She Comes First

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Authors: Ian Kerner

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Ian Kerner, Ph. D.


The Thinking Man’s Guide to Pleasuring a Woman


or my wife, Lisa


“You should be kissed, and often, and by

someone who knows how.”

—Clark Gable,

Gone with the Wind

“My chief occupation, despite appearances, has always been love.”

—Albert Camus



Title Page

Introduction: Confessions of a Premature Ejaculator



Part I: The Elements of Sexual Style


1. She Comes First: The Courtesy That Counts

2. Her Clitoris: The Little Engine That Could

3. Think Outside Her Box

4. The Female Orgasm: Keep it Simple

5. The Tongue Is Mightier Than the Sword

6. Her Inner Goddess

7. Avoid Freud

8. What’s in a Name?

9. Now You See It: Female Sexual Anatomy, Part 1

10. Now You Don’t: Female Sexual Anatomy, Part 2

11. Avoid “G-Spotty” Logic

12. When Raindrops Keep Falling on Your Head: Female Ejaculation

13. How Wet Is Wet?

14. Aristotle and the Poetics of Arousal

15. A Synopsis of Female Sexual Response

16. Scent and Sensibility

17. We’ve Come a Long Way…

18. …But Proceed with Caution

19. Eat Right

20. The Cunnilinguist Manifesto


Part II: Rules of Usage


21. A Note on the Play Process

22. Foreplay: A Lexicon of Relevant Terms

23. Introducing Coreplay

24. Form Follows Function: Getting into Position

25. A Quick Refresher of the Top Ten Hot Spots in the Clitoral Network

26. Grand Openings: the First Kiss

27. Establishing Rhythm

28. Developing Tension, Part 1

29. “Time Flies”

30. Developing Tension, Part 2

31. Escalating the Action, Part 1

32. Two’s Company

33. An Interlude

34. Escalating the Action, Part 2

35. A Stitch in Time

36. Preorgasm, Part 1

37. Preorgasm, Part 2

38. Posterior Pizzazz

39. Preorgasm, Part 3

40. A Note for Those Stuck Without an Ending

41. The Female Orgasm: Expanding Your Vocabulary

42. Moreplay: She Comes Again (and Again)

43. Seamless Transitions

44. Achieving Simultaneity

45. Don’t Forget Your Epilogue


Part III: Putting it All Together


46. The Substance of Style

47. Routines: A Cheat Sheet

48. Routines: Beginner to Advanced





1. Manual Stimulation During Foreplay

2. Some Pointers on the Use of Restraint

3. Modifications of the Standard Position

4. The Protected Kiss, Part 1

5. The Protected Kiss, Part 2

6. The Scarlet Kiss

7. The Virgin Kiss, His First Time

8. The Virgin Kiss, Her First Time

9. The Pregnant Kiss

10. Useful Toys

11. Routine Template




About the Author



About the Publisher


of this book is simple: when it comes to pleasuring women and conversing in the language of love, cunnilingus should be every man’s native tongue. As bestselling sex author Lou Paget has written, “Ask most women, and if they’re being honest, they will admit that what makes them hottest and come hardest is when a man can use his tongue well.”

But as with any language, in order to express yourself fluently, in order to make your subject sing and soar, you must be thoroughly acquainted with the rules of grammar and style. One of my favorite books on the subject is the indispensable classic
Elements of Style.
I don’t think I would have made it though freshman comp, or survived college as an English major, without that slim, dog-eared paperback tucked away in my back pocket. In the able hands of authors Strunk and White, grammar was not simply made understandable and meaningful—it was made beautiful.

Elements of Style
exhorted readers to “write boldly and make definite assertions.” And in the spirit of that timeless classic,
She Comes First
will condense a wealth of experience and expertise into a simple, essential rule book; it will elaborate on the principles and philosophy that underlie those rules and, in doing so, offer nothing less than the definitive guide to the grammar of oral sex. If you want to learn how to give a woman mind-blowing, body-rippling orgasms with your tongue
time, this is the book for you.

Although I have a Ph.D. in clinical sexology, this book is principally written from a practitioner’s perspective; by someone who knows and loves cunnilingus, appreciates its role in stimulating female sexual response, and has developed a methodology for consistently leading women to orgasm: one that stems from the conviction that cunnilingus is much more than just a sexual activity, but rather the centerpiece of a philosophy of sexual contentment. Call it the “way of the tongue.”

But don’t get me wrong: I’m not some Casanova or Don Juan, vainly putting words down on paper in order to boast and strut—far from it. Through much of my life I’ve suffered terribly from sexual dysfunction, and I know all too well the humiliation, anxiety, and despair of not being able to satisfy a woman. If anything, this book was written in the sincere hope that other men might develop effective “sexual habits”—ones that will enable them, along with their partners, to suffer less than I have, or perhaps not at all. As Tennessee Williams wrote of the marriage bed in his play
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,
“When a marriage goes on the rocks, the rocks are
” Well, here’s to getting rid of the rocks and smoothing out the sheets.

My initial forays into oral sex were a crutch, a way of compensating for my sexual inadequacies, and they were approached with the assumption that cunnilingus was a poor man’s second to the joys and splendors of “real sex”—like many, I took it for granted that intercourse was the “right way” for couples to experience orgasms. But, to my surprise, I discovered that the “way of the tongue” was by no means inferior to intercourse; if anything, it was superior, in
many cases the only way in which women were able to receive the persistent, rhythmic stimulation, outside of masturbation, necessary to achieve an orgasm. I quickly learned that oral sex
real sex, and later in life, when I happened to come across a copy of the seminal
Hite Report on Female Sexuality,
I was reassured to find that women consider oral sex to be “one of their most favorite and exciting activities; women mentioned over and over how much they loved it.” When it comes to pleasure, there is no right or wrong way to have an orgasm—the only thing that’s wrong is to assume that women need or value them any less than men do.

In her article “Just Be a Man: Six Simple Suggestions,” sex columnist Amy Sohn’s very first piece of advice is, “A man goes down. No excuses. No hesitation.”

But once down there, what’s a man to do? The vast majority of women complain about guys who don’t like to do it, don’t know how to do it, or simply don’t do it nearly enough. Flannery O’Connor was right: a good man is hard to find, especially one who’s good at taking a leisurely stroll downtown. But once found, a skilled cunnilinguist rarely goes unappreciated. In her essay “Lip Service: On Being a Cunning Linguist,” author and sex columnist Anka Radakovich sings the praises of a boyfriend who specialized in oral sex: “I became tongue-whipped (the female equivalent of pussy-whipped) and even offered to do his laundry if he would come over and satisfy me. After two months, I put a framed photo of his tongue on my desk.”

It’s time to “think outside her box.” When it comes to the oral caress, every man should make a mantra of Rhett Butler’s infamous line to Scarlett O’Hara in
Gone with the Wind:
“You should be kissed, and often, and by someone who knows how.”

Those who know me know I’m a private person. I wouldn’t dream of confiding my battles with sexual dysfunction to the world if I didn’t wholeheartedly believe that there was a compelling need for this book. I know this based on what I’ve read, what I’ve been told, and, most important, what I’ve experienced firsthand as a clinical sexologist: not only do women crave and enjoy cunnilingus; they
require it. Any sex therapist will tell you that the number one complaint they hear over and over from women is of an inability to experience orgasm during penis-vagina intercourse. The solution is not simply “more foreplay,” as magazines often chide us, but rather the skillful extension of those activities we associate with foreplay, namely oral stimulation, into
fully realized acts of lovemaking—the transformation of foreplay into nothing less than

This book is not anti-intercourse, but rather pro-“outercourse”—a conception of sex that goes beyond penetration, embraces
pleasure, and is better suited to stimulating the female sexual anatomy to orgasm. This model doesn’t exclude intercourse, but instead promotes the postponement of male gratification until after a woman has achieved her
(but hopefully not last) orgasm during a session of sexual activity—a deferment that has the double benefit of vouchsafing female satisfaction while also significantly enhancing the quality of the male climax. This book espouses the postponement of gratification,
the postponement of enjoyment.

She Comes First
offers men and women a surefire “bird in the hand” approach to good sex, as opposed to the high-stakes “all or nothing” proposition of intercourse. It’s time to close the sex gap and create a level playing field in the exchange of pleasure, and cunnilingus is far more than just a means for achieving this noble end; it’s the cornerstone of a new sexual paradigm, one that exuberantly extols a
experience of pleasure, intimacy, respect and contentment. It’s also one of the greatest gifts of love a man can bestow upon a woman.

How to Read this Book

In Part I, The Elements of Sexual Style, you will be introduced to a powerful philosophy that will inform, if not dramatically alter, the way you approach sex and relationships. You will learn to:


• Dispense with “disinformation” and cultivate a true understanding of female sexuality

• Think
rather than
to focus on
as opposed to

• Postpone gratification without sacrificing pleasure

• Turn foreplay into coreplay

• Skillfully navigate the process of female sexual response and appreciate the role of the clitoris as the powerhouse of pleasure

• Develop a sense of awareness that will render the often elusive female orgasm knowable and tangible beyond the shadow of a doubt


We will also discuss important, often misunderstood, topics such as the “real” anatomy of the female genitalia, hygiene, safe sex, as well as the social and cultural context that informs the way we think and act regarding cunnilingus.

If Part I is the “why” of cunnilingus, then Part II, Rules of Usage, is the “how.” Here you will be introduced to proven oral techniques that will enable you to successfully take a woman through the entire process of sexual response, or what I’ve dubbed the “play process”—foreplay, coreplay, and moreplay.

Whereas many sex books are content to merely tell the reader “what” to do, it’s this author’s conviction that the “when” is just as important. It’s all in the timing, and to that end, Part III, Putting it Together, delineates clear routines for seamlessly integrating the techniques into a unified experience that will enable you and your partner to reach new erotic heights.

Peppered throughout the book you will also find illustrations, tips, exercises, interesting facts, frequently asked questions, as well as candid responses from some of the many men and women I interviewed regarding sex, relationships, cunnilingus, as well as their own personal do’s and don’ts.

Finally, at the end of the book you will find a series of appendices that address many relevant topics and specific situations.

Taken as a whole,
She Comes First
represents the most thorough treatment of the art of cunnilingus currently available, and will not only teach you everything you need to know in order to master the grammar of oral sex, but will also answer any questions you might have along the way.

By the time you finish this book, you’ll not only be thinking about sex from a new perspective, but there will also be
you won’t know about how to lead a woman to orgasm with your tongue time and time again.

Pop Quiz

Feel free to read
She Comes First
in whatever manner you find comfortable, but if you’re inclined to skip Part I and go straight to the techniques in Part II, then I would ask you first to consider a few simple questions:


• Did you know that the clitoris has
parts, all of which play a role in the production of pleasure? Can you identify them?

• Did you know that the vast majority of nerve endings that contribute to the female orgasm are concentrated on the surface of the vulva and do not require any penetration whatsoever in order to be stimulated to orgasm?

• How many different types of orgasms is a woman capable of experiencing?

• Can you say with complete confidence that you know how to locate the G-spot? Can you name any other hidden zones of pleasure?

• Do you know why cunnilingus is the best means of stimulating a woman to multiple orgasms?

• Do you know why a man is partially responsible for his partner’s genital scent?

• Are you entirely sure that your partner has never faked an orgasm, and can you unequivocally recognize the difference between the real thing and a screaming phony?


If you answered no to any of these important questions, then I would encourage you to read the book from start to finish. But no matter how you choose to peruse
She Comes First;
I hope that, like
Elements of Style,
it proves to be a book you can come back to time and time again, regardless of your level of expertise.

A Taste of What’s to Come

In the spirit of
Elements of Style,
here are a few basic rules to get you started:

1. Learn to Appreciate Irony:
because when it comes to human sexuality, life abounds with it. Just for starters, take the fact that men and women’s genitals are formed from the same embryonic tissue, yet our respective processes of arousal couldn’t be more different. As the founding editors of
Men’s Health
magazine, Stefan Bechtel and Laurence Roy Stains, so succinctly put it in their book
Sex: A Man’s Guide,
“Studies show that three fourths of men are finished with sex within a few minutes of starting. But women often need 15 minutes or more to become sufficiently aroused for orgasm. And therein lies a world of rage, grief, and airborne pots and pans.”

To put it in grammatical terms, most women are left frustrated with “incomplete sentences” in the face of their partners’ prematurely “dangling participles.” Hence this book’s emphasis on the postponement of male gratification and the first part of its title:
She Comes First.
As journalist Paula Kamen documents in
Her Way, a Survey of Contemporary Young Women,
“Women’s orgasms are no
longer considered a lucky bonus or an afterthought, which marks a shift away from sexual guilt and toward women’s pursuing their own desires, as men always have.”

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