Shattered (Shattered #1) (20 page)

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Authors: Heather D'Agostino

BOOK: Shattered (Shattered #1)
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I thought back to my
childhood and how my mom always had yellow roses in vases around the house. I
always thought that they were her favorite. I never realized that it was my
dad’s way of saying he was sorry. One year, he’s even planted a yellow rose
bush in the yard.

“So you see honey…everyone
can make a mistake,” he released me from the hug and stood. “You’re strong just
like your mom. I know that deep down you can find the will to forgive. I’m not
saying forget, but forgive. If you let him leave without telling him you’ll try
to forgive him, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life,” he turned
and began walking back to the pizza shop as he shouted over his shoulder, “I
think he was leaving sometime today.”

After Dad had walked away, I
sat there and stared at the yellow roses piled on the ground. Could I do this?
Could I forgive Nick for what he did? Was I really as strong as my mom? Never
in my life would I have thought that my dad would have cheated on my mom, or that
she would have forgiven him.

The longer I sat there, the
more I thought about it. Before I could talk myself out of it, I rushed back to
where my car was parked, and headed toward Nick’s house. I needed to say


When I pulled into the driveway,
his truck was missing. Everything that had happened the last time I was here
began to run like a movie through my head. My breathing picked up at the
thought of seeing him. Would he want to see me?

I climbed from the car, and
walked with purpose up to the door. When I raised my hand to knock, the door
opened. Cam was on his way out, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

“What are you doing here?”
his eyes flashed.

“Where is he?” I begged.

“Gone,” Cam sighed. “He left
this morning. Probably halfway there now.”

“Gone?” my lower lip began
to tremble. “He didn’t even say goodbye.”

“He didn’t think you’d want
to talk to him, Leah. He thought he was doing the right thing by staying away.”

“But I need to talk to him,”
I pleaded.

“He’s trying to move on,”
Cam grumbled as he made his way to his car. “You should too,” he climbed in and
left me standing there alone in the driveway.

Nick had left. Had left me
without even a goodbye. As I watched Cam drive away, I crumpled to the ground
and let the tears flow.

Nick and Leah’s story continues this
spring in Restored (Shattered #2)


Other works by H. D’Agostino


The Second Chances

Unbreak Me- book one

The Boy Next Door- book

The One That Got Away-
book three

Inside Out- book 3.5

Fallen From Grace- book

The Family Next Door-
coming spring 2014


The Shattered Trilogy

Shattered (Shattered #1)

Restored (Shattered #2
coming spring 2014)

Untitled (Shattered #3
coming summer 2014)




First of all, I’d like
to thank my husband. He put up with many nights of playing the single parent so
I could sit and write. His support on my journey as an author has been
immeasurable. When I’ve been zoned in on my laptop, he’s been the one
entertaining the kids, cooking dinner, and cleaning the house. I would not be
able to do it without you, babe.

Second, to my sweet
children who are beginning to understand that when Mommy’s at the computer,
she’s busy. You make me smile and laugh on a daily basis. Most days you are
exactly what I need to encourage me to take a break.

To my parents, your
continued support of my journey to grow as an author can’t be described in
words. You encourage me to do my best and never give up. My heart truly feels
like it might burst sometimes with the love you show me.

To my beta, Shellie.
Your willingness to take on that job is greatly appreciated. You have truly
earned the title of “Number One Fan.”

To Michelle Warren of
IndieBookCovers for the beautiful cover. You continue to amaze me with your

To Jessi from Jess Time
To Read for your wonderful review and willingness to supply a cover blurb.
Thank you for taking the time to read this series and put so much thought into
your reviews. Spreading the word about their characters is one of the best
compliments an author can get.

To Tiffany from 556 Book
Chicks for your wonderful reviews and becoming one of my biggest fans. Your
support for this series is beyond flattering. Thanks so much for supplying a
cover blurb.

To Author Megan Smith
for being willing to read this over the holidays in order to provide a cover

And last but not least…A
Big THANK YOU to the readers. All of you have shown so much love and support to
me. Its dedicated readers like yourselves that keep us Indie Authors writing.

They say “It takes a
village to raise a child.” Well, I feel like these books are my babies. All of
you have helped me “raise” them. They wouldn’t be successful without you. So,
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.


About the Author

H.D’Agostino currently
resides in Syracuse, NY with her husband, two children, two dogs, and three
cats. Originally from Harrisburg, NC, she attended UNC Charlotte and received a
BA in Elementary Education with a concentration in Math. Heather loves hearing
from her fans. You may follow her on Facebook at

reading for an excerpt from Unbreak Me book one in the Second Chances series…


Chapter 1


August 2012

It had been almost eleven years since Sean
had died.

From that moment, Melanie felt like she’d
been stuck in a revolving door. The days blended together. Happiness eluded her
as she went about her daily routine of work and taking care of their daughter
Katie…she was a teenager now. She
didn’t need as much care as she once had, and Melanie was slowly watching the
mother/ daughter bond loosen. Katie had been only three when her father died,
she barely remembered him. Melanie had done her best to provide memories for of what her dad looked like, stories about how they met.

As she rolled over to slap the alarm clock,
she shoved the covers back and sat up on the edge of the bed.
Time to get up
and face the day,
she mused. She and Katie had been back in Boston for a
week now. Melanie had transferred from Long Island Memorial to Boston Memorial.
She needed a change, and she was hoping that moving back near her parents would
help. Katie was to start school at St. Vincent’s today and Melanie was starting
her new job as Head of Pediatric Surgery.

She groaned as she stood and made her way
down the hall towards her daughter’s room. The door was closed and she could
hear the alarm buzzing.

“Katie, you need to get up,” she knocked
gently on the door.

“Go away,” Katie groaned.

“You don’t want to be late for school today.
It’s your first day,” Melanie sighed.

Having to leave all her friends behind, Katie
had not been happy about her mother’s decision. Private Catholic school was not
her idea of a “good” move, and she’d begged her mom to let her stay in New
You’re not living in New York with the rest of the family in Boston,
Melanie had told her.

Melanie opened Katie’s door.
“Get up or I’m pulling the covers off,” she

“Mom, get out of my room,” Katie screeched.
“I’m up, leave me alone.”

Melanie sighed. “Breakfast in 30, you’d better

Melanie closed the door and made her way back
to her room to grab a shower. As she turned on the water, the warm spray
cascaded over her body. Her tense muscles began to relax and her mind began to
drift back to the past.


May 1997


“You need to get to class babe,” Sean mumbled
into her ear as she stretched her sore limbs. “Professor Webber is not going to
tolerate you being late again.”

“Five more minutes,” Melanie begged. “I think
you broke me last night.”

Sean chuckled, “Look who’s calling the kettle
black. I never realized you were such a tigress in bed.” He rolled to the side
and began to rise. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked over his shoulder
and grinned, “I’ll go turn the shower on and join you if you promise not to
fall asleep by the time I come back.”

“Fine,” she grumbled. “I’m up.”

He trekked across the small bedroom and
disappeared into the bathroom. Within minutes she heard the shower roar to
life. She quickly rolled to the side, pulling the cover up to her chin and
feigning sleep. A giggle escaped her lips as she felt the bed dip when he

“Thought you weren’t going back to sleep,” he
whispered as he kissed her neck right below her ear. He slowly slid his hand up
her back and dragged the sheet down to her waist. Tiny goose bumps began to
rise on her back where the sheet had tickled her skin.

“I’m not sleeping,” she groaned.

He slowly moved his hand up her back,
kneading the soft skin as he went. She lifted her head and glanced over her
shoulder at him. “If you keep doing that, we’re never going to get in the

“Doing what?” he crooned innocently as he
cocked his head to the side and leaned down to place a kiss to the smooth skin
between her shoulders.

“That…ohhhh,” she moaned as his tongue darted
out and licked against the now sensitive skin.

“You like that huh?” he laughed and moved the
sheet lower, running his hands along her backside in the process.

Melanie mumbled something incoherent into the
pillow before rolling onto her back. Sean groaned and moved to cover her with
his body. “You are going to end me, you know that right?”

She giggled.
“I think we might run out of hot water at this pace.” She moved her
hands to trail them down his chest before placing a deep kiss to his lips.
“Join me and I’ll take care of you before work.”

“Ahhhh”, he threw his head back and flopped
to the side.

She jumped up and ran towards the shower
giggling, “What are you waiting for?”

As soon as she stepped under the water, she
felt him press himself to her back. As his hand began to glide over her, she
relaxed into him and closed her eyes. He began to caress her breasts and roll
the nipples between his fingers bringing them to hard peeks. One hand made a
quick descent to her lower belly before sliding between her thighs. “How’s that?”
he whispered as he began to stroke the warm slit.

“Oh Sean,” she gasped as she began to grind
herself against him. She could feel his throbbing cock against her as she
pushed her hips into him harder. As she felt her orgasm building, she turned
around to face him, reached down between them, and took him in her hand, slowly
running her fingers over his length. He leaned his back against the shower wall
with a gasp, and then dipped his head to place a wet kiss to her neck, groaning
and thrusting his hips toward her as she gripped him with more force.

“Ahhh shit babe, you’re gonna end me right
here,” he gasped frantically.

She giggled and lifted her leg to place it
around his hip bringing herself so close he was now rubbing against her. “Make
love to me,” she whispered into his ear as he slid his hand down her back,
gripping her by the thigh.

With a growl he lifted her up, slamming
himself into her with one quick movement. As she sank down onto him, she
released a contented sigh and quickly wrapped her legs around him. He began to
thrust in and out of her at a lightning pace. She gripped his shoulders and
buried her face in his neck as he pressed her into the wall, panting as he
worked to hold her up while he kept up his assault.

“I love you so much,” she gasped as she felt
herself building. Soon she cried out in pleasure as her world began to spin and
her orgasm rocketed through her body. As soon as Sean felt her constricting
around him, he quickly followed her over the edge.

She shook and shuddered as she began to come
back to earth. “What a way to wake up,” she giggled. “Maybe I should stay home
from class today.”

“Not a chance.”
He handed her a towel as he stepped out of
the shower. “Your mom would kill me if she thought that her newest son-in-law
was keeping his wife home from class to do all kinds of naughty things.
Besides, we have the rest of our lives for this,” he winked.


August 2012

The rest of their lives
she thought, if only that were true. Melanie sighed as she reached
over to turn off the shower. If she knew back then that Sean would be taken
away so soon, she probably would have spent more mornings like that.

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