Shattering the Myth

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Praise for Zane and

“Snatched me up from the first page and didn't let me go until the end. A great read!”

—Margaret Johnson-Hodge, author of
Butterscotch Blues

“Hot! Sensational! This is one you won't be able to put down!”

—Franklin White, author of
Fed Up with the Fanny
Cup of Love

“Erotic and well-written,
sizzles and satisfies. Zane has managed to pen a novel that expertly portrays both romantic and earthly love and does more than simple justice to each.”

—Karen E. Quinones Miller, author of
Satin Doll

Praise for Zane and
Shame on It All

“At a time when much of African-American fiction has fallen into formulas and mediocrity, Zane has lifted the bar of literary standards again with this insightful, often hilarious work, which showcases her talent for satire, irony, penetrating analysis and downright hijinks. The sista can write! This book is a complete departure from her earlier efforts and one that should bring her the notoriety she so deserves. If you loved
, then
Shame on It All
will give you a whole different view of this woman's immense talent.”

—Robert Fleming, author of
Wisdom of the Elders
The African American Writer's Handbook

“Zane has done it again.
Shame on It All
is well-crafted and fast paced with just enough drama to keep you talking to yourself.”

—Carl Weber, author of
Lookin' for Luv
Married Men

Dedicated to all of the sexually uninhibited women in the world that are sick of being judged. People always lash out at that which they don't understand. Do not allow their fears to dictate the choices you make in your life. If we can free our bodies, then we can also free our minds


If you are sexually repressed, sexually oppressed, or have any other sexual hang-ups, please put my book down now and walk away from it because
The Sex Chronicles
is just too damn
for your ass.


Because I know the drama is going to come, let me say this now. I am in no way trying to promote promiscuity, the spreading of disease, or extramarital affairs. However, I am trying to promote healthy, uninhibited, satisfying sexual experiences for those women that are tired of disappointing sex. Sex was here for thousands of years before I started writing erotica, and it will be here for thousands of years after I am gone. This book is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. With that said, I hope you enjoy the book.





First Night

Sock It to Me

Be My Valentine

The Interstate

The Godfather

The Barbershop

If You Were Here Right Now

The Airport

The Diary

The Seduction



Wrong Number

A Flash Fantasy

A Time for Change

Get Well Soon

Dinner at Eight

Animal Farm

Harlem Blues

Lust in a Bus Depot

The Bachelorette Party

Sweet Revenge

Blind Date

Vacation of a Lifetime


Body Chemistry 101

Off Da Damn Hook

Alpha Phi Fuckem

Room 69

The Cat Burglar

My Knight in Shining Armor

Valley of the Freaks



Wanna Watch?


Kissin' Cousins

The Voyeur

Sex Me Down Village

Dream Merchant

The Pussy Bandit

Alpha Phi Fuckem—The Convention

A Personal Reflection from Zane


I wrote my first erotic story in November 1997 and never intended for more than two or three people to ever read it. The exact opposite happened.
Everybody read it!
Before I knew it, I began to receive numerous e-mails from people wondering if I had written anything else. Within a few days, I completed three other stories and placed them all on the Web. Within three weeks after that, my site had accumulated more than eight thousand hits. Needless to say, I was shocked.

While writing runs in my family and over the years people have always encouraged me to put my creativity to use, I had never once thought about writing erotica. I had never even read any erotica. All of a sudden, I had a long mailing list followed by a monthly newsletter.

People e-mailed me and said, “Why don't you write a book?” I said to myself, “Why not?” Three months later, I had written more than fifty erotic tales. Thus,
The Sex Chronicles
. The reasons I chose
Shattering the Myth
as the subtitle are too numerous to mention, but I'm sure you can figure it out. I have faith in you. I never knew that so many people had sexual hang-ups,
that so many people would try to tell adults what they should and should not read, what they should and should not write, what they should and should not do in the privacy of their own homes. Once a person becomes an adult, she should be able to do whatever she wants as long as it is not illegal and does not harm or infringe on the rights of someone else.

Even though you would think the above statement would be common sense, you would be surprised at the e-mails I get from people, saying things like, “Why are you wasting your talent on this filth?” “You must sit around doing nothing but having sex!” and “People would never buy this kind of work. You need to conform and write a black romance novel or one of those sistahgurl books.”

All I can say is this: If you don't like my work, then why are you reading it?

Basically, I let the one or two negative e-mails out of three thousand get to me at first but not anymore. Forget them! I write erotica for the thousands of people that do want to read it. Is erotica the only thing I will ever write? Absolutely not! I have already completed three novels and have four others in progress. I just love to write, period. I will be the first to admit that none of my novels are what one would consider mainstream. They are controversial. I intentionally made them that way. I want people to finish one of my novels, put it down, and say “Dammmmmmn!”

is a murder mystery,
Shame on It All
is a sistahgurl novel, and
The Heat Seekers
is indeed a black romance, but they all have chutzpah! Bottom line, as long as people will read my work, I will continue to write it. For those of you that tried to stop this and yet are sitting here reading every word I write as usual, please don't step to me with your judgments. I would appreciate you not wasting your time or mine. For my loyal
readers, I love each and every one of you, no matter what your race, no matter what your sexual persuasion. Making love is universal.

While I cannot even begin to acknowledge every single person that has continuously encouraged me and shown undying support, there are a few people that I must recognize. First and foremost, I would like to thank my children for coming into this world through my body, for loving me unconditionally, for inspiring me to make something out of my life, and for always making me laugh when I am feeling down. I would like to thank my parents for being understanding and supportive when I still wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do with my life. Without them, I would not be here on this earth. I am just thankful that they gave me emotional and financial support and stood by me no matter what. I would like to thank my two sisters for giving me a shoulder to cry on, an ear to talk into, and examples to follow since I am the youngest. I am very lucky to come from an extremely close-knit family and to have a huge extended family that sticks together even through the darkest of times.

I would definitely like to thank Shonda Cheekes, my publicist, and Pamela Crockett and Michelle Askew, my entertainment attorneys, for giving me that extra little push I needed when I was in the trenches, for letting me vent my frustrations in their direction when the negativity started from those people who
they never judge people. Yet they decided to not only judge me but to crucify me as well.

A special thank-you to all the people on the Black Erotica message boards, to all the people in the Net Noir and Black Voices book chat rooms, and to all the people that have spread my work around and forwarded my newsletters and links to all three or four hundred people at their jobs.

Last but definitely not least, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the thousands of people on my mailing list. I cannot tell you how much all of it means to me. Signing on at night and finding anywhere from fifty to three hundred e-mails in my in box from just one day provides me with the strength I need to carry on. This book is for all of you. I hope that everyone enjoys this book, but you have to be able to open up your mind before you can. I must caution you that I have an
vivid and sometimes even sick imagination. If you think you can hang, then turn the page. You can't say I didn't warn you.

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