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Authors: Carol Steward

BOOK: Shield of Refuge
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arrett pushed himself in front of Amber, staying between her and Melendez. She wrapped her hand around his waist, holding him close. He was still wearing his bulletproof vest. She felt for his gun, but it wasn't in his holster where it had been the other night.

“You still trying to play cop, I see, Melendez. I hate to tell you, you never will have what it takes to wear a real badge.”

“Keep your hands up, Garrett. Just step out of the way. I came for the party planner.” A shot rang out and hit one of the stainless-steel bowls sitting on the shelf. “You don't have to have a badge to learn to use a gun.”

“It takes more than a gun to be a cop, Melendez. Ask your cousins about that. But then again, even the gang rejected you, didn't they?”

“I've never been part of any gang.”

“That's why you wanted to be a cop, because you didn't have what it took to fit in there, either. Nobody wanted little Tony Melendez.”

What was Garrett doing, taunting the creep? Amber felt something jab her rib. “God is a shield to all who take refuge in Him,” she whispered. “God, be our shield.”

“Took this sham of a department long enough to even figure out that I was the one outsmarting all of their educated idiots. Lot of good that degree in criminal justice is going to do you now, smart boy. I had you all convinced this was gangsters territory, blaming them. When this is over, they'll take over the war on cops.”

Nick beeped the horn in the alley and Melendez turned to push the door closed. Sarah stood in the way, her gun pointing right at him. “I wouldn't even think about it.”

“Give it up, Melendez,” Garrett said, pointing a gun at the guy's head. “I'm not about to give you the satisfaction of suicide by officer. You're going to prison. Justice for all of your victims.”

Melendez lifted his gun to his head and a shot rang out. The guy swore, then clutched his bloody hand to his body. “I'll make you pay, Matthews.”

“I think you have that turned around, Tony.” Garrett slipped back into cop mode, reading Anthony Melendez his Miranda rights and efficiently putting the handcuffs on him.


wo days later, Amber and Garrett were standing in the mountain resort with the high glass wall overlooking the ski slopes. He admired the white snow glistening behind the pastel hibiscus-covered wedding cake.

“You couldn't have planned a more beautiful backdrop,” Garrett said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. “You, me and the Lord.”

“It's just too bad the wedding party didn't make it up here because of the snow,” she said with a smile. “I can't believe they were snowed out twice.”

“Let's not waste a perfectly beautiful cake. The pastor's upstairs in his hotel room, and I'm sure we could drum up a few witnesses to make it legal.”

“You have to be the most romantic cop I've ever fallen in love with, Garrett.”

He smiled. “What do you think? Care to become Mrs. Matthews today?”

“Keep joking around, and I might just say yes.”

“I can't think of anything that would make me any happier than to ask the Lord to bless this day as our wedding anniversary.” He turned her around to face him and kissed her softly on the lips. “I love you, Amber.”

She saw the tenderness in his eyes. “I love you, Garrett, but the bride and groom should be able to make it up here by tomorrow morning. They'll want their cake.”

“They can keep the cake. I just want the party planner.”

She laughed. “As long as I can have the bodyguard,” she said. “Today's a perfect day for a wedding.”

Dear Reader,

Shield of Refuge
has been a long time in planning, and sometimes the more we plan, the more determined God is to get us to slow down and listen to His plan. Garrett thinks he has his life all planned out, until Amber's determination to find the truth places her life in jeopardy. He's determined to escape falling in love, but the minute he meets Amber all his plans are turned upside down.

I love hearing how different the experiences of falling in love is for every couple. Writing romance probably sounds pretty simple—formulaic, even. Despite claims of dating services, I don't believe there is a scientific, logical or perfect formula for finding one's soul mate. Not even in fiction. So when Garrett and Amber fell in love at first sight, it ruined my plotting, over and over. These two were absolutely determined they were going to call the shots. They had their “plans,” and they didn't like having roadblocks thrown in their way. And as determined as they were to follow all the rules of their own plans, they were forced to turn their lives to God, the author of perfect happily-ever-afters.

I do hope you've enjoyed all the IN THE LINE OF FIRE books, where the Matthews siblings put on the armor of God to fight drugs, assault and corruption every day.

If you'd like to contact me, write [email protected], or P.O. Box 200286, Evans, CO 80620.

  1. Amber has several reactions when she sees the officer take the girl away. How easy would it be in a crisis to step into a situation that could put you in danger? Do you think that it is instinctive for people to be brave?
  2. One of Amber's roadblocks to helping the victim is her personal fear and bias toward the police. Most of us, at one time or another, have the opportunity to question our own prejudices. What are some of the situations you have been in where you've been forced to take a stand? How did it turn out?
  3. Garrett is also put to the test, personally and professionally. Do you think it is his personal strength or his faith in God that presses him to keep looking for the truth even though his boss implies that he shouldn't? Have you ever been in a situation where you needed to disagree with or blatantly ignore someone in authority? How did you come to terms with taking the action that you did?
  4. As time goes on and no one has been reported missing, Amber begins to believe that she was seeing things. Have you ever had experiences when you see something totally different than someone else?
  5. Amber and Garrett meet in a very unique way, and react to their situation in ways that surprise even themselves. She expects to be afraid of all cops, and he thinks he is going to resent her, yet their reactions are totally opposite. Do you ever surprise yourself with how you react to a situation or individual?
  6. Amber has a difficult time forgiving herself for mistakes that she made in her life and makes the assumption that Garrett will also be unwilling to overlook her mistakes. How does Garrett's response demonstrate God's love for each of us?
  7. Garrett is very goal oriented, and has a career plan all set out until his run-in with Amber makes him take another look at this plan. Do you ever feel that God puts hurdles up for us to slow us down so we have time to reconsider what His plan is for us? When a door closes in front of you, do you look at it as failure, or opportunity for growth?
  8. Amber faced some huge challenges in her young adulthood that forced her to change the course of her life. Have you, or someone you know, had to get over some difficult hurdles in life, and how did you get over them?
  9. Garrett sets his mind on something and doesn't easily let it go. Amber is also very strong willed. How can two individuals overcome what could be a constant battle in a marriage?
  10. Amber finds it difficult to understand the reason Garrett won't tell her why he thinks she's in danger. Have you ever found it difficult to trust someone else? How do we learn to trust?
  11. Amber's and Garrett's lives have crossed paths several times, and yet they wouldn't have met had it not been for God's perfect timing. One minute's difference and the accident would never have happened. Think about a “coincidence” in your life, and how God's timing played a role.
  12. Amber and Garrett want to fall in love, but they don't want it to interrupt the plans for their lives. When our wants conflict with our needs, something has to give. Have you ever felt God leading you one way or another? How can we hear God answering our prayers for guidance? Is that “revelation” always the same?
  13. Garrett has the chance to seek revenge on the suspect, and yet he doesn't. Why do you think he doesn't? What do you think you would have done if you had been in his shoes?
  14. Amber reacts in fear when she witnesses the crime. By the end of the book, when she's had time to think through it all, do you think if she faced a similar situation she would react differently?

ISBN: 978-1-4268-2469-2


Copyright © 2008 by Carol Steward

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

This edition published by arrangement with Steeple Hill Books.

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In the Line of Fire

In the Line of Fire

In the Line of Fire

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