Shattered (Shattered #1) (9 page)

Read Shattered (Shattered #1) Online

Authors: Heather D'Agostino

BOOK: Shattered (Shattered #1)
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Nick’s face went from smiling to impassive in a matter of seconds, “I
was going to offer you a ride to work.”

“Why?” I cocked my head to the side.

“Uh,” he mumbled as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

He was wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a navy blue hoodie. His
sandy hair was still damp from what I assumed was his morning shower. A pair of
Ray Bands were pushed up on the top of his head.

“I just thought…” he trailed off.

I smiled at him, “Thanks…I’d love a ride.”

I hoisted my gym bag up on my shoulder a little higher as I moved to
climb into his truck. This felt like old times, it was weird, but comforting at
the same time. Nick always drove me to school when I was a student. He’d stop
by every day with a coffee and a muffin, and we’d talk about our day during the
drive. Now it seemed like we were back there, only this time I hoped we had a
different ending.

Once I got close enough, Nick grabbed my bag and tossed it in the back.
When he turned, his hoodie slid up slightly exposing a small sliver of his side
and back. The tan skin mocked me as I fought to control my emotions. If things
were like they used to be, I would have had no problem running my hand along
that spot. I shook my head as I watched Nick turn to open my door. He offered
me a hand to help me climb in, before making his way around to the driver’s

“Here,” he handed me a travel mug once he closed his door. “I wasn’t sure
if you still drank it like you used to, but I figured I try.”

My mouth dropped open in shock as I watched him grin at me. I could tell
he was proud of the fact that he’d taken me by surprise.

“If there’s a muffin wrapped in that paper towel, you’re a dead man,” I

He reached for the balled up paper towel sitting by the cup holder, and
handed it to me, “Kill me now then.”

“How did you…” I gasped.

He shrugged at me, “I said I’d try. This is me trying.”

As I peeled back the paper towel, sank my teeth into the muffin, I
groaned in satisfaction. I hadn’t eaten breakfast this morning, and I really
hadn’t eaten much the night before ether.

“This is really good. When did you have time to go buy these?” I mumbled
as I wiped the crumbs off my lip.

“I made them,” he shrugged as his eyes darted to where I’d just removed
the crumbs.

“Wait…Nick Sutter bakes?” I grinned.

“I’m not a kid anymore Leah. I do know how to take care of myself,” he
rolled his eyes at me.

“I’m sorry. That was rude…I just…I don’t know what I expected. Of course
you cook. You’re an adult now. I’m sure you know how to do all sorts of things
now that you didn’t back then.”

“Yep,” he glanced over at me. “All kinds of things,” his breath hitched
and I knew that he was not talking about food anymore.

At that point, we pulled into the school parking lot, and Nick parked in
his assigned space. He cut the engine, and then shifted to face me.

“I know I said I’d try, but I feel like we need to start fresh,” he
rubbed his hand over his face and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t just
pick up where we left off. A lot has changed. We’ve changed,” he sighed.

“I know,” I nodded. “Where do we start then?”

“I was thinking maybe…a date?” he offered a soft smile. “Dinner?

“I can’t,” I blurted out and then slapped my hand over my mouth as I
watched his face fall. “No…let me start over,” I begged. “It’s not what you
think. Avery wants to get the old gang together for drinks on Friday. Hang out
at Dave’s like we used to. I owe her that, I’ve been blowing her off,” I

“Ok,” Nick nodded.

“She wanted me to invite you too. Cam can come and whoever he’s seeing
if he wants,” I shrugged.

“I doubt he’ll want to bring her, but ok,” Nick began to grin. “So
Dave’s huh? When did you have time to talk to Avery about me?”

I could feel the heat spreading up my neck and across my face, “last

Nick shook his head, “It is just like old times.”

“What?” I wrinkled my forehead. “She’s my best friend. I tell her

Nick leaned forward and cupped my cheek, before he skimmed his nose up
the side of my face. When I felt his breath feather across my ear, I couldn’t
help but shiver. “I hope you don’t tell her everything,” he whispered. He
pulled back and offered a wicked grin as he watched me groan in frustration.

I leaned toward the door and pushed it open. “I gotta get to my office.
Lots to do today,” I fought to control my voice as it trembled slightly.

“How’s tomorrow night for our date?” Nick grinned at my flushed and
flustered appearance. He knew exactly what he did to me, and he was proud of

“Ok, I have to stop by my parents place for a little while. Can you pick
me up after six?”

“Sure…six will work,” he nodded.

As I made my way into the gym, I couldn’t help the extra bounce in my
step. Things seemed to be working out in their weird way. I only hoped that
this date was the beginning of something real.


Chapter 9



I’m not sure why, but the week seemed to crawl by. Other than picking me
up in the mornings, I really didn’t see Nick that much. He seemed to have
vanished during the day.

Our date was tonight, and to say that my nerves were getting the best of
me would be an understatement. I was excited but not really sure what starting
over truly meant. Did it mean things would be like they were in a new
relationship? One where everything is amplified, and nerves rule every
decision? Or would things be like they were near the end? When we could finish
each other’s sentences and knew what the other was thinking with just a look.

I continued to pace back and forth in my bedroom wearing only a towel as
I fought to calm myself. Three different ensembles were draped across my bed.
Each one was a different look, and I’d managed to talk myself out of all of

“Knock, knock,” Avery called from the hallway.

“Thank god you’re home,” I yanked open the door. “Get in here. I need
your help,” I reached out and grabbed her elbow as I hauled her through the

“Leah! What the hell? Calm down,” she squealed.

“Help me!” I pointed to the bed. “I can’t decide.”

“I thought you just came home from visiting your mom. What was wrong
with what you wore over there?” she shrugged as she moved to sit on the edge of
my bed.

“This is a date,” I tossed my hands in the air in exasperation.

“Yeah…one that you already know is going to have a happy ending,” she
giggled as I scowled at her.

“How do you know that? I mean…we’re starting over,” I wrinkled my nose.

“Yeah…sure. You may be starting over, but you’re still going to get
laid,” she poked me in the side and smirked. “I hope you made sure everything’s
polished to perfection.”

“Avery!” I gasped as she began looking at the clothes on my bed.

“Oh come on. You know he wants to,” she shrugged as she picked up a
floral cotton dress. “This one with the boots,” she pointed to pair of worn
brown cowboy boots that were resting in the bottom of my closet.

“Are you sure?” I glanced at the boots again.

“Yes, this is just what you need. Pull the hair up too, but leave a few
pieces hanging down.”

“Ok,” I mumbled. “Now get out, so I can get ready,” I pointed to the
door. “If Nick gets here tell him I’m almost ready.”

“Just like old times,” Avery grumbled as she disappeared down the hall.

As soon as she left, I began digging through my dresser looking for a
cute bra and panty set. If the night was going to go the way Avery thought, I
wanted to be prepared. Nick had seen me at my worst, but this was a first date.
Even if we did already know everything about each other, I still wanted to
impress him, so to speak.

After dressing quickly in the outfit Avery had suggested, a pale yellow
sundress with small blue flowers on it, I began pulling my hair up into a high
ponytail. I used my curling iron to create a few small curls to frame my face
and neck. Some eyeliner, mascara, and pale pink lip gloss finished the look. I
was never much of a makeup person. I pulled on the boots, misted myself with
some body spray, and glanced in the mirror one last time. After puffing out a
breath, I grabbed my purse and headed out in the direction of the living room.

As I neared the end of the hallway, I could hear voices. Nick was early.
I hadn’t even heard the doorbell ring. Avery was giggling at something Nick had
said just as I stepped around the corner.

“There you are,” Avery smiled as Nick’s head whipped up in my direction.
“You kids have fun tonight, and don’t stay out too late.”

I could feel my face heating as I turned to head toward the door. Nick
was staring and had yet to make a comment about my appearance. I couldn’t help
but grin as the thought of leaving him speechless began to register.


Once outside, Nick reached for my arm, and grabbed me right at the elbow
affectively halting me in my tracks, “Wait!”

I paused and looked up at him shyly. I wasn’t really sure what to

“You look beautiful,” he whispered as he leaned in and placed a light
kiss to my cheek.

“Thanks,” I smiled up at him. “You too.”

Nick grinned, “You mean you like this better than the gym shorts?”

He took a few steps back and held his arms out as he spun around. He had
on a pair of khaki slacks with a black cotton V-neck shirt. It was snug across
his chest and arms showing off the definition of his muscles. The slacks hung
low and caressed his rear in just the right way.

“You keep doing that,” he pointed at my mouth “and we won’t make it out
to dinner.”

I hadn’t even realized in my lustful haze that I’d been biting my lower
lip. A little harder and I probably would have drawn blood.

“Sorry,” I stammered as I released it, and averted my eyes.

“Don’t be,” he winked at me. “Although, I’d like to be somewhere a
little more private for the ogling…like maybe my place,” he shrugged. “There’ll
be plenty of time for that later…that is if you want there to be.”

My eyes flashed at his blatant comments about how the night was going to
end. If I’d had any doubts about his intentions before, he was making them
extremely clear now. He wanted me…and he wanted me tonight.

I shrugged and let a grin slip into place, “We’ll see. Depends on if
you’re a good boy or not.”

“Ouch! When have I ever not been a good boy?” he stepped closer to me
until his chest brushed against mine.

“Maybe that’s what I mean,” I whispered breathily. “Maybe I’m hoping
you’re not a good boy.”

He hissed out a breath, blinked his eyes shut, and began clinching his
jaw tightly, “You are making this very hard.”

“I know,” I teased as I let my knuckles graze across the obvious arousal
his was sporting.

“Leah, stop!” he hissed again. “I’m trying really hard here.”

“Fine,” I groaned as I moved to turn and climb in his truck.

“Oh fuck it,” he mumbled out as he spun me, pinned me against the truck
door, and descended on my mouth.

As I felt the brush of his lips, I began to melt against him. I swear if
he wasn’t holding me up, I would be a puddle on the ground. One hand reached
down to grab my hip while he used other to brace himself over me. His hips
pressed into mine and I felt the length of him right there, only separated by
the thin cotton of our clothes. Thoughts of dinner were flying out the window
as he plundered my mouth.

His tongue swept in on a mission as it began to lick at my lips. Deft
fingers dug into my side as he slid his hand up my thigh and under the bottom
of my dress. I tried, but couldn’t hold back the moan that slid up my throat.

“Shit Leah,” he panted as he trailed kisses down my throat and across my
shoulder. “Tell me to stop.”

“Don’t stop,” I groaned as I wrapped my hands around his neck, and
pulled his mouth back to mine.

Nick soon shifted so his right leg was pressed between my thighs, and he
could feel the heat coming from me. He groaned and nipped at my lower lip.
“Tell me to stop,” he begged again.

“No,” I argued as I reached down and cupped him through his pants.

Nick wretched his mouth away, panting, and gasping for control, “I’m
trying to be a gentleman and you’re turning me into a horny teenager. I thought
you’d want to go out on a nice date.”

I felt bad that I was ruining his plans, but after all the teasing he’d
done to me all week, all I wanted to do was strip him and climb into bed. His
kisses were like a drug, and I was slowly becoming addicted again.

“How about takeout?” I grinned. “We’ll take it back to your place…just
like old times?”

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