She's No Angel (18 page)

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Authors: Janine A. Morris

BOOK: She's No Angel
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Chapter 32
harlene had finally gotten used to all the attention from people asking and congratulating her about the baby. In the beginning it made her uncomfortable, but as time went on she began to like the interest. Coworkers were constantly asking about the wedding plans and she got to show them her ideas and dress options. Before Charlene knew it she was in the world of make believe. It was like a fairy tale all around her, she was once again this perfect little princess planning her big ball. With none of her past in her way, everyone treating her like she was so special and deserved to be, it was almost surreal. Even her mother had become really involved with the pregnancy and wedding. Other than some morning sickness and back pains, Charlene really didn't have much to complain about, or so she thought.
One morning she was leaving for work and she couldn't find her gray blazer. The weather had started to be crisp and the brisk air no longer allowed for light jackets. Charlene had put on a black sweater with a gray stripe through it, her ever-so-stylish gray tweed slacks with black boots. Although the black waist-length leather jacket in her closet would have gone well, she was kind of set on wearing her gray blazer. She looked around for it a bit until she remembered that she had left it at Isaac's. Although it seemed a little frivolous, she decided she would stop by Isaac's on the way to work to get it. It would only make her about fifteen minutes late, and she thought seeing her boo boo would be a great start to her day. Besides, since she was pregnant her boss probably assumed it was morning sickness that often held her up, because he never questioned her.
She left with just enough time to make it to Isaac's, get her jacket, give him a snuggle and be on her way before the flex-schedule staff made it in. She called Isaac once she got in the car to let him know she was coming and to maybe have the jacket pulled out, but there was no answer. She figured he was probably in the shower or still asleep with his lucky self. Because Isaac was such a big shot at his company, he pretty much started and ended his day when he got good and ready unless there was a meeting scheduled or it was a busy season. Not thinking twice she continued on her way over to Mr. Isaac Milton's condo by the river.
Once she got there his Mazzerati was parked out front, and half the block looked empty except for a few cars. She walked up to the front door and keyed in, and tried to enter quietly so she wouldn't startle or awaken Isaac. She stepped inside and saw dishes on the table from what looked like his dinner the night before. Isaac was a neat freak and it was unlike him not to put the dishes away, yet it wasn't something that he had never done before so she brushed it off and went ahead and took the dishes to the kitchen. As she was placing them in the sink, she realized there were too many plates for just Isaac. She couldn't see what meal he could have eaten that would have required two dinner plates and a dessert plate. She was eating for two and wasn't eating that much, and she couldn't help but wonder why Isaac would be cooking for two. Ready to inquire about what he was doing or who he had had over last night, she finished up in the kitchen. She had tried to be quiet, but there was the inevitable clatter from some of the dishes and she figured Isaac might have heard it.
She was halfway up the stairs to his bedroom when he appeared at the top of the stairs. She had her head down watching her steps—as a pregnant woman her worst fear was to fall, especially down some stairs. She looked up when she heard a sound, and it scared her because she wasn't expecting him. Isaac looked just as startled, because he clearly wasn't expecting her, either.
“Good morning, baby,” she said as she continued on her way toward him. He took a step down, still looking surprised and confused.
“Hey, Charlene, what are you doing here?”
“I came to get my blazer I left here the other night. You going in late today?”
At this point Charlene was three-quarters of the way up the stairs, and Isaac had slowly taken a step or two downwards.
“Uh ... Yeah, I was just waking up to get ready for work now ... I'll grab your jacket for you,” he said as he turned back around toward the bedroom.
“I'm already up here now, silly, I can get it,” she said as she completed the flight of stairs.
Isaac stopped and turned back around. “Charlene,” he said.
“Yes, baby?” she asked as she opened the bedroom door, brushing off his attempt to delay her. She still had to be at work, so she would stop and play on the way back out, she thought.
Charlene walked straight over to the chair that her blazer was on and picked it up. She shook it out some and then put it on. She knew she had made the right decision to come get it; it just went so well with her outfit.
“So what did you do after we spoke last night?” she asked Isaac as she walked over to the mirror to check herself out.
As she pulled and tugged at her blazer she confirmed that she was ready to go. Just as she was turning away from the mirror she got a glimpse of Isaac's bed in the reflection and it didn't look empty. She spun around and couldn't believe her eyes. Lacy was sitting in the bed looking like she had seen a ghost. She immediately turned to the door and Isaac was standing in the doorway, looking crazy his damn self. Charlene froze for a second and no one said anything. Then Charlene started to laugh.
“Isn't this funny?” she finally said out loud.
From the looks on Lacy and Isaac's faces, they didn't know what to say but they both looked in fear of Charlene's looney reaction.
“Charlene, I swear it's not what you think,” Isaac started.
“I bet it's not,” Charlene replied.
“Babe ... I mean it—” he replied.
“Lacy, what do you think I'm thinking?” she asked, interrupting Isaac.
“Leen, I can only imagine ... But I'm sure it's not what the reality is.”
“Lacy, please give me the reality.”
Lacy looked over at Isaac as if she didn't know if she should or shouldn't speak.
“Oh, he runs this show, Lacy?” Charlene asked.
Her calmness was throwing Lacy for a loop; it came off crazy and capable-of-murder-type behavior. She knew Charlene was mad, and had every right to be from the looks of things, but her reaction was weird. Not that it wasn't obvious that Charlene was being sarcastic or cynical, but no yelling and no tears are not the expected reactions to this kind of early morning sight.
“Charlene, Lacy was locked out last night so she crashed here, that's all,” Isaac said.
“Really, is that what happened?” Charlene asked Lacy directly.
“Yes, Charlene, it is. I got here really late, ate something and we fell asleep watching a movie.”
“Aww, isn't that nice. What did you guys eat?”
“Charlene, why won't you talk to me?” Isaac asked Charlene finally, getting frustrated with her invisible-Isaac game.
“Why should I? So you can say whatever I want to hear?” Charlene asked, finally losing her cool. She had held on to it for a record-breaking time, but listening to his attitude just brought all of hers right out.
“What's that mean?” he responded in a not-so-low tone.
“It means I come over and find you in bed with some other chick, what do you think I want to hear from you? ... The typical—“it's not what you think” line? Be real!! You couldn't even come up with something better than that?” Charlene yelled. Before he could answer, she continued back in a calmer voice, “So, I figure I will talk to Lacy, she may have something better for me.”
“Charlene, it's the truth—” Isaac said.
“I don't doubt it. I just wanted to hear it from Lacy's mouth.”
“Nothing happened,” Lacy said. “As you see I'm still in the clothes I wore here last night.”
Charlene looked and Lacy was in a shirt and some jeans, and looked like she hadn't changed clothes. Still, she couldn't just fall for that evidence that easily, or at least they couldn't know that yet.
“I see. OK, well, you guys carry on. I have to go to work,” Charlene said with a slight attitude as she exited the room.
Isaac followed behind her.
“Charlene, I really hope you don't think that we were doing something here last night.”
“I believe you. If you give your word, I'll leave it at that.”
“I give my word.”
“OK, done.”
Charlene's tone was hard to decipher. If she was sincere, angry or sarcastic, she was hiding it well and intentionally.
“I gotta run, talk to you later,” she said as she reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Isaac just stood there watching her, still kind of surprised it would be ending so amicably. He walked her to the door and out she went. It was hard to tell who was more confused—Charlene, who didn't know what to believe, or Isaac, who barely knew what had just happened.
Chapter 33
harlene wasn't sure if she should make a big deal out of the Lacy situation but she chose not to for now. She decided that it did sound believable, and if it wasn't for her jealousy of Lacy she probably wouldn't have been so consumed by the other possibility. Since she knew that she had no real proof of anything other than Isaac's suspicious behavior that morning and him not calling, she figured she would just save it for later. She knew the trump card had more value in her hand than out on the table. Not to mention she had a slipup of her own that she wasn't sharing, so her conscience told her to let it go for now.
They say when it rains it pours, and for some reason Charlene was having a hard time getting everything back on track like it was before the breakup. They had been trying their best to keep all their hidden feelings to themselves, and all the skeletons that had fallen out of their closets unmentioned and left where they fell. They just didn't realize that some of it they didn't have any control over. It was like she was Scrooge, and the Ghost of the Past was haunting her.
Charlene and Isaac were walking through Cross County mall to shop for some maternity clothes for Charlene because she was growing by the second. They had separated momentarily when a somewhat-familiar face approached her. She looked at him, trying to jog her memory, and before she could she felt a swat on her behind. She jumped and let out a little yelp. Everything happened so quickly. Just as she remembered him, it seemed Isaac was making his way over after seeing the incident. She saw Isaac coming, but the guy didn't.
“Whatsup, baby?” the guy asked Charlene.
Before she could answer, Isaac walked up.
“Did you just grab my girl's ass?” he asked.
As soon as they made eye contact, the guy responded.
“Oh, shit! Isaac?”
Isaac looked back at him. “Kareem?”
“Yeah, what's up?” Kareem asked, looking genuinely excited to see Isaac and oblivious to the uncomfortable situation he had just created.
“I'm good ... but, yo, Reem ... This is my fiancée, and you just smacked her behind.”
“This is your fiancée?” he asked. “You wifed up Charlene, the Team Dream?”
Charlene couldn't believe Kareem was actually saying that to Isaac.
“The Team Dream?” Isaac asked.
“Yeah, the whole team, if you know what I mean ... She was like our cheerleader, but she was giving us more than just an A,” he said, laughing.
Charlene felt like she was dreaming, and in an attempt to wake up she just walked off. Next thing she heard was a loud noise and a scuffle. Isaac had hauled off and hit the guy and they were on the ground fighting. Security rushed over and broke it up while Charlene just screamed and cried. She had tried to reach in and kick Kareem one good time, but with her pregnant belly and small frame she couldn't do much more than that. Isaac had the best of the guy, anyway, but she wanted that kick for herself.
Once the fight was broken up, they mumbled some words to each other.
“You mad 'cause you trying to make our ho into your housewife,” Kareem yelled.
Isaac just ignored him and walked away. The guy was still saying stuff.
“She ain't your girl, she's all of ours. Any one of us can get that when we want.”
A security guard was walking Kareem out and another was following behind Isaac.
“Hey, Charlene. Let me just get one quick blow job for the road,” Kareem called out.
Charlene ran up behind Isaac and followed him to the car. Isaac had held his tongue and ignored Kareem's comments. She knew he was embarrassed, but she figured he couldn't have been more embarrassed than she was. They both got in and just sat in silence for a bit. Isaac checked out his face in the mirror.
“Are you OK?” she asked.
“Am I OK?” he asked back. “No, I'm not. I just had to fight somebody I know because my fiancée fucked him and his whole team. No, I'm not OK,” he continued.
“His whole team? He wasn't no damn sports player. It's just his way of being funny.”
“I know he wasn't a sports player, he means his whole crew, Charlene ... all his boys.”
“Well, including you, I guess, because you almost let him—”
“I almost let him what? Disrespect you? Is that what you were going to say?”
Charlene didn't reply.
“I didn't almost let him do anything, you disrespected yourself and then you let them disrespect you on top of it.
defended you.”
Charlene didn't even bother to argue, because she knew that Isaac was right. She just sat back in her seat and remained quiet. Isaac drove them home in complete silence, no music or anything. He almost wanted Charlene to say something, because he was still mad and ready for round two. It was senseless for her. Her reputation superceded her and was well known, so no explanation would clear her name. What the guy said to Isaac would forever stick in his head and she couldn't have made it better. So she didn't try. She sat back and was thankful that he didn't start making her feel bad or asking any questions. As far as Isaac was concerned, he knew all he needed to know.

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