Read She Does Know Jack Online

Authors: Donna Michaels

She Does Know Jack (22 page)

BOOK: She Does Know Jack
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“You’re so
beautiful, Brielle,” he said, stopping to gaze down at her, running his palms
lightly across her breasts.

Her nipples
puckered, and bless him, he took pity capturing one in his mouth while the
other ended up worshiped by his talented hand. She gasped and drew him closer,
running her palms down his muscled back, reveling in the hot, sinew beneath.

“Mmm…” she
murmured just before his mouth claimed hers for another amazing kiss.

Slow and deep,
his tongue stroked, heating her body into a blazing inferno. And his hands, oh
God, his hands; they trailed down her legs, stopping to stroke her thighs,
behind her knees, then back up to the damp spot between her legs aching for a
reunion. She needed more. She needed all of him and quickly worked the button
and zipper of his jeans.

Great minds. He
had her shorts on the floor and hands on her thong as once again, he drew back
to look.

“So damn
beautiful,” he said, bending to trail kisses up her leg while he tugged off the
scrap of white silk and removed the last of her clothing.

Chapter Twelve


ith her heart beating uncontrollably in
her chest, Brielle watched Jack taking in her nakedness.

 “Perfect.” He
leaned down and kissed her mouth, long and hard and deep while his hands
caressed her breasts, belly and thighs, hovering just inches away from her
deepest ache.

Then he slid a
finger inside. Shards of heat spiked through her body, sending liquid warmth
everywhere, drawing a needy whimper from her throat, and that’s when he broke
the kiss.

“So wet,” he
said into her mouth, then kissed his way to her breasts, lingering on her
beaded nipple as he added another finger and flicked his thumb over her.

Brielle gasped
and arched, clutching his back as she neared the blissful edge. “Please tell me
you have a condom.”

He stilled, then
pulled away from her, smoldering gaze blinking as he shook his head. “No. I

Her heart
literally stopped. “You’re joking, right?”

“No,” he said,
breaking her stopped heart. “I came on the show to guard my brother. I wasn’t
expecting to need any.”

Then he bent
back down and took her other breast in his mouth, teasing her nipple with his
teeth before sucking it between the roof of his mouth and tongue, hard.

“Jack.” She
gasped. “W-what are you doing?”

He released her
and smiled into her face. “I think that should be obvious.”

She chuckled
despite her growing disappointment. “We can’t. I mean, I am on the pill, but

He placed open
mouthed kisses on her throat and neck, exploring until he found the sensitive
spot behind her ear. Brielle clutched his back and moaned, between what he was
doing to her neck and how incredible his naked flesh felt on her skin, she was
panting as if she’d run four miles uphill. 

“Don’t worry,”
he reassured, grazing his lips over her breasts and down her belly until she
could feel his warm breath teasing her thighs.

She would’ve told him, had she been able to find her breath. But she needn’t
have worried. He lifted his head and held her gaze, eyes dark and heated with
the same need trembling through her. “We don’t need a condom.”

And before she
could form a thought, his mouth was on her, teasing her with his tongue, using
the right rhythm until she writhed beneath him. Head tossed back, she tried to
hold on, clutching his shoulders and head as he worked her over with
devastating precision.

He drew back and
stared up, a wicked curve tingeing his lips. “You taste incredible, Brielle.
Come for me,” he urged, tracing her with the pad of his finger, back and forth,
back and forth, until she could barely breathe.

Then his mouth
was once again on her, kissing her
, and the wicked finger slipped
all the way inside and twisted. He held her open as he sucked and nibbled, and
she could feel her body tighten, every muscle clenching. God, he knew her so
well. Knew what she needed.  She cried out and arched into him, and on the
second long, sure stroke, she exploded, panting his name.

Past the stars
and ringing in her ears, she somehow managed to find her way back to her body
where Jack was letting her down slow and gentle, with her all the way. She was
still panting, as she eased the grip on the back of his head and said, “Wow.”

“See? No condom
needed.” Grinning, he leaned up for a long, lingering, kiss.

She could taste
herself on him, and his body was hot, hard and quivering under her hands. He
was pure, male perfection. She grasped his waist band, and with a quick, sure
tug, had his jeans and boxers down to his knees.

He pulled back
startled. “What are you doing?”

This time, she
smiled wickedly, twisting their positions so he was sitting and she was
kneeling between his splayed legs. “Your turn.”

Doing her best
to ignore his massive erection causing a flutter deep in her belly, she leaned
in to lick his collarbone, grazing her teeth over his nipple, smiling at the
groan that rumbled deep in his chest. She licked and kissed her way down his mouth-watering
abs that jumped under her lips.

“Brielle.” He
shifted, voice deliciously rough and low.

“Shhh.” She
kissed his belly button and nibbled a little lower, stroking his sides while
she watched his silky, glorious hard length bob in appreciation.

He sucked in a
jagged breath. “I don’t—”

“Need a condom,
I know,” she said, cutting him off, sliding her gaze to his face.

Blue eyes, so
dark she didn’t know where the iris ended and pupil began, stared down at her,
caught between agony and ecstasy. Well, she knew exactly which way that was
going to sway.

She cupped him,
barely holding back her own moan as he filled her hand.

Brielle,” he said with a rough groan, hands curling into fists at his sides.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

“Drive you
crazy.” She peered up into his face and smiled.

He choked out a
laugh. “Beyond.”

Then she stroked
him, and determined to take him
beyond, kissed the very tip.

“Fuck,” he
ground out in a strangled tone. And when she ran her tongue down his length and
licked him like a lollipop he gasped. “Definitely beyond.”

She smiled at
the tightness in his tone and enjoyed a sharp, stabbing thrill that she could
bring such an incredible man to this state. Placing her hands on his thighs,
she slowly drew him into her mouth.

Jack let out a
low, guttural sound from deep in his throat. Taking that to mean ‘do it again’
she did. Several times. His hands cupped the back of her head, resting there in
apparent approval.

“Damn…that feels

Mouth still on
him, she glanced up. Head back, eyes closed, his face was tight as a slight sheen
spread across his taut muscles. Lordy, he was magnificent. The sight gave her a
rush a hair below orgasmic.

As he tensed in
her hands and mouth, she knew he was close. She upped her strokes, wanting to
bring him the same mind blowing release he’d just given her. Within seconds, he
let out a rough groan and his fingers tightened in her hair. He was right on
the edge. She took him in to the hilt, stroked underneath and his muscles
spasmed as he came hard, her name another rough groan on his lips.

When she felt
him relax, she sat back, but not for long. He reached down and pulled her onto
his lap as he continued to drag in air. She settled against him, mesmerized by
the sound of his rapid heartbeats slowing down beneath her ear.

“That was
incredible,” he said, placing a kiss to her temple.

She smiled at
the roughness still coating his voice and tipped her head to nip at his jaw.
“Yes, you were.”

His chuckle
vibrated through her. “If I could feel my legs, I’d show just how incredible,
but as it is, I’m not sure where my bones went.”

She opened her
mouth to reply, but he cupped her face and kissed her long and deep in a lazy,
satiated way. But when his hands caressed her breasts, thumbs scraping her
nipples all thoughts of lazy flew out the window. She moaned and snuggled

“Two minute
warning, sir,” Rodriguez’s voice cut through the speaker, breaking them apart
and bringing them back to reality.


Jack’s forehead
met hers as he dropped a hand to her hip while the other traced circles on her
back. Her body was willing to give him all night to stop.

She sighed and
nodded toward the front of the limo. “You have a good man, there.”

“I know,” he agreed,
his warm hand continuing to send shivers down her spine. “Should I tell him to
drive around the block a few times?”

Oh, could he?

“Mmm….” She
kissed his jaw, really, really loving the way the calluses on his hand lightly
scraped her skin. “I like the sound of that,” she said, drawing back. “But this
is not a good time. I know you need to get to those interrogations.”

She felt him
stiffen before he scrubbed a hand over his face.

“I completely
forgot about them. Someone had my mind in an entirely different zone.”

“Yeah, me, too.”
She scrambled off him to quickly pull on her bra and T-shirt, then stared back
and smiled. “You are very distracting, Jack.”

He had his jeans
done up and was just dragging his shirt over his head when he glanced at her
and stilled. “God, look at you. You’re so gorgeous.”

Gorgeous? She glanced
down and shrugged. Not hardly. She was kneeling there buck naked from the waist
down. “If you say so.”

“I say so,” he
said, and made to reach for her, but she knew there wasn’t time.

Shaking her
head, she watched him sigh, his gaze lingering on her lower extremities. Heat
funneled through her tummy and headed south. Cripes. She was such a slut where
he was concerned. Knowing their time was just about up, she grabbed the rest of
her clothes off the floor.

“What is it with
you?” She held up her ripped thong before throwing the damaged lace at him. “You,
Jack Dodger Anderson, are hard on my underwear.”

Forced to go
commando, she quickly slipped into her shorts, then smoothed her hair. With
luck, she wouldn’t look as ruffled as she felt. Who was she kidding? She didn’t
feel ruffled. She felt completely and utterly satisfied.

Grinning, he
shoved her panties into his pocket. “It’s your fault. I can’t seem to get you
naked fast enough. But don’t worry. I’ll buy you more.”

A sharp thrill
shot through her body at the thought of Jack shopping for intimate apparel with
her in mind. And this time, when he pulled her close, she didn’t move away. In
fact, she pushed him back and straddled him, covering his mouth with hers,
kissing him long and deep, uncaring that the limo slowly came to a stop.

Okay, not true.
She did care, but dammit, he tasted so good, and it had already been several
minutes since she’d brushed against his hard muscles.

“Guess we’d
better stop.” He was the first to draw back, reluctance ruling his voice.


A smile tugged
at his lips, but then disappeared as his gaze searched hers. “What am I going
to do with you?”

She had a
suggestion. Several, in fact. But they all died in her throat at the serious
expression crossing his face.

“You make me
feel things, Brielle. Things I’m not used to feeling,” he said, using the pad
of his finger to brush a strand of hair off her face and tuck it behind her

Before that
shocking statement even had a chance to sink in, he moved her off him, then
grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the limo door as it began to swing open.


wrinkle in her normally smoothed brow,
Mandy paced the bachelor’s gathering room for the tenth time in as many
minutes. Brielle was surprised there wasn’t a hole in the carpet.

“What do you
think Jack is going to ask?”

“I don’t know,
Mandy.” Danni shrugged as she sat on one of the three couches. “Maybe he’ll
want to know what brand of toothpaste you use.”

“Really?” Mandy
stopped to blink at the brunette. “I use—”

“No, not
really.” Danni cut her off and sighed. “He’s going to want to know where you
were all afternoon.”

Mandy rolled her
eyes. “That’s silly. We were with him all day.”

“Not all day.”
From her roost in a corner chair, Brielle gained the two contestants'
attention. She’d been observing them closely as well as replaying the day’s
events in her mind. Well, not all of them. She denied her brain access to
anything that had happened in the limo with Jack. Going there would not help
her work the case. No. It would definitely hinder. She kept her focus on the
women. “We each left the group at one point or another today.”

“Yeah, but…that
was to go to the bathroom. Surely, Jack doesn’t think we wrote the note?” Mandy

“I would,” Danni
said, looking at the blonde.

Switching her
attention to the teacher, Brielle fell silent again, waiting for the woman to

“You would?”
Mandy turned a widened gaze to Danni. “Why would he suspect me? You could’ve
written it too, you know.”

“I know.” Danni
smiled patiently, treating the blonde like one of her third grade students. Brielle
chewed her lower lip and watched. “We all could’ve. That’s why he wants to
question us.”

Mandy cocked her
head. “Oh.” She frowned, clearly deep in thought. “Okay.”

“I’m glad you
all understand.” At the sound of Jack’s voice, Brielle faced the doorway, her
pulse leaping to life. Along with Matthew and Rodriguez, he stood on the
landing, his body erect, skin taut across his cheekbones. “Since you’re already
standing, Mandy, I’ll talk to you first.” He ushered the frowning blonde into
the study, his gaze briefly meeting Brielle’s before he closed the door.

BOOK: She Does Know Jack
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