive and so was my child. To think of losing the baby or dying and never being able to tell Jordan or Alex how much I loved them, had me trembling.

’s wrong, baby?” Jordan asked in a hushed tone, as if he didn’t want to disrupt the peaceful atmosphere we were floating in.

“Nothing’s wrong, I was just thinking about the accident.
In a way, I’m glad it happened, because I got to be here with you again.”

“That was absolutely the worst experience of
my life,” Jordan said stiffly.

I turned to look at his face. His expression was pinched as if he were in pain. I rubbed his arm, offering comfort.

“I had never felt so terrified than when I heard you were in the hospital.”

I stretched up to kiss him. “I’m okay.”

Alex twisted a strand of my hair in his fingers. “We know you,” he said. “But, I can’t say I’m happy it happened. I would have found you eventually.”

“We would have found you.” Jordan asserted.

“Found? You were looking for me?”

Alex nodded. “Yes, we looked for a couple of weeks and truthfully, we gave up too soon. I think we, or at least I, thought maybe it was bette
r for you if we stayed away. I was breaking, though. I missed you too much. It was eating me alive not having you with me. It wouldn’t have been long before I would have broken down and searched again, and I would have never given up again.”

y eyes filled with tears. Alex might never tell me he loved me, but his words sounded the same in my ears.

He’s dead on,” Jordan kissed the top of my head. “I was already wrecked, but I felt so guilty for the way I treated you. I told myself to stay away. I don’t deserve to have you in my life. Ultimately, though, I am a selfish man. I would have found you.”

“Oh guys, there i
s nothing to feel guilty about. I forgive you for the harsh things that were said and done in that stupid argument. Honestly, I am also happy about the fight. I think it brought our attention to what we were doing wrong. I want to talk more, like we are doing now. No more hiding out of fear.”

tear dripped down my cheek and off my chin as I held them close. It was really happening. We were finally going to be together and I could not have been happier.

BOOK: Shifted Temptations
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