Sherwood Nation (50 page)

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Authors: Benjamin Parzybok

BOOK: Sherwood Nation
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“Release the prisoners back to Woodlawn and seal the border tight. No one passes into Woodlawn. Ainsworth shall be our new border in the north,” she said.

“I will see to it,” Gregor said.

“And then we shall show the city how this works.” She wandered along the map until she came to an empty spot on the wall. “Leroy, I want you to draw Irvington, Lloyd, Beaumont-Wilshire, Hollywood, and Sullivan’s Gulch. We expand to the south. We’ll take the border to I-84.” She tapped on the wall hard, her finger a woodpecker’s beak.

The room shifted and erupted. Zach stood up from the pile of notes he’d surrounded himself with.

“What the fuck?” Bea said. “Are you serious?”

Renee snapped her fingers angrily. “Of course I am. Someone get me on the news. Leroy—maps; Jamal, Gregor, Zach—to Gregor’s office. Let’s go, people.” She clapped her hands and walked from the room, gripping the stair railing fiercely as she descended.

There was no end to the preparations. In two days’ time a fury of activity beat through Sherwood. Renee holed up in her room with Zach for an hour and hacked out a letter to her citizenry:

September 15, Year 1

Dear Citizens of Sherwood:

As you know, I have sworn to run a truthful and straightforward gov
ernment and, according to the government transition plan, leave my post when my work here is done.

For this reason I would like to take a moment to apologize to you for the strange turns of events in recent days. The city of Portland gave military and financial resources to a few individuals in the Woodlawn neighborhood in exchange for secession back to the city. Ten of our Rangers were killed—their names are listed on the back. I am horribly saddened by their deaths, and take responsibility for bringing the perpetrators to justice.

There will be a memorial tomorrow at nine in Rose City cemetery.

We did things we regret. In order to prevent Woodlawn’s city-backed secession, some of your houses were searched. I apologize for this. We were looking for a fugitive. I would like to state that I strongly feel that these actions are out of character for Sherwood. We will immediately begin drafting a document akin to the civil liberties act that will give you rights and protections against these sort of actions. As always, we solicit your feedback.

People were killed by us. The city subversively waged war on us. Our brave little utopia was besmirched by the wantonly irresponsible actions of the city. These actions prompted us to fire back, and one Woodlawn citizen, under city pay, was killed, as well as three city police. Their names are also on the back, for your inspection and processing. The dead, even our enemies, shall never be anonymous.

However, Sherwood is stronger than ever, and a safer and better functioning government than any in the area. We have stores of water and food, space in our clinics, improving schools, an active, supportive community and a number of impressive public works projects in development.

Because of this, the neighborhoods to our south have been pleading for our help. As of this morning you will notice borders shifting and the small but feisty nation of Sherwood will expand to Interstate 84. This move will broaden our territory significantly, and I hope that when you’ve finished this letter, you will consider joining us on the streets as we welcome our new compatriots in peace and friendship and solidarity.

Please give us a few days of leniency as we get things settled. If need be, we may call on your listed volunteer skills during this transition.

Your support has been invaluable to me as we move through our drought crisis into a better country. Together we have done far more than I thought possible.

—Maid Marian

The letter was sent on the morning of the invasion. Down each street to the south twenty armed Rangers surrounded each border station, quickly overwhelming the city police that were stationed there. In all, nearly fifteen hundred Sherwoodites moved in to squeeze the city out. Several hundred Rangers, the day’s volunteers and other forces, surged into the eighty blocks east to west and walked to the new border, purging all city employees as they went.

There were three deaths. One Ranger, a policeman, and a volunteer, when a brief fire fight broke out, but the overwhelming number of Rangers and Sherwoodians quickly quelled it. More deaths than she would have liked, marring an otherwise perfectly implemented maneuver. Their names would need to be in a letter.

Rangers and volunteers spread quickly through the new neighborhood, cataloguing resources, reassuring citizens, delivering water, setting up borders and developing permanent guard stations. They’d done this all before. She felt unstoppable.

Renee mounted her bike, and along with Bea and a small entourage of Rangers went to tour the new neighborhoods. Leroy rode with her, his mind forming the internal map of the place, cataloguing every house and street name. Renee particularly wanted to see the defunct Rose City golf course. She would convert the entire thing to farmland, all one hundred and fifty acres within her nation.

It was obvious the neighborhoods had suffered—there were signs of violence and instability; people stood on their porches and looked out at them with fear. Their children were hungry and underfed, their houses dingy, their attire poor. But it was also clear that these had once been thriving neighborhoods, containing far more wealth than her initial Sherwood holdings.

It was a proud day and she rode through the neighborhoods slowly and with her head up, speaking to whomever wished to speak to her. The people greeted her with varying warmth, unsure of how they were supposed to behave in front of her, many still gripping their welcome packet containing a note she’d written: “How things are done in Sherwood.” News over the past week had shifted, and so while they welcomed Maid Marian the hero, it was with excitement and uneasiness that they saw Rangers ride through their streets.

The entire day the border moved outward until it finally came to rest. This gave Sherwood a solid chunk of I-84, a squirrely freeway that plunged into the heart of Portland from the east and then ended.

They acquired building and shopping districts, grocery stores and gas stations—most of them defunct, but a few persisted. The neighborhood was a far larger and richer resource than Woodlawn, though the thought of that lost neighborhood came as a sting to Renee. She wondered how it felt to be in city control again. Did they feel forsaken? Or had they despised her? For now, the border was sealed and heavily guarded.

Recruiting centers were formed to solicit new Rangers and water carriers, doctors and nurses, teachers, builders, and farmers. What busy ants we are, Renee thought, and felt the satisfaction of industry and momentum. She toured an unused movie theater and on a whim ordered funds allotted to ready it for showing films again. She felt unstoppable.

A news team followed Maid Marian all day. They were given exclusive access to her. She joked with them and played her part, empathetic and reasonable, decisive and optimistic.
These are no end-times
, she said to herself as she shook hands and squeezed the shoulders of children, as she absorbed resource reports and coordinated her Rangers with Gregor,
there is no end
This time is simply a tunnel, from one time to the next

The city had not expected this. While they were still in chaos, Renee turned to her media crew and put out an open call for Portland citizens. We have space, she told the camera. Move your family here, come be a part of Sherwood, live with a government that works. There are empty houses and there is real work to be done. Several hundred made it across the border, carrying meager possessions or idling in vehicles piled with belongings before the city closed off the new border.
The darkness is a passage. I do not seed the violence.

Gregor straddled the border at NE 37th and the freeway, the new edge of their world, and felt a vast satisfaction at the work he’d done. Evidence of his work was everywhere. He tried not think about how thin they’d spread themselves, how much they depended on every little system working flawlessly, and how the city could not leave this unanswered. He feared the revenge would be quick and hard.

Night after night Martin walked the streets, driven by an unflagging desire for revenge. He searched for a gun, and hoped for a chance encounter with
. He risked visits to old contacts, but most were gone or wore Ranger garb now. He broke into houses and rifled all the places he would keep a gun were he to live there. A
plan needed a man with a gun. Or perhaps: a man needed a gun when he was not clever enough to plan.

He used to keep guns locked in a cabinet in his den. He stood in front of his house now in daylight, wearing one of Celestina’s many wigs, his suit covered in the fine dust that blew in the air. His former front yard bustled now with young children, and he watched in amazement.

It’s a fucking daycare, he realized. She’d taken it and converted it. He stayed for some time watching the young nannies make up games for the children to play. He wondered what his old contacts would say were they to happen by, a satchel of dope tucked under their arm, or some piece they needed smuggled, asking a nanny his whereabouts.

In lieu of a gun, he carried a couple of screwdrivers, the tips of which he’d ground down to points with the grinder in Celestina’s garage. The handles of these he pinched between his middle finger and palm, the points hidden up his sleeves, until the occasion arose.

He came out of his reverie in front of his old house and realized something was happening. Hordes of people were in the street, all of them walking south. He adjusted his wig and mingled in with the flow of people around him.

They were jovial and didn’t seem in a hurry. He heard the word “invasion.” Finally, he thought, the city has taken back control of this piss-ant little experiment. But these were not the victims of an invasion.

He walked with wonder over the spot of the old border as it was being disassembled by Rangers.

He followed the crowd deep into the new neighborhoods, disbelieving what had happened. How could the city have let this happen? And then he saw her. She rode a bicycle with an assortment of followers and made her slow way through the street, waving and greeting her new constituents as she went. Kids and adults alike trailed behind her.

She looked older. Everything about her movements had changed, or perhaps these movements had been there but were now refined. From a distance he watched her touch the head of a child, shake a man’s hand, embrace a woman. Her hair spilled in braids from a black Ranger cap. She wore a green workman’s shirt, the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, and thigh-length jean shorts. Hardly an appropriate outfit for the queen, he thought.

Martin hobbled along behind, keeping his one eye fixed on her, held her there in his cyclops death grip. More than once he was slapped on the back by a fellow walker, a look of exuberance on the man’s face. “How about this!” one said. They believed they were being delivered to the promised land. He wondered how many would get a “notice of exile.”

He huddled in closer, pushing to get past those in front. In the inner circle of her progress a ring of Rangers kept the new citizens from turning into a mob, and one of these Rangers impartially blocked his way. He was only feet from her now. One lunge away. He squeezed the handles of his screwdrivers until his palms ached.
This is for you, Fred.

A woman holding a young child yelled out a question. It came out in a confused blurt, the pressure of so many other questions behind it: “When the water—will?—how does it work?”

“Hello,” Maid Marian said, and though she must have been asked the question fifty times, she made her way toward the questioner and the crowd opened in front of her. She put her hand on the child’s back, and the child laid her head on her mother’s shoulder. Maid Marian smiled. “Water will come right to your front door. Your first delivery is on its way, it will be there today so stay close to home. Your Sherwood water carrier will have many answers for you, ask as many back as you want.” Maid Marian smiled again and the questioner dipped her head.

Martin saw the woman nearly shrink, caught surprised in the glow of her. Maid Marian laid a gentle hand on the woman’s shoulder, and then went on to the next.

Martin pushed around the inner circle of Rangers to get in front. He would give them even more. He would make her a legend. A martyr.

He pulled his wig off and jammed it into his suit coat pocket. Look at me, he willed. In her magnanimousness, would the queen now forgive him? Would she accept him into this homeland, give him a home? He wished his hands were free of the screwdrivers so he could raise his hands into the air like the others who asked for her attention, but his hands were not free. He squeezed them, prodded the points into the crook of his elbows, piercing the skin. One for the heart and one for the lung.

He trailed along with them, jostled by the friendly crowd as it grew. When he was in front, he hollered out, not six feet from her, “I want to work! I want to volunteer!” His voice boomed from his chest, husky and virile, and around him people cheered and clapped for him. It felt exhilarating.

She turned toward him and made her way closer. Her smile on him now like a tractor beam. He felt his knees go weak. He saw that down the inside of her right arm she bore a tattoo that said:
There Is No End,
and it disoriented him. She came closer; she was going to come right to him, to embrace him. Did she recognize him? Her face was complex. There was warmth and power there, yielding and crushing. She was their mother, he realized suddenly, who gave them life and whose word was law.

She leaned in and put her arms around him and he reflexively embraced her, the screwdrivers gripped with shaking hands against the small of her back. He closed his one working eye, the other burned in its socket. He freed the points and heard someone behind her gasp. He shuddered once in her embrace, euphoric and conflicted, and she gripped him harder. Now, he thought. Her mouth whispered into his ear, a quiet shush of words he heard over the din of the crowd.

“Do it,” she whispered.

He steadied the points against her back and willed himself. But in his mind, instead of a well of violence and revenge to draw on, he saw the faces of Celestina and Rachel, waiting at home. It paralyzed his hands, the intensity of the screwdriver grip causing them to ache. He was unable to do what he’d come to do. He let his arms fall slack to his sides then, all the energy gone. She turned and maybe she said something else and maybe not and then she was with the crowd again and they were chanting something and he did not move.

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