Read She: Part 2 Online

Authors: Annabel Fanning

Tags: #She

She: Part 2 (46 page)

BOOK: She: Part 2
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Still laughing, Logan does a sit up, his stomach muscles going taut under my hand as he reaches up to kiss my lips. “I take it you slept well?” he asks me.

I widen my eyes at him as he lies back down. “You want to do smalltalk when
thing is lying here?” I ask him disbelievingly, indicating the little box once more.

He laughs again before telling me, “I just need a minute to wake up. I’m adamant that I do it properly this time.” He looks at me for a long moment, before a broad, dimple-inducing smile overcomes his face. His light-green eyes gleam as they survey me. The sight of him is so engaging, so engrossing, so distracting.

I put the box back onto the bedside table and then drape my body over Logan’s, showering his torso, shoulders, neck, and face with rousing kisses. When I finally reach his lips, his hands cup my face and he holds it to his, kissing me eagerly.

“Awake now?” I whisper into his mouth a few delicious moments later.

He nods, his eyes conveying that perfect mixture of adoration and amorous desire. “Shades,” he calls loudly, and slowly light begins to fill the room. It’s a clear, sunny day outside. Then to me, he says, “Baby, you’re going to have to get off of me.”

“I’m sorry, my hearing is bad this morning, did you say — get off of you or get off
you?” I smile against his lips.

“I’m good with either,” Logan chuckles.

, this time the celebrations can wait, I think. I’m dying to find out what’s in the box!

I roll off of him, and watch him leave the bed, standing tall and naked with his back to me, stretching his beautiful body right in front of my captivated eyes. He then turns around, showcasing his morning wood, while simultaneously picking up the little box from the bedside table and offering his hand to help me out of bed.

I take his hand eagerly, my heart rate increasing by the second, and once standing, Logan leads the way to the small open space between the window and the bed. His clothes and my underwear are still strewn everywhere, and letting go of my hand momentarily, he bends over in front of me, moving everything to the side whilst also providing me with a
eye-catching view of his male anatomy.

Giggling, I mutter, “Now there’s a sight not every girl gets to see right before she’s proposed to.”

Logan starts chuckling. “You love my backside,” he reminds me. “I’m just giving you want you want, baby,” he says, making me laugh heartily.

The clothes cleared to one side, Logan swivels around, taking ahold of my hand once more. Our laughter abates quickly as we stand looking at each other, the formality and intensity of the situation overcoming us. I know we’re
engaged, but that doesn’t stop the excitement that courses through me, nor the butterflies that take flight in my tummy.

“Gemima,” he says.

“Logan,” I smile.

He takes a breath and then sinks down onto one knee before me, and everything in me increases — my heartbeat, my smile, my anticipation. He lets go of my hand and holds up the little black box in both of his own, and due to the angle that I’m looking from, Logan’s sizeable erection is directly in my line of sight beyond the box.

My giggles return. “Your penis is distracting me,” I confess.

Logan laughs loudly. “I can’t help it. I’m happy, I’m completely in awe of your beautiful naked body, and besides,” he finally opens the box, “
will distract you even more.”

He’s right; it does! Inside the box is a silver ring with a thin, elegant band. In the centre a large, oval-shaped, light-teal stone sits surrounded by smaller, white diamonds. The central stone mesmerises me instantly. It has elements of both green and blue to it, and looks as clear as the water on a tropical beach.

Expectedly, my mouth opens in astonishment. I had no idea what to expect from Logan, but
piece of jewellery is beyond the beauty of any other I’ve ever laid eyes on. Surely, I’m not going to be allowed to wear this, I think to myself. It’s looks as though it belongs on display behind glass, under armed guard.

,” is all that I can manage to say. He’s good at distracting me, that’s for sure!

“It’s platinum with diamonds, and the central stone is a sapphire,” Logan informs me.

The next two words I manage are
an improvement. “Holy shit!”

Logan beams at my reaction.

“Baby, I’m stunned,” I tell him honestly. “It’s beautiful, Logan. It’s
beautiful!” Its charm is entirely ineffable! “Can I actually
it?” I ask him, feeling wholly foolish, but having to make absolutely sure.

“Yes,” Logan laughs.


“Anywhere and everywhere you want,” he informs me. “It’s basically indestructible.”

“Phew,” I say breathlessly, making Logan laugh again.

He takes it out of the box, and after throwing the box onto the bed, Logan takes my hand and holds the ring over the tip of the appropriate finger.

“Gemima Samuels, love of my life, woman of my dreams, will you marry me? Again,” he smiles.

“Of course I will, Logan,” I tell him immediately, and half a second later, he slips the ring onto my finger; it’s a perfect, snug fit. Smiling so widely that my cheeks hurt, I step towards him, cupping his face in my hands. “I love you. Forever,” I say, gazing down at him.

“Forever,” he nods. “You’ve got yourself a deal,” he says in response, before getting to his feet once more and wrapping his arms around me as he kisses me headily.

My hands are still on his face as we kiss and when I open my eyes, I marvel at the sight of my new ring, and I can’t keep from blurting out, “I can’t fucking believe you bought this for me!”

Knowing what I’m looking at Logan smiles into my mouth. “Do you honestly like it, because I can—”

“I love it,” I breathe, cutting him off. There’s not one detail that I would change. It’s the kind of ring I’d choose for myself only if money was of no consequence. “It cost a lot, didn’t it? It looks like it cost a lot,” I say, having to ask him.

“I’ve been saving my pocket money,” he chuckles. “Ever since I saw you at that party,” he adds, playfully. “Even then I thought this colour would suit your blue eyes,” he looks at the ring for himself, “and it does,” he smiles, looking at me again. “Endless, timeless, and easy to get lost in,” he notes.

I beam back at him. “You’re
I don’t need a security guard to wear it outside?”

“I’m sure,” he nods, amused by the notion. “I want you to feel at ease when you wear it,
you wear it. Which, of course, you don’t have to,” he lets me know. “Us getting married is what matters, this is just an extra gift,” he says.

Although his priorities are exactly the same as mine — marriage first, presents second — I say to him, “What about
extra gift?”

“Oh, I don’t think they make engagement rings for men,” he grins. “But I wouldn’t say no to you baking another one of your cakes,” he tells me eagerly, making me laugh.

Feeling elated, besotted, and every other good feeling known to man, I wrap my arms around Logan neck and whisper against his lips, “
Thank you
. For this ring, for asking me to marry you, for believing in us, for everything.”

“You’re welcome. You’re worth it, Gemima,” he whispers in reply.

I stare at his breathtaking face for a second longer, before I lunge forward, parting his delectable lips with my tongue as I kiss him passionately. We stay entwined for several sensual minutes until Logan picks me up, takes two steps over to the edge of the bed and tosses me onto it. I land on my back in a laughing heap, expecting him to join me imminently, but instead he stays standing.

“How about breakfast in bed? Or lunch?” he amends.

“Coffee,” I say, almost as a plea.

Chuckling, Logan nods his agreement and promises to return, pronto. After watching him leave — refusing to deny myself an opportunity to stare at his naked backside — I roll over and lie on my front gazing at my stunning new piece of jewellery. It’s going to take me some time to get used to the feeling of it, but I’m more than happy to do the time, I think, giddily. I stare into the depths of the central stone and feel as though I could look into it everyday for a lifetime and always see something slightly different. It’s
captivating! I’ve never seen anything like it.

“You have amazing taste,” I tell Logan when he walks back into the room a few minutes later, putting our steaming cups of coffee down on his bedside table.

“Of course I do. Have you seen my fiancé?” he compliments me.

I bask in his words, though my eyes stay glued to my ring.

“Oh, no, it’s already begun,” Logan sighs in faux-dramatics. “She’d rather look at her ring than look at me,” he says to himself.

I peer over my shoulder at him immediately. “Never,” I grin.

Evidently teasing me, he smiles back, and then crawls across the bed towards me. He lies on top of me, squishing me so that a funny
sound escape my lips. I can feel his hard member against my backside.

“I had a message from Karen asking us if we’re still interested in going to Disneyland,” he tells me. “At the risk of sounding petty, I told her we’d only go if Taylor wasn’t.”

“That’s exactly what I would’ve said,” I tell him.

“Good,” he murmurs, his lips against my shoulders. “We’ll have to be ready in an hour.”

“Are we going to celebrate before or after?” I ask mischievously.


“Uh-huh. Consummate our engagement. Again,” I smile into the bedding. “We can do it like this, you know, so that I can look at my ring,” I toy with him.

Logan wriggles on top of me, payback for my words, and yet despite what I just said, I put my hands to better use, reaching behind me to squeeze his ass with a giggle. But when he moves slightly lower down my body, his ass no longer in reach, I rest my hands under my head, delighting in Logan’s next move. At my right hip, his hand squeezes between the mattress and I, moving diagonally south until he reaches my sex. Instinctively I tilt my pelvis backwards, pressing it firmly into his crotch.
! I’m caught once more in a perfect, inescapable embrace, the bed beneath me, Logan on top of me, with no choice but to indulge in the pleasure that I know I will be dealt.

“It really sucks to be me today,” I tell him sarcastically.

“Ditto, baby,” he says and I can hear that he’s smiling.

Logan starts stroking me slowly, delicately, and I want to widen my legs but I can’t. All I can do is whimper and continue pushing my ass backwards, into him, which in turn makes him groan in my ear. Oh,

“I really do have the best taste,” he murmurs, moving my long hair to one side, so that he can kiss my neck as he continues his windup.

Desiring to do the same to him, I squeeze my non-ringed hand between his abdomen and mine and take ahold his erection. He eases his weight off of me slightly so that I’m able to both piston him and widen my legs against his touch. We’re in an awkwardly twisted and somewhat uncomfortable position, but it feels too good to stop. My whimpers turn to moans and I grip the duvet with my ringed hand, too consumed in the feeling of Logan stroking me to contemplate my new ring. He’s
good at distracting me, I think again.

Heightening our experience in his usual expert-style, Logan waits until we’re both frenetic before he enters me, our bodies now as flat and flush against each other as they could possibly be, both of my hands gripping the duvet in sexual anticipation. He slides into me, stimulating me more with every inch. I relish the feeling of his skin against mine. The sound of his satisfying sigh drives me wild, and as he begins moving, he keeps stroking my clitoris with his hand, provoking every sense I possess.

“Logan,” I pant breathlessly. Ah, he is

“Oh, baby, you feel
good,” he whispers, his voice erratic.

There is no reprieve from the provocation, even in the infinitesimal moments when Logan holds himself inside of me, I’m still pushed further by the feeling of him pulsing.

Ah, yes!

He feels phenomenal! He starts pumping quickly and I drown in the music of his glorious groans. My own are caught by the duvet, which I bury my face into, my nails digging in deeply as he winds me up tighter and tighter, like a coil whose tension is about to explode.

Abruptly, I scream as he hits the perfect internal spot, my body somehow opening to him more, begging him to do it again. He does, and I scream for a second time.


I’m in awe that I haven’t fallen to pieces already. I’m so close, delectably close. Knowing this, Logan does what he does best and calms everything down. He starts moving so slowly in and out of me, with more self control than I will
be able to understand, that I start shaking against him, aching desperately for him to finish me off. At the same time, I don’t want this to end. Ever. I want him to continue massaging me in this wholly erotic fashion until I forget my own name.
Holy shit
! He’s doing a damn good job; I’ve lost all awareness of everything around me, except his slow, measured movements. My name begins with a G, but that’s all I can recall.

Instinctively I push out against him, hard, and he calls out in rapture, before he changes tact again. Still taking me slowly, he now thrusts with more force, deep and sharp, hitting that jackpot spot over and over. My mind deserts me; he’s pushed me too far.
too far!

,” I mewl into the pillow, feeling the explosion about to go off. “I’m coming!
I’m coming

He pushes me over the edge, triggering an all-consuming orgasm that erupts throughout my body, going on and on, suffocating me in pleasure. I can’t even scream, it’s too elysian for that. All I can do is feel the sensations and try my best not to pass out.
Oh my god

Logan speeds up, and my body trembles again. I manage to open my legs wider still, wanting more.
does this feel so good? How does he stimulate me so soon after coming?

BOOK: She: Part 2
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